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Archive through April 5, 1999

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Everyone knows, we, the people, are all just pawns in the world game of power and greed. The poor Albanians says NATO, the poor victimized Serbs says Milosovic. Give me a break! Don't think for an instant they aren't out for their own selfish interests. These leaders play on people's emotions and cause the hatred so they can remain in control. They can only control divided people. I feel sorry for all the people involved. People need to take back the control over their governments and do the right thing, liking making sure ethical decent people are elected as our leaders!

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In a bout of utter cynicism, Bill Clinton is asking "the American people" to contribute money to the humanitarian effort for the refugees in Kosovo.

You see, the US government cannot afford to - it spends about half a billion US$ a day on the war effort, so it could contribute only $80M for the Kosovo refugees.

Talking about new taxes on the dumb ....

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NATO leaders in session !

Behind thick walls, discussions of the utmost importance were taking
place. Unbeknownst to some of the world leaders, our secret envoy
was able to sneak in and record some of the conversations in several
locations. This journalist risked his life to recover the following excerpts:

LOCATION: Brussels, Belgium.

BILL: "I want some goddam figures, how many targets did we hit last
night ? "
WESLEY: "One, Mister President. An army barracks. Actually the
building where...refugees from some Krajina place were housed. But
we believe we hit some of the army installations next to it."
BILL: "Good. We’ll just say we did that. How many military targets
have we destroyed so far ?"
WESLEY: "Erm, about 8% I think, unconfirmed."
BILL: "What ? Goddam it, all these goddam satellites and we got 8% ?
Where didya get these pilots from, Albania ?"
WESLEY: "Actually, Sir, we are not quite sure what we’re hitting..."
BILL: "Look, we gotta do something. Eight days into this and nothing.
Get me Doggie on the phone !"
[phone rings]
Tony ? Bill here. Listen, I got the Senate breathing down my neck,
Russian spying equipment paddling on their way over, the Dwelle
parents on the phone and stiffs shipped by the truckload. If they find
out, forget amending the US Constitution for a third term !"
TONY: "Oh Dear. I am awfully sorry Mr President. It is rather a
shame, but obviously these annoying Kosovanians are preventing us
from moving in. Shall I send more Tornado airplanes ?"
BILL: "Are ya kiddin’ me ? It’s a miracle the goddam antiques get off
the Aviano runway at all. What’s going on with these super soldiers you
promised me, the ones who sliced Argentinian throats in the Falklands
TONY: "I am afraid they cannot make it Mr President, not after the
arrest of the Mexican soldiers."
BILL: "US soldiers, Tony, US. Why won’t your guys go in ?"
TONY: "Sir, they watched television and now they think that the
captured soldiers are going to be massacred, perhaps even eaten alive
with some local cheese, I think it’s called Kajmak."
BILL: "That’s ridiculous. OK, phase 4 effective immediately ! Tony, I
seeya later, we’ll get a burger one of these days."
WESLEY: "Mister President, I think we’re at phase 3 now. You know,
hitting army and government HQs ?"
BILL: "Oh yeah. Destroy everything you can. Anything that remotely
looks like a tank from 2 miles up, bomb the hell out of it. And use

LOCATION: Paris, France.

JACQUES: "Meesteur Prezident, I do not sink it eez a good aydi to
continue ze bumming. Why do we not riviu ze Rambouillet deel. It waz a
leetel ard on ze Yougos."
GERHART: "Ach, I don’t theenk zo. Das dokument vas in English and
das serben are not gut at languages. Vee shud kontinue mit zer boms
and finish job from 40’s. I have das terrorists training in Germany but
zeez idiots shut zo bad, KLA vil be history by the time they are redy."
BILL: "Yeah, I’d love to but we gotta do somethin’ for these refugees
otherwise nobody is gonna believe us. That idiot at the Pentagon, he
told the press there were 400,000 Fillet-o-Fish on the counter and we
got jack s..t down there !"
J.MARIA: "Señor Presidente, whya we don’t send de grrround
trrroops and make tortilla wize dem ?"
BILL: "No way, they gonna turn them into Steak Tartare as soon as
they cross the border. Congress will never forgive me if I bring back
Kebab à l'Américaine instead of US soldiers. Howz that propaganda
doing ?"
JACQUES: "Veri welle, olze we ave a problem wiz ze Kommunists,
zey are organising demonstrasheuns all overe. In brussels, we even ad
to cansele zem alzo zat is supposd to bee a fri countri. We are in ze
[phone rings]
BODYGUARD: "Sir, it's Tony on the phone, he wants to know where
his helicopters are ?"
BILL: "Tell him to call Ken at the Pentagon, he's good at beating around
the bush".

LOCATION: Aviano, Italy.

BILL: "What’s the bottom line?"
WILLIAM: "Well Sir, the picture is pretty gloomy. We got some
hangars half empty, missiles are running out, we don’t know where the
Yugoslav units are, and we’ve just broken the $10 billion barrier on
SANDY: "The opposition is preparing something, Sir. Furthermore, the
Serbs are resolved to fight until the end. If we go in with troops, we
could hide a few hundred casualties and still cover it up, but what if we
lose thousands ?"
MADELEINE: "It’s this Milosevic. He is a bad man. He is a new
BILL: "Yeah, we know. But we gotta find something new. Where’s that
tape you guys were gonna show on the BBC ?".
SANDY: "It didn’t have the effect we were hoping for, Sir."
MADELEINE: "Mister President, maybe I could go back to the
Balkans and tell Bulgaria that the missile that hit them came from
Milosevic ? Or tell Hungary the Serbs are scheming to invade them ?"
BILL: "No, we’ve already done that, and scaring Italy didn't work
either. Destroying these bridges in Novi Sad was a crap idea too,
what's the point of occupying a place if we can't move once we're in ?
Try bombing more utilities, fight against protests, show more refugees
crying, more villages on fire, anything ! I’m desperate here !"
SANDY: "Sir, we got that central heating plant in Novi Beograd, but
the Serbs made fun of us on the Internet because Winter is over; we got
the Spanish Cesid spying on Mijatovic and others but they don’t
understand Srpski; some journalists say they find amazing that 90% of
the refugees interviewed speak English and we’ve only got two houses
burning on film dating back to 28th March."
WILLIAM: "How about Milosevic plotting a Coup in Montenegro ?"
BILL: "Yeah, I could put CNN on that. Anybody who watches them
will buy anything. You know what I told them the other day ? I said that
Milosevic and Saddam were allies !"
[loud laughs]
SANDY: "They actually bought that ? You’re kidding."
BILL: "Yeah, and you know the last one ? I told CNN and all the crap
media from the other NATO morons to repeat that the film with Rugova
was two years old ! And the best is, they had never met back then !"
[spasms of laughter in the room]
MADELEINE: "Did you hear my speech in Srpski 10 days ago ?
You’re not gonna make me speak Hungarian now, are you ?"
BILL: "OK, seriously folks: I gotta go back home for Easter, pray, think
of all the Serbs I killed and the refugees I created and not helping (pffrrt
!). Keep bombing, blame the wheather, whatever."

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What is your problem ?

Can't handle other people's opinion ? Then what are you doing on this DISCUSSION site ?

Tell us something we want to hear.

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CNN journalist admit they are hitting mostly civilians and civilian areas. Brent Satler.

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