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Archive through April 5, 1999

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I think some of you participating here should view the messages under the 'photo upload' section. It may shed some light on your one- sided, blind, pro-serb stance.

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The first 19 bodies of the American soldiers
transported home


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Did I just read that Serbian Television is Pro Nato? And that 19 americans are dead, even though there are no troops in Macedonia, because of the Chinese? And that lady that wrote below that ALL citizens of the United States are against the bombing, is speaking for alot of people. I, for one, think that NATO is worried more about keeping Europe stable, at any cost. And I think that the Serbs need a good kick in the ass. For 10 years now this has needed to happen. So dont speak for anybody but yourself lady. Also, as for the Serbian media being Pro Nato, that dude is hangin out in the ozone. Just go to any Serbian web site, or watch some Serbian Television, and you will see the truth. I will cut to the chase here. NATO is not going to take any crap off of anybody in the region. When people ask "What about Africa?" they miss the point. NATO is to protect the interest of EUROPE. Ask the United Nations about Africa. The Gulf Conflict is a United Nations action that was fought by United Nations troops. That is because it was in the Middle East. The Balkans are a part of Europe, and the economic future of Europe depends upon stability. Make no mistake about NATO's resolve here. This goes far beyond that idiot Bill Clinton. This is the boys in Brussels, and the Pentagon Joint Chiefs. When Bill Clinton is long gone, NATO will still be around, so the Wag the Dog bit is old and cold. So enjoy the show, and all you Americans out there, you dont get this standard of living from being real nice. Our military is being used to protect your standard of living. It sounds simple, but it really is if you think about it. We are not doing this to be a bunch of saints. We do it to protect our unreal living conditions. The world does not just hand over all there stuff to us. We got a strangle hold, and if you think this is fun, wait for the ongoing struggle with GIANT CHINA. It is going to be a telling decade. Take care all, and all you Serbs, i suggest you dont go near bridges, factories, government buildings, barracks, or airports and airbase's. It is gonna get worse before it gets better, that is for sure....see ya all later, GO NATO... gonna light up some Armor with those Apaches! Darren

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The Serbian people does not see itself as a victim it is actually pretty much a fact when you see your country bombed senselessly, discussions in foreign countries' senates about your people annihilation and the constant double-standard imposed on your people.

The situation is quite different from Rwanda, after all, it would be like blaming a Hutu or a Tutsi from Dar Es-Salaam for the civil war in Rwanda and then bombing his house and his city because he did "nothing to stop the civil war over there".

I do not think much of the citizens of Nazi Germany were innocent, except for those that tried to overthrow Hitler, something we have not seen in the US. No whether it is out of ignorance or rather out of unwillingness is for you to decide.

Oh how nice of you, you bomb their country, kill their people, "justify" it by some bogus explanation and now you want them to forget all about it. I do not know if this is an insult simply by demanding that from them?

Racism in Yugoslavia? What? You would be surprised to hear that there is no KKK, no "World Church of the Creator" and many AFrican American students from the non-aligned nations came to study in Belgrade's University. Tell you the truth, I have not heard of one race-motivated crime in Yugoslavia where most people have seldom heard of lynching except from stories about the Turks.

Who are these "18 neighbours" that agree? Nato, wait a minute, what about the fact that around 72 % of Britons oppose this action, that only half of Americans support it, that hundreds of thousands of people have went to the streets of Athens and Skopje to protest your savage aggression "in the name of humanity" (a claim that 20 world nations are horrified at) and to concerts in Salonika, Piraeus and the streets of Vienna, Geneva, Bern, Oslo and that of other truly free countries? Just because your foreign minister claims something means not the whole people support it. In fact, I am sure that most Americans do not support the silly Albright and her policies, most of course, who CARE about foreign policy and follow it.

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Washington Wants Kosovo Without Serbs

By continuing the terrorist bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, NATO has become deeply engaged in an operation of utter destruction that encompasses civilian and military targets alike, only to achieve its major goal - to ethnically cleanse Kosovo of the Serbs by weakening the Yugoslav army. Encouraged by its successes in Krajina - purged from the Serbs now - the Clinton regime, supported by several fawning regimes in Europe, intends to do a similar thing in Kosovo.

