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Archive through January 28, 2000

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M'seiu L',

I accept our criticism. My phrasing of a thought was not appropriate and I apologize to any and all who found it offensive.

However, the thought and question remain - how can the extreme behavior of the K-Albanians be explained. . . . and I mean EXTREME. It is well beyond anything that can be brushed aside as simply 'revenge' or 'reaction' to Serb oppression. And it isn't only directed at Serbs. ANYONE not in line with the core KLA is a potential target. Got any ideas?


(BTW - relay man? care to explain?)

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check yr yahoo mail in the next day or two and i will have xplained the 'relay man' reference. 'kay?
i wont put it on the board. not that it's a big deal.


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ideas, he says...nothin defensible bout that kinda sh*t.
but, us not having been there...maybe it >isnt< "well beyond anything etc." as much as it forever should have been ===== for all the eons wherein this sort of activity has never ceased, one place or another.

password: payback's a bitch.
for all the bloody good it has =ever=done.

"...and THIS time, we didnt forget the GRAVY"

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To Roger Mathesson

Fowl? You mean they're chickens???

(Or is it turkeys?)


(Couldn't resist that one!)

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Wake me when ya'll get back.


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quiet week, eh, m'sieu gunns?

last one out of the yugo room be sure to turn off
the lights.

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Yikes!!! You mean there was light in here? Well, I'll be gosh darn.


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I guess I wasn't the only one ruminating on an explanation for the extreme and obsessive behavior displayed by the K-Albanians the last 6 months. Yes, IT IS BEYOND anything that can be brushed aside as simply revenge. There has to be something operating on a much deeper level. I think Jared Israel may be on to something here

Ethnic animosity is one thing, but true racism is an evil that goes to the core.

Think about it.


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i question the ability of you, or i, to make such

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You wrote:

>> i question the ability of you, or i, to make such distinctions.

I'm not sure what you mean. What distinctions? Between ethnic cleansing and racism?


BTW - did you read the article? I've been curious for some time now if others actually read the articles posted here. Particularly those that do not support their point of view.

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Zoja, dear. I posted a message a couple of weeks ago regarding an article you posted here called 'The Seselj Story'. I found Parts 3 & 4 in the archives, but couldn't find the first and second parts. I'd like to read the entire piece.

If you have it, or have access to it, would be so kind and re-post it - or you can email it directly to me.

I would be appreciate it much. Thanks


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zoja and sis are incommunicado until after the new
millenium, i do believe...which is not to say
you'll end up w/what you want.

fine then- i'll make a point of reading that
article, okay? but it's dangerous turf to make
sweeping generalizations in regards to entire
ethnicities. it was unfair when the serbs got that
treatment, and it's no less fair to do the same to

but you seem determined to do just that. and this
is what troubles me. both of us are far, far from

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yeah yeah, i done seen it.
*xenophobia is not racism, semantics
notwithstanding. =koff=
just thought i'd toss that in.

i didnt know about the WWII albanian/nazi link.

but i think 'sweeping generalizations' put the
innocent and uninvolved at unreasonable risk. a
lot of serbs currently seem to be dying as a
result. before that, it was repeated for months on
our end that it was the albanians were dying as a
result. as great as the fiction factor has
revealed itself, it was not utterly without truth.
but i see no need to perpetuate 'sweeping
generalizations' from here, m'sieu gunns. we have
been voyeurs to the whole f*cking mess. it just so
happens that the 'whole f*cking mess' is of a
depth and breadth which i dont think the
less-than-immersed could have conceived of in
their wildest dreams.
i posted here months ago that returning albanians
would very likely do terrible things to serbs.
wasnt particularly intuitive of me to have done
so, and hardly any satisfaction in being correct.

oh, and wouldnt it change anything/everything for
me (as an example) to now say 'you were right all
along!' nah, it changes nothing.

politicians lie.
war kills and kills and kills.
and the fat lady still hasnt sung, aint that

and it's STILL...
all the same to the worms.
and well-fed worms they are, in that part of the

dunno what else to say. maybe later.

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You wrote:

>> zoja and sis are incommunicado until after the new millenium, i do believe...which is not to say you'll end up w/what you want. >>

Why? Is she being petulant at the moment? Well, tell her to get over it. I merely wanted to read the complete article. Notice I didn't question it's veracity, although there is no mention (on parts 3 & 4) of just where, when, or by whom it was written. I'm not even going to critique it. I only found it 'interesting', as a curiosity of, uummmmm -- sweeping generalizations, perhaps?

