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Archive through July 1, 1999

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They got NOTHING they wanted,
We got EVERYTHING we wanted.

Russian troops report to a Russian General,
who reports to KFOR general,
who reports to a US general
who owns the world.

Ra ra ra - who is in command here ?

Please, activate brain before responding.

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To Jack London:
Hi, there. As far as I can see you, old chap, are going on talking absolute crap. No wonder - the brain of yours has been unfortunately desactivated.
1. Russian troops report to a Russian general. Nato has nothing to do with commanding the paratroopers.
2.I have always said that such dumbheads who yell all the time "We and our bombs make peace" are the biggest trouble for the world. You're an absolute maniac with your "nato rules!!!"
God, it makes me vomit...
3. I know, I know it must be painful - a unit of "hungry" paratroopers suddenly took control of an airport they weren't expected to. What a shame! How inconvenient! And all nato forces shut up and watch. Where's your power, buddy? Do you know what's happening? All your f.... brave marines fear close contact with "striped souls" and start pissing in the pants once they hear AK -74 roar. NO ONE will do anything to drive them out.
By the way, you said they got nothing to eat?...
Somebody on the board, please, explain this bum that the country that can send humanitarian aid, is able to provide (at least a limited part of) the army with food.

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To Alexei

No, really, why DOES Russia have hungry soldiers?
If they can't even feed their soldiers, why the hell are and were they fighting?

A Russian friend of ours has a daughter with a very serious illness, and she is hardly taken care of. These people have to work two jobs each, and even then, they can hardly pay for the medical bills. They used to be able to e-mail, but due to the collapse of economy, and in spite of the fact everybody is working their butts off, they can be on line for five minutes every two months. Unlike mobsters and black marketeers, and unlike you who seems to be doing ok. I WONDER.

Russia should feed and take proper care of their own population first, before sending them off to a war, or a peace keeping mission. In no time the desertion rate will be astronomical. Sending hungry soldiers on a mission is the dumbest thing any country can do. Saddam knows, and soon Boris 'private clinic' Yeltsin will come to face the music just as hard.


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Greatest Political Failure of the 20th Century:

Second Greatest Political Failure of the 20th Century :

Third Greatest Polical Failure of the 20th Century :

Russians supported 2 out of 3.
(They were allied with Nazi's too,
but the Nazi's turned on them).


2 out of 3 of world's greatest failures
had Russian support.
The human toll .... read all about it yourself.

No wonder your country is so backwards,
and your people are starving.
You are simply ignorant barbarians,
that landed by default in the 20th century.

Russia has "great history"
..... but no future.

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"By the way, you said they got nothing to eat?...
••••! Somebody on the board, please, explain this bum that the country that can send humanitarian aid, is able to provide (at least a limited part of) the army with food."

Alexei, if RUSSIA can send Humanitarian Aid
How come RUSSIA BEGGED - hat in hand - the G8
for financial assistance ?

By the way,
where are those three ships
that you were so sure
would change the course of the war?

After three months, do you still not see
that Russia is a 'used to be'?

Your pathetic paratroopers are there
for the extra pay .... not for slavic ideals.
If necessary we'll buy them from your Government,
so we don't have to kill them.

Russia has stopped growing,
Russia has begun to die.

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I guess, that Jack London is turning ih his grave. To the clueles impostor to that noble name - not a single major network during the bombing reported about the joint Greek-Swiss-Russian aid efforts. Only about Greek-Swiss and not much at all. The fact, that Russians ran a mobile clinic treating everybody was not mentioned.

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I can tell you a lot was not mentioned.
I speak from my heart and from experience.Do you?
Well atleast the last part of the question would be sufficiant to answer.

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To Emina

The proper word is "sow". In its usual usage it means to plant seed by scattering it in a field. Of course you are going to harvest the growth of whatever kind of seed you sowed. So sowing and reaping in the figurative sense means you will receive the consequenses of whatever you do in life, in kind, and usually to a greater degree than what you "sowed". In God's economy this means if you sow money (give it to God's work and/or to those in need) others will give back to you, multiplied; sow kindness and you will reap kindness, sow violence and you will reap violence, and so on. And as with natural sowing and reaping there is usually a time gap between the giving and the payback. This principle when properly applied works for Christians and non-Christians alike.

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To Jack London:
My dear friend Jack,
Those ships were not supposed to fight. They did what they were to.
Now we know that a lot of NATO pilots dropped their bomb loads into the sea.
Are they real soldiers? Hell, no. NO.
About the paratroopers.
I'm perfectly sure your government got enough money to buy them.
Think - are they gonna take it?
They'd rather ram it up your a..!
We have not stopped growing, you blind.
We are just having some problems.
Even if we ever die, YOU FIRST.
P.S. It's the politicians who beg hat in hand, not people.
Do you care much about your own politicians?

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By Alexei on Friday, June 25, 1999 - 04:57 am
the country that can send humanitarian aid, is able to provide (at least a limited part of) the army with food.


Normaly a country supplies his soldiers NOT with a limited amount of food.They make Damn sure they have enough to eat, even more then enough.
You call that WE(Russia) has a few problems.

They have problems since they kicked Gorbatsjov out and that private clinic insane idiot called jeltyn took over.

The country is full whitewashers and Blackmarketeers.
Miners don't get paid there salary, but are supposed to work anyway, and the worste is its in many proffessions like that.
Still wondering were you pay your online time from???? As your only here to put up a fight or insult.


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Makes me wonder.....Who was it that had the biggest mouth that Russians were NOT under KFOR command?

Boris Yeltsin on 26 June approves the deployment of 3,616
troops for the Kosova peacekeeping force (KFOR). The
peacekeepers are authorized to remain in Kosova until 10
June 2000, Interfax reported. The Federation Council had
approved their deployment the previous day (see "RFE/RL
Newsline," 25 June 1999). Also on 26 June, the Public
Opinion Foundation released a poll indicating that 55
percent of Russians are opposed to the deployment of
Russian peacekeepers in Kosova, while only 28 percent are
in favor, NTV


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To: Emina

And where in Your post is it written, that the Russians indeed are under the KFOR command?

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LEARN TO READ. I know you don't like it so you read over it very convient.

Here is the title you read the rest carefully ok?


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To: Emina

Sorry, listen to Gen. Mike Jackson, please. He was clear in his press-conf on the airfield. He knows better. Participation and subordination are not exactly same things.

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To: Emina

Re: Your response to Alexey and my remarks.

Sorry, please, don't insult people, that have a different view, don't behave as though this board belongs to You, declaring things "on" or "off" topic (that I will decide, as soon as the matter's relevant to the general issue, and as soon as I respect Your posts; and You are free not to respond to me at all); and we are not here to fight; You treat Alexey as though he knows nothing about Russia and was not born there, and You're the expert. You think the Net solely belongs to the West and costs a fortune to access? The Russian so-called academic centers had been hooked up to the Net before WWW became existent. It would cost me nothing to e-mail You from, say, Kazakhstan. Yes, I like Russians.
And in this conflict I consider them most imartial. Russian TV aired pictures without taking sides. And the networks have a poor track record in it.
BTH. Gorby de facto ruined Russia and for it he's popular elsewhere but Russia.
P.S. "I speak from my heart, do You?" What does this mean?

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