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Archive through April 7, 1999

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Reputable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 303

Yes I know and I was not excited. Death and distruction don't excite me. I know it does Americans.

I asked for the number. And what you wrote is a big lie. Maybe Clinton can say they refuse help. A lie. Not the first not the last. Do some research and find out the truth.

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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 84

Klintoon does not represent Americans. He represents Corporations. Thats why we get illnesses no one else seems to get. Chemical poisoning. But your rhetoric is just as bad as his. You represent your dictators very well. But that doesn't make you right or even couragous. You seem to justify behavior by your leaders and then condemn the actions of American politikans. Hypocrite! Your not helping your people by condoning the Serbian actions. Anymore than some of these flag waivers represent America. Our constitution is what keeps us free. Even though our government tries to bypass it with ends justifying means actions. Its not America. Nor are the corporate interest plundering 3rd world countries. The guy working 40 to 60 hours eating the hotdog at the baseball game isn't the one bombing Kosovo. He may naively go along, but his type are becoming more scarce. More and more people are using the internet to speak their minds. That is a freedom unheard of anywhere on earth. So commrad, chill out with your government propaganda, because if I had to choose, America still has the best thing going. Too bad you can't just think for yourself and stop this rhetoric lying propaganda. Neither of us want bombs dropped on people. At least I don't. Maybe you manufacture war toys, in that case you will profit the same as US war toy makers.
But regardless, cannabis is food,fuel,fiber and farmaceuticals
Peace not WoD

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Posts: 1

You say, don't believe CNN they are just putting out propaganda. Then you say, look at CNN the Serbs downed a US plane.Make up your mind which should we do, beleive CNN when it suits you, disbelieve CNN when you don't like it? And Sue is correct about the homeless, they don't want help. The ones she didn't mention are lazy bums that don't want to work. And they can walk into almost any public library and gain instant internet access at no cost. America is the most democratic,free country in the world with plenty of help for all who want it. But there are a lot of spoiled rotten lazy bums here that don't have to do anything if they don't want to.

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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 137

Cut the crap about Marijuana saving the world, you are delusional. No one in here gives a sh*t.

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