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Archive through June 13, 1999

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By Daniela on Thursday, June 10, 1999 - 12:34 pm:

Please contact national media outlets and ask why they did not cover the June 5 march on the Pentagon, and why they have sidelined
anti-war activists since the start of the bombing.



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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 303

ECAW (Emergency Committee Against the War in Yugoslavia)

Tuesday night anti-war lobbyists Joe Cafasso and Dave Vorich
learned that a Serb-punishing amendment had been tacked onto
the Senate Defense Appropriations bill. The NICKLES
AMENDMENT NO. 551 states:

None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made
available by this or any other act may be made
available for reconstruction activities in the
Republic of Serbia (excluding the province of
Kosovo) as long as Slobodan Milosevic remains
the President of the Federal Republic of

Mobilized through the Internet, today an army of people,
opposed to what the NATO has done to Yugoslavia, got to
work. Congress was inundated with calls against this
amendment. Lobbyist Cofasso said he never saw anything like
Now we need to do more. The House votes on its own
Defense Appropriations Bill, probably Friday. We need to
make sure:

1) Nothing like the Nickles amendment gets attached;
2) The Nickles Amendment is removed when the House and
Senate bills are reconciled (that is, made the same) in

The U.S. Government is conducting an illegal and savage war
against a country which attacked no one. Let's mobilize
EVERYONE who hates this war to call his or her Congressmen
and make ourselves clear:

The U.S. has created and continues to create humanitarian
catastrophes by its bombing throughout Yugoslavia. Pres.
Clinton admitted in his NY Times op ed piece that civilian
targets were hit deliberately to pressure the population to get
the government to accede to U.S. demands.

Having set no limits on the destruction of civil life how can this
government now set civil limits on reconstruction? Tell them
we want this attack STOPPED and we want NO LIMITS on
money to repay this terrible debt. Therefore ALL language
limiting money for reconstruction of Yugoslavia MUST be kept
out of the House bill and eliminated from the final, joint
House-Senate bill.

We had a battalion of callers today. Let's make it an army

To contact congressmen and Senators:

Best regards,
ECAW (Emergency Committee Against the War in Yugoslavia)">
Below is a complete list of phone numbers for Congress.

