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Archive through April 6, 1999

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Wants Clinton traded for 3 P.O.W.s

By Jim Hartman
Letter to Editor

The Augusta Chronicle
Monday, April 5, 1999

Editor, The Chronicle:

I propose that we swap the Great American Draft Dodger,
Bill Clinton, for the three captured American soldiers.
Of course we may have to add some cash to make it an even-
value trade.

- Jim Hartman, Aiken

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The chocolate colored drone (Kofi Annan) is paying his masters back. He was selected by the US after the US deposed of the rebellious former secretary general Butros Butros Ghali.

The UN is the biggest joke on the global block. I just wonder how long the Americans/West will keep paying this bloated bureaucracy's salaries.

The US and allies are already circumventing the UN, taking action and going back to the UN afterwards "to do the paper work".

Kofi is helping eliminate the need for UN by cooperating so eagerly with the new rulers of the world. In a couple of years, the Americans will decide that the paperwork can be done more efficiently (at lower cost) by their own bureaucracy.

Then bye, bye UN ...

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The joke is, America is in a great debt with UN.
Thanks to them starving children don't get food.
Of course, food is not a real humanitarian help. Bombs are much better choice. If you kill them they will never be hungry again.

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Q: People ask - how come you Serbs are in the right when the whole world is against you?

A: The Western alliance is like a lynching mob - everybody hides behind somebody else and the whole mob hides behind the "crimes" of the lynched.

Is the lynching mob going to admit that it is behaving like a lynching mob? Will this help the lynched?

Our civilised, global, Western lead community behaves like a Western movie.

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BELGRADE - The brutality displayed by the so-called civilized West against
the Yugoslav people's civilizational heritage in the past days virtually has
no limits.

Since the launching of NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, the targets of the
attacks on historical and cultural landmarks have included the Gracanica
monastery, dating back to the 14th century, the Pec Patriarchate (13th
century), the Rakovica monastery and the Petrovarardin Fortress, which are
testimony to the foundations of the European civilization, are in all world
encyclopedias and on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

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Spiro Dreamer rose the question I've wanted to post here all this time: What do you people think of the UN to-day and the Annan marionette in particular?
When all this craps's over, when Guido the Happy Texan Shooter has gone chasing armadillos and eating jakals, when Clint the Pussyeater has gotten another blo*job and calmed down, what shall the world do.
Obviously, UN and it's secretary general don't meet any demands. How come this be that they haven't reacted soberly in these two weeks of horror? Is changing the irresponsible Chocolate Shi*candy enough? Isn't there something wrong with the system? How come an aggressive military treaty shut up and spat onto everything humanity has been so painfully achieving for decades?

Guido, stand down from your toilet seat, and stop munching your texan cacti, the sound is disgusting. Get your as* to find us Kofi's mail instead of Milo's. Ther's a lot to be cleared out with this impostor.

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To Bonnie Blume and other exalted and sleepy.
I believe you asked the Serbs: "...are you aware of what your leader is doing to the Albanian people in your country, or don't you care?"
I don't think any of the slavs who take part in this discussion "don't care". Usually buckets full of careless sh*t come from over the ocean, living in europe you can't help caring when your or your neighbour's house is burning

You are wondering if anybody (but you) is aware of what's being done to the Kosovars. What's done to them is horrible. Here, in Russia, they show both points of view on TV, a lot of CNN "slow-motion" movies about Kosovo are on. I 've always wondered, why they show it in slow motion. Probably US citizans are too heartless to be compassionate to those, whose troubles they watch in real time.
But there's something CNN doesn't let you think of. And it certainly appears so you are miserably unable to thinl about it yourselves - WHAT INSTIGATED THE SCALE OF THE MISUNDERSTANDING in Serbia.

Do you, Bonnie, know what happens to the representatives of nation A that live on the territory of country B when A and B are at war? I'm not justifying Milosevic, I'm saying that you don't know what you, americans did to the Japanese living in States after Pearl Harbour. It's common practise to deport the enemy nation - including its civillians. And your bastards gen. Clark (the Fu**ing Gable???), Hot Shot Solana KNEW THAT. They knew that the bombing would start the deportation. Did they get ready? You don't care, but I don't think those Albanians who died (killed not by the Serb police but by disease in the camp) on the Macedonian border would have agreed with you in their last hour. Clinton and that SS-looking Albright b*tch are responsible for that. And you are making yourself part of it.

Just think about that, Bonnie, cholera is starting there. And the States are more worried how not to let Albanians settle in the States , should they ever cross the ocean. How different are you from Nazis with that idea of Guantanamo?

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"Do you, Bonnie, know what happens to the representatives of nation A that live on the territory of country B when A and B are at war?"

A minor detail, but do you mean by "representatives of nation A" those Kosovan (Yugoslav?) citizens of Albanian ethnicity?

Sorry, ethnic cleansing is exactly what it says - this is not about "enemy aliens", it's about "racial" prejudice - the purity of the blood and soil, all that good old stuff....

