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Archive through April 8, 1999

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Maja. I do. Do you know the difference between the American corporate government and most of its people. I have helped the homeless in this country and even though there are shelters and soup lines and even sometimes we illegally feed people with groups like Food not Bombs. But there still homeless and now Klintoon threatens to take away all benifits if they get caught with cannabis. Even if its for medicine. So we have our problems thats for sure. And I honestly don't know your personal situation. I know we buy Romainian hemp to use. So I thought it might be a practical use for anyone in the area in need of food, fuel, fiber or FARMaceuticals. Instead of a quick profit to Industrialist. But I was banned once for discussing such dangerous things. So I'll keep the converstation to bombing schools and bombing factories. Or Serbian cut throats or American cut throats or Russian cut throats. Besides, like I said. We are the melting pot of your area. I know many families from your countries living all over America. Especially in the Pennsylvania Mountains around Helvatia and St.Mary's. So your hatred of Americans is not acurate. We ain't that much different bro!
Peace not WoD

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TO AM & XTO267

Yes ofcourse on one hand its allright for people to get angry what do you think i am?

If somebody would ask to discripe what i feel i would not be able to use just one word to express.

Only I try to put my anger,sadness,outrage etc into something possitive. For instance by trying to help Kosovars who are coming to my country.I am a qualified Dokter and that's my way of dealing with it,Also dealing with the fact that when i had to run(more croll) out of Bosnia i was not able to help anyone anymore.Logical ofcourse now i am.

What bothers me is people like Maja living in slovenia are not able to use their own brain and at least in their word are very Pro ethnic cleansing.

Allthough on the other hand why should i be surprised when the war was in Bosnia and other parts of our country Slovenia where the first to back off and state there indepandancy.

So what can she know she and a lot of others (but that would mean for me reciting a lot of names which i don't want) NEVER HAD ANYBODY KNOCKING ON THERE DOORS WITH A MACHINE GUN TELLING YOU TO RUN OUR DIE! Did they? so they simply discuss about something they hardly knows what it feel like.And yes i have to admit MAJA its a great diffeasion to try and change the subject to ww2.

Why not think of ww 1 then that is where it all begun.Yes it was a serb who shot a prince in SArajevo to refresh your memory.Then the idea of a GREAT SERBIA was born, For me there is only one
simulairity between all this and that A GREAT SERBIA SOUND FOR ME THE SAME AS REICH INS HEIM that's all.
Think about it before you just judge.

By the way before everyone tells me this is propaganda talk i don't watch the crap on TV i only read independent human right reports and studied on it very hard. It was my country to and it (Bosnia) will always be.Allthough i rather would have said Yugoslavia NOT meaning the SERB republic


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It's nice to see that some Americans know some history and can be reasonable, not insulting. I know telling bitter truth about your homeland isn't easy. But this helps to tell a real citizen from...Well, if you ARE American I think the world isn't that helpless.
the Statue of Liberty with a stain on its dress will surely remain the STATUE OF LIBERTY WITH ITS DRESS STAINED IN BLOOD

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Maybe you should do more than your half an hour research from CNN and BBC as well. You might surprise yourself
Isn't there a place called Ireland !!!
Maybe that 's the Serbs fault too.

So the wish of a few outweight the opposition of many

Every story has two sides

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A lot of Serbs and Croatins in suburb of Dale in Johnston, Pa. too. phil

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I went to Serbian Cafe Chat, they kicked me out when I asked" If there is no ethnic cleansing, what does the U.S. have to gain by attacking Yugaslavia?" You can't tell me they aren't censored. NAZI BAST*RDS!!!!!!!!!!!

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Why was B92 Radio banned in this so called great city? Why do they not allow free speech? How can we expect you ti have any knowledge of our country when you only hear what your country wants you to hear?

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Oppose NATO!!! No Bomb!!!
The war should be stop.
The NATO is a invader.

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invader invader invader
invader invader invader
invader invader invader
invader invader invader
invader invader invader
invader invader invader
invader invader invader
invader invader invader
invader invader invader
invader invader invader
invader invader invader
invader invader invader

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Did you hear about the great serb soldier who returned his wife because shewas a virgin? He
figured if she wasn't good enough for her family
then she wasn't good enough for him.
ITS THE SAME MENALITY Of the leadership in Belgrade.

