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Archive through April 5, 1999

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Georg, my fellow country men using a fake name. I am watching Serbian television and yes they don't show refugees. But let's ask ourselves why this people are refugees. They wanted their country. All through the history independance was won with blood. East, west, north and south. When those people were fighting with arms for their independance nobody gave a damn. Now that they are fleeing and calling for others to fight for them everybody feels sorry for them. Doesn't anybody feel sorry for the people that will die so they can have their own country?

Wanna have independance? Fight for it. The price is blood, always has been always will be. When Milosevic attacted us our brave young men defended our country and some died for our freedom. Who were we calling for help?

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The at least we are not spreading death around everywhere we go, and we do not need to contribute anything says enough in itself. There is death in Bosnia, Kosovo: it appears all over your country. I do not pretend to understand the hatred among your people and I'm sure I never will. To me, that hatred is complete insanity for anyone.
As not needing to contribute anything, that is another insanity! Everyone's responsibility is to contribute and make this world a better place. It is our duty as a member of the human race.

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To Jean V.

Don't listen to Maja! She is not Slovenian but Serbian living in Slovenia, and brainwashed at that....Read my previous posts.


I said I'll never again post a message here, but in this case I have to. I don't want anyone to think that Slovenia has something to do with Milosevic or Serbs.


And Maja my name could be fake or real, you'll never know. But be sure that I would never use my full real name because of people like you are. Next day I could be death for telling some facts and the truth.

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The US gen. Wesley Clark said on the TV that Milosevic has described a plan for ethnic cleansing of Kosovo to him six months ago. Yet, despite this, the US went ahead with its operation Allied Force which resulted in ethnic cleansing. Therefore, either the US completely failed or the US wanted this to happen - it is your pick.

This was a clear indication of the true care for Albanian civilians (Albanians are just a tool in the hands of NATO). Further, it showed the intelligence of the media attention hungry US generals - they should stick to their bombs, instead of giving media conferences (Clark sees himself as the next Stormin' Norman). The generals should stop interfering with the job of propaganda professionals like Jamie Shea.

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Where did the brave Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) fighters get their
weapons from?

Who trained them and gave them those shiny uniforms? Who provided the
logistics, command and control etc?

There is no "guerilla army" without a major supporter. And guess who
created the KLA - CIA and BRD (German CIA).

A similar destabilization scenario has been developed and tested in
South America, Asia etc. -

The intelligence goes in first. It establishes bases in a neighboring
country. "Retired officers" start training the able bodied guerilla
volunteers. Use Russian origin hand weapons. Select good spots for
border crossing, send insurgents in. They use own villages as transit
points. The "freedom fighters" do death and destruction and rush back
over the border into base. This invokes reaction from the police, which
starts prosecuting supporters. The extremists on both sides are in
control now. The circle of violence has been established.

The situation keeps escalating. The West starts clamoring about Human
Rights. Media are now employed to manufacture consent of the domestic
populace. Pictures of crying children are splashed regularly over TV
screens (all news are centrally sourced on the global basis -

Next, calls for intervention are now engineered - "Stop the massacres!
We have to do something! ..." scream the front pages of newspapers and
readers' letters. This is the time for the bombers to start flying.
Since it is not safe yet for the Western troops to move in - they start
openly arming the friendly ethnic guerilla force and continue supporting
it from the air.

Finally, the "peace keepers" roll in to preserve the "peace" won.

Looks familiar?

P.S. The USSR used to do a similar show before it fell apart and went

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As an American who just a few days ago knew very little about Serbians or Albanians or Kosova, I have spent all of my waken hours of the past few days trying to sort this out.

It is unusual for me to be so troubled about something I am so far away from. I just somehow feel that I have to find the truth for myself. I have always felt that the news sources that are beemed into my house from outer space was heavily biased and that i needed a healthy dose of skepticism just to digest it. After searching vigorously with this wonderful and liberating tool, the internet, I have found other sources that vary from being biased in the opposite direction as CNN to being as neutral as I guess information can be.

My conclusions are as follows:

Milosovic can not escape from his responsibilities in bringing suffering to the people he represents. Many of the people who defend him today were determined to get rid of him just a short time ago.


You can paint him as any kind of monster you want to and he is still an amateur compared to William Jefferson Clinton!

I can not believe that history will record that my country attacked a soveriegn nation. I could live with the fact that there were always people in the world that thought America was a bad country, but as long as I could teach my children that we stood for values and humanitarian beliefs that would stand the test of time, I was still proud.