As one of NATO spokesmen openly said, NATO intended to expel the Yugoslav army from Kosovo, thereby expelling the Serbian population as well, so that the Albanian exiles could get back to Kosovo escorted by the NATO troops. Thereby, Kosovo would become ethnically pure and under Washington’s full control. This is the only true goal of this aggression against Yugoslavia, while the world-wide media manipulation of a humanitarian catastrophe is a mere tool in the process of attaining it. Bill Clinton apparently intends to carry out the very same operation Adolph Hitler conducted thanks to the Sudeten Germans, using the Kosovo Albanians for the same purpose. This is why Washington makes
meaningless or impossible any attempt at resuming the peace talks,regardless of whether the Contact Group or G-8 are concerned. Human suffering and blood, either Serbian or Albanian, do not mean much to the insane creators of the new world order. These are the facts Yugoslavia’s authorities and people will have to face while making any future decision .

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Haggis 2000, you misread my posting ( I assume you are talking about my posting ) 100%. I said Slovenian television is pro NATO. If you want to check details about my country you would know why it is pro NATO. 19 soldiers are not dead cause of China. Those 19 soldiers don't have anything to do with China. Those 3 captured soldiers are not UN soldiers ( like some said ) but NATO soldiers. China has voted against UN troops in Macedonia to punish Macedonia because it recognized Taiwan as a independant country.

Bonnie Blue, people of Serbia don't know what is happening in Kosovo. No clue whatsover. if you watched TV Serbia you would know that is true.
But that didn't stop anybody from punishing them.

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Irzhi (alias Max Kogan) is a communist (russian) S.O.B. that better learn to keep his mouth shut, or someone might shut it for him permanently. I know all about you and your family and I will post it on the net again if you don't shut up.

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I think we should nuke all slavic peoples, especially the Godless Russians like Irzhi.

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00:15 We have just learned that three
cruise missals have hit an apartment
complex in the town of Aleksinac. There
are scores of casualties. We are awaiting
pictures from the site.

see more

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What is happening with Ibrahim Rugova, NATO said:
1. He was dead and his house burned.
2. When he called journalists and showed he was alive and his house as it always was he was a Serbian prisoner.
3. He met with Milosevic and signed a deal and pleaded NATO to spot the bombings it was said the video was two years old.
4. Rugova met with Russian ambassador in the presence of journalist saying he did met with Milosevic and pleaded NATO to stop bombing. Now they are saying he is drugged.

See the pattern? Wonder what is next?

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Since Rugova is an elected leader of Kosovar Albanians and NATO is doing that on their behalf, ignoring him only shows how much this war is really about them. And him planning to how to Moscow for talks and not visit Brussels shows how much he appriciated your humanitarian help.

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Have to agree with Maja. It is getting quite ridiculous and this administration continues to embarrass itself and the American people.

One thing though, Maja, why do you believe your media is any less impartial? George Orwell commented on the 20th century flair for disinformation over 50 years ago in regards to the Spanish Civil War. In times of conflict, everyone lies to make themselves and their compatriots look better than the other party. The trick for the average joe like us, is to sift through the garbage and use our heads to see the reality behind the invention.

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If anybody thinks that there aren't any special OPS on the ground in Kosovo ie:SBS, SAS, GREEN BERETS, IDF, PATHFINDERS, etc., YOUR NUTS !!! .

Intel comes from spies from within all Governments involved, both truthful and misleading. Given time, truth and the right to live in peace will prevail! ... even if sacrefices are required.

May Allah give strength to those who suffer and bless them and those who help to end this chaos.

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If only there were more people like you, the world would be a much better place. I will just repeat Derek's last sentence: "...use our heads to see the reality...".

When people take the official truth without questionning, this is the first sign that totalitarianism is working. An active mind always tries to look at things from different angles, instead of getting stuck on own views or, even worse, on the official view.

Unfortunately, the silent majority of people in the West is too tired from chasing the buck to even keep attention, let alone think. Only people with money have the luxury to think. This is why the world is as it is.

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