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Archive through July 19, 1999

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I place this message from which came into my E mail today, cause i think we should not forget about other minorities in Kosova.

An appeal on behalf of the Kosovar Roma community

We are writing to express our concern about the situation of Roma
(Gypsies) in Kosovo. You are no doubt aware that Roma have been
subjected to harassment and threat to life from both sides in the
conflict. Approximately 20.000 Roma have been expelled from
Kosovo into Serbia, and subsequently have been forced back by
the Serbs into northern Kosovo. The Roma people remain citizens
of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and therefore still retain rights
within Kosovo and other parts of the FR Yugoslavia. The Roma
people have been subjected to ethnic cleansing by the Serbian
paramilitary troops and now they are suffering expulsion and grave
physical assault by the Kosovo Albanians. As in most European
countries they are marginalised and denied rights from majority

Roma people have testified to gross violations of human rights,
mass suffering and humiliation during the war and, as throughout
history, the international community is oblivious to their fate. Roma
from Kosovo have been used as forced labour by Serbian
authorities to support the Serbian army, a fact which has triggered
anti-Roma feelings among the Albanian Kosovars. The presence of
Kosovar Roma has not, in many instances, been officially
acknowledged in refugee camps in Albania and Macedonia. On
the way to the camps many Roma refugees have experienced
discriminatory and prejudicial treatment. As a result they fear both
the camp authorities and their fellow inmates, and as a rule have
chosen to hide their identity.

We believe that the international community has a responsibility to
protect all groups within Kosovo and that this protection must be
fully extended to the Roma population. Given that the moral and
political objectives of the international community in Kosovo are to
prevent ethnic cleansing and the forced expulsion of people from
their homes we believe this places a duty on the international
community to act to prevent the threat to life which the Roma
people are currently experiencing.

We request that the international community should guarantee the
safe return of Romany refugees to Kosovo;
however, Roma who have a well-founded fear of persecution in their
homeland should be given the opportunity to seek asylum outside
the FRY. Roma should be included without discrimination in the
action plans for reconstruction of democratic institutions in
Yugoslavia: Romani organisations should be actively involved in the
implementation of policies and programmes affecting their

The Roma people have no effective political representation at both
national and international levels and are being 'scapegoated' by
both Serbian and Kosovo Albanian communities. The Roma people
have been, and continue to be, subjected to discrimination in most
European states. This history and experience of Roma indicates
that the international community should accept that they have a
greater responsibility for the Roma as they do not have adequate
representation of their interests within the current political

Roma have centuries-long experience of living in multi-ethnic, multi-
confessional, multi-linguistic local communities. We hope that in
the resolution of this tragic conflict, the international community will
acknowledge the unique role that Roma could play in the
reconstruction of a genuinely multi-ethnic and democratic society
throughout the Balkan region.


Petr Uhl
Mustafa Hezolet
Karel Holomek
Jiøina Siklová
Václav Trojan
Nicolae Gheorghe
Jeanette Buirski
Ladislav Goral
Vladimír Zeman
Eva Sotolová
Jana Chárová
Hilda Pásová
P. Pergler
Laura Laubeová
Emil Szirmai
Viktor Sekyt


Estimable Member
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Emina, Your so very right to feel that any Serb or Roma who did not take part in the the pogram directed against ethnic Albalinans should be protected and sheltered. We need to speak out on behalf of these citizens of Kosova. Every effort to welcome them back into Kosova should be attempted. Each and every member of Kosova society should be prepared to defend to the death the right of every other law abiding peace loving citizen to live in dignity free of fear and intimidation. Only when we are prepared to stand up for our neighbor's rights can we expect that our rights will be guaranteed for it will be our neighbor who will provide that guarantee. phil

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Chemical Manipulations and Fluoridations!

Looks like Unkle Scam is proding San Diago to Fluoridate their water! Heres some links to stop them when they come for your
town. Klintoons mandate 2000 is for every city over 50,000 to be fluoridated. Make it easier during Martial Law I guess. The Gulags used it so be careful if they want to "help" y'all!
Peace or WoD

Chemical Manipulation of Consciousness,
Santa Cruz Citizens for Safe Drinking Water
Mt.View Citizens for Safe Drinking Water

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Posts: 441

Thank you.If you can it would be great to forward the message i placed, so that more people are maken aware.


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If I'm not mistaken this board is for posts concerning Yugoslavia. If all you want to do is promote marijuana, why don't you find a board that specializes in that topic and go there? This is the wrong place for that kind of stuff.

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I guess, the White House had already abused those cannabis sites, - otherwise there would have been no war;-)))))

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Hey! Where did everybody go???

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To Pete.

They all went to us, hon! So, mail all your nice anti nazi friends and let them join us!!! You know the place.....

Emina and Zoja

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I am in desperate need of information on Mirko Bijelic who was reported as being kidnapped by the KLA recently. The following is the only information I have
received so far:

Mirko Bijelic was captured by the KLA. He was in stationed in Prizen. They sent him to Suva Reka to retrieve munitions during the withdrawal and his convey was
attacked. Apparently two trucks were knocked out and 3 managed to escape. He was either killed or captured however according to a journalist in Kosovo he is
still alive. He was moved from Suva Reka to an unknown location. This occurred in June 13-14th and he has been missing since. Hisname and DOB is,

Mirko Bijelic
born 1/16/79 Sydney, Australia

Parents : Sofia and Vladimir

If you have any information on Mirko please contact at me as soon as possible. Thank you.

email :">

Yours Sincerely

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I am going to sent your message on to some reliable people.Who i hope can help you.
Please don't give up hope!!


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One other thing you can do is try the website of the Orthodox Dioces of Raska and Prizren. This monastary sheltered Albanians during the bombings and Serbs now. Maybe they have some more up to date information on what exactly is going on in the region.
Lots of luck and very best wishes,

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To: Zoya

* What is "nazi"?
* What is "nazi" within this context?
Eagerly waiting for the explanations.

Honorable Member
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Posts: 616

that word "nazi" does get tossed around quite a bit,been that way since about 1945, what with them having been the "ultimate super-villains" and all that. i try to stick to "fascist" myself.

but , y'know, the sickest part of all is when ruthless, methodical slaughter of the comparitively-to-absolutely innocent, for reasons stated in advance to be the accident of their birth, inspires enough genuine horror to justify the use of the term "nazi".

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To: L'menexe

Dear L'menexe (no offence and with due respect), thanks for the reply, IMHO that word got really so worn out, that it is used to brand everything that politicians don't like provided the circumstances. My Jewish friends just don't know what to say, because, in their opinion, it's not applicable to the circumstances. I would not use this word towards Mr. Milo. And, besides, any state leader caring for his/her national country could be named a "nazi".
As for Mr. Milo I would like to point out the things, that were/are omitted - in view of anti-Milo protesters he is not to blame for four wars, but for the fact that he lost them.

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