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Archive through April 9, 1999

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Pete, I like your angle and I agree with most of your assessment. Sadly, I think it will all evolve quite differently.

1. The bombs must not stop until the Serb war machine (infrastructure, supplies and equipment)is severely damaged. It is about time we break them because over the last decade the Serb police and army has been sowing destruction in Croatia, Bosnia, and now Kosovo. Was the KLA active in all these countries? Leave the police and army intact and he will continue unto Montenegro, Macedonia and Albania. Greater Serbia must never be.

2. Kosovars will return to their country albeit escorted by armies of the free world. Capital from the west will rebuild the nation. Sovereignity will be discussed at a later stage.

3. Punish all war criminals. VERY important. Watch closely : it is not unlikely that Milosovic himself will purge the Serb police and argue that he had no prior knowledge of the massacres.

4. Inform the Serb people - give them access to free news of the free nations of the world. Take their best journalist into the refugee camps, like the Allied took German citizens to see concentration camps after WWII.

5. Give the Serb leadership massive dosage of free Thorazine because I think they hear voices.

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the agresion on Yugoslavia is a fascist one and the people who started, are fascists too. They are war criminals, not Milo and his clique (who are not angels either...).
The agresion started with a wrong reason, and now the westerners authors are in a full delirium, because there is a bad posibility for them :that people realise THE TRUTH.

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Americans would like to know the truth of what is happening. And we would like to hear both sides of the story. Please let us keep the lines of communications open. Not all of us believe that bombing is the way to solve a problem.

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Americans would like to know the truth of what is happening. And we would like to hear both sides of the story. Please let us keep the lines of communications open. Not all of us believe that bombing is the way to solve a problem.

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Background of Serb/Albanian Conflict

Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting 130 W. 25th Street New York, NY 10001

Rescued from the Memory Hole: Background of Serb/Albanian Conflict

March 31, 1999

There is always intense pressure in wartime for media outlets to serve as propagandists rather than journalists. While the role of the
journalist is to present the world in all its complexity, so that people can make up their own minds, the propagandist simplifies the world in
order to mobilize the public behind a common goal.

One basic simplification is to interpret a conflict in terms of villains and victims, with no qualification allowed for either role. Conflicts in
the real world rarely fall into such simple categories: Particularly in ethnic conflicts, both sides usually have legitimate grievances that are
often used to justify a new round of abuses against the other side.

In presenting the background to the Kosovo conflict, U.S. news outlets usually begin with Serbia's revocation of the Kosovo Albanians'
autonomy in 1989. This was a crucial decision, one of the major reasons for the rise of the Kosovo Liberation Army. It also destabilized
the Yugoslavian system and contributed to the country's breakup.

Yet media accounts have rarely explained why Serbia lifted Kosovo's autonomy. The attached article, from the New York Times in 1987,
gives important background to this decision. Although the article is easily found in the Nexis database, little to none of this information
has found its way into contemporary coverage of Kosovo, in the Times or anywhere else.

If one read a similar history of Kosovo written today, one would likely dismiss it as pro-Serb propaganda. Yet this was written 12 years
ago, when Kosovo was an obscure corner of the world, and the New York Times would not seem to have any particular interest in
defending Serbs or attacking Albanians.

It should be kept in mind that some of the charges in this article may be exaggerated or politically motivated. Of course, the same is true of
atrocity reports that are being carried in the New York Times and other papers today.

The New York Times
November 1, 1987, Sunday, Late City Final Edition
Section 1; Part 1, Page 14, Column 1;

"In Yugoslavia, Rising Ethnic Strife Brings Fears of Worse Civil Conflict"

By DAVID BINDER, Special to the New York Times

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia

Portions of southern Yugoslavia have reached such a state of ethnic friction that Yugoslavs have begun to talk of the horrifying
possibility of ''civil war'' in a land that lost one-tenth of its population, or 1.7 million people, in World War II.

The current hostilities pit separatist-minded ethnic Albanians against the various Slavic populations of Yugoslavia and occur at all
levels of society, from the highest officials to the humblest peasants.

