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Archive through July 6, 2000

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I know you don't think too highly of Jared Israel or, nevertheless here are links to two great articles of his:

The Susan Sontag article:

and a very revealing 1992 interview with then US ambassador to Yugoslavia, Warren Zimmerman at:


-- T'gunns

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Dear Suitboy,

I'll have you know that was my best West-country accent. Loses something in the phoenectic transposition to the written medium.

And yes you may be right!!!
Only a madman would think he was sane!!


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Thanks for the links, I just wish they would do their homework properly.

Nicholas was the one who sends contract killers if you don't agree with him? Been checking the 'chives.Or does L'menexe just have that effect on people?
:0) :0) :o) :o}

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mornin', mum......heaving a sigh...
sh*t. thought i addressed this last night on the
page, and in the mo'nin' it wasnt here...
"Or does L'menexe just have that effect on

i am _decidedly_ not amused. -_-
and _please_ throw out that whole
as i implied _nothing_ of the sort.

it also relates to personal e-mail which should
_not_ have been incorporated into a post on this
page in that manner. -_-

[daniela's fella] has already posted on the yugo
page this year, w/o "incident". why, was someone
expecting an "incident"? nah....not me, not he,
and not she.

perhaps my disinclination to refer to him by name
A) how ugly things on this page were at their
nadir last year.
B) my own 'conduct' as well as his. i should be
embarrassed, and i am.

as for [.....],it was last year, w/a different
cast on the yugo page, and i suspect he has other
things to dwell upon.

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ps, to [.....]:

but hey, as dwellings go, it's like that joke you
sent to m'sieu G. over the winter, me being a
'USmale' mr presley might have said..

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Whew! Fortunately, I wasn't tied to the chair and was able to jump before the balloon lifted. No permanent damage, just a swollen jaw bone and a nasty headache. Thanks for your thoughts.

At least I'm not a madman, only crazy. For that I am truly grateful!


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Kim Arx,

Oh, Miss Scarlet! Miss Scarlet!
I don't know nothin' 'bout no Nicks
and killahs and such.

Either that stuff was offline, before my arrival, or I was tripping on another planet at the time. All I know is what is in the archives -- a brief period of hair-pulling, biting, scratching, and lots of nasty name-calling. Dr. K was good at stirring up %/#%/!. I don't think it was intentionally (at least not all the time). She had a knack for completely misreading what someone else wrote and she was quick to shoot from the hip at just about anything that moved. Hence, lots of little brush fires erupted. For a while it was loads of fun -- then, poof! It all ended, not with a bang, but a whimper. That's when I made my way over to the Serbian Cafe where it gets (still) really down and dirty, especially with the arrival of the "nazi jew-baiter" ISA and his foul-mouthed sidekick and parrot, the Stalinist Marie. There's a real pair of crackpots. So, if you're into controversy and want to sharpen your verbal weaponry, take a little trip over to

and jump right in!

As for my defense of Nick, it was always based on his earlier posts, which were more analytical and informative -- before things apparently degenerated.

-- suitboy

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howdy thar, mistuh suit....

as for your defense of [....], sure, why not.
i've seen his earlier posts from last year, and it
was as you say.
if the 'degenerated' phase didnt stay in the
archives, well, it was a load of hooey on all
sides. no great loss.

i would think daniela and [....] concur.
to the extent they'd give a flying (expletive)


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no big loss.

Why we're digging up dead horses to kick around, I dunno. Inspiration for Kim, maybe? Gee, I haven't run searches on the archives for ages. Maybe I should take a look see if I missed anything good.

Nah! Why botha?

What it was, it was and that's that. Onward and upward, comrade. Cherio!

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Weapons seized in hunt for Kosovan extremists

By Christian Jennings 19 June 2000

Sixty-seven tonnes of ammunition, 45,000 hand-grenades and 1,100 anti-tank rockets have been seized by a British Army battle group carrying out anti-terrorist activities against Albanian extremists in Kosovo.

Britain's senior commander in the province, Brigadier Richard Shirreff, described the haul as "the King's Solomon's Mines of all weapons finds". It included 850 mortar rounds,1,110 anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, 500,000 rounds of small-arms ammunition, 150lbs of plastic explosive, and 50 mortar-barrels, heavy machine-guns and rocket launchers.

"This is certainly the largest arms haul ever found in Kosovo," said Lt Tom Rees, of 33 Engineer Regiment.

