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Archive through April 6, 1999

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We have plenty of NUCLEAR Tomahawks left.

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Guido, why you are not in the hospital?!
The psychiatrist is looking after you!! You didn't take your medication today! Now you just started to rave!!

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Dear Milica,
My judgement is already confirmed as I am a Christian and forgiven for all of my sins. When the Kosovars were granted autonomy it was taken away by Milosevic, therefore they revolted against unfair treatment. But when Milosevic started killing innocent women and children he had to be stopped. There is a big difference between revolution by the people and genocide by a government.
P.S. Father Guido Sarducci was a character on Saturday Night Live

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Guido only understands one thing; Kill. Don't be alarmed, I think he is a lot of rhetoric. Other people agree with you and are very disturbed by the situation. But, when people close their ears and minds, this is how the wars start. Guido is obviously not Italian either. Heis obviously a good old southern boy(or a New Yorker in disguise).

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Thank you nurse I did forget to take my Prozac this morning.

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Gee Jo you had an original thought. Did it hurt?

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A post from soc.culture.yugoslavia newsgroup

By David Gold, and CNN
April 5, 1999

Just saw a report from Serbia on CNN by Brent Sadler. It was from
the town of Alecksinac(sp) South of Belgrade. This was no military
site. Sadler showed it was clearly civilian housing.Many civilian
casualties. Sadler said he walked through the rubble and "body

These are smart bombs. According to Sadler, there are no police or
military facilities in this town.I guess sometimes you just have to
destroy a village to save it. Our taxpayer dollars at work. How
does it feel to live in a nation that has become an international
outlaw state? I vote we send Larry King overf there to see the
after effects.Or better, yet Larry King accompanied by Jane Fonda.
STOP THIS WAR!! David P.S. Ratings are so good maybe CNN will go
back to selling Zamfir CD's soon!
My comment:
A plackard from Belgrade anti-war demonstrations:
"You have smart-bombs, but your people are dumb"

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I think the ••••••• NATO and US should be defeated. the reason for war is too funny,
and no one will trust them. killing more
pepole to save less,is not funny?

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No Guido, but I understand that's why you don't have any.

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I'm sorry for the loss of civilian life, but you can bet your ass the US didn't do it on purpose like Milosevic does.

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Good night Guido, did enjoy talking to you.

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Jo, come off of the Guidos back. He is alright about they US should nuke Milosevic pig.

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All right spiro. I thought you were a commie.

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Good night all. I really think all war sucks. I just enjoy pushing peoples buttons to see what kind of a reaction I get. May God forgive us all for our shortcomings.

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Somebody just posted a short message under my name. It seems that the "truth" loving Serb haters like using other people's names. Gives them the credibility that they and their bombs need

Spiro Dreamer

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