Abercrombie, Neil (D - HI-202-225-2726
Ackerman, Gary (D - NY- 202-225-2601
Aderholt, Robert (R - AL- 202-225-4876
Allen, Thomas (D - ME- 202-225-6116
Andrews, Robert (D - NJ- 202-225-6501
Archer, Bill (R - TX- 202-225-2571
Armey, Richard (R - TX- 202-225-7772
Bachus, Spencer (R - AL- 202-225-4921
Baird, Brian (D - WA- 202-225-3536
Baker, Richard (R - LA- 202-225-3901
Baldacci, John (D - ME- 202-225-6306
Baldwin, Tammy (D - WI- 202-225-2906
Ballenger, Cass (R - NC- 202-225-2576
Barcia, James (D - MI- 202-225-8171
Barr, Bob (R - GA- 202-225-2931
Barrett, Bill (R - NE- 202-225-6435
Barrett, Thomas (D - WI- 202-225-3571
Bartlett, Roscoe (R - MD- 202-225-2721
Barton, Joe (R - TX- 202-225-2002
Bass, Charles (R - NH- 202-225-5206
Bateman, Herbert (R - VA- 202-225-4261
Becerra, Xavier (D - CA- 202-225-6235
Bentsen, Ken (D - TX- 202-225-7508
Bereuter, Doug (R - NE- 202-225-4806
Berkley, Shelly (D - NV- 202-225-5965
Berman, Howard (D - CA- 202-225-4695
Berry, Marion (D - AR- 202-225-4076
Biggert, Judy (R - IL- 202-225-3515
Bilbray, Brian (R - CA- 202-225-2040
Bilirakis, Michael (R - FL- 202-225-5755
Bishop, Sanford (D - GA- 202-225-3631
Blagojevich, Rod (D - IL- 202-225-4061
Bliley, Tom (R - VA- 202-225-2815
Blumenauer, Earl (D - OR- 202-225-4811
Blunt, Roy (R - MO- 202-225-6536
Boehlert, Sherwood (R - NY- 202-225-3665
Boehner, John (R - OH- 202-225-6205
Bonilla, Henry (R - TX- 202-225-4511
Bonior, David (D - MI- 202-225-2106
Bono, Mary (R - CA- 202-225-5330
Borski, Robert (D - PA- 202-225-8251
Boswell, Leonard (D - IA- 202-225-3806
Boucher, Rick (D - VA- 202-225-3861
Boyd, F. (D - FL- 202-225-5235
Brady, Robert (D - PA- 202-225-4731
Brady, Kevin (R - TX- 202-225-4901
Brown, George (D - CA- 202-225-6161
Brown, Corrine (D - FL- 202-225-0123
Brown, Sherrod (D - OH- 202-225-3401
Bryant, Ed (R - TN- 202-225-2811
Burr, Richard (R - NC- 202-225-2071
Burton, Dan (R - IN- 202-225-2276
Buyer, Stephen (R - IN- 202-225-5037
Callahan, Sonny (R - AL- 202-225-4931
Calvert, Ken (R - CA- 202-225-1986
Camp, Dave (R - MI- 202-225-3561
Campbell, Tom (R - CA- 202-225-2631
Canady, Charles (R - FL- 202-225-1252
Cannon, Christopher (R - UT- 202-225-7751
Capps, Lois (D - CA- 202-225-3601
Capuano, Mike (D - MA- 202-225-5111
Cardin, Benjamin (D - MD- 202-225-4016
Carson, Julia (D - IN- 202-225-4011
Castle, Michael (R - DE- 202-225-4165
Chabot, Steve (R - OH- 202-225-2216
Chambliss, Saxby (R - GA- 202-225-6531
Chenoweth, Helen (R - ID- 202-225-6611
Christian-Green, Donna (D - VI- 202-225-2406
Clay, William (D - MO- 202-225-2406
Clayton, Eva (D - NC- 202-225-3101
Clement, Bob (D - TN- 202-225-4311
Clyburn, James (D - SC- 202-225-3315
Coble, Howard (R - NC- 202-225-3065
Coburn, Tom (R - OK- 202-225-2701
Collins, Michael (R - GA- 202-225-5901
Combest, Larry (R - TX- 202-225-4005
Condit, Gary (D - CA- 202-225-6131
Conyers, John (D - MI- 202-225-5126
Cook, Merrill (R - UT- 202-225-3011
Cooksey, John (R - LA- 202-225-8490
Costello, Jerry (D - IL- 202-225-5661
Cox, Christopher (R - CA- 202-225-5611
Coyne, William (D - PA- 202-225-2301
Cramer, Robert (D - AL- 202-225-4801
Crane, Philip (R - IL- 202-225-3711
Crowley, Joseph (D - NY- 202-225-3965
Cubin, Barbara (R - WY- 202-225-2311
Cummings, Elijah (D - MD- 202-225-4741
Cunningham, Randy (R - CA- 202-225-5452
Danner, Pat (D - MO- 202-225-7041
Davis, James (D - FL- 202-225-3376
Davis, Danny (D - IL- 202-225-5006
Davis, Thomas (R - VA- 202-225-1492
Deal, Nathan (R - GA- 202-225-5211
DeFazio, Peter (D - OR- 202-225-6416
DeGette, Diana (D - CO- 202-225-4431
Delahunt, William (D - MA- 202-225-3111
DeLauro, Rosa (D - CT- 202-225-3661
DeLay, Tom (R - TX- 202-225-5951
DeMint, Jim (R - SC- 202-225-6030
Deutsch, Peter (D - FL- 202-225-7931
Diaz-Balart, Lincoln (R - FL- 202-225-4211
Dickey, Jay (R - AR- 202-225-3772
Dicks, Norm (D - WA- 202-225-5916
Dingell, John (D - MI- 202-225-4071
Dixon, Julian (D - CA- 202-225-7084
Doggett, Lloyd (D - TX- 202-225-4865
Dooley, Calvin (D - CA- 202-225-3341
Doolittle, John (R - CA- 202-225-2511
Doyle, Michael (D - PA- 202-225-2135
Dreier, David (R - CA- 202-225-2305
Duncan, John (R - TN- 202-225-5435
Dunn, Jennifer (R - WA- 202-225-7761
Edwards, Chet (D - TX- 202-225-6105
Ehlers, Vernon (R - MI- 202-225-3831
Ehrlich, Robert (R - MD- 202-225-3061
Emerson, Jo Ann (R - MO- 202-225-4404
Engel, Eliot (D - NY- 202-225-2464
English, Phil (R - PA- 202-225-5406
Eshoo, Anna (D - CA- 202-225-8104
Etheridge, Bobby (D - NC- 202-225-4531
Evans, Lane (D - IL- 202-225-5905
Everett, Terry (R - AL- 202-225-2901
Ewing, Thomas (R - IL- 202-225-2371
Faleomavaega, Eni (D - AS- 202-225-8577
Farr, Sam (D - CA- 202-225-2861
Fattah, Chaka (D - PA- 202-225-4001
Filner, Bob (D - CA- 202-225-8045
Fletcher, Ernie (R - KY- 202-225-4706
Foley, Mark (R - FL- 202-225-5792
Forbes, Michael (R - NY- 202-225-3826
Ford, Harold (D - TN- 202-225-3265
Fossella, Vito (R - NY- 202-225-3371
Fowler, Tillie (R - FL- 202-225-2501
Frank, Barney (D - MA- 202-225-5931
Franks, Bob (R - NJ- 202-225-5361
Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R - NJ- 202-225-5034
Frost, Martin (D - TX- 202-225-3605
Gallegly, Elton (R - CA- 202-225-5811
Ganske, Greg (R - IA- 202-225-4426
Gejdenson, Sam (D - CT- 202-225-2076
Gekas, George (R - PA- 202-225-4315
Gephardt, Richard (D - MO- 202-225-2671
Gibbons, Jim (R - NV- 202-225-6155
Gilchrest, Wayne (R - MD- 202-225-5311
Gillmor, Paul (R - OH- 202-225-6405