Major Simon Blake, from the UK Combat Services Battalion, added: "There are enough weapons here to support a battle group of several hundred men for over a week."

The weapons were found during a multi-national counter-insurgency operation in the Drenica Valley. It is designed to clamp down on Albanian extremists, believed by many to be among those responsible for the deaths of 10 Serbs in Kosovo in recent weeks.

[Comment: as usual, the media downplays the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Serbs in Kosovo by mentioning "the deaths of 10 Serbs in Kosovo in recent weeks", failing to note there have been several hundred Serbs murdered in Kosovo since NATO troops entered the province a year ago.]

Since the demilitarisation last year of the Kosovo Liberation Army – now reformed into the UN-sponsored Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC)civil defence organisation – it has been illegal to possess a weapon without authorisation.

[Comment: what an insult to intelligent people to continue the myth of a "reformed" KLA, or that the KPC is a civil defense organization. Nothing has changed in Kosovo re: the KLA.]

The arms were found in two bunkers dug into a hillside above the village of Klecka. No comment was available from General Agim Ceku, the head of the KPC, whose wartime KLA headquarters lay less than 1,000 metres from the bunkers.

[Comment: Surprise! Surprise! The arms cache was found just 1,000 meters from Ceku's KLA headquarters! But, of course, he had no knowledge of it's existence, because now the same General that led the cleansing of Serbs in Croatia has turned into the "peaceful" head of the Kosovo Protection Corps!]



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good morning m'sieu gunns, daniela.
[and kim?]

yeah, the weapons cache story was on the russ page too.
and national US media.

the worms, to whom "it's all the same" may feel cheated.
but not for _too_ long, i fear....

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Hi,L' Why the ?.
Sorry don't quite understand that last sentence.


[Comment: as usual, the media downplays the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Serbs in Kosovo by mentioning "the deaths of 10 Serbs
in Kosovo in recent weeks", failing to note there have been several hundred Serbs murdered in Kosovo since NATO troops entered the province a year ago.]

Are you saying that Nato has a deliberate policy of Ethnic Cleansing. Or are you saying that the KLA is operating with Nato consent? Have all the Albanian refugees returned yet? I guess I'm wondering if Serbs would ever trust in Nato, therefore probably the best idea on a personal level would be to get away from the conflict area.

Ethnic cleansing or refugees? The term is dying from overuse. Not wishing to defend Nato here, but not convinced that such extreme language is useful.

So the Albanians will never trust the Serbs, the Serbs will never trust Nato. The KLA will not disarm and disband- (what if Nato pull out). What room is there for negotiation?
Nato are branded the aggresor and at the same time expected to solve the ethnic dispute.

What would be the solution? These recriminations are simply making the mess in Kosovo harder to solve. In the whole wider debate on the relevance of Nato and the U.N. and western interference, the people on the ground seem of small importance. I don't see any moves to solve and step in on the part of Nato's detractors.

Even here at DMS we are all polarised - there doesn't seem to be the posibility of neutrality and cool-headed pragmatism.

Just attempting to put into words the knots in my stomach and vague feeling that all is not as black and white as you paint it.


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mornin' mum,

[?] came from not having 'seen' you for awhile....
how the heck are ya?
m'sieu gunns might have recalled a line i used frequently for awhile...
because despite the politics and ethnicities and rhetoric and SLAUGHTER...

"it's all the same to the worms".
and, TGSB,
i was wrong; Bally had already stopped making pinball machines; a much smaller co., whose name eludes me at the moment, is the last one standing...
they must be doing it for love...

"last one standing" might not be an appropriate figure of speech around here...=koff=

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>> Are you saying that Nato has a deliberate policy of Ethnic Cleansing. Or are you saying that the KLA is operating with Nato consent?

No, Kim. My comment said nothing about NATO's policies or the KLA's operations. Here's the comment again:

[Comment: as usual, the media downplays the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Serbs in Kosovo by mentioning "the deaths of 10 Serbs in Kosovo in recent weeks", failing to note there have been several hundred Serbs murdered in Kosovo since NATO troops entered the province a year ago.]