A young Army conscript of ethnic Albanian origin shot up his barracks, killing four sleeping Slavic bunkmates and wounding six

The army says it has uncovered hundreds of subversive ethnic Albanian cells in its ranks. Some arsenals have been raided.

Vicious Insults

Ethnic Albanians in the Government have manipulated public funds and regulations to take over land belonging to Serbs. And
politicians have exchanged vicious insults.

Slavic Orthodox churches have been attacked, and flags have been torn down. Wells have been poisoned and crops burned. Slavic
boys have been knifed, and some young ethnic Albanians have been told by their elders to rape Serbian girls.

Ethnic Albanians comprise the fastest growing nationality in Yugoslavia and are expected soon to become its third largest, after
the Serbs and Croats.

Radicals' Goals

The goal of the radical nationalists among them, one said in an interview, is an ''ethnic Albania that includes western Macedonia,
southern Montenegro, part of southern Serbia, Kosovo and Albania itself.'' That includes large chunks of the republics that make
up the southern half of Yugoslavia.

Other ethnic Albanian separatists admit to a vision of a greater Albania governed from Pristina in southern Yugoslavia rather than
Tirana, the capital of neighboring Albania.

There is no evidence that the hard-line Communist Government in Tirana is giving them material assistance.

The principal battleground is the region called Kosovo, a high plateau ringed by mountains that is somewhat smaller than New
Jersey. Ethnic Albanians there make up 85 percent of the population of 1.7 million. The rest are Serbians and Montenegrins.

Worst Strife in Years

As Slavs flee the protracted violence, Kosovo is becoming what ethnic Albanian nationalists have been demanding for years, and
especially strongly since the bloody rioting by ethnic Albanians in Pristina in 1981 - an ''ethnically pure'' Albanian region, a
''Republic of Kosovo' ' in all but name.

The violence, a journalist in Kosovo said, is escalating to ''the worst in the last seven years.''

Many Yugoslavs blame the troubles on the ethnic Albanians, but the matter is more complex in a country with as many
nationalities and religions as Yugoslavia's and involves economic development, law, politics, families and flags. As recently as 20
years ago, the Slavic majority treated ethnic Albanians as inferiors to be employed as hewers of wood and carriers of heating coal.
The ethnic Albanians, who now number 2 million, were officially deemed a minority, not a constituent nationality, as they are

Were the ethnic tensions restricted to Kosovo, Yugoslavia's problems with its Albanian nationals might be more manageable. But
some Yugoslavs and some ethnic Albanians believe the struggle has spread far beyond Kosovo. Macedonia, a republic to the
south with a population of 1.8 million, has a restive ethnic Albanian minority of 350,000.

''We've already lost western Macedonia to the Albanians,'' said a member of the Yugoslav party presidium, explaining that the
ethnic minority had driven the Slavic Macedonians out of the region.

Attacks on Slavs

Last summer, the authorities in Kosovo said they documented 40 ethnic Albanian attacks on Slavs in two months. In the last two
years, 320 ethnic Albanians have been sentenced for political crimes, nearly half of them characterized as severe.

In one incident, Fadil Hoxha, once the leading politician of ethnic Albanian origin in Yugoslavia, joked at an official dinner in
Prizren last year that Serbian women should be used to satisfy potential ethnic Albanian rapists. After his quip was reported this
October, Serbian women in Kosovo protested, and Mr. Hoxha was dismissed from the Communist Party.

As a precaution, the central authorities dispatched 380 riot police officers to the Kosovo region for the first time in four years.

Officials in Belgrade view the ethnic Albanian challenge as imperiling the foundations of the multinational experiment called
federal Yugoslavia, which consists of six republics and two provinces.