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rb (???), first, where in my letter did you find that expression "enemy aliens"?

The difference is huge.
"Alien enemies" are that plastic sh*t your kid's playroom is full of.

Nobody's playing in Serbia now.
Kosovar civillians now have to run and die. Kosovar Liberation Army (~ terrorists, whom civilized world seeks and picks one by one, waiting for Lybia for decades to give their criminals away, but NOT NOTICING A WHOLE ARMY OF TERRORISTS IN THE HEART OF EUROPE) is part of their trouble. Their own trouble.

I think I have to explain now why I call people who make a stand on the ground where their houses had been (or are?) terrorists.

They said Rugova was their leader.
He doesn't let them fight now - they "don't like him any more".
So what's their aim? Life in peace of war in blood and veins?
They think now they don't want to live on the same ground with the Serbs. "Don't like" the Serbs. The usual advice here is look in the mirror, who wants to live with you.

But the Serbs are trying to find an agreement. Milo, hated by the world for not talking to Albanians, talks to an Albanian. Should Rugova, talking to a Serb, trying to bring peace to his land shut up, for now the terrorists don't like him? They say he's not representative of Albanians any more. Ask those dying on the Macedonian border, who would they like to represent them.

What's US after?
If it's peace, they should be happy, Albanians are taliking to the Serbs.
But judging by what happens it's not peace.

1.The White House says Rugova's dead. House burnt. No hope. Poor Rugova, you were our only hope!!! If only you were alive!!! Blablabla...

2.Rugova found safe and alive. Taped down talking to Milo. --No, that's not possible, they must have made him speak like that. There were people with knives behind his back!!!!

3.No there were no such people. ---Well, they must have used some old tape then. There must be something wrong, for we must be right, That's a fu**ing axiom.

4.Rugova says "the idea with the old tape sucks" --- How come, what shall we do now??? What if they solve the problem without our tomahawks??? What the hell the world will think of us???? Booooooohoooo.... Let's screw the screw down some more...

5.Bingo!!! Rugova is not representative of Kosovars any more, because we don't like him.

Open your eyes, "rb", that's what happens, that's cooler than "ethnic cleansing". That's a whole fu**ing brainwashing machine for the world. Ray Bradbury is an unimaginative child in comparison to this.
Best wishes

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Well done Sergey, Spiro, Maja, wer're beginning to get some momentum here with very well thought out posts.

One of my friends was found to have emotional problems. Their origin was found in the person's inability to listen. Sure, he could hear fine but somehow the information could not be managed nor used in any productive way.

So my friend was sent to a place for treatment according to the Tomatis Method. Alfred Tomatis is a 78 years old French Professor who managed to treat successfully many patients worldwide, whether they be dislexics, ortholoexics, etc...
He managed to restore their listening function, which led to solving many of their psychological problems.

Half way through the treatment, my friend was already transformed into a witty, intuitive, fast cogitating and even humorous individual. He is now able to understand information as it comes, instead of struggling to remember what it was when he heard it a minute ago. When asked about the Kosovo conflict and NATO actions, he said it was all beginning to make sense now. Here is a few examples of what he heard prior to the treatment and what he says now:

BEFORE: "Milosevic and his forces are responsable for the exodus of refugees"
AFTER: "Before the bombardment there were no refugees; now that bombs are falling, refugees flee."

BEFORE: "In 12 days of bombardment against one fo the strongest air defence systems in the world, there is only one NATO plane down and everybody but three soldiers are home safe".
AFTER: "The US Congress and Senate cannot possibly be told about US casualties and loss of billions of Dollars of equipment, that would endanger the future of this administration".

BEFORE: "Madeleine Albright went to the Balkans in order to warn Romanians, Hungarians, Czechs and Bulgarians that Yugoslavia may attack them".
AFTER: "If we convince as many people as possible that Milosevic is the bad guy, then there is no limit to what we can get away with !"

BEFORE: "Milosevic/Yugoslavs refuse any peace option in Kosovo".
AFTER: "Milosevic, Russia and I. Rugova are doing everything they can to restore peace."

You will agree that it is obvious that my friend has truly well recovered. He told me to wish all the readers a very happy Easter, and of course not to worry about the Kosovo refugees (the US promised to take SEVERAL thousands), Yugoslav civilians, Kurds, Indonesians and African (including North Africans-Algeria) victims.

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Shoud we establish a new UN with only NATO and US?

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Slovania vs. Serbia, Croatia vs. Serbia, Bosnia vs. Serbia, Kosovo vs. Serbia, who's the common demoninator? Why is NATO attacking serbs? What is their true reasoning? Can somebody answer this? Please, truthful answer. Not the same old the west have brainwashed me or wag the dog crap.
An answer not a history leason on why serbs want their land.

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It is a time to find a way to get rid of the US
Carrier or Cruiser.

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How do you explain the NATO and US's killing action? to stop other killing? hahahaha!!!

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