In fact, my comment was about the media mouthing the party line. But, since you brought it up, perhaps it is a deliberate policy of NATO to make Kosovo Serb-free. If you recall, in the late 80s it was Serbia that balked at the demands of the IMF and World Bank when when it became apparent that the policies of these US dominated institutions would result in economic catastrophy for Yugoslavia. It was Serbia's resistance to the IMF and World bankers that started the process of demonization that continues to this day. A Serb-free Kosovo and an impoverished Serbia suits the long-range geopolitical plans of the globalists just fine - let the Albanians do the dirty work, reap the profits from "reconstruction", exploit the minerals from Trepca, build the oil pipline from the Caspian through Turkey and into Western Europe. Why should they care how many people die, what nations are destroyed -- they are the Masters of the Global Empire, your masters Kim. They rule you, they control you, their media feeds you what they want you to know, think, feel, buy, consume, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

>> Have all the Albanian refugees returned yet?

No, not all of them. I believe tthere are still thousands in jails throughout Europe, and more thousands running amok all over Italy!

>> I guess I'm wondering if Serbs would ever trust in Nato,

Give me one good reason why they should!!!!!

>> therefore probably the best idea on a personal level would be to get away from the conflict area.

Really, Kim. You surprise me, making such a naive statement. The "conflict area" happens to be their homeland, their nation, they place they and their ancestors have lived generation after generation after generation!!!!!!! Where the hell are they suppose to go? Maybe you'd suggest a vacation in Capri?

>> Ethnic cleansing or refugees? The term is dying from overuse. Not wishing to defend Nato here, but not convinced that such extreme language is useful.

I think you should take up your apparent offense at "extreme language" with the likes of William Jefferson Clinton, Madelein Albright, Javier Solana, Jamie Shea, Tony Blair, etc., etc. (again, ad naseum), since they are the criminals that brought such "extreme language" into your reality -- via their lap-dog media.

>> So the Albanians will never trust the Serbs, the Serbs will never trust Nato. The KLA will not disarm and disband- (what if Nato pull out). What room is there for negotiation? Nato are branded the aggresor and at the same time expected to solve the ethnic dispute.

What would be the solution? These recriminations are simply making the mess in Kosovo harder to solve. In the whole wider debate on the relevance of Nato and the U.N. and western interference, the people on the ground seem of small importance. I don't see any moves to solve and step in on the part of Nato's detractors.

I don't think you understand the nature of the Beast. What's to negotiate? There isn't a solution. Besides, the situation is as the globalists want it to be. It isn't an ethnic dispute anymore. It's history, Kim. Happening right before your eyes. You are witness to the birth and creation of the first Techno-Global Empire, where you and I and billions of others are mere ants going about our busyness, powerless and unable to influence anything.

Checkmate, Kim!! We are where they want us. Might as well take a vacation in Capri.

>> Just attempting to put into words the knots in my stomach and vague feeling that all is not as black and white as you paint it.

Sorry to disallusion you. In fact, it's a lot uglier than even I can paint it. The historians of the 25th Century will look back on the Industrial Age of the 20th Century as one of the ugliest and most destructive periods in the history of humankind.

. . . . . . . . and that's how it is in the early morning hours of Thursday, June 22, 2000. Have a great first day of Summer!


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Mr Gunns, I believe you are of the "woodstock" generation, which might explain some of the more patronising comments, but for once I was not looking for a fight. The Capri bit was particularly nice, shame I can't afford it!

Anyway to more serious matters.

"Really, Kim. You surprise me, making such a naive statement. The "conflict area" happens to be their
homeland, their nation, they place they and their ancestors have lived generation after generation after generation!!!!!!! Where the hell are they suppose to go? Maybe you'd suggest a vacation in Capri?"

What I meant was that people in a conflict zone may often put their personal and the relatives safety above notions of Nationalism. Therefore, despite the fact that it would be politically expedient for both Nato and Serbia for them to stay put, they do not have the confidence to stay.
Staying away untill things seem to improve,think of the Cambodians in Laos.
My personal history is one of economic migrancy, nationalism is anathema to me. I wonder if those playing the national heritage card on both sides, really care too much about the damage it is causing.In the end its just words.
And where they will go will be semi-permanent refugee camps - obviously not one of Milosovich's headaches.That's were the aid agencies are supposed to step in.

You talk of the IMF and Worldbank as if they were terrorist organisations.Yes their policies are wrong, but we all adhere to them.(Thinking of the effect of Thatcherism on Britain.) You seem to have abandoned this centuary to the historians already.You say I'm naiv, that we are in Check mate(Stale mate seems more accurate),maybe we should just give up and go to Capri as you say.

No solutions??? There are always solutions! AS long as we don't succumb to the "that's the way it is, and there's nothing we can do about it" malaise. My point is that polarisation takes us further away from solutions.However you ignored that part of my post.
Should we all abdicate responsibility and blame it on the government?


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