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Archive through July 5, 1999

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To Phil.

Well, obviously Kissie doesn't follow this discussion, and it's not htese kind of brainless women who should be in politics.

I think what non bulldog women can contribute to politics is some sane thinking. The fat and cigar smoking men at the top at the moment are more interested in how they look on TV than having some decent policy. They really don't give a damn if their grand children will be able to live on this earth, or, in this case the earth of Kosovo. they brag about ther little aeroplanes having performed so well, without looking at the human catastrophy on all sides.

I hope the women who will alledgedly run for president is no bulldog, but a sane person who thinks about these things while being in the White house!

OK Nitienight!!! And L'emenexe, don't let any bast##ard grind you down!


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Enina, I am in the US, in Birmingham, Alabama to be sure. A tax-n-spend social liberal and fiscal conservative for the most part. Work for the State. Thirteen or more paid holidays and all. :o) As a matter of fact I'll be going on vacation starting Saturday!

Elizabeth Dole, whose husband (Bob Dole) was the former Senate majority leader and looser to Clinton in '96, is running for President. She is not doing well but is making a valiant effort. There is just too much money being thrown at George 'DUBYA' aka 'Shrub' ($#36,000,000.00 to date) for anyone but Steve Forbes (you-gly but rich) to mount a respectable campaign effort agains him.

Shrub is pretty slimy to be sure. He has a history of heavy drug usage (coke and ETOH) and womanizing as well as shady business deals (oil, and savings and loan scandals) that color his past. His handlers are banking on the likelyhood the Democrats won't bring up the subject in 'polite company.'

The news media are too paranoid to seriously take 'Shrub' task about the roumors. They, of course, are damned if they do and damned if they don't. I find the dillema gratifying since most of the elite media made a**holes of themselve over Clinton (parroting the Sabath Gasbags like Wills, Quinn and Novak) and JoBinette Ramsey.

They really acted disgracefully in my humble opinion. It was the first time I ever withnessed an effort on the part of the 'American media aristocracy' (I'm being sarcastic but kind) joining an opposing party in an attempt to remove a duly elected president over sex lies.

I always believed that we hate for someone to steal a kiss, but despise anyone who kisses and tells, particularly to the State.

If 'Shrub' wins in 2000 it will be because the Republicans out spend the Democrats by about 30% or so. They may spend in excess of $200,000,000.00 to get the job done. The American way you know.


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To: Emina

Darling, please, I never insulted Phil /^#92;/^#92; Any, as You say, "decent discussion going", means thinking in the first place.

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To: Zoja

(An exact copy-paste. I'm not liable for the CWR)
* "Well, obviously Kissie doesn't follow this discussion, and it's not htese kind of brainless women who should be in politics."
You mean Mad Albright? I agree.
* "The fat and cigar smoking men at the top at the moment are more interested in how they look on TV than having some decent policy."
You mean Bill Clinton? And Tachi, ... Izilbegovitch, maybe? Whoever from this gang, I agree.
* "they brag about ther little aeroplanes having performed so well, without looking at the human catastrophy on all sides."
Thank you, Clinton, Solana, Clark, etc.. for your briefings and "humanitarian" concern.
* "They really don't give a damn if their grand children will be able to live on this earth,"
Welcome back, Kosovars, to the depleted uranium. Genetic deseases, you know..., collateral damage... .
* "I hope the women who will alledgedly run for president is no bulldog, but a sane person who thinks about these things while being in the White house!"
(No comment, sorry. I had one, but scrapped it.)
P.S. About pot. We don't have a KLA outfit nearby to sell pot or something. Great thanks to my Security anyways.

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"The Observatire Geopolitique Des Drogues, a Paris-based narcotics-monitoring group that does research for the European Commission, released a report in June 1994 that claimed Albanian groups in Kosovo were trading heroin for weapons for use in a brewing conflict. The report said a large influx of arms “is fueling geopolitical hopes and fears,” and added Albanian leaders “are inherently in favour of an uprising in Kosovo.”
Thank You, Alexandra.

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lady emina,
elizabeth dole, wife of '96 republican prez candidate bob "where am i?" dole, has annonuced her intent to compete against the son of george bush for the 2000 republican candicacy.

kissie (see? spelt it right this time n' evrythin')
your stuff addressed to me makes no sense. gomen nasai.

with zoja being a journalist, i think she has a different relationship with the articles she posts, as opposed to merely being a parrot.unlike, um, certain others here.

actually i WAS trying hard to be insulting to the "bad guys" here a few days ago. one of them i would have machine-gunned given the opportunity. what a terrible thing to say. i'd like to think i've calmed down in the meantime....a little. let's see what happens if the rat-bastard shows his evil face in here anytime soon.

many thanks for the encouraging words, zoja.
i must confess, however, i wish I had smoked MY pot today.