>> fine then- i'll make a point of reading that article, okay? >>

Well, okay but you really don't HAVE TO, if you don't want to. It's not like it's homework or something. I only asked the question out of curiosity. It wasn't an acussation or a challenge.

Three times in your last two posts you make reference to 'sweeping generalizations':

>> but it's dangerous turf to make sweeping generalizations in regards to entire ethnicities. [...]

. . . .but i think 'sweeping generalizations' put the innocent and uninvolved at unreasonable risk. [...]

. . . .but i see no need to perpetuate 'sweeping generalizations' from here [...] >>

and conclude with:

>> but you seem determined to do just that. >>

No I'm not. I DID NOT make 'sweeping generalizations'. Perhaps you read it that way, but that is NOT what I wrote. I suggested that there was something much deeper going on among the K-Albs. Something that mere revenge doesn't explain. I said that Jared Israel may be on to [that] something in his article.

On the other hand, since you brought it up, I really don't have a problem with 'sweeping generalizations', or stereotypes for that matter; both contain an element of truth, that's why they came about and why they will persist despite the politically correct attempts to mold and curtail speech.

For the record -- at the beginning of my participation in this forum I stated clearly that I am not personally or emotionally involved with the situation in the Balkans; that I am neither pro nor anti any of the ethnic or religious groups involved; that my primary concern was and remains the US involvement and culpability for events happening they way have - not just in Kosovo, but in all the former Yugoslav republics. That said, I do admit having developed a bias towards the Serbs -- but, only insofar as they (as an ethnic group) have been made to be the scapegoat for crimes that ALL parties are guilty of. But the biggest criminal of all is the US (the arrogant and warmongering Clinton administration - Mad Madeleine, Sleazy Rubin, Lying Holbrooke, Gelbhart, Bacon, Herr Cohen, et al), the Brits (Yapping Pit Bull Blair, Cook, etc.), North Atlantic Terrorist Organ and all of it's a**-licking sycophants, and the corporate masters of all the above -- in brief, the architects, planners, plotter, and schemers of the NWO. Ultimately, they will have us all reduced to the level of the Serbs and the Iraqis. Without the devious machinations of the so-called western democracies (not!) all the death, misery, and bloodshed in the former Yugoslavia may not have happened. I feel a tremendous sorrow for the people who have suffered (and still die and suffer) because of the cruel and brutal power plays of others.

stop . . . . I'm much too tired tonight. This is beginning to ramble. I'll leave it for now.


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as before, check yr regular e-mail re: the
sisters. i wont discuss them here. not anymore.

you talkin' bout being "tired tonight" when the
sun's now rising? didja pull an all-nighter?

no, i didnt feel like i'd been 'assigned
homework', mon frere, but the article seemed
significant to this discussion, so i did you the
courtesy of reading it. what a guy, eh?

so i say 'beware sweeping generalizations' and you
say 'there are aspects of truth in stereotypes'.
i wasnt disputing that. i've said as much
elsewhere, in other places and contexts. i said
'beware' because such generalizations can get out
of hand, as they have over and over and etc.

i stumbled across DMS after columbine and found my
way here after the chinese embassy bombing...i
blasted h'niq for some reason (there seemed to be
many at the time) and then was written off-group
by "someone" who said 'be careful, this person can
hurt you'...which is how i came to know "someone",
whose warning was hardly a deterrent to blasting
away at h'niq. and "someone" gave me some personal
backstory which made me literally break down
sobbing in my kitchen, and i posted machine-
gunning vengeance fantasies here.
i regret to say i am not so sure about "someone"
anymore, and if i was made to cry bitterly and
speak of machine-gunning people under
less-than-totally-honest pretenses, well, i can be
my concerns, =koff= have been philosophical and
not political; i've learned enough here to confirm
my general nihilism, or misanthropy, or despair,
or something...a lot of genuinely sincere
individuals here and elsewhere now seem to have
been, and continue to be, 'fooled'...

but i'm not gonna engage in stereotypes or
'sweeping generalizations', i just wont do it. if
that puts my head in the sand, gomen nasai. i've
been anamolous my whole life. i try not to believe
in absolutes of that sort. i wont/cant/dare not
change that.

i think our first exchange involved you talking
about the 'opening abyss' and my replying that the
abyss had hardly begun to open...yet...

are you looking forward to the 21st century? i'm
and having matched your ramblage, i'll move on.

ho to the 3rd.

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