Gilman, Benjamin (R - NY- 202-225-3776
Gonzalez, Charlie (D - TX- 202-225-3236
Goode, Virgil (D - VA- 202-225-4711
Goodlatte, Bob (R - VA- 202-225-5431
Goodling, William (R - PA- 202-225-5836
Gordon, Bart (D - TN- 202-225-4231
Goss, Porter (R - FL- 202-225-2536
Graham, Lindsey (R - SC- 202-225-5301
Granger, Kay (R - TX- 202-225-5071
Green, Gene (D - TX- 202-225-1688
Green, Mark (R - WI- 202-225-5665
Greenwood, James (R - PA- 202-225-427
Gutierrez, Luis (D - IL- 202-225-8203
Gutknecht, Gil (R - MN- 202-225-2472
Hall, Tony (D - OH- 202-225-6465
Hall, Ralph (D - TX- 202-225-6673
Hansen, James (R - UT- 202-225-0453
Hastert, J. (R - IL- 202-225-2976
Hastings, Alcee (D - FL- 202-225-1313
Hastings, Doc (R - WA- 202-225-5816
Hayes, Robin (R - NC- 202-225-3715
Hayworth, J. (R - AZ- 202-225-2190
Hefley, Joel (R - CO- 202-225-4422
Herger, Wally (R - CA- 202-225-3076
Hill, Baron (D - IN- 202-225-5315
Hill, Rick (R - MT- 202-225-3211
Hilleary, Van (R - TN- 202-225-6831
Hilliard, Earl (D - AL- 202-225-2665
Hinchey, Maurice (D - NY- 202-225-6335
Hinojosa, Ruben (D - TX- 202-225-2531
Hobson, David (R - OH- 202-225-4324
Hoeffel, Joe (D - PA- 202-225-6111
Hoekstra, Peter (R - MI- 202-225-4401
Holden, Tim (D - PA- 202-225-5546
Holt, Rush (D - NJ- 202-225-5801
Hooley, Darlene (D - OR- 202-225-5711
Horn, Stephen (R - CA- 202-225-6676
Hostettler, John (R - IN- 202-225-4636
Houghton, Amo (R - NY- 202-225-3161
Hoyer, Steny (D - MD- 202-225-4131
Hulshof, Kenny (R - MO- 202-225-2956
Hunter, Duncan (R - CA- 202-225-5672
Hutchinson, Asa (R - AR- 202-225-4301
Hyde, Henry (R - IL- 202-225-4561
Inslee, Jay (D - WA- 202-225-6311
Isakson, Johnny (R - GA- 202-225-4501
Istook, Ernest (R - OK- 202-225-2132
Jackson, Jesse (D - IL- 202-225-0773
Jackson-Lee, Sheila (D - TX- 202-225-3816
Jefferson, William (D - LA- 202-225-6636
Jenkins, William (R - TN- 202-225-6356
John, Christopher (D - LA- 202-225-2031
Johnson, Nancy (R - CT- 202-225-4476
Johnson, Sam (R - TX- 202-225-4201
Johnson, Eddie (D - TX- 202-225-8885
Jones, Walter (R - NC- 202-225-3415
Jones, Stephanie (D - OH- 202-225-7032
Kanjorski, Paul (D - PA- 202-225-6511
Kaptur, Marcy (D - OH- 202-225-4146
Kasich, John (R - OH- 202-225-5355
Kelly, Sue (R - NY- 202-225-5441
Kennedy, Patrick (D - RI- 202-225-4911
Kildee, Dale (D - MI- 202-225-3611
Kilpatrick, Carolyn (D - MI- 202-225-2261
Kind, Ron (D - WI- 202-225-5506
King, Peter (R - NY- 202-225-7896
Kingston, Jack (R - GA- 202-225-5831
Kleczka, Jerry (D - WI- 202-225-4572
Klink, Ron (D - PA- 202-225-2565
Knollenberg, Joe (R - MI- 202-225-5802
Kolbe, Jim (R - AZ- 202-225-2542
Kucinich, Dennis (D - OH- 202-225-5871
Kuykendall, Steven (R - CA- 202-225-8220
LaFalce, John (D - NY- 202-225-3231
LaHood, Ray (R - IL- 202-225-6201
Lampson, Nick (D - TX- 202-225-6565
Lantos, Tom (D - CA- 202-225-3531
Largent, Steve (R - OK- 202-225-2211
Larson, John (D - CT- 202-225-2265
Latham, Tom (R - IA- 202-225-5476
LaTourette, Steven (R - OH- 202-225-5731
Lazio, Rick (R - NY- 202-225-3335
Leach, James (R - IA- 202-225-6576
Lee, Barbara (D - CA- 202-225-2661
Levin, Sander (D - MI- 202-225-4961
Lewis, Jerry (R - CA- 202-225-5861
Lewis, John (D - GA- 202-225-3801
Lewis, Ron (R - KY- 202-225-3501
Linder, John (R - GA- 202-225-4272
Lipinski, William (D - IL- 202-225-5701
Livingston, Bob (R - LA- 202-225-3015
LoBiondo, Frank (R - NJ- 202-225-6572
Lofgren, Zoe (D - CA- 202-225-3072
Lowey, Nita (D - NY- 202-225-6506
Lucas, Ken (D - KY- 202-225-3465
Lucas, Frank (R - OK- 202-225-5565
Luther, Bill (D - MN- 202-225-2271
Maloney, James (D - CT- 202-225-3822
Maloney, Carolyn (D - NY- 202-225-7944
Manzullo, Donald (R - IL- 202-225-5676
Markey, Edward (D - MA- 202-225-2836
Martinez, Matthew (D - CA- 202-225-5464
Mascara, Frank (D - PA- 202-225-4665
Matsui, Robert (D - CA- 202-225-7163
McCarthy, Karen (D - MO- 202-225-4535
McCarthy, Carolyn (D - NY- 202-225-5516
McCollum, Bill (R - FL- 202-225-2176
McCrery, Jim (R - LA- 202-225-2777
McDermott, Jim (D - WA- 202-225-3106
McGovern, James (D - MA- 202-225-6101
McHugh, John (R - NY- 202-225-4611
McInnis, Scott (R - CO- 202-225-4761
McIntosh, David (R - IN- 202-225-3021
McIntyre, Mike (D - NC- 202-225-2731
McKeon, Howard (R - CA- 202-225-1956
McKinney, Cynthia (D - GA- 202-225-1605
McNulty, Michael (D - NY- 202-225-5076
Meehan, Martin (D - MA- 202-225-3411
Meek, Carrie (D - FL- 202-225-4506
Meeks, Gregory (D - NY- 202-225-3461
Menendez, Robert (D - NJ- 202-225-7919
Metcalf, Jack (R - WA- 202-225-2605
Mica, John (R - FL- 202-225-4035
Millender-McDonald, Juanita (D - CA- 202-225-7924
Miller, George (D - CA- 202-225-2095
Miller, Gary (R - CA- 202-225-3201
Miller, Dan (R - FL- 202-225-5015
Minge, David (D - MN- 202-225-2331
Mink, Patsy (D - HI- 202-225-4906
Moakley, John (D - MA- 202-225-8273
Mollohan, Alan (D - WV- 202-225-4172
Moore, Dennis (D - KS- 202-225-2865
Moran, Jerry (R - KS- 202-225-2715
Moran, James (D - VA- 202-225-4376
Morella, Constance (R - MD- 202-225-5341
Murtha, John (D - PA- 202-225-2065
Myrick, Sue (R - NC- 202-225-1976
Nadler, Jerrold (D - NY- 202-225-5635
Napolitano, Grace (D - CA- 202-225-5258
Neal, Richard (D - MA- 202-225-5601
Nethercutt, George (R - WA- 202-225-2006
Ney, Robert (R - OH- 202-225-6265
Northup, Anne (R - KY- 202-225-5401
Norton, Eleanor (D - DC- 202-225-8050
Norwood, Charlie (R - GA- 202-225-4101
Nussle, Jim (R - IA- 202-225-2911
Oberstar, James (D - MN- 202-225-6211
