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Archive through April 6, 1999

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They want to land troops in Kosovo to enjoy the following:

-Keep an eye on Yugoslavia (Rambouillet agreement, Appendix B)

-Park (no offence) the Albanians and Albanian Kosovars in Kosovo, perhaps even including those who live in NATO countries

-Get back at Milosevic who will have none of their spies, none of their money and not much of US culture from what I see every time I go there

-Offload the weapons, they are gathering spider webs. Yeah, even these things bear a note "best before [date]"; re-boost the US arms industry, see records earnings by the cruise missile manufacturer Raytheon Corp.

-Look good to the eyes of the American people, following fellatio and other genitalia driven entertainment policies, lying and being caught at it

-Remains of an unlikely defeated Witch Hunt ? There is no communism at the moment in Yugoslavia, but it is possible that some US advisors or Pentagon Generals might believe the contrary. There goes the bull after a red towel...

There are probably plenty more. The reason Serbs want their land ? These Israelis are so annoying ! And these Palestinians, what a pain ! Talk about Argentinians and English hemorroids.

Moneywise, Serbs are not doing too hot. Thanks to sanctions, slowing down Yugoslavia's development could be achieved. Now to take care of the army: if that is destroyed, they won't have any money to replace it.

Take away the land from the Serbs, what do they have left but their dignity ?

No pasaran

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The only thing i see here is the same as what i have seen in Bosnia.The only difference is here in this group we fight over the net.

Yes i am for the US and i am For the fact that ALL those Hitlers disquised with different names have to face trial.And face the concequences of having blood on there hands.Please let that be clear.

What i don't understand and never will (probably) understand is that even people behind there keyboards can not talk in reason with eachother.
I saw several people asking for explaination,Yet nobody would answer them,and if someone tries it's mockery about the question that has been asked.

Lets try to keep things a bit more civalized.
Although even i have to admit it's very hard sometimes when i read all the messages.Im a refugee from Bosnia and when i read all this screaming to eachother it turns me sick.

The only commen decent thing to do for me to do is help with whatever i can Kosovars who reach my country.

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sorry a small mistake in my message the country i live in.

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Fact:NATO is more powerful than Yugoslavia.
Fact:Yugoslavia will surrender or be destroyed.
Fact :NATO will occupy Kosovo either way.
Fact:The refugees will return.
Fact:Kosovo will be autonomous.

He with the gold makes the rules.

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Sorry I got out of line.
This doesn't apply to you.

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I know you will all miss me but my lunch break is over.

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We must find a good solution to the problem in Yugoslavia, we as people of the world. US wants to awoid the spred of ethnic cleansing by Serbian nationalists and that is why they bombed the country. When the war was in Bosnia, there was a buffer of Croatia and Serbia between other European countries. Now Serbia stands alone surrounded by many sovereign countries, which are at its borders mixed with ethnic population of those nations. It is great to feel good about your country for some reason or other. If your country is seen as good by other countries it feels even better. Serbs now feel good at oposing US and NATO what else is there? Remove that and what do they have? Small country in ruin, they could have a small country terrorized by Albanian terrorists. How can a small country protect it soveregnity if not by alliance with a stronger bigger country? There is a price for that. So Serbs don't want US nothing, they want to be left alone to live and prosper. They do have something Albanians want and so US and Nato thinks that it is alright for Albanians to get it. If Miloshevic is stuborn, so is Clinton and Nato. THey don't want to talk any more because Milosevic is not agreeing with all the stipulations Clinton had given. Clinton is not giving in to Milosevic, his pride is at stake, and bombs are not falling in his back yard, yet. This does not sound to me like willingness to negotiate, it is definitelly willingness to afflict injury and conquer a nation and then talk when they have it where they want it, stripped of its way of defending itself, its dignity, self reliance and indentity---isn't this some kind of war crime? Milica

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Dear Kolina,

You should not be surprised at the way the so-called discussions have been going on this site. If history teaches us anything it is that human nature never changes. We are not advanced because we are using the Internet. Ideas and thinking will forever remain clouded and prejudiced. Unless a person strives with the utmost effort to make their thinking/consience sincere from within they will forever remain the crawling vermin they are and fail to realise what it actually means to be that creature which is called a human being.

(p.s. I wish I could do something to remove your pain. All I can say is do not despair and remain hopeful to the end).

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