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Archive through July 31, 1999

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i will indeed check into opera...awkward thanks.
time to try to recreate the "edited" post from yesterday...some of it anyway...
i kinda got a problem w/the line "any state leader caring for his/her national country could be named a nazi" written, that could include mahatma gandhi, not to mention adolf hitler. did you mean to describe hitler as a "state leader caring for his national country?" wouldnt your jewish friends have a problem w/that too? where does this lead?
do you and i wanna go there? and here we've been civil lately...

but i could appreciate the irony of (some portion of the) yugoslav anti-milosevic protestors not pissed because of war(s) in general but the LOSING of the war(s)...
which in my view does not change the overall theme of "hit the road, slob, and dontcha come back no more".
and you disagree?

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ps to ms kissie:
um, opera is PC only at the moment ==so i've just discovered== but they say a macintosh version will be available later this year...
they also said after demo time it'll cost 40 bucks.

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Yes the moderator allowed us to express our feelings, but he also made a code of conduct.When it was violated heavely he did nothing.Then i ask myself why put it there in the first place?
Btw i wasn't talking about you when i sad biggering.I just didn't want to get personal and shout the names of the offenders from the rooftops.
But all an all there were some people going way to far.
Maybe after fishing season we will get a good and desent discussion going without to much name calling, treatning etc


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To: L'menexe

Dear L'menexe, it's not irony. It's the fact. Yep. The networks choke on anti-Milo demos, but chances are, that a successor might be exactly the one, that would promise (irresponsible of feasibility)
to recoup the losses with success. This situation resembles Germany after WW1. I don't want to roll the dice, but the Western "strategists", that are quick to kick Mr. Milo out, should keep this
simple fact in mind. And funny enough, the comments go with that stupid reference to Iraq. There also were the napoleonic plans to
"reconstruct, rebuild, ..." (whatever) Iraq after the war, but since Jan. 16, 1991, governments had changed in the US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, and our "friend" is still in power and can offer a hearty laugh. And he is popular! And he will outlive that bastard Chief Red Nose with the latter's guns and "liquid fire". (That hic is not worth even a hair of J.F.K. Jr..)

Re: "... any state leader caring for his/her national country could be named a nazi"..."

Unfortunately, yes. In broader state - as far as nation countries exist, there will be "nazism", in one form or another, or a mix. That Adolf really cared for his country, at the expence of
others, though, but he did. Funny, isn't it? We (I mean, me and friends) were brought up international with a critique view on events and as objective as possible (not always, though, sorry:-().

Re: Opera.

Yes, it's a problem - they don't give it away for free. Don't try to reinstall it - Opera hides a reference counter in system .DLLs (don't know, where. Haven't had a go at it, - laziness.). But I can
help You with it, well, to the extent of my abilities. J.C., mainframes, minis, PCs, but I've never touched a Mac! I would recommend also Amaya, it's free, light (no security features!
Because it's a HTTP1.1 test-bed browser-editor.), but will it work on a Mac?
Re: Ouch.

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 237

To: L'menexe

Dear L'menexe, it's not irony. It's the fact. Yep. The networks choke on anti-Milo demos, but chances are, that a successor might be exactly the one, that would promise (irresponsible of feasibility)
to recoup the losses with success. This situation resembles Germany after WW1. I don't want to roll the dice, but the Western "strategists", that are quick to kick Mr. Milo out, should keep this
simple fact in mind. And funny enough, the comments go with that stupid reference to Iraq. There also were the napoleonic plans to
"reconstruct, rebuild, ..." (whatever) Iraq after the war, but since Jan. 16, 1991, governments had changed in the US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, and our "friend" is still in power and can offer a hearty laugh. And he is popular! And he will outlive that bastard Chief Red Nose with the latter's guns and "liquid fire". (That hic is not worth even a hair of J.F.K. Jr..)

Re: "... any state leader caring for his/her national country could be named a nazi"..."

Unfortunately, yes. In broader state - as far as nation countries exist, there will be "nazism", in one form or another, or a mix. That Adolf really cared for his country, at the expence of
others, though, but he did. Funny, isn't it? We (I mean, me and friends) were brought up international with a critique view on events and as objective as possible (not always, though, sorry:-().

Re: Opera.

Yes, it's a problem - they don't give it away for free. Don't try to reinstall it - Opera hides a reference counter in system .DLLs (don't know, where. Haven't had a go at it, - laziness.). But I can
help You with it, well, to the extent of my abilities. J.C., mainframes, minis, PCs, but I've never touched a Mac! I would recommend also Amaya, it's free, light (no security features!
Because it's a HTTP1.1 test-bed browser-editor.), but will it work on a Mac?
Re: Ouch.

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Except the ones in my pasture.

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In all seriousness what do you think of Dindic as a succeser? What i heard from my frends living in Beograd he seems the most reliable.What do you think?


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i could download opera easily enough but after that i could do nothing with it, because i have a macintosh computer. there's something i could buy called "virtual PC" which allows a macintosh to mimic a PC, which might work.
i've already downloaded the newest netscape; mine has become erratic...just havent installed the new one.
forgive this digression, visitors...there was quite a bit of flying fur here not long ago, but many have left and perhaps those who remain are worn out...until next time.
ps> i think in several contexts of the sort we've discussed, not to mention those sure to come, the word "nazi" might be replaced with "xenophobe".

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Why do Serb tanks have glass bottoms?

So they can see their air force when they pass over them.

I know. It is an old joke. I just feel fecicious today.

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hi charlie

nothin better to do at the moment on a beautiful summer afternoon than sit in the 6x9 "computer room" and wonder about peoples' spelling...
time to go get some sun!

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I think it's ok for a change also to talk about other things .Maybe we all can do that one day without fear, hatred whatso ever.Im not referring to anyone in specif here.

Charlie you better enjoy the sun while it lasts atleast i do 🙂


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Excuse my ignorance, but what does "WoD" mean?

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i've been wondering the same thing, pete...

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War on Drugs... phil

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War on Drugs.....Maybe also ignorant of me, but why write war on drugs?
If theres a point there im happy to hear it, i guess........


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