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Archive through April 9, 1999

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I wish i could answer that question for you.

The only thing i can answer you is looking from my own perspective.For you i am glad you never had to experience hatred, cause i did experience it.
I myself try not to hate but i must admit that its very difficult not too. people did something terrible and for me irrivearable, and thats hard to forgive or forget .For me every day is a litteral struggle.And still i always tell myself i can forgive, but never forget.

Sue there is really a great difference between ignorance,prejudice etc then having lived through the real thing.I will not lowe myself and discust you or others with the details.


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This kind of news is the sole problem to have the
problem solved.
It's too late now to find out what really happened outside this tragic theater? The "truth" is out
there : Serbian army is guilty until proven inocent ; there we have it, already a conclusion to this incident.
Kolina, Sue was just trying to tell you something.
Hallooo Kolinaaa ! No, I don't think it reaches her...
Therefore we should continue with bombing killing
total destruction, to create better misery just to shaw that we know what a democracy means.
Like lecturing Chinese on 'human rights', when in New York " the unarmed street vendor was killed
when police fired 41 SHOTS at him on Feb.4 "

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Dan is short for Daniel.: )

I'm sure most in the Serbian Army are not guilty, but read this report from the Human Rights Watch.
Milosevic and his Military leaders KNOW what's going on, they arn't blind.

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Thomas, I went in just as the Cuban missle crisis broke out and got out just as Vietnam was getting cranked up. Spent most of my tour in Chateroux, France in hand-to-hand combat with French babes. Also did some work on C118 Flying Command Posts, C124s, C130s and C133s, F100s, F101 Voodoos, F102s, F104s, F105s and some other odd aircraft. ;o) phil

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Thomas, I should have signed the previous message as SmartBomb. You probably could tell I'm both and a SmartAs* too, sometimes! ;o) phil/SmBm

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If there is no ethnic cleansing going on in Yugoslavia, what does the USA have to gain from bombing a third rate, third world country that has nothing they need or want? The USA is expending millions of dollars and risking their sons lives for what, if there is no genocide occuring?
Please answer me you poor, pathetic, brainwashed, fools!

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True an unarmed innocent man was shot at 41 times and killed in NY. But, as you very well know it is completely unacceptable and those officers will be on trial for murder. The people of NY and the rest of the US do not think this is acceptable and allow this type of behavior to continue. They (officers) have to answer for their actions.
Americans did not look the other way.

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Oh Thomas, and to answer your point more directly, no I have never been in combat, for which I thank God daily. I do know what can cause a house's roof to be blown off however. One hell of a big explosion nearby.

My point was that the bomb was not directed at the house or houses that had their roofs blown off, but at something else nearby that maybe housed munitions or other high explosives.

Oh, and also, since I live in a toronado area I've seen similar damage many, many times. In fact just a year ago this past Wednesday was the most recent time for me. An F5 toronado droped to the ground and stayed on the gound for some 24 kilometers. The place looked a lot like a war zone afterward. phil

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Vanity Fair 11/97
" America , the last empire" by Gore Vidal

" Fifty years ago, the American Republic set forth to become the American Empire. In the name of saving the world from Communism , its leaders created a National Security State , engaged in perhaps a hundred covert and overt wars, and run up $5 trillion in debt. The winners were the arms merchants; the losers, the hoodwinked citizens of the United States.
...Actually, as we shall see, NATO was created
so that the United States could dominate Western
Europe militarily, politically, and economically; any current extension means that more nations and territories will come under American control ...

The United States an empire ? Are we not a freedom-loving perfect democracy eager to exibit our state-of-the-art economy to old Europe as a model of what you can do in the way of making money for the few by eliminating labor unions and such decadent frills as public health and education ?...

Although many still reflexivelly object to the world "empire", we have military bases i every continent, as well as 10 aboard the aircraft carrier called the United Kingdom. For 50 years
we have supported too many tyrants, overthrown too many democratic governments, wasted too much of our own money in other people's civil wars to pretend that we're just helping out all those poor little folks all round the world who love freedom and democracy just like we do....

...instead of shrinking , expand our phantom empire in Europe by popping everyone into NATO ?
No reason to have any particular enemy, though, who knows, if sufficiently goaded, Russia might again be persuaded to play Great Satan in our somewhat dusty chamber of horrors ....

...since the new members of Nato have precarious economies-and the old ones are not exactly booming
-the American taxpayer, a wan goose that lays few eggs, will have to borrow ever more money to foot the bill ..."

The whole article is much more amusing or tragicomical...