I will not lie to my children. I want them to know the truth. Modern Germans have to tell their children the truth too. Now I know how they feel.

I am not a pacifist.
I am pro military.
I am pro life.
I am anti communist.

But mostly I am a believer in the truth.
A believer in The Creator.
And on this Easter Sunday, I am a believer that Gods son died at the hands of those that didn't want to see the truth.

The truth is that the most blessed country in the history of mankind has strayed so far from the foundation that it was built on that it has proven that it will follow the same path that all other powerfull nations before it has. It will self destruct.

I know it will not help anyone hiding in their basements tonight trying to make their children feel safe. And it certainly will not prevent the grandmother and new-born baby that will freeze to death in a wet field tonight, but I apologize from the bottom of my soul for what my country is doing. I and my family can only offer our shame and our prayers that this ends.

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Just two short quotes from the CNN in relation to the deployment of Apache gunships and 2,000 US troops in Albania (Bacon is the US government spokesman).

1: "Remember, our goal is disarmament. We don't want to fuel the fighting and the arms race in Kosovo; we want to end it," Bacon said.

2: "The question you all will have is, 'Isn't this a step toward the deployment of ground troops in Kosovo?'" Bacon said during an afternoon news conference. "The answer is, absolutely not. This is pure and simple an expansion of the air operation."

For your enjoyment
Spiro Dreamer

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The post here are getting so pathetic that they are getting funny.
There is so much false propaganda going around.

OH! By the way the 19 bodies were from a crashed space craft from Mars, I saw them with my own eyes.

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The Serbian people see themselves as victims. They tear over becuase they have no control over this situation. "Please let it stop" they crie before the shattered remains of their bridges in the water. They are innocent bystanders they think.

Question: Were there innocent bystanders in Rwanda? No. A person in Rwanda during that terrible tragedy was either in support of the aggression or a victim. There are some events so terrible that you can not be considered blameless by virtue of inactivity.

Serbs wake-up.

Question:Were the citizens of Nazi Germany innocent? Were they the victim of criminal murder if they were bombed in their houses. Sure it was a sad tragedy, but were they innocent? We would all like to avoid terrible outcomes but sometimes some people have to be held accountable.

Serbs wake-up. The United States is being gentle with you. Rightly so but you are not going make us "feel like the bad guy" because a few civilians were caught in the crossfire. It is fortunate that you are not a threat.

In 1945 the United States, freed up from bombing in Germany (for your benefit you racist bastards), bombed 500,000 Japanese civilians to there death. Were they innocent? Perhaps in the larger sense of the word, but how much more then conscripted soldiers? Not much and that many soldiers would have died on each side if we simply had tried to walk to tokyo. Nopw those citizens could not truly be called innocent becuase they supported the aggressor.

Yugoslavia wake up! You suffer from a terrible kind of racism. Do you understand that? In the United States we have a subtle subconscience rascism. We have the kind that causes a manager to associate one "color" with qualites that he believes are good and associate another "color" with qualities he believes are bad. But we do not suffer from the terrible kind of racism that exist today in the Balkans. The kind that says it is not murder to kill someone of this race or that race. The kind that justifies itself by saying todays victim's grandfather killed today's murderer's grandfather. No. That will not work. We take a stand here.

And that is the history of the hateful kind of Racism. It continues until a force takes a stand and says it is no longer ok. It continued in the United States even after the government outlawed it. The government had to send troops against are own people and say: No. That will not work.
We take a stand here.

You are not innocent Yugoslavian citiziens you support a terrible kind of racism. And we do not care who started it we can not stand by and watch these senseless aggressions continue. 18 of your neighbors agree.

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Serbians are being lectured on civilised behaviour by the developed Western nations. But, let us see their track record.

"Two Belgian paratroopers serving within the U.N. forces in Somalia in 1993, were photographed roasting a Somali boy over a flaming brazier. They were sentenced to only a month in jail, and fined £200 (about $333) after admitting the atrocity in a military court in Brussels on June 23, 1997, according to a June 24, 1997 report by the London Telegraph.

A third Belgian soldier accused of atrocities during the United Nations "Restore Hope" mission five years ago was said to have forced a young Somali to eat pork, drink salt water, and then eat his vomit. A fourth member of the 3rd battalion of the Parachute Regiment, based at Tielen in Flanders, was photographed urinating on a Somali whom he had allegedly murdered."