Obey, David (D - WI- 202-225-3365
Olver, John (D - MA- 202-225-5335
Ortiz, Solomon (D - TX- 202-225-7742
Ose, Douglas (R - CA- 202-225-5716
Owens, Major (D - NY- 202-225-6231
Oxley, Michael (R - OH- 202-225-2676
Packard, Ron (R - CA- 202-225-3906
Pallone, Frank (D - NJ- 202-225-4671
Pascrell, William (D - NJ- 202-225-5751
Pastor, Ed (D - AZ- 202-225-4065
Paul, Ron (R - TX- 202-225-2831
Payne, Donald (D - NJ- 202-225-3436
Pease, Edward (R - IN- 202-225-5805
Pelosi, Nancy (D - CA- 202-225-4965
Peterson, Collin (D - MN- 202-225-2165
Peterson, John (R - PA- 202-225-5121
Petri, Thomas (R - WI- 202-225-2476
Phelps, David (D - IL- 202-225-5201
Pickering, Charles (R - MS- 202-225-5031
Pickett, Owen (D - VA- 202-225-4215
Pitts, Joseph (R - PA- 202-225-2411
Pombo, Richard (R - CA- 202-225-1947
Pomeroy, Earl (D - ND- 202-225-2611
Porter, John (R - IL- 202-225-4835
Portman, Rob (R - OH- 202-225-3164
Price, David (D - NC- 202-225-1784
Pryce, Deborah (R - OH- 202-225-2015
Quinn, Jack (R - NY- 202-225-3306
Radanovich, George (R - CA- 202-225-4540
Rahall, Nick (D - WV- 202-225-3452
Ramstad, Jim (R - MN- 202-225-2871
Rangel, Charles (D - NY- 202-225-4365
Regula, Ralph (R - OH- 202-225-3876
Reyes, Silvestre (D - TX- 202-225-4831
Reynolds, Tom (R - NY- 202-225-5265
Riley, Bob (R - AL- 202-225-3261
Rivers, Lynn (D - MI- 202-225-6261
Rodriguez, Ciro (D - TX- 202-225-1640
Roemer, Tim (D - IN- 202-225-3915
Rogan, James (R - CA- 202-225-4176
Rogers, Harold (R - KY- 202-225-4601
Rohrabacher, Dana (R - CA- 202-225-2415
Romero-Barcelo, Carlos (D - PR- 202-225-2615
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R - FL- 202-225-3931
Rothman, Steven (D - NJ- 202-225-5061
Roukema, Marge (R - NJ- 202-225-4465
Roybal-Allard, Lucille (D - CA- 202-225-1766
Royce, Edward (R - CA- 202-225-4111
Rush, Bobby (D - IL- 202-225-4372
Ryan, Paul (R - WI- 202-225-3031
Ryun, Jim (R - KS- 202-225-6601
Sabo, Martin (D - MN- 202-225-4755
Salmon, Matt (R - AZ- 202-225-2635
Sanchez, Loretta (D - CA- 202-225-2965
Sanders, Bernard (I - VT- 202-225-4115
Sandlin, Max (D - TX- 202-225-3035
Sanford, Marshall (R - SC- 202-225-3176
Sawyer, Thomas (D - OH- 202-225-5231
Saxton, Jim (R - NJ- 202-225-4765
Scarborough, Joe (R - FL- 202-225-4136
Schaffer, Bob (R - CO- 202-225-4676
Schakowsky, Janice (D - IL- 202-225-2111
Scott, Robert (D - VA- 202-225-8351
Sensenbrenner, F. (R - WI- 202-225-5101
Serrano, Jose' (D - NY- 202-225-4361
Sessions, Pete (R - TX- 202-225-2231
Shadegg, John (R - AZ- 202-225-3361
Shaw, E. (R - FL- 202-225-3026
Shays, Christopher (R - CT- 202-225-5541
Sherman, Brad (D - CA- 202-225-5911
Sherwood, Don (R - PA- 202-225-3731
Shimkus, John (R - IL- 202-225-5271
Shows, Ronnie (D - MS- 202-225-5865
Shuster, Bud (R - PA- 202-225-2431
Simpson, Mike (R - ID- 202-225-5531
Sisisky, Norman (D - VA- 202-225-6365
Skeen, Joe (R - NM- 202-225-2365
Skelton, Ike (D - MO- 202-225-2876
Slaughter, Louise (D - NY- 202-225-3615
Smith, Nick (R - MI- 202-225-6276
Smith, Christopher (R - NJ- 202-225-3765
Smith, Lamar (R - TX- 202-225-4236
Smith, Adam (D - WA- 202-225-8901
Snyder, Vic (D - AR- 202-225-2506
Souder, Mark (R - IN- 202-225-4436
Spence, Floyd (R - SC- 202-225-2452
Spratt, John (D - SC- 202-225-5501
Stabenow, Deborah (D - MI- 202-225-4872
Stark, Pete (D - CA- 202-225-5065
Stearns, Clifford (R - FL- 202-225-5744
Stenholm, Charles (D - TX- 202-225-6605
Strickland, Ted (D - OH- 202-225-5705
Stump, Bob (R - AZ- 202-225-4576
Stupak, Bart (D - MI- 202-225-4735
Sununu, John (R - NH- 202-225-5456
Sweeney, John (R - NY- 202-225-5614
Talent, James (R - MO- 202-225-2561
Tancredo, Tom (R - CO- 202-225-7882
Tanner, John (D - TN- 202-225-4714
Tauscher, Ellen (D - CA- 202-225-1880
Tauzin, W. (Billy-(R - LA- 202-225-4031
Taylor, Gene (D - MS- 202-225-5772
Taylor, Charles (R - NC- 202-225-6401
Terry, Lee (R - NE- 202-225-4155
Thomas, William (R - CA- 202-225-2915
Thompson, Mike (D - CA- 202-225-3311
Thompson, Bennie (D - MS- 202-225-5876
Thornberry, William (R - TX- 202-225-3706
Thune, John (R - SD- 202-225-2801
Thurman, Karen (D - FL- 202-225-1002
Tiahrt, Todd (R - KS- 202-225-6216
Tierney, John (D - MA- 202-225-8020
Toomey, Pat (R - PA- 202-225-6411
Towns, Edolphus (D - NY- 202-225-5936
Traficant, James (D - OH- 202-225-5261
Turner, Jim (D - TX- 202-225-2401
Udall, Mark (D - CO- 202-225-2161
Udall, Thomas (D - NM- 202-225-6190
Underwood, Robert (D - GU- 202-225-1188
Upton, Fred (R - MI- 202-225-3761
Velazquez, Nydia (D - NY- 202-225-2361
Vento, Bruce (D - MN- 202-225-6631
Visclosky, Peter (D - IN- 202-225-2461
Walden, Greg (R - OR- 202-225-6730
Walsh, James (R - NY- 202-225-3701
Wamp, Zach (R - TN- 202-225-3271
Waters, Maxine (D - CA- 202-225-2201
Watkins, Wes (R - OK- 202-225-4565
Watt, Melvin (D - NC- 202-225-1510
Watts, J. (R - OK- 202-225-6165
Waxman, Henry (D - CA- 202-225-3976
Weiner, Anthony (D - NY- 202-225-6616
Weldon, Dave (R - FL- 202-225-3671
Weldon, Curt (R - PA- 202-225-2011
Weller, Gerald (R - IL- 202-225-3635
Wexler, Robert (D - FL- 202-225-3001
Weygand, Robert (D - RI- 202-225-2735
Whitfield, Edward (R - KY- 202-225-3115
Wicker, Roger (R - MS- 202-225-4306
Wilson, Heather (R - NM- 202-225-6316
Wise, Bob (D - WV- 202-225-2711
Wolf, Frank (R - VA- 202-225-5136
Woolsey, Lynn (D - CA- 202-225-5161
Wu, David (D - OR- 202-225-0855
Wynn, Albert (D - MD- 202-225-8699
Young, Don (R - AK- 202-225-5765
Young, C. (R - FL- 202-225-5961

