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Archive through April 7, 1999

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Daniela, thanks for the great questions.

For a balanced look at the conflict go to the
Kosovar Information Page at:

You will find links to both Serbian and Kosavar Albanian points of view.

You can even get on an e-mail list sponsored by I have some 876 posts in my Kosovar directory. Once there you'll understand better.

eGroups sponsors two forums one called 'decani' at:
and the other called 'kosovo reports' at:
eGroups has many other forums too.

I have read many, many posts and it wasn't a pleasant trip. Too much in the way of propaganda and a knuckleheaded unwillingness to criticize Milosevic or his policies. It's as if Bosnia never happened and Milosevic doesn't have a history as a butcher.

Many other posters can't seem or lack the capacity to acknowledge their own bigotry toward and/or hate of Moslems. They brag about how multicultural their community (Belgrade) is, but these posters never once plead for their multicultural Moslem brethern to come back home from the hills of Macedonia and Albania where they are sick, hungry, cold, penniless and destitue or promise them that if they do come back, to defend to the death thier right to live in dignity, peace and security free from assaults from pond scum like Arcan and his Tigers.

I think that once these pro-Serbian posters start giving rise to sentiments reflecting tolerance and healing their words will begin to command great respect for ubounded understanding and wisdom.

Till then, just so much passing of smelly gas in church and not much else.

Cheers, phil

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SERBS commit attrocities against unarmed civilians
...... and call themselves "Soldiers".

SERBS butcher children
...... and get medals.

SERBS burn villages
...... and become a heroes.

Did so in Bosnia and Croatia.
Doing so again in Kosovo.
I wish they did so in Maja's Slovenia too.

Maja, just imagine you and yours
... in a well-planned GENOCIDE scheme.
... with no access to the RED CROSS
... with no access to Amnesty International.
... with NO food, NO shelter, NO medicine.

... without the right to voice your opinion as strongly as you do it now in defense of those that deprive others.

Serbs been doing all the above
EVEN BEFORE NATO got involved.

But you and your SERBS
believe not the free press of the world
(a pathological paranoia for a big conspiracy)
But you do believe that the only truth
........ comes from SLOB's STATE TV ! WOW !!!!!!

Now the SERBS are bombed they
are the "innocent" victim.

Now that the tide has turned,
(I said three days ago the war is over)
SERBS call everybody else NAZI.

Now they care about their BRIDGES ?!
Now they care about Amunition Plants ?!
NOW they care about MONASTERIES ?!
NOW they STILL don't care about the HUMANS in Kosovo !

Stopping the aggression is not good enough.

Cease fire ?
Beat-up on the old and weak, and now
that Rocky and Rambo are in the ring
you want to throw in the towel ?
Bomb the cease fire too !

The bombs must put out
Milosovic's fire-lighting rampage forever.

Change SERB propaganda stickers
Current version : "TARGETS ?"
New version : "TARGETS !"
There is NO QUESTION anymore.....
They earned the exclamation mark.
Did so .... in the killing fields of Kosovo !

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I have to restate my position.
I don't know you.
I don't know yours.
I don't know your country.

Wishing unto you what the SERBS are
doing unto the Kosovars - degrades me into
thinking like a Serb.

I feel dirty just thinking like one.
My apologies again.

I am a free man,
other than support the leaders of
the free world in a just cause,
there is little else I can personally do
to help the abused Kosovars.
I am at peace with the idea that
right or wrong

Evenso, it is good
for you to think
how close you are to the fire,
and that maybe - just maybe
early in the next century,
if we do not wipe him out,
Milosovic may have an idea
for a campaign in your beloved Slovenia.

Deportation, concentration camps,
executions, butchery. Would you and yours
survive as REFUGEES ? The internet
will not stop him then. Nor will Russia.
Sergei and Nick will be supporting SERBS again.

But I will be here
as will be thousands of FREE MEN
taking a position against tyranny and mass murder.

In all honesty,
I am happy you are closer to him than I am.
I pray it never happens to you and yours.
But just consider the possibilities.....

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XTO 267 AUA, your being a bit strident. Not all Serbs are monsters. Not even some of them. Only a limited few willing to follow 'orders,' butchering without question. phil