'Lebanonizing' of Yugoslavia

High-ranking officials have spoken of the ''Lebanonizing'' of their country and have compared its troubles to the strife in Northern

Borislav Jovic, a member of the Serbian party's presidency, spoke in an interview of the prospect of ''two Albanias, one north and
one south, like divided Germany or Korea,'' and of ''practically the breakup of Yugoslavia.'' He added: ''Time is working against

The federal Secretary for National Defense, Fleet Adm. Branko Mamula, told the army's party organization in September of
efforts by ethnic Albanians to subvert the armed forces. ''Between 1981 and 1987 a total of 216 illegal organizations with 1,435
members of Albanian nationality were discovered in the Yugoslav People's Army,'' he said. Admiral Mamula said ethnic Albanian
subversives had been preparing for ''killing officers and soldiers, poisoning food and water, sabotage, breaking into weapons
arsenals and stealing arms and ammunition, desertion and causing flagrant nationalist incidents in army units.''

Concerns Over Military

Coming three weeks after the ethnic Albanian draftee, Aziz Kelmendi, had slaughtered his Slavic comrades in the barracks at
Paracin, the speech struck fear in thousands of families whose sons were about to start their mandatory year of military service.

Because the Albanians have had a relatively high birth rate, one-quarter of the army's 200,000 conscripts this year are ethnic
Albanians. Admiral Mamula suggested that 3,792 were potential human timebombs.

He said the army had ''not been provided with details relevant for assessing their behavior.'' But a number of Belgrade politicians
said they doubted the Yugoslav armed forces would be used to intervene in Kosovo as they were to quell violent rioting in 1981 in
Pristina. They reason that the army leadership is extremely reluctant to become involved in what is, in the first place, a political

Ethnic Albanians already control almost every phase of life in the autonomous province of Kosovo, including the police, judiciary,
civil service, schools and factories. Non-Albanian visitors almost immediately feel the independence - and suspicion - of the ethnic
Albanian authorities.

Region's Slavs Lack Strength

While 200,000 Serbs and Montenegrins still live in the province, they are scattered and lack cohesion. In the last seven years,
20,000 of them have fled the province, often leaving behind farmsteads and houses, for the safety of the Slavic north.

Until September, the majority of the Serbian Communist Party leadership pursued a policy of seeking compromise with the
Kosovo party hierarchy under its ethnic Albanian leader, Azem Vlasi.

But during a 30-hour session of the Serbian central committee in late September, the Serbian party secretary, Slobodan Milosevic,
deposed Dragisa Pavlovic, as head of Belgrade's party organization, the country's largest. Mr. Milosevic accused Mr. Pavlovic of
being an appeaser who was soft on Albanian radicals. Mr. Milosevic had courted the Serbian backlash vote with speeches in
Kosovo itself calling for ''the policy of the hard hand.''

''We will go up against anti-Socialist forces, even if they call us Stalinists,'' Mr. Milosevic declared recently. That a Yugoslav
politician would invite someone to call him a Stalinist even four decades after Tito's epochal break with Stalin, is a measure of the
state into which Serbian politics have fallen. For the moment, Mr. Milosevic and his supporters appear to be staking their careers
on a strategy of confrontation with the Kosovo ethnic Albanians.

Other Yugoslav politicians have expressed alarm. ''There is no doubt Kosovo is a problem of the whole country, a powder keg on
which we all sit,'' said Milan Kucan, head of the Slovenian Communist Party.

Remzi Koljgeci, of the Kosovo party leadership, said in an interview in Pristina that ''relations are cold'' between the ethnic
Albanians and Serbs of the province, that there were too many ''people without hope.''

But many of those interviewed agreed it was also a rare opportunity for Yugoslavia to take radical political and economic steps, as
Tito did when he broke with the Soviet bloc in 1948.

Efforts are under way to strengthen central authority through amendments to the constitution. The League of Communists is
planning an extraordinary party congress before March to address the country's grave problems.

The hope is that something will be done then to exert the rule of law in Kosovo while drawing ethnic Albanians back into
Yugoslavia's mainstream.

Copyright 1987 The New York Times Company

ACTION ALERT: If you agree that the background in this article is important for a complete understanding of the Kosovo crisis, please
pass this post on to others. You might also contact media outlets and ask that they present a fuller picture of the background to the
conflict. The New York Times may be reached at:

Letters to the editor

Adam Clymer, Washington Correspondent

Contact information for other media outlets may be found at:

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Hey Herb. I like your idea!
Peace not WoD

Reputable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 333

Do you people have any idea what was bombed last
night at least, if not all other days ?
Go see some photos, you heroes in support of war
and destruction.And in search for the truth .