Abraham, Spencer (R - MI- 202-224-4822
Akaka, Daniel (D - HI- 202-224-6361
Allard, Wayne (R - CO- 202-224-5941
Ashcroft, John (R - MO- 202-224-6154
Baucus, Max (D - MT- 202-224-2651
Bayh, Evan (D - IN- 202-224-5623
Bennett, Robert (R - UT- 202-224-5444
Biden, Joseph (D - DE- 202-224-5042
Bingaman, Jeff (D - NM- 202-224-5521
Bond, Christopher (R - MO- 202-224-5721
Boxer, Barbara (D - CA- 202-224-3553
Breaux, John (D - LA- 202-224-4623
Brownback, Sam (R - KS- 202-224-6521
Bryan, Richard (D - NV- 202-224-6244
Bunning, Jim (R - KY- 202-224-4343
Burns, Conrad (R - MT- 202-224-2644
Byrd, Robert (D - WV- 202-224-3954
Campbell, Ben (R - CO- 202-224-5852
Chafee, John (R - RI- 202-224-2921
Cleland, Max (D - GA- 202-224-3521
Cochran, Thad (R - MS- 202-224-5054
Collins, Susan (R - ME- 202-224-2523
Conrad, Kent (D - ND- 202-224-2043
Coverdell, Paul (R - GA- 202-224-3643
Craig, Larry (R - ID- 202-224-2752
Crapo, Mike (R - ID- 202-224-6142
Daschle, Thomas (D - SD- 202-224-2321
DeWine, Mike (R - OH- 202-224-2315
Dodd, Christopher (D - CT- 202-224-2823
Domenici, Pete (R - NM- 202-224-6621
Dorgan, Byron (D - ND- 202-224-2551
Durbin, Richard (D - IL- 202-224-2152
Edwards, John (D - NC- 202-224-3154
Enzi, Michael (R - WY- 202-224-6441
Feingold, Russell (D - WI- 202-224-5323
Feinstein, Dianne (D - CA- 202-224-3841
Fitzgerald, Peter (R - IL- 202-224-2854
Frist, Bill (R - TN- 202-224-3344
Gorton, Slade (R - WA- 202-224-3441
Graham, Bob (D - FL- 202-224-3041
Gramm, Phil (R - TX- 202-224-2934
Grams, Rod (R - MN- 202-224-3244
Grassley, Charles (R - IA- 202-224-3744
Gregg, Judd (R - NH- 202-224-3324
Hagel, Charles (R - NE- 202-224-4224
Harkin, Tom (D - IA- 202-224-3254
Hatch, Orrin (R - UT- 202-224-5251
Helms, Jesse (R - NC- 202-224-6342
Hollings, Ernest (D - SC- 202-224-6121
Hutchinson, Tim (R - AR- 202-224-2353
Hutchison, Kay (R - TX- 202-224-5922
Inhofe, James (R - OK- 202-224-4721
Inouye, Daniel (D - HI- 202-224-3934
Jeffords, James (R - VT- 202-224-5141
Johnson, Tim (D - SD- 202-224-5842
Kennedy, Edward (D - MA- 202-224-4543
Kerrey, Bob (D - NE- 202-224-6551
Kerry, John (D - MA- 202-224-2742
Kohl, Herb (D - WI- 202-224-5653
Kyl, Jon (R - AZ- 202-224-4521
Landrieu, Mary (D - LA- 202-224-5824
Lautenberg, Frank (D - NJ- 202-224-4744
Leahy, Patrick (D - VT- 202-224-4242
Levin, Carl (D - MI- 202-224-6221
Lieberman, Joseph (D - CT- 202-224-4041
Lincoln, Blanche (D - AR- 202-224-4843
Lott, Trent (R - MS- 202-224-6253
Lugar, Richard (R - IN- 202-224-4814
Mack, Connie (R - FL- 202-224-5274
McCain, John (R - AZ- 202-224-2235
McConnell, Mitch (R - KY- 202-224-2541
Mikulski, Barbara (D - MD- 202-224-4654
Moynihan, Daniel (D - NY- 202-224-4451
Murkowski, Frank (R - AK- 202-224-6665
Murray, Patty (D - WA- 202-224-2621
Nickles, Don (R - OK- 202-224-5754
Reed, Jack (D - RI- 202-224-4642
Reid, Harry (D - NV- 202-224-3542
Robb, Charles (D - VA- 202-224-4024
Roberts, Pat (R - KS- 202-224-4774
Rockefeller, John (D - WV- 202-224-6472
Roth, William (R - DE- 202-224-2441
Santorum, Rick (R - PA- 202-224-6324
Sarbanes, Paul (D - MD- 202-224-4524
Schumer, Charles (D - NY- 202-224-6542
Sessions, Jeff (R - AL- 202-224-4124
Shelby, Richard (R - AL- 202-224-5744
Smith, Robert (R - NH- 202-224-2841
Smith, Gordon (R - OR- 202-224-3753
Snowe, Olympia (R - ME- 202-224-5344