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To all. The only name I could find with respect to the allegations that the KLA was executing its own members was a reference by the 'International Crisis Group Briefing, June 28, 1999 on GlobalBeat's web site at:
where in the fifth paragraph of the section: 'Demilitarising the KLA,' its noted that Bujar Bukoshi's "Minister of Defense," Ahmed Karasniqi was murdered "as a warning for Bukoshi to get out of Albania."

However, no further details are offered.

On balance the analysis is pretty thorough and well worth reading.


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It would help if I spelled Balkan properly! Sheeesh!! 🙂

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By Kissie on Thursday, July 1, 1999 - 07:31 pm:
To: Emina

Just a small digression. Really. What's better AK-47 or M-16A1?

(Now I'm hogging the real estate;-)))


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Jee why arrest anybody if they never did anything?Like some people here still think.Must be a bummer for you naziheads!

KFOR peacekeepers said in Prishtina on 2 July that KFOR
recently arrested five Yugoslav army soldiers and six
suspected members of the paramilitary police near Kosova's
northern border with Serbia proper. The armed men were in
Kosova in violation of the peace agreement, under which all
Serbian forcers should have withdrawn from the province. The
armed Serbs told KFOR that they were part of a border patrol
unit. The previous day, U.S. Brigadier General John Craddock
said that KFOR's mission "is not going to be a quick fix.
There are still too many acts of violence. There are still
too many homes burning at night," AP reported.


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Good plans to get things up and running.And most of all safe.

UN CALLS FOR END TO VIOLENCE. UN Special Representative
Sergio Vieira de Mello told a press conference in Prishtina
on 2 July that the situation "has stabilized at a fairly high
level of insecurity in certain parts of [Kosova,] and this
cannot be allowed to persist. Every effort must be made...for
the [Kosovar and Serbian] leaderships to contribute to the
reduction of tensions." He added that he hopes to set up a
multi-ethnic "transitional council" next week. Vieira de
Mello stressed that he wants the council's members "to agree
on a strong statement and possibly to deliver it together,
condemning all forms of violence and appealing to all
communities for restraint."


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Albanian government and the UNHCR on 1 July began to
repatriate the remaining 170,000 Kosovar refugees living in
Albania. An RFE/RL South Slavic Service correspondent
reported from Tirana that most refugees travel from central
and southern Albania by train to the northern village of
Mjeda, where the UNHCR has set up a transit center. Busses
and trucks provided by the Albanian government and NATO
leave from there to cities in Kosova. UNHCR officials
estimate that up to 2,000 refugees will pass through the
Mjeda center every day in the coming weeks. NATO troops
accompany the refugees on their return trips to Kosova.
Elderly people and the handicapped will be transported by
helicopter. Around 250,000 Kosovars have already returned
home from Albania on their own. FS


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As most of you probably know there not only ethnic Albanians and Serbians living in Kosova.As far as we can speak of living at this point

carrying about 250 Kosovar Roma from Montenegro landed on
Italy's southern shore on 1 July. The new arrivals included
more than 100 children. Another ship carrying 500 Romany
refugees arrived in Italy on 29 June. The Italian coast
guard brought both ships to the port of Bari. Many Roma say
they fear reprisals by ethnic Albanians, who often charge
that the Roma collaborated with the Serbian forces during
the recent crackdown.


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MIlosevic probably dug in in english colonial history.Divide and rule

Commander Europe General Wesley Clark told a Senate hearing
in Washington on 1 July that the Serbian "opposition is
fragmented and weak and traumatized by a decade of Milosevic
maneuvering against them" (see Part I). The general added
that "Milosevic retains formidable power in Yugoslavia, and
he's an expert in dividing the opposition." Clark noted that
the Yugoslav president continues to pose a threat to the
Montenegrin leadership. The general stressed that Milosevic
is "stubborn" and is seeking to "relegitimize himself" in
Serbian politics despite his recent loss of control over
Kosova, the "International Herald Tribune" reported.


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And on the other side one should ask himself.Does this devide and rule thing still work......?????

PENSIONERS PROTEST IN BELGRADE. Several hundred pensioners
demonstrated on 1 July to remand the payment of back pensions
and the doubling of the size of pensions. The older Serbs
also called for Milosevic to resign.


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