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Posts: 36


Maja i do deny this is all about a GREAT Albania or any other greater countries.I don't know if you've ever noticed but Albania is the poorest country off europe. So even if Albania would wan't it(im not implying that they do) it's totaly out of the question.

About KLA I don't deny there excistance i DO deny that they started all this.They started defending themselfs(KLA KOSOVARS) because so called Serbian police and Arkans tiger forcer took over the place.

You stated yourself in a earlyer message once "if you want freedom fight for it" that is exacly what KLA is doing although i prefer to call them as it should UCK.

You tell me i should be lucky to be alive.You don't know anything about my situation and if im so lucky afterall.

They Serbs tortured me halve to death then threw me out on the street without nothing then my own thorn clothing and went later after my husband and 3 children. If i look in the mirror everyday i still see what they did to me.

Answer me this why should i be lucky to be alive?The only reason i can think of is im lucky to be alive cause the did not manage to remove my brain.
Conclusion Don't just assume that people are still ok even if they are in a different country now.

Yes i too want to go back to Sarajevo only if i would want to life there permanent tell me where and how do i manage not to get shot anyway?

Im a muslim with christian lastname(my husband was christian) Please answer me these questions?


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To Phil

Maja can't answe the question obviously about Milosevic misleading the people.

To Maja.
Maja i wonder what your age is, cause off all the asumptions you make? Do not get me wrong also younger people have a right to speak there minds.


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I have some links on my url

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You speak thrue words there.I agree with you we should look at the future.

But looking at the future can ONLY be accomplished by openly looking at your mistakes.
And be willing to learn from them as well. As you point out yourself people are still slaughtering eachother over 2 cm of extra land.Perhaps it's not the time yet to look at the past and openly admit what went wrong,and how it all could have been prevented. As much as you do i hope in all of (ex yugoslavia) it will be a better, safer, more piecefull place.

Are you inplying you would have voted for SLOB?

If you would have read my story well you might have seen the answer was already there.Even Phil pointed some stuff out.


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it is obvious that you have never been involved or seen a real war. Otherwise you would know why buildings only have there roofs blown off
Curled up behind you computer screen and watching platoon and saving private ryan is about as close to war you as you'll let yourself get

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Joined: 17 years ago
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My only question is when will be the right time to look at the past and openly admit what went wrong? Where all sides will take responsiblity for their mistakes?
Why is everyone so willing to die and suffer for the past? One knows the past can't be changed. What has happened before can never be rectified. Why live where nothing can be changed? It would be better to start over and forgive all past transgressions with everyone being equal with a right to live freely.
It is just so hard for me to understand. I have never experienced such hatred for others. I've seen prejudice but never such hatred.

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To whom it may conearn.
Ministry spokesman said in Skopje on 9 April that a
soldier was found dead near a watchtower 100 meters
inside Macedonian territory in the Blace area. The
spokesman added that the soldier was killed by a shot
fired from the Yugoslav side of the border. The
soldier's patrol had challenged an unidentified man to
stop. The man fled into nearby woods, after which the
shot that killed the Macedonian soldier was fired, AP
reported. A NATO spokesman said that the incident took
place the previous afternoon. Reuters added that two
Macedonian soldiers were also wounded in the incident.
The Serbian military machine dwarfs Macedonia's
fledgling army. PM Source Radio Free Europe


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Department spokesman James Rubin said in Washington on 8
April that "independently we've been able to confirm
that the Serb forces are conducting this type of ethnic
cleansing," pointing to aerial photographs of damage
before and after the entry of Serbian forces into four
towns in Kosova, AFP reported. He added that Washington
is also tracking "credible" reports of summary
executions or "mass killings" in eight towns, including
one in which 200 people may have been killed. In Bonn,
German Defense Minister Rudolf Scharping told a press
conference that "near the town or village of Pastric, a
massacre has taken place in the last 24 hours. Near the
village of Sopi, 35 unarmed civilians were executed." PM

If fact are there what are you who deny this all denying?


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