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KOSOVO: Post-peace plan

Just as the Vietnam War was an albatross around the neck of Lyndon
Johnson, the Yugoslav bombing campaign is taking its toll on Bill Clinton. If
the elusive peace agreement finally is final, it may not get any better.

Over the weekend, thousands of protesters marched on the Pentagon,
calling for the abolition of NATO and an end to the war. President Clinton
was branded a war criminal and urged to send his daughter to fight.

A series of protests are scheduled across the nation tomorrow, meanwhile.

As a young war protester, Clinton criticized LBJ. Now he is LBJ.

The polls bear more bad news.

A Washington Post survey, taken over the weekend, shows fewer than half
of all Americans think the United States should have gotten involved in the
war, and a plurality says American ''peacekeepers'' should stay out.

Of course, the latest breakthrough may make war protests a moot point.
But, for Clinton, peace will mean trading one set of problems for another.

First and foremost, he must decide whether to reinvent his goal in Kosovo.

Originally, he sought autonomy. But his allies, the Kosovo Liberation Army,
still demand independence.

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, addressing the issue while
accompanied by a group of ethnic Albanians on Monday, said, ''We are not
here to take anyone's dreams away.''

If the president grants Kosovo independence, U.S. troops will have to be
there indefinitely to defend the new state's borders against the Serbs - who
have claimed Kosovo for centuries.

But if not, he will have to come to grips with his promise to disarm the KLA.
That won't be easy. The KLA is brimming with weapons, bought with profits
from a lucrative prostitution and international narcotics smuggling racket, and
it wants to keep them.

If faced with a NATO ultimatum to give them up, a KLA spokesman said
Monday, the guerrillas probably would hide them in Albania.

Guess what might happen later, if the KLA isn't happy with NATO rule?

Clinton also will be asked to explain why he chose to ally himself, in effect,
with terrorist Osama bin Laden.

Bin Laden has been indicted for the U.S. Embassy bombings that killed
more than 200 people in Africa. He is on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list.
While Clinton has given the KLA air cover, he has provided training and
outside soldiers dedicated to establishing a radical Islamic state in Kosovo.

The president also will be asked whether NATO was vicious or merely inept
when it bombed hospitals, health centers, schools, apartment complexes and
retirement homes, killing perhaps 1,300 innocent Yugoslav citizens.

If the United States itself was in danger, no one would object to killing
civilians. But that was not the case. Yugoslavia did not threaten any other
country, even after it was attacked.

The president also will need to address the problem of ethnic Serbs in
Kosovo. After enduring many years of ethnic cleansing by the KLA -
bombings, beatings and shootings - few are left. What will happen when the
KLA resumes its brutal ways against those who remain behind?

In his farewell address, George Washington warned against involvement in
European wars. Astute advice.

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War Ends! All Hell Breaks Loose!

Now that there's peace in the Balkans, foreign leaders are panic-stricken over who Bill Clinton will bomb next. As George
Stephanopoulos numbly announced in his weepy confessional, All Too Human, "Bombing polled well. Ground troops didn't."
So no more peaceful sleeps for Saddam. No more happy-go-lucky night shifts at aspirin factories. Time to tune-up our
remaining cruise missiles, 'cuz Slick Willey has some front pages to fill.

