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Archive through April 7, 1999

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Absolutely Milica.

In fact if you notice, NATO, US (sorry, redundancy !) and all the little morons who feel powerful because they have been told to get on the side of Clinton OK Corral are talking with more aggressive statements. A lot of them sound just like Hitler, such as Senator (!) Biden, D-Delaware as seen last night on CNN. "We will tear Belgrade apart", "We will use every possible means to destroy Milosevic". One may argue that at least Hitler was honest, he wanted to rid the world of Jews, Slavs, Blacks, etc... as well as expand (Theory of "Vital Space") and he announced it beforehand.

You will not find NATO's objectives in a public announcement. The Rambouillet attempt to coerce Yougoslavia in order to occupy it was a cleverly disguised prelude to violence.

The US do not want peace, not this far into the conflict after so much spending and cover ups. I think they are very clumsy at concealing their intentions to land troops in Kosovo: Rugova is prisoner, Rugova is forced to shake Milosevic hand, the meeting film is a fake...pathetic. Sure, they did fool some of the hundreds of millions who watch CNN, Rai Uno, Antenne 2, TVE and the German ones, but Yugoslavs and Russians are far from stupid. Let us see if this Russian boat can spot stuff that NATO does not want us too see. There must be a sensitive area somewhere if I read well the US comment about the Russian boat: "this could compromise security concerning our operation". Oh yeah, the Russians might actually count how many missiles are launched, and deduct the number of hits on Yougoslav soil et voilà ! You have your cost per hit, just have it faxed to the US Opposition. They could also record the number of take offs at Aviano and match it with the number of aircrafts that made it back. That's the small stuff. Imagine recording a conversation about a cover up ?

Wait and see.

Something else:

Today I was amazed at the news: 234 Kosovo refugees were taken to Italy and several thousands are on their way to Turkey. Hats off to these countries, along with Switzerland, they are the only ones who have actually done something worth mentioning. I did not pay too much attention to the French and English medium-sized planes unloading their Mac'Edonia unhappy meals, that will only last a few hours and will probably be thrown to these poor souls who will have to emulate Michael Jordan if they want to eat something today. You claim you want to fight for the victims ? You should have thought about it earlier. Who does not remember NATO's shameful excuse for bombing: "If we don't do it, it will be worse". You knew it was going to be worse, and yet you could not set up anything anticipating what would come next, which proves you never cared. These people and the world along will not forget that. They were fine before you came along.

In the meantime, the US are still reassuring that they will take "several thousands" of Kosovars...

Maybe they are waiting hoping the refugees will all die of Meningitis and diarrhea, so that they would not have to take them ? Coming from them, it would not surprise me at all.

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Absolutely Milica.

In fact if you notice, NATO, US (sorry, redundancy !) and all the little morons who feel powerful because they have been told to get on the side of Clinton OK Corral are talking with more aggressive statements. A lot of them sound just like Hitler, such as Senator (!) Biden, D-Delaware as seen last night on CNN. "We will tear Belgrade apart", "We will use every possible means to destroy Milosevic". One may argue that at least Hitler was honest, he wanted to rid the world of Jews, Slavs, Blacks, etc... as well as expand (Theory of "Vital Space") and he announced it beforehand.

You will not find NATO's objectives in a public announcement. The Rambouillet attempt to coerce Yougoslavia in order to occupy it was a cleverly disguised prelude to violence.

The US do not want peace, not this far into the conflict after so much spending and cover ups. I think they are very clumsy at concealing their intentions to land troops in Kosovo: Rugova is prisoner, Rugova is forced to shake Milosevic hand, the meeting film is a fake...pathetic. Sure, they did fool some of the hundreds of millions who watch CNN, Rai Uno, Antenne 2, TVE and the German ones, but Yugoslavs and Russians are far from stupid. Let us see if this Russian boat can spot stuff that NATO does not want us too see. There must be a sensitive area somewhere if I read well the US comment about the Russian boat: "this could compromise security concerning our operation". Oh yeah, the Russians might actually count how many missiles are launched, and deduct the number of hits on Yougoslav soil et voilà ! You have your cost per hit, just have it faxed to the US Opposition. They could also record the number of take offs at Aviano and match it with the number of aircrafts that made it back. That's the small stuff. Imagine recording a conversation about a cover up ?

Wait and see.

Something else:

Today I was amazed at the news: 234 Kosovo refugees were taken to Italy and several thousands are on their way to Turkey. Hats off to these countries, along with Switzerland, they are the only ones who have actually done something worth mentioning. I did not pay too much attention to the French and English medium-sized planes unloading their Mac'Edonia unhappy meals, that will only last a few hours and will probably be thrown to these poor souls who will have to emulate Michael Jordan if they want to eat something today. You claim you want to fight for the victims ? You should have thought about it earlier. Who does not remember NATO's shameful excuse for bombing: "If we don't do it, it will be worse". You knew it was going to be worse, and yet you could not set up anything anticipating what would come next, which proves you never cared. These people and the world along will not forget that. They were fine before you came along.

