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Archive through April 9, 1999

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"If there was somebody else in power they would not be able to pull of this stunt."

Maja, Maybe they( the ethnic Albanians of Kosovo) wouldn't need to pull "this stunt" if someone else were in power who was more tolerant and foresighted and understood how to extract the best from both groups. It's a novel idea you know. phil

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Tell me, why didn't they go vote against him them?

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Maja i think you are mistaken.
1) i am not Macadonion but Bosnian.
2) I live agains my will in Holland
3) I want No GREAT SERBIA, NO GREAT ALBANIA nor any other great nation!!!!!!!

My advice learn to read before you answer


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They did not vote against slob maybe because NOONE SERBS & KOsovars( who where still authonomous then by the way)but to put it your way lets include the Kosovars cause nobody can ever imagine that all the promisses he(SLOB) made to win where FAKE!!!!!!!!


Ps i really start to wander if you can think at all your questions and defences are so stupid

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Especially to Majo &other who it may concearnFISCHER REVEALS SERBIA'S 'OPERATION HORSESHOE.' German
Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer said in Bonn on 6 April
that Serbian security forces set into motion on 26
February a plan called "Operation Horseshoe" aimed at
the expulsion of the ethnic Albanian population from
Kosova, the "Berliner Zeitung" reported. Fischer added
that he deeply regrets that he did not take Milosevic
seriously when the Yugoslav leader told him in early
March that Serbian forces could empty Kosova "within a
week." Fischer stressed that Serbia is likely to emerge
from the current conflict as a truncated state and that
Milosevic will become known as "Serbia's destroyer." The
foreign minister said that it is an "extremely difficult
question" whether the West could accept Milosevic as a
negotiating partner in eventual peace talks. Fischer
noted that a lasting peace in the Balkans will require
security guarantees for all states in the region, at
least 20 years of EU economic assistance, and the
development of democratic structures. PM

This is from a independant source called RFE/RL


PS a shame we were not able to open our eyes.Even more shamefull that you can't Maja & companions

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Will SOMEONE answer just one simple question? Why must the U.S. always play Savior?

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What would the present look like today if the good old USA handn't finally gotton off of there but during WW2? Would it have been controlled by the Nazi's or communists. If you don't meet force with force you will be eaten alive.
Its like this if there is a mean dog in the fence am I going to rob or molest the occupants of the house or will I go for the easy pickings.
It seems like Milosevic hasn't gone back for seconds after his first misadventure known as Slovenia.

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Maja, Kolina is onto something. Did Milo mislead the people of Yugoslavia? If he did, then it's no wonder he was voted in. Too, the ethnic Albanians were boycotting the elections because they were disenfranchised. That was a mistake. If one don't register one's dissatisfaction somehow, then one is stuck in the unenviable position of keeping one's trap shut about the outcome. phil

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Vanity Fair,november,1999.
"America,the last empire" by Gore Vidal

" ...instead of shrinking, EXPAND our phantom empire in Europe by popping everyone into NATO.
No reason to have any particular enemy,though,who knows,if sufficiently goaded,Russia might again be persuaded to play Great Satan in our somewhat dusty chamber of horrors.
With an expanded NATO,our arms makers- if not workers-are in for a bonanza . "

Later : "Upon joining NATO,the lucky new club member is obliged to buy expensive weapons from the likes of ... "

"Did anyone speak out during the half-century that
got us $5 trillion into debt while reducing the median household income by ..."

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Check out this site. When the page opens find the
serbiancafe forum section. Read the post and put your 2 cents in a see how your response is affecter by the moderator. Is it called censorship?


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Sorry missed a letter.


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For the " freedom-loving democracy eager" readers:

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Greek daily: NATO has lost 88 men, 32
April 08, 1999

Athens, April 7 (Tanjug)- The
NATO generals in Brussels cannot
hide their anger and deep concern
with the losses the alliance has
sustained in its war operations
against Yugoslavia, the Greek daily
Athinaiki writes Wednesday.

The daily said it had obtained top
secret information according to
which 88 NATO troops had been
reported missing. About half of them are Americans, 11 are German, 8
French, 7 British, and 18 are from other NATO member-states.

The NATO believes its missing soldiers are not dead, the daily writes.

According to the same sources, the NATO has so far also lost 32 aircraft
in its operations against Yugoslavia.

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Daniela, that's called overheated election cycle republican rhetoric. Those dumb-as*es want to have their cake and eat it too. If you pay too much attention to it, you'll not be able to have babies. Rest assured if the democarats were in control you'd see something similar. It's friggin amazing how opposits can both be right. But you got to realize the dumb-as*es couldn't get Clinton out of office either and hell they had the 'dress.' So take what they say with a grain of salt, or maybe two, or three... Aw hell, give it a bucket. ;o) phil

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srbin, did you notice the absense of quotes or of attributed sorces? Did you also notice that there is no way to determine if the attribution at the end of the article is talking about the article itself or about something unrelated? In the final analysis it's just so much progaganda.

Ask yoursef, "Self, did I see any pictures of these 32 aircraft on Free Serbia TV?" Self will have to answer,"Not no, but hell no!"

Surely the dumb-as*es would have broken their friggin necks to get the footage to the TV station and spent days parading the wreckage for all to see and take comfort in and be proud of. No? phil

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