No way Chinagate will get any coverage. Wind-up Hillary and send her off to New York. Blast away anywhere in Iraq, Iran,
New Jersey, wherever. Hey, if it helps the effort, our boy will have another affair or three. But he'll be damned if Bill Gertz or
Jeff Gerth get an article above the fold before Al Gore slithers back in to the White House.

These are the marching orders. It's going to be tough. There's much to push off the front pages. Just wait until the pictures in
Kosovo start streaming in. No where to live. No running water, no food, no nothing. Those pictures cannot be the lead on the
evening news. Nor can Hillary's sinking poll numbers, or Al's for that matter. Better get crackin'!

Web Hubbell's trial is on the horizon. The cost of the war to social security is being tabulated. Senate hearings on Renogate are
about to get underway. Senate Republicans are gonna get medeival on Sandy Berger's butt.

I can hear the clanking of the armor. James Carville and friends are putting back on their gear. The war against the Serbs may
have ended, but the assault on the adversarial press has just begun.

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Some of the same Whiz Kids who helped put our country into the Serbian frying pan are continuing to spin out harebrained
schemes, trying to improve on their burnt offering. Sources say these Ivy college airheads are now chewing on the idea that the
United States should quietly train, arm and equip the Kosovo Liberation Army.

Arming the KLA would be like providing Special Forces demolition training to any remaining members of Oklahoma bomber
Timothy McVeigh's terrorist gang. In February 1998, Robert Gelbard, Clinton's envoy for Kosovo, said that the KLA "is,
without any questions, a terrorist group." Intelligence folks say Gelbard's assessment is dead on the money. The KLA's
leadership and ranks are filled with radicals, Islamic crazies and heavy haters who are as responsible as Milosevic's worst thugs
for thecatastrophe visited on the tormented people of Yugoslavia.

International cops say the KLA includes global drug dealers and arms smugglers who've been in bed with the Albanian Mafia
for years. The lawmen report that profits from these shady deals armed the KLA and financed their guerrilla attacks on the
Serbian police, military and the residents of Kosovo - terrorist assaults that along with Serbian brutality certainly helped trigger
the shootout in Yugoslavia in the first place.

Intelligence reports that some KLA members were trained by international bomber Osama bin Laden's outfit and that radical
members of the KLA, which is now trying to pose as a legitimate army, have sworn they'll go down shooting rather than give up
their guns.

Recently Croatian General Agim Ceku became the head of the KLA. While with the Croatian Army, his killing skills were
spiffed up by the U.S. mercenary group Military Professional Resources Inc. - a rent-an-American-soldier enterprise led by a
cash-starved retired U.S. Army four-star general.

In 1995, Gen. Ceku was a player in Operation Storm, a covert Clinton-backed and MPRI-trained Croatian military operation
that ethnically cleansed 200,000 Serbs from their homes in Croatia, killing thousands of civilians.

Since taking over the KLA, Ceku has purged all of its moderates. If a KLA member was a supporter of Ibrahim Rugova, the
exiled "president" of Kosovo who for the past decade has pursued a Gandhi-like nonviolence policy in the troubled province,
he was toast. Rugova's peaceful approach is not welcomed by a KLA that's into violently overthrowing the Serbia regime in

On the Kosovo battlefield, the KLA has been clobbered by the more heavily armed Serbs in every major fight - even though
NATO functioned as its dedicated air force.

During the latter phase of the war, the KLA's operations have been reduced to small teams operating as snipers, conducting
ambushes and spotting for NATO bombers. These fumbling greenhorns aren't capable of more complex tasks because the
KLA is more of a mob than a trained fighting unit. While they have a lot of warm bodies, perhaps as many as 17,000, they
have few savvy leaders and their ranks are filled mainly with recruits. Untrained recruits augmented with cutthroats don't make
an army. Only well-led, well- trained, well-equipped and well-disciplined soldiers can be molded into effective fighting teams.
And this is not done with a wave of a magic wand. It takes about ten years of sweat and hard work to organize, train and field
an effective Army from the get-go.

Contrary to the Whiz Kids' schemes and dreams, there's no such thing as an instant army.

Short-term solutions frequently backfire. U.S. Marines and U.S. Army soldiers who'll walk the dangerous peacekeeping beat in
Kosovo shouldn't have American-trained-and-armed terrorists attacking them from the shadows.

Once again, as with the 1990s Afghanistan War, we may find ourselves relearning the hard lesson that yesterday's freedom
fighters can easily become tomorrow's terrorists. America has a long history of training and arming the Manuel Noriegas and
Saddam Husseins only to have their soldiers kill ours when they're no longer our favorite thugs.

So the civilian lap top commandos must stop playing Oliver North and give up on the wrongheaded idea of supporting the
KLA on the sly.

Secret armies composed of wild-eyed thugs and idealistic kids don't work. The KLA must be disarmed, or American
peacekeepers will pay a price in the minefields of Kosovo.

Eminent Member
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Posts: 21

Do you even read what you post? Or do you just glance at it and see it is anti-NATO and post it?
You have already posted it once, here was my comments on it.


By Maja on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 - 09:18 pm:


Some of the same Whiz Kids who helped put our country into the Serbian frying pan are continuing to spin out harebrained
schemes, trying to improve on their burnt offering. Sources say these Ivy college airheads are now chewing on the idea that the

Arming the KLA would be like providing Special Forces demolition training to any remaining members of Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh's terrorist gang.[DUH! THEY HAVE BEEN ARMED FOR YEARS NOW.] In February 1998, Robert Gelbard, Clinton's envoy for Kosovo, said that the KLA "is, without any questions, a terrorist group." Intelligence folks say Gelbard's assessment is dead on the money. The KLA's
leadership and ranks are filled with radicals, Islamic crazies and heavy haters who are as responsible as Milosevic's worst thugs [PROBABLY TRUE, EXCEPT MILOSEVICS THUGS STARTED KILLING MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN THAT ARE NOT MEMBERS OF THE KLA.]for the catastrophe visited on the tormented people of Yugoslavia.