In the meantime, the US are still reassuring that they will take "several thousands" of Kosovars...

Maybe they are waiting hoping the refugees will all die of Meningitis and diarrhea, so that they would not have to take them ? Coming from them, it would not surprise me at all.

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Sergey, your a real gas. I about laughed my a*s off over your contention that "Nobody's playing in Serbia now. Kosovar civillians now have to run and die."

Now if the first part of that drivel were true then why hasn't the "Serbian Free Press" put footage of the bomb damaged civilian homes on TV yet? Oh, you say no footage yet? Well sh*t, how incovenietnt? They sure didn't waste any time getting footage of the downed stealth bomber on the air. Bet they 'bout' broke their f**kin necks to get the footage to the TV studio for that one!

But no bombed out Kosovar homes, you say. Oh you say they couldn't get the 'f**kin' Serbian tanks out of the way in time. Damnd inconvenient don't you say? What, no fuel? Sh*t!!! You say the damn thing stalled because it was out of fuel!! Hahaha. Bumbling a*sholes. Only as*holes would play "hide n seek" the tank when the enemy is bombing the sh*t outa his fuel depots. Dumb as*es all!

But you know it's real hard to camaflage canon and tank round damage to make it look like high energy round damage. When one of NATO's rounds hits a building, sh*t flies for hundreds of meters with the debris being evenly spread all over the friggin place. That's real hard to duplicate from gound level and 99% of bomb damage assessment techs. know it. Unless their Serbian.

Now as far as Kosavar civilians having to run and die, well the way I see it that must be a real friggin trick for NATO bombs to put guns up under a scared sh*tless civilian nose and demand money, gold and jewlery. I 'knowed' that them NATO bombs was smart but holy sh*t that there is real talent. I wonder how they get the 'money n sh*t' back to base?

And the way them "smart bombs" can hit a house and make it look like tank or canon rounds is simply f**king unbelievable. You otta see it when a bomb comes in at a 45 degree angle and at ground level changes trajectory going parallel to the ground and goes throught the side of the house smashing two walls front and back. Simply f**king unreal!!!

Sergey, your arguments are like your penis, limp and eneffectual.

Cheers. phil

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It disgusts me what Clinton has done with this refugee crisis. He has offered to take 20,000 to a base we have in Cuba, I believe the same spot where they holed up the Haitians when they were all getting into their little boats to escape from Haiti to come to America. I am sure he could bring 20,000 into the continental US and I'm positive you could find 20,000 seperate cities or towns more than willing to take care of them each and individually. It is a complete and total disgrace for the American people.

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Dear Milica,

Allow me to give you a different perspective on this situation. I am from Australia, you may have heard of us...a rather small, friendly nation of about 19 million people in the South Pacific that other countries view as nothing more than a holiday destination or a great place to host the Olympics (sorry China!). And as they all say when they come here..."we love this place".

Before I say anything let me make something clear. In starc contrast to most of the messages here, I do not support either side. I think the US is using NATO and the UN, as it has done for the past 8 years, to further it’s own personal global agenda (without paying its financial dues to the UN, the USA owes billions in unpaid contributions to the UN). I also think that Serbia is an aggressive, vindictive military force that should be neutralized. Additionally I believe the KLA are terrorist troublemakers.

Australians have no particular allegiance in this situation, except to the innocent. We have prospering communities of both Serbs and Albanians in most of our 7 capital cities. These communities are not only able to retain the rich cultural heritage of their homelands, but are also proud to call themselves Australian. And they manage to do all this without committing ‘genocide’ against each other…amazing isn’t it!

I can hear the tired old arguments now; Australia is to young a nation to know what has happened, we are to remote to understand or maybe that we are ignorant? These types of arguments are the shields of lazy, inbred, bigoted extremists. Australia, while only a young nation, is predominately made up of people from the ‘old’ countries or the ‘homelands’? People do not forget what has happened, but they recognize the insanity of wars based on cultural identity. So Australians learn to appreciate the diversity of our society and they draw great strength from this. Compared to its population and size, Australia is one of the most productive nations on the face of the earth, and why is that? Not because America supports us, not because Europe supports us and not because we waste our time blaming our failures on social scapegoats like ethnic minorities. We succeed because we have learnt to drop the prejudices of the ‘old’ countries and decided to draw strength from our diversity. This does not mean we forget the crimes of the past, but we do not wear them like ankle weights either…some of the countries involved in this crisis are doing just that!