I will try to keep posting such examples of civilised humanity of the Western nations for your enjoyment. This stuff makes good news, so it tends to come out after those "peace missions".

The severity of "punishment" indicates that these atrocities are unofficially supported by the Western governments.

Watch this space for the frolics of the British troopers cutting ears off wounded Argentinean solders as trophies to take home from Falklands.


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LOOK at the dead KLA solders: a pregnant woman and a little boy. Look what the big bad Serbian police and solders fight, such brave men.

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When those who support the horrid air show over Serbia and Kosovo have nothing else to say they allude to their being "more civilized" than central europeans and their media being the only true source. Oh is that so?

Noone can be sure about those 19 (1, 2, 190?) american soldiers killed in Serbia. I personally think it's very immoral to make such an emphasis on their being american, while hundreds of others die around. But anyway noone can be sure now, in the midst of this information war.

But let's do the thing the representatives of the new world scorn so much - let's look in history. Let's also have mercy on americans and not make their brains burn. This is going to be a brief 5-10 year review.

The Desert Storm. In the beginning the world learns that this is a "new war of new technologies", precision weapons, hitech a/c. Only years after - 6 years at least, even now a lot of files on that are confidential - the world learned that only ~7% of the weapon used were new and accurate. An american prof. then asked "Can a country with only 7% of people with higher education be called highly educated?"
The media showed (if you remember)only laser guided missiles, camera-equipped missiles hitting targets - bunkers or whatever - right in the manholes or doorways.
Later did the world learn that a lot of those "short and glorious movies" were fakes , pasted out of separate shots, some successful, some not.

Did they show an american A-10 attack fighter sending a laser guided missile into the manhole of an american armoured truck? Oops, a mistake. Or error? And another A-10 burning down a platoon of Englishmen for the same reason? How many times did CNN repeat that in the news? Remember? Neither do I...

The losses among the english Tornadoes were outrageous.There's a figure showing the relevance of a/c losses to flights. When one out of 1000 is lost it's OK. (that makes 0,001). When it's 0,002 - it's time to think why. When it's .003-.004 all a/c flights are cancelled. It's a disaster. Tornado losses were .007 !!!!!!!!! Did CNN emphasised that?

The falsely praised F-117A did good in the Gulf War, none lost, but only because the orders were not to fly lower 6100 metres. Which makes no difference for field anti-a/c weapons whether it's visible or not.Remind me please, what CNN said?

When americans analyzed the holes in Abrams- tanks they were very much surprized to find out pieces of iridium in the jagged edges. Iraqi tanks never used that metal in their arsenal. Who did? US themselves. Tank "duels" of american tanks were quite common. It's easy to hit "hostile" targets on a test field, but turned out a trifle bit more difficult on a battle field. What did CNN say?

The "trifle" resulted in 15% lost by fire from friendly troops. Just think, 15% americans killed by americans! Where was CNN?

Oh, yes, the point. If you still don't get it. Weeks after the families if the deceased were not aware of the causes of death. I remember someone said on TV after downing of an american plane in this war: "It's impossible in our civilized world, because the family would have known about that within hours". I'm not asking anything about CNN any more.

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To George

Thank you for saying what i could not say.Im a Bosnian female of almost 34 and same happened to my husband and mother7father in law 7 my husbands brother7 wife.

I and my twinsister where the ONLY once who could make it to Holland.My husband had mixed parents to saw have i.We also did NOT want to fight and tryed even to inform people of what was going on.But just like with Hitler nobody ever "really" listened.

For me this is Hitler number 3 Fist Hitler himself then we got Karadic now we have Milosevic.

I can not watch TV anymore(i live in Holland now)
And I can't hear NICKS LIES anymore either.
He is fet by Serb state Tv and knows know different,But the least he can do is find out for himself what is REALLY going on!!Investagate!


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Kosovo Relief

Information on how you
can help refugees from
Yugoslavia at:

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We are all at the mercy of our governments. All we
can do is sit back for the ride and pray that God
will be with us.I don"t believe that violence can
cure violence!!But someone has to step up and
stop the slauder of children and the old people.
If standing outside someones home with a gun
demanding them to leave or be killed does"nt
sound like Hitler then I"ll be damned! Wake up!!!
We are to learn from the past so that it does"nt
repeat again.

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