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Archive through January 28, 2000

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kosovo???where??/ what ??? who???

O what a hell, just bomb them all.
We have a lot of bombs and our pilots need some training and we have biiiiig surplus so we can afford it.

KLA, who, what?? terrorists?? freedom fighter??? aaaaaa, o well they are playing alone with us, let make them friends.

Milosovic, hmm.. he said bad words about me, where is my biig baseball bat.

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arkan THE KITY died like dog

and he was a thief for your information

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) _ Masked gunmen shot and killed a  notorious Serb paramilitary leader on Saturday in the lobby of the  Belgrade Intercontinental Hotel.  

Zeljko Raznatovic, better known as Arkan, was taken to a  hospital for emergency surgery, police said. A doctor at Belgrade's  emergency hospital, who asked not to be identified, said he had  seen Arkan and that "all vital functions had stopped."  

The official Tanjug news agency later confirmed that Arkan had  died and that two others with him had been shot, including a  bodyguard who was also killed. Other media reports said that his  sister-in-law was wounded in the attack.  

There was no word of arrests, suspects or a motive.  

Witnesses differed on the number of assailants. Some said that  Arkan was shot by a group of masked attackers. Others spoke of one  gunman. The independent Studio B television network reported two  attackers.  

A source in the Intercontinental Hotel, who asked not to be  named, said the gunmen escaped after at least one bullet hit Arkan  in the eye while he was sitting in a sectioned-off part of the  lobby.  

Arkan, 47, and his paramilitary forces have been accused of  involvement in atrocities during Serbia's war with Croatia.  Reputedly one of Serbia's wealthiest individuals, Arkan was a  longtime ally of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.  

Arkan was indicted for war crimes in Bosnia in September 1997,  but the indictment was kept under wraps until the NATO air campaign  in the Balkans began in March. His paramilitary forces also have  been accused of involvement in atrocities during the Croatian war,  which broke out in 1991. Arkan's forces sided with Serb rebels in  both wars.  

Full details of the charges have not been released, but former  British Defense Minister George Robertson said last year that Arkan  was indicted for the 1991 massacre of 250 men taken from a hospital  in Vukovar, Croatia.  

The tribunal made public his indictment in an apparent attempt  to dissuade him from joining the Serb crackdown in Kosovo.  

He denied involvement in war crimes.  

Opposition leaders, reacting to the killing, alluded to Arkan's  link to Milosevic.  

"Someone who knew a lot and took part in many things was  killed," said Goran Svilanovic, a leader of the anti-Milosevic  Civic Alliance, adding that Arkan "was very close to the  authorities, or so it seemed."  

Vladan Batic, also with the Civic Alliance said: "Someone is  pulling the strings and decides who's going to be next."  

In London, the British Foreign Office issued a statement saying  it had confirmed Arkan's death. British Foreign Secretary Robin  Cook said, "Arkan lived violently so it is therefore no surprise  that he died violently."  

"I regret his death because it prevents us doing justice to the  victims of his atrocities by seeing him in the dock of at The Hague  war crimes tribunal," the statement added.  

Arkan's long criminal record goes back to the 1970s and 1980s  when he became a suspect in bank and jewelry store robberies in  Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. In 1981 he managed to  escape from a heavily guarded hospital room in Frankfurt. The  international police, Interpol, issued three arrest warrants for  him.  

In the early 1980s, Arkan was reportedly recruited by  Yugoslavia's secret service to be an assassin in charge of killing  dissidents living in the West, mostly Croats and Kosovo Albanians.  

Working for Serbian police, Arkan was later in charge of  organizing Belgrade soccer fans to cause trouble at stadiums in  neighboring Croatia, which was seeking independence.  

On the eve of Yugoslavia's civil war in 1991, Arkan's job was  reputedly to deliver arms to Serbs living in Croatia and help their  rebellion against the independence-seeking Croatian leadership.  

In the bloody breakup of Yugoslavia that began in 1991, the  Belgrade ice cream parlor owner made his fortune in black market  currency trading, oil smuggling and arms dealing.  

He owned a first division soccer club, Obilic, which was banned  last year from all international competitions because of his links  with war crimes.  

His "Tigers" militia, meanwhile, became known for savagery.  

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VITINA, Yugoslavia (CNN) -- A U.S. soldier serving with the international peacekeeping force in Kosovo has been charged with sexually assaulting and killing an 11-year-old ethnic Albanian girl, according to U.S. military authorities.

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the lady, or ladies, of our discourse, has/have returned from her/their vacation...
i received a one-line mail about 10 days ago and that was it...

maybe that really =will= be it...

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Little known that most Albanian as well as Chechen men volunteered to join the Nazi Army during the World War II to take revenge on their Slavic neighbors. Left to wonder why you do not hear or read this in the news and can find out about it from an ol'dusty book from the back of the library?

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