I am not claiming that we are superior socially to everyone. We still experience crimes and racism, but the broader Australian culture has embraced tolerance, and we understand that crimes against humans based on cultural or racial identity are the actions of ignorant extremists.

Reading through the messages posted on this web site is really sad. People are literally spitting venom at each other, and even worse majority of the comments are ill informed and unnecessarily provocative. I believe I even read one comment from a guy who tried to make a joke out of the fact he liked to deliberately play upon people’s emotions and “push their buttons” (to quote him exactly). I would like to see some of these ‘Internet Heroes’ put in a room with the people who are suffering this crisis…. I wonder if they would be so brave?

At the age of 8 I saw three children killed, children I knew, blow up by an IRA bomb in England. I understand that it is easy for people to be experts when they do not understand the deep hatred that cultural conflicts spanning generations can cause. Naturally, if I succumbed to these emotions, I could be persuaded that all Irish people are evil and should die. The fact is they are no different to me and they have as much right to be on this earth as me. Cultural wars and crimes are not an easy thing to forgive and this is why so many people take to easy option and go to war.

Regardless of who you support in this crisis, just remember one basic idea. Every human being knows in their heart that killing another human just because of their cultural identity or race is evil. But we believe what we want to believe, and when our respective governments tell us it is OK to murder another human in the name political gain, we stupidly go against our natural instincts and we listen to them. The greatest loser in this situation is the human race. It is quite embarrassing when you think about it, we are starting this century as we began it!!!

An old Chinese man living at the end of my street has a saying:

Cowards make war……heroes make peace…..both face a terrible battle!


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I repeat my message of Mon.5 Apr. 4.09pm!

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ATO 267 AUA; -A ray of crucial insight, wisdom and hope in the dark valleys of this disaster message board!

"...and the tyrants, they shall gaze to the heavens for mercy but nought will they recieve save the fruits of their deeds."

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"By Fighters against ignorance and propaganada. on Tuesday, April 6, 1999 - 06:08 pm:

ATO 267 AUA; -A ray of crucial insight, wisdom and hope in the dark valleys of this disaster message board!

"...and the tyrants, they shall gaze to the heavens for mercy but nought will they recieve save the fruits of their deeds." "

Aw geez! Next thing you know these butt-heads will be speaking in tongues and placing hexes!


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I'm surprised that somebody who is on Milosovic's payroll is so easily allowed to operate on a public internet site like this! Somebody take this serb propagandist off the line immediately!!!

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Dear Phil,
have you heard about KLA ?
Can you find Kosovo on you map ?
Have you read any previous postings ?
How much of US taxpayers money is going into
these bombings ?
Your source of info - NATO - CNN ?

Hi "outraged"

Who's payroll are YOU on?
Does your message mean that you're on the 'other'
propagandist side ,
or that you have no argument for a disscussion?

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Maja I wanna talk to you.
If you can, come to to the board "War in Kosovo" or "Current Events".

I wanna talk to you live because of your ignorance to posts with facts.

Just a guy from Slovenia using his own brain.

If you'll come just use your name as nickname.

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.....or Crisis in Yugoslavia

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Just a comment:

Moneyline, hosted by Lou Dobbs, on CNN about 30 minutes ago:

"The army at the border is preventing us from delivering medical supplies to the Kosovo refugees".

Miss Noelle Tanguy, Executive Director of "Doctors Without Borders", a.k.a. Mèdecins sans Frontières.

We also heard in the past few days from International Red Cross that "The soldiers were just standing there, we do not have enough hands !". NATO actually had to order their armies to start helping...

Good luck NATO.

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I say all your arguments are irrelevant because NATO is more powerful than Yugoslavia,Yugoslavia will surrender or be destroyed,NATO will occupy Kosovo either way,The refugees will return,Kosovo will be autonomous or independant,and Serbs will still be as*holes.Albeit defeated as*holes.

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You're right. We should have a discussion site with users just like you. You guys could then agree with each other all the time and learn ... what you already know.

The truth hurts. It's funny how most of the "propagandistic" posts that came from me turned to be right. Although some of them I wish they didn't.

What is the correlation between your user name and your message ?

[violent head scratchings]

I was born in France. My payroll does not depend on the Yugoslavian (including Kosovo) President Milosevic, you see I did not like the currency: it is subject to high inflation, thanks to your kind sanctions.

"Civilised society", you got that from the Clinton administration and their Western European doggies ? Hey, we all know now that Tony does it better than Monica.

You know, hats off to your free country: it is the only one in the world where you can be the President, break the US Law, break International Laws, convert a defence organisation into an attacking one, coerce sovereign nations in order to occupy them and get away with it !

Isn't life wonderful when you are the biggest kid in the schoolyard as that huge Soviet bully picks on you no more ?

We have a saying: "quand le chat n'est pas là, les souris dansent".

When the cat's away...

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