"Upon the breaking and shivering of a great state
and empire, you may be sure to have wars ."
Francis Bacon

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according to "Int. Trib."from the 7th of March
it won't happen what you are claiming - but that was not the point (if there is going to be a trial or not) rather - how secure are you when the police blows you with 41 bullets ?
What would happen in US to one who kills a policeman ?By the way, KLA was and is killing the police on everyday basis.

some of the information is at:

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If one kills a policeman he will also stand trial. You don't think those policeman are going on trial? You better believe they are. Will they be found guilty? Who's to say. Criminals are found not guilty all the time and are set free. But we have a trial system here where you are judged by 12 of your peers. The evidence is shown in a court of law and 12 people off the street decide if you are guilty or not. You cannot be shot or your house burned down or anything else like that.
If you are holed up and shooting at people from your house then you can expect to be shot, but just because you've been accused of a crime does not mean you are going to be killed. Oh, and their is also no guilt of association. They have to prove you committed a crime.
As you already know about the Diallo case; the officers have already been indicted on 2nd degree murder charges. It means they're going to trial if they don't plea bargain.

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Radioactive weapons used by U.S./NATO in Kosovo

The International Action Center, a group that opposes the use of depleted-uranium weapons, called the Pentagon's decision to use the A-10 "Warthog" jets against targets in Kosovo "a danger to the people and environment of the entire Balkans."

The A-10s were the anti-tank weapon of choice in the 1991 war against Iraq. It carries a GAU-8/A Avenger 30 millimeter seven-barrel cannon capable of firing 4,200 rounds per minute. During that war it fired 30 mm rounds reinforced with depleted uranium, a radioactive weapon.

There is solid scientific evidence that the depleted uranium residue left in Iraq is responsible for a large increase in stillbirths, children born with defects, and childhood leukemia and other cancers in the area of southern Iraq near Basra, where most of these shells were fired. Many U.S. veterans groups also say that DU residues contributed to the condition called "Gulf War Syndrome" that has affected close to 100,000 service people in the U.S. and Britain with chronic sickness.

John Catalinotto, a spokesperson from the Depleted Uranium Education Project of the International Action Center and an editor of the 1997 book Metal of Dishonor: Depleted Uranium, said the use of DU weapons in Yugoslavia "adds a new dimension to the crime NATO is perpetrating against the Yugoslav people--including those in Kosovo."

Catalinotto explained that the Pentagon uses DU, a waste product of the uranium enrichment process used for making atomic bombs and nuclear fuel, because it is extremely dense--1.7 times as dense as lead. "DU is used in alloy form in shells to make them penetrate targets better. As the shell hits its target, it burns and releases uranium oxide into the air. The poisonous and radioactive uranium is most dangerous when inhaled into the body, where it will release radiation during the life of the person who inhaled it," said Catalinotto.

Sara Flounders, a contributing author of Metal of Dishonor: Depleted Uranium and the Co-Director of the International Action Center, said, "Warthogs fired roughly 940,000 rounds of DU shells during the Gulf War. More than 600,000 pounds of radioactive waste was left in the Gulf Region after the war. And DU weapons in smaller number were already used by NATO troops during the bombing of Serbian areas of Bosnia in 1995.

"The use of Warthogs with DU shells threatens to make a nuclear wasteland of Kosovo," Flounders said. " The pentagon is laying waste to the very people--along with their children--they claim to be saving; this is another reason for fighting to end NATO's attack on Yugoslavia.

"Worldwide protests against these bombings are growing. The U.S. use of radioactive weapons must be linked to all the protests and opposition that is taking place internationally to the bombing.
These protests must be joined by environmental activists, veterans groups, anti-nuclear groups, and all those who know the long-term destruction to the environment and to whole civilian populations that this type of warfare will cause."

Flounders said that Metal of Dishonor: Depleted Uranium, which has been translated and published in Arabic and Japanese, will be coming out soon with a second edition.

International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, #206,
New York, NY 10011
fax: 212-633-2889
web site:

Press Contact: Sara Flounders or John Catalinotto, 212-633-6646

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I don't know what ever happened to the message i sent but ok i'll do it again.

To sue please read a earlyer messeage from me, cause i did give you a answe.

TO Daniela

If you also read a earlyer posting you can see that i agree with Sue.So why are you Bullin me?
Things get through to me loud and clear.
First read what i wrote then come back if you still think nothing came through my thick scull.You better ask yourself if the message to Sue came through your thick scull.

In short i happen to agree with sue and told some other things too READ IT FIST BEFORE YOU BULL ME!



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the ethnic cleansing are going on all of the world, so why we should be care about some Albanians?

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We are stupid Mexican soldiers.

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