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Dear Paul:o)
I think we are talking about the war. But the people of that place suffer a lot.
You see the NATO will not stop the war,
Even the Serb wish to stop attacking the rebelling province.
Can you tell me where are you from?
I have enough knowledge of talking about your country.
Why do you think that everyone in China maybe have same idea?
In fact, at China it says that it contains enough kinds of person
if the number of people is one hundred.
And now Chinese people do not like war at all,
almost everyone believe economic developing is the most important thing.
And one country attacks another country, or one group NATO etc.attacks one group,
and so on, it is the idea of cool war. It is not a modern idea.
I wish to care Bill Gates of Microsoft more that Napoleon of France War.
I learn logic theory from Hegel the world famous philosopher.
and I learn the history of ancient Rome. I learn a lots of kinds of books.
Do you think I lack of logic?
Have you seen the famous film of Yugoslavia, it name is BRIDGE?
I do not think NATO will get its target.
The world will keep peace in the future maybe in the next century.
For it is the ecnomic times, and it is not a political times now.
"The war is the bleeding politics, it is the highest form of politics. ",
it said by the famous Germany strategist Von Crosewiz in the first time.
I can not find Von's exactly name in English.
You must find the political aim behind war,
in otherwise, you do not understand war at all.
You are too simple to believe what you know at the interface.
There are more ugly things under beautiful words.
We can stand the same idea with the peaceful world.
The world do not need war at all.
In the law of the Union Nations, it is very clear that NATO is a invader.
Do you believe NATO need not to obey the world law?
In fact, the Yugoslavia is very important place of world.
It connects the Asia, Africa, and EU.
Of course, it has a melting culture, it contain conflicts inside.
So it is easy to cause war. And it has a famous name of powder magazine of EU.
The World War I began there.
It is very clear that anyone want to claim its world powerful strength,
it need to get the point. The Iraq has been attacked.
The U.S. armed soldier can stay at the Middle East.
And now the place is Yugoslavia.
At Asia, The TMD is still in the count.
The one pole of the world dream is very clear.
But it is very silly thing. For it is the economic times, but not political times.
Even it is a tech times. In this view, we need not war at all.
The NATO is facing its ending of its history.
In the view of Hegel, the thing is in its booming time,
and it is in its changing time too.
We hope a good ending of force, and the world can go into its peace way soon.
In fact, in the history of human being,
it is the first time that we can hope a really peace times.
In the history, peace time only take less than 10 percents time of the world history.
So I think you maybe so glad to find the knowledge of place full of war history,
but I should tell you that the world history full of war ANYWHERE.
It is not your reason that NATO has enough reason to cause the war.
I think that NATO is playing a dangerous game.
Maybe NATO thinks that it is powerful to afraid anything,
But the history will give NATO an infamous name.
Time and Existence is the name of book another famous Germany philosopher.
Time is a important part of universe.
Can you tell me your s/a? And where are you come from?
I am 29/m. I am working at Wuhan NEC. I am Chinese, I stay at Wuhan city Hubei province.
It is the centre part of China mainland.
I oppose NATO, and my colleagues have a same idea.
We sit down and talking about the war at lunch time,
and in the end we have the same idea about this war.
Invading is invading.
I am very busy these days, so I maybe do not have enough time to answer your letter.
I am so sorry for this.
Best wish to you. And best wish to the people under the bombs. Stop the war.
Peace to the world.

Yours sincerely

>I have been spending some time looking at the history of your region. It
>seems that it has been volatile for some time, say 600-800 years. If it's
>not one side, then it's the other. Your problem is that, unlike in previous
>centuries, the world enjoys almost instant communications.
>The atrocities that we are being shown should not be happening to anyone.
>You should not summarily execute your fellow human beings, you should not
>burn their houses, rape the women.
>It becomes obvious when viewing the images of the refugee camps, that there
>are very, very few men between the ages of 16 to 60. Where are they? We
>have seem images of large numbers of men who have been burned, shot in the
>back of the head. We have seen images of brave Serbian soldiers surrounding
>themselves and their tanks with women and children.
>It is too bad that the Serbian people are having to suffer the reaction of
>NATO which has been brought about by your leaders. It is always the people
>who suffer the consequences of their leaders actions. It is the people
>ignoring and turning their heads to the actions of their leaders. It was
>the lack of the peoples action that lead to the German atrocities of WWII.
>It is the beginnings of these atrocities which have been occurring in
>Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo that NATO has stood in and said "NOT AGAIN!".
>I am sorry that you do not acknowledge the problems in your area of the
>world, but there is a large faction of the world that feels that the
>Serbian's are wrong.
>Good luck. Keep your head down.
>Paul Brannon

Original Message

>From: guweiguang []
>Sent: Monday, April 05, 1999 1:00 PM
>To: Brannon, Paul
>Subject: Re: RE: Peace???
>At 99-4-5 9:20:00, you wrote:
>Dear Paul:
>Do you believe that the Serbs always kill the Muslims?
>As that reason, there are no Muslims there already.
>For it is a long time, as the human being have been there.
>It must be other reasons, so it is NATO cause the wars.
>It is nothing else.
>Yours bigben
>>Yes, The Serbs need to quit killing the Muslims first.

Original Message

>>From: guweiguang []
>>Sent: Thursday, April 01, 1999 11:01 AM
>>To: Brannon, Paul
>>Subject: Re: Peace???
>>Dear paul:
>>I think world be keeping peace at first, then we can sit down and talk
>>other things.
>>Yours bigben

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Kolina, no nobody knocks on my door. But there is no KLA to kill our policemen so they will revenge. And there is no KLA to come recruting men and knocking on the doors. Great Serbia, really? Why don't you tell this people about Great Albanian? Tell them why Macedonians kicked refugees out? They know in few years you will want Macedonia aswell. You already have 1/3 of Albanians there. With refugees and your reproduction there will soon be 50%. It's well known you want to add Kosovo and Macedonia to Albania and have a great Albania. There is no way you can deny that.

Bob and Sue, do you think people in Aleksinac care if they were hit intentionaly or unintentionaly? Does that matter to the 17 that died and 30 that were wounded? And about human rights watch. You might want to know the mass murder your country has done in Aleksinac in investigated aswell. Your secretary of defence today said they don't know if they hit one single tank. They hit civilian objects in order to be able to show something. Did you see pictures from Pristina? The town is destroyed. Totally. Will refugees still be saying thank you, NATO when they see their town totally destroyed?

About granates, could be Serbian army and police or KLA. Nobody knows that. Except Clinton of course.

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I live in Italy and I can hear the jets leaving Nato bases to go to the other side of the sea.
Me and some friends feel we've been directly involved in this war and we are trying to have our own opinion. I don't believe that the officila media can help us to do this. I'd like to start a sincere and honest correspondance with someone from Kosovo or Serbia. I don't fear to listen to different opinions, I just want to know what's REALLY happening over there and if it is possible to do something to help that people.
The only thing I know is that bombs are falling and I don't like this.


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