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Archive through April 9, 1999

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From the War Crimes Tribunal of a Higher Court:-


Even if not a single crime has been perpetrated by the serbian authorities in Kosovo it is absolutely necessary to punish milosovic and his genocide-machine for the crime of the destruction of another nation. For the crime of uprooting and dividing its people who, although having different ethnicity by name, inter-mixed as far as it was possible for them to do so. For the destruction of this harmony. For dividing these people and dividing their families. For the orphaning of their children. For the murder of neighbour upon neighbour. For the systematic policy of 'ethnically cleansing' this land. A policy which involved the looting and burning of entire towns and villages; nay, whole cities. For overtaking their homes,life savings; everything they had worked for. For the policy of setting up concentration camps for the purpose of raping and torturing women and children. For the destruction of centuries old monuments, libraries, religious places and execution of intellectuals and thinkers of that nation;- indeed for trying to implement the systematic annhialation of an entire culture and spirit of a people. Ultimately, for sowing new seeds of conflict and bloodshed for years to come and leaving scars on the hearts and minds of an entire people;- The people of Bosnia-Herzogovina!


You may try to run now, but the justice of a higher law, higher than the courts of mortal men, shall seek you out- slobodan milosovic, radovan karadic, ratko mladic, arkan and all other minor life forms of cess;- you're time has run out!

"...and the mischeive makers; they shall look bewildered and scatter in disarray. Then shall they know what they have done".


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Three of us: young and urbane, ihabitants of Belgrade (actress, student of psychology and travel agency proprietor; 23F, 20M and 32M), are sheltering in one old Belgrade appartment, without any chance to continue our previous lives.
We lost our jobs because of this ineffective war and any sane hope for future.
What do we need? Solidarity! Racognition! Acceptance! And we do know that there is a lot of you, with farely enough will&money, out there, who might help us surviving this (Oh! Camp!) - unbearable lightness of being.
Act now and send us whatever you might think we need, on: Natasa Markovic, Stojana Protica 42, 11000 Beograd, Yugoslavia.

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Three of us: young and urbane, ihabitants of Belgrade (actress, student of psychology and travel agency proprietor; 23F, 20M and 32M), are sheltering in one old Belgrade appartment, without any chance to continue our previous lives.
We lost our jobs because of this ineffective war and any sane hope for future.
What do we need? Solidarity! Recognition! Acceptance! And we do know that there is a lot of you, with farely enough will&money, out there, who might help us surviving this (Oh! Camp!) - unbearable lightness of being.
Act now and send us whatever you might think we need, on: Natasa Markovic, Stojana Protica 42, 11000 Beograd, Yugoslavia.

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NATO bombs on wednesday morning killed among others one ethnic Turkish family of five ;there were other civilians killed too, all over Yugoslavia ; but it doesn't matter since CNN's
viewer's vote shows : Is it acceptable to have Serb civilian casualties in the NATO bombing campaign of Yugoslavia ?
(viewers' of Sweden,Denmark,Norway and UK said)
yes 75%
no 25%
And NATO confirmed that they've "made a mistake";
so we are ok now.
Not to mention that Yugoslavia represents various
nationalities - but, if we can bomb only "Serbs"
among them it's fine.

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Yugoslavia various nationalities-yes
Greater Serbia various nationalities-no
The war is with the leader of Greater Serbia

In any war Civilians are killed.

You seem to know quite a few figures of how many have been killed in Serbia; how many ethnic Albanians have been killed in Kosovo?
I see you still have access to the internet. I wonder how many Albanians are e-mailing their thoughts at this moment? HMMM?

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Please stop at this stupid war, find other solution talk with the barbaries NATO and Milosevic , find the peace, only see NATO and Milosevic at this pour people imagines.

NATO and Milosevic are crazy !

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Please stop at this stupid war, find other solution talk with the barbaries NATO and Milosevic , find the peace, only see! NATO and Milosevic. At this poor people imagines.

NATO and Milosevic are crazy !

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We deserve it!

Three of us: young and urbane, ihabitants of Belgrade (actress, student of psychology and travel agency proprietor; 23F, 20M and 32M), are sheltering in one old Belgrade appartment, without any chance to continue our previous lives.
We lost our jobs because of this ineffective war and any sane hope for future.
What do we need? Solidarity! Recognition! Acceptance! And we do know that there is a lot of you, with farely enough will&money, out there, who might help us surviving this (Oh! Camp!) - unbearable lightness of being.
Act now and send us whatever you might think we need, on: Natasa Markovic, Stojana Protica 42, 11000 Beograd, Yugoslavia.

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 182

Tired of getting brainwashed ? Don't miss this:

April 10: An Internet Conference on Kosovo

SCOTTSDALE, Apr. 9 - The Scottsdale, Arizona-based "We Hold These Truths" organization is planning to run tomorrow (Sat.)an Internet conference in order to try to get to the real truth about what is going on in Kosovo and Serbia. Here is their invitation for all interested people with access to the Internet to participate in the conference:

"Do you question the veracity of the news from Yugoslavia? If your answer is "Yes", join the Internet Liberty Bell Conference, April 10 at 12:00, noon Eastern Daylight Savings time (17:00 Greenwich Mean Time), and every week at the same time. WHTT Directors Chuck Carlson and Tom Compton will continue with part II, 'Understanding the War in Kosovo,' and the scheme that former President George Bush called "the New World Order."


* Who effectively controls your government from behind the scenes;

* How the internationalist "Warmakers" planned Kosova's war years ago;

* How "smart bombs" destroy "infrastructure" without causing "collateral damage";

* How the Warmakers have rigged gas prices into the stratosphere;

* Why the Judeo-Christian Celebrities do not resist brushfire World Wars;

* What you can do.

Tip on using Real Audio: Allow one hour or more for installation, see the step by step instruction on our Web site.

To join the conference, click then follow the instructions on Liberty Bell Corner Live. There is no charge. Your study guide is The Warmaker Series on,}. Invite friends and family. Part I is available on audio tape.

We Hold These Truths

4839 E. Greenway Rd. #151

Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Phone:(602) 443 0204; Fax:(602) 348 1625

Website: ; E-mail:

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I'm sorry you three are cought up in this mess but everything that I could spare was sent to help
some of the thousands and thousands of Albanians that Milosevic forced out of Kosovo. They don't have anything, being they were forced to leave, robbed, some of their family members killed and their homes burned by the Police or Army.

Estimable Member
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Posts: 182

Pictures from Zlatibor:

Estimable Member
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Posts: 182

Pictures from Zlatibor:

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Posts: 3

You all seem to be intelligent people. Please give me an answer to this question that I have posted several times with no reply forthcoming.

If there is no ethnic cleansing going on in Yugoslavia, what does the USA have to gain from bombing a third world country that has nothing the americans need or want? The USA is expending millions of dollars and risking their sons lives for what, if there is no genocide occuring?

I am sorry you are having hardships, but they are nothing in comparison to what the Kosovar refugees are reporting to the relief agencies that the Serbian military, police, and paramilitary units are perpetrating upon them.

Please answer me.

Thank you,

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