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Well!!! I've read a lot of angry words against the United States. We're the ones responsible for all the Kosovars fleeing, because, I guess, the Serb Army just had no choice. I guess you should probably throw in the rape/death camps, which the Serb forces organized before the NATO bombing, as something for which the United States is also responsible.
Yes, the United States is the big player in the world, and yes, our country should pay its UN dues, but these points can not be relevant arguments to justify what the Serb army is inflicting on the Kosovars.
I liked the sentiment the Australian expressed. But the world stood by before, allowing the Serbs to press on, and the Serb army became very efficient at eliminating their perceived enemies, including children.
So if no bombs fall on the Serb military machine, how else will this all stop?
Someone made a point that this is all so the US pentagon and the big US defense contractors can justify their big cash flows. Yes, they stand to benefit from the crisis, but this does not mean that the reports from Kosovo are un-true.
Look, people of Serbia, you have lived under atmospheres which deprive cultural tolerance, even under the communists and Tito, since an atmosphere of openess, as far as free exchange of ideas, was repressed, where tolerance of diversity could have otherwise been learned.
I think many Serbians fear the other nationalities. Some have called the ethnic Albanians terrorists. Does this include all the women and children? Yes the KLA, which NATO hesitates to support directly, has comitted some horrible acts. Maybe some of them are terrorists, but then the Serb army starts striking out at a very broad target, including children. Blaming children? Is that fair? Are they respocnsible? Oh yes, they're going to grow up and become terrorists. Sorry. I forgot.
Yes, I know the NATO bombings are going to kill innocent people. But at least NATO is not aiming at innocent people, civilians. NATO is aiming at military targets. So that most civilians, if they take cover, will not be hurt--keeping a job in that munitions plant might be another story.
I'm not so naive to believe there will be no civilian casualties by NATO's bombings. But I believe there will be fewer innocent people dying by NATO's bombing, since it should eventually grind down the Serbian war machine. Then, the hope is, this terrible war might end, and maybe Serbia might join the civilized world, like Germany did after WW II.
I don't agree with everything my country does or has done. But on this issue I support my country's actions. By numbers, I believe there will be fewer innocent people dying by NATO becoming involved.
To those who never even threw in their support to Milosevic and his policies, I wish you well and that you stay protected from the bombings. Maybe, one day, we will meet and have a drink together when your country becomes as enlightened and tolerant as you are.

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Hey xto 267 you would make a good Serb. They ralley like that too against enemies that treaten their freedom and public that lives in their country and does not want to abide by its laws. But I must question the Effectivness of the laws and those who enforce them. Milosevic has been a leader who has not been too good for Serbia, for no country will have so much civil unrest if it were happy with its situation and leadership. If it there was a conspiracy by other terrorists to implicate Serbs for some ulterior motive, benefit to themselves, then why does not Milosevic or his alies expose the intruders to the world and save his skin and the face of Serbia. However if one throws stones one must be free of sin too. Are you ready to cast that stone? And at who? There is another solution. There must be! There may be some inevitable consequences, but you must not kill the baby with the water. The whole nation of Serbia consists of hard working people who are people just like Albanians or any other. It is not easy to see that and fight them, you would rather have all of them wear a mask of evil and shoot. You will treat the symtoms, you will not kill the disease. There must be a win win situation now! Nothing else will do to heal the region!!! Milica

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World Antiwar Alliance (WAA)
7 April, 1999
Sydney, Australia

The Australian chapter of the World Antiwar Alliance invites you and other well intentioned people of the world to join a boycott of all Italian made products. We, the Alliance, also invite you to pass this message on to all your friends who may wish to join our anti war effort. This boycott will last as long as the air-strikes in Yugoslavia are going on.

The position of the World Antiwar Alliance is that solutions to ethnic problems cannot be found through bombs. The US led NATO has only inflamed the ethnic conflict and initiated a large scale exodus of the Albanian population from Kosovo by showing off its military might in the Balkans. The US/NATO poured oil on the fire in order to extinguish it. Bombs have never ever brought a lasting peace, only hate, death and destruction. Only diplomatic negotiations can achieve peace.

The Italian government is deeply involved in the air-strikes on Yugoslavia. It provides air-bases for the bombing actions, most prominently the Aviano Airbase. Although a large majority of Italians does not support this military action, Italian industrialists and media magnates do. The only way to communicate with those individuals is to hit their wallets. We invite our Italian anti-war friends to join this boycott too and target those companies which support and profit from the NATO military action.

The anti-war oriented people of the world cannot afford any more to sit passively - we have to take action. We have to make ourselves heard. Think of the thousands of innocent civilians on both Albanian and Yugoslav side whose lives are destroyed because of this war. The guilty parties in this conflict are the US/NATO military and the Yugoslav Army. Diminish their capability to bomb through economic means and give peace a chance.

ITALIAN IS MILITARIAN, do not buy Italian as long as the bombing is on.

I got this message in my e-mail from a friend. Please, e-mail this to as many people as you can. Do this for the sake of peace and our common future.

Your friend
Spiro Dreamer

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Kolina and A.M.

I agree we should all refrain
We should all be more civilized.
We should be better than the SERBS.

It would seem that
the thirst for revenge that has
shattered the old Yugoslavia
has seeped out, into the world.

But you must understand
There is a lot of anger right now.
The world is watching and shaking its head.

Free men feel guilty and impotent.
Cowardly Serbs make us sick,
Their actions make us angry.
It cannot be otherwise.

In fact I am glad people are angry.
It means they have a heart !
It means the world cares !
This is GOOD !

We have seen the pictures.
When it regards ... GENOCIDE
Holocaust, Massacres, Abuse and Destruction.
... there is NOTHING to talk about.
There is no reasoning left to do.
It is wrong - and that is all.

As I have said before, I rather not
hear pro-SERB explanations to justify GENOCIDE
because my mind is less perturbed by
a mystery I cannot explain than
by explanations I will not understand.

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There are so many activities humans can engage in to take their thoughts off agression and war. In this day and age we have so many toys to play with, so much time, yet here in America for the most part we enjoy less and less freedom, work harder and harder for less and less money and spend far more then we can save. Few are getting richer, majority seem to be keeping steady while some are still poor as ever. Still this is the promised land, with many diverse ethnic population living in harmony, just like in Australia, Jason! And just like in Australia, native race has lost it's way of life for the sake of new race to enjoy peace and tranquility.... for a while. War does not have to be inevitable, it can be avoided, and it takes enlightement, understanding and desire to not fight. There still is so much oportunity to function as a happy human being in this money driven, materialistic world at all levels if only we recognize basic principle of employing creative solutions to the impossible, or seemingly impossible puzzle of human conflict situatios. It is funny but here in America I can not spank my child because it will take away from her self esteem and formation of indipendent individuality. Wow, how long will it take us to find a way to raize our children to live without violence and in accord. We people have so much to work on. And what do we do with our problems sweep them under the rug. This is where the tail does wag the dog. And it may not have anything to do with any one in particular. Sometimes we know too much, when we should listen with our heart. I am happy you all are here, discussing this issue. Maybe tomorrow it will be a new day, and when I get up I will hear that there is a solution to the crisis in Kosovo and that the bombing has stopped in Yugoslavia. It will make my day much lighter, and I will be at peace. Yugoslav people will do no more harm to anyone, for they will be bussy rebuilding their war ravaged country with Nato supervision or without. And I will miss you all. Milica

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Sorry Spiro
gotta have my pizza

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Yo Guido, did you get the millions $$$ we need to do the thing we have to do with the Slob ? You know "Livarsi na petra di la scarpa" (get the stone out of our shoe). Let me know.

Il Burattinaio
(The puppetmaster)

Spiro, have you seen the latest Gucci ring ? It is UGLY. But I will buy it in a fundraising event if only to raise funds for more bombs to be used on the SERBS. What Else is on TV ?

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Phil, I don't know what tv you are watching. There was a loooooot of civilian damage. You can even see it on CNN, Brent Sadler reports. Just for example. They hit a street with only civil buildings and a hospital. NATO said, such mistake would happen.

I don't know why this war is viewed us a religion war. I myself don't see it at such. And for all the people who hate people of different religion.
What kind of a God do you believe in that teaches you to hate and kill in his name?

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Christiane Amanpour has crossed all the lines of being baised and of overreacting. If we believe her the village right next to the Albanian border, the town Kukes, was burned down three time. And we were showed the video of the exactly the same houses burning three times. The fourth, ninth day and yesterday that village has beeen burned by Serbs.

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I am so saddened by the senselessness of this entire crusade, on both sides...the REAL victims here are those driven from their homes and villages, and it is they who need our help. I urge all who read this to put aside politics and nationalism, and save a silent moment for all those who are suffering, Serb and Albanian.
Please, send help to the International Red Cross, or to UNICEF, so the suffering may be eased.

Here is the text of a message I sent to the "War Against Yugoslavia" site:

Subject: Kosovo

To whom this may concern:

I am an American. I am not always proud of my country, and I do not support my president. However, I am also a human being, and I appeal to you as one human being to another, regardless of ethnic or national origin.

I do not pretend to know what it must be like to live in Serbia, or Kosovo but I do know that the situation in Kosovo tears my heart apart.

Seeing hundreds of thousands of innocent people torn from their families, and left to languish in the cold and rain is unforgivable. Indeed, to see men and boys taken away and then shot in front of their wives and mothers sickens me. These actions violate the most basic of human rights.

I know that you work for your government, and you must support your leader, Mr. Milosovic. I do not want to endanger your life or your job by challenging you to defend his actions, or state your personal opinions, but I ask you to consider for a moment: do you have a brother? a sister? a husband or wife? Picture that person, whom you love. Now picture them being taken from you, screaming in terror, or horrified into silence, knowing that you will never see them alive again. Think of what your last thought would be, as you are taken from your loved ones, and executed in front of them. Imagine what it must be like. Imagine what your leader is doing to hundreds of thousands of HUMAN BEINGS.

I feel great compassion for the innocent Serbs who have been hurt by the NATO bombings, but I have yet to hear any of them express compassion for the hundreds of thousands of others who have been forced from their homes, torn from their families, or left to die in the cold.

We are all brothers on planet Earth. I think that if you and I ever met, we could have coffee, and talk about our children, or listen to music together, or watch a sunset, and enjoy each other's company...the people being murdered by your leader will never get to have that again.

I am deeply sorry for the damage inflicted on your country, and on your people, but please consider this: It was wrong when this happened in Bosnia, wrong that this happens in Turkey and Iraq, wrong that this happened in the history of my own country 150 years ago.

Please, if you can not do so publicly, please privately think of those people who are being harmed, and who, at this very moment, can not be with their family, or even in their own homes. Please pray for this horrible conflict to end, and for Albanians and Serbs to live together, as brothers in humanity, and share this Earth upon which we all must live.

Thank you for your time. I wish you and your family safety and warmth.

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What the hell does that waste of space have to do with the suffering in Kosovo and Serbia?


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