International cops say the KLA includes[BUT DOES NOT CONSIST OF,] global drug dealers and arms smugglers who've been in bed with the Albanian Mafia for years. The lawmen report that profits from these shady deals armed the KLA and financed their guerrilla attacks on the Serbian police, military and the residents of Kosovo - terrorist assaults that along with Serbian brutality[BOTH SIDES ARE EQUALLY GUILTY OF CRIMES.] certainly helped trigger the shootout in Yugoslavia in the first place.

Intelligence[WHOSE MAJA? YOURS? LOL!] reports that some KLA members were trained by international bomber Osama bin Laden's outfit and that radical members of the KLA, which is now trying to pose as a legitimate army, have sworn they'll go down shooting rather than give up
their guns.

Recently Croatian General Agim Ceku became the head of the KLA. While with the Croatian Army, his killing skills were spiffed up by the U.S. mercenary group Military Professional Resources Inc. - a rent-an-American-soldier enterprise led by a cash-starved retired U.S. Army four-star general.

In 1995, Gen. Ceku was a player in Operation Storm, a covert Clinton-backed[WHO SAID THIS? WHERE IS THE REFERENCE MAJA?] and MPRI-trained Croatian military operation that ethnically cleansed 200,000 Serbs from their homes in Croatia, killing thousands of civilians.

Since taking over the KLA, Ceku has purged all of its moderates. If a KLA member was a supporter of Ibrahim Rugova, the exiled "president" of Kosovo who for the past decade has pursued a Gandhi-like nonviolence policy in the troubled province,
he was toast. Rugova's peaceful approach is not welcomed by a KLA that's into violently Overthrowing the Serbia regime in Kosovo.

On the Kosovo battlefield, the KLA has been clobbered by the more heavily armed Serbs in every major fight - even though
NATO functioned as its dedicated air force.

During the latter phase of the war, the KLA's operations have been reduced to small teams operating as snipers, conducting
ambushes and spotting for NATO bombers[SURE, WHY NOT USE THEM AS SPOTTERS? THEY ARE THERE AND THEY WANT TO HELP NATO.IF YOU WANT TO SPOT FOR NATO MAJA, THEY WILL LET YOU.] These fumbling greenhorns aren't capable of more complex tasks because the KLA is more of a mob than a trained fighting unit. While they have a lot of warm bodies, perhaps as many as 17,000, they have few savvy leaders and their ranks are filled mainly with recruits. Untrained recruits[WHO ONLY WANT THE SERBS TO STOP KILLING THEIR FAMILIES.] augmented with cutthroats don't make
an army. Only well-led, well- trained, well-equipped and well-disciplined soldiers can be molded into effective fighting teams.
And this is not done with a wave of a magic wand. It takes about ten years of sweat and hard work to organize, train and field an effective Army from the get-go.[GIVE ME A BREAK MAJA. IT ONLY TAKES ABOUT 4-6 MONTHS TO CHANGE AN "UNTRAINED RECRUIT" INTO A WELL TRAINED SOLDIER.]

Contrary to the Whiz Kids' schemes and dreams, there's no such thing as an instant army. [SURE THERE IS. THEY ARE CALLED REVOLUTIONARY ARMYS.]

Short-term solutions frequently backfire. U.S. Marines and U.S. Army soldiers who'll walk the dangerous peacekeeping beat in Kosovo shouldn't have American-trained-and-armed terrorists [OR REVOLUTIONARIES] attacking them from the shadows.

Once again, as with the 1990s Afghanistan War, we may find ourselves relearning the hard lesson that yesterday's freedom fighters[GOOD TERM TO USE HERE MAJA.] can easily become tomorrow's terrorists. America has a long history of training and arming the Manuel Noriegas and
Saddam Husseins only to have their soldiers kill ours [OURS? ARE YOU AN AMERICAN NOW?]when they're no longer our[YOU ARE AN AMERICAN!] favorite thugs.[YES. WE DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT THEM. WE JUST USE THEM AND THROW THEM AWAY.]

So the civilian lap top commandos must stop playing Oliver North and give up on the wrongheaded idea of supporting the


P.S. Maja,please supply us with the references to support your claims. If this is not your writing, and it is from one of those opinion articles in a USA newspaper, then surely you must see they are opinions and not facts. They are sensationalized, like the "National Enquirer", in order to provoke a response from the readers, thereby insuring their notoriety or popularity {Same thing.} and continued publication. They are not based on facts, only speculations and opinions.
If this your writing, then you are a liar for telling us you are a Slovenian.

Honorable Member
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Posts: 616


"covering" something on the 'net isn't the kind of "coverage" the lady was crticizing the lack of by the national media. in america, and i suppose everywhere else, one still needs access to the internet to begin with; i dont know the stats but most americans still dont have that access.

as opposed to, say, media coverage of vietnam-era protests, of which there was plenty on the nightly news and in the papers, this protest came and went with nary a peep. no accident there.

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Posted Thursday, June 10, 1999 - 04:56 EDT by MNNews
COLOGNE, Germany (Reuters) - The president of
beleaguered Montenegro on Wednesday described
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic as an anachronism
who followed ``quarrelsome and arrogant'' policies.
The mountain republic, dissident partner in the Yugoslav
federation, could give logistical support to a Kosovo peace
force with a U.N. mandate, President Milo Djukanovic also
told a news conference with U.S. Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright.

Djukanovic, a constant critic of Milosevic despite Serbian
pressure on his government during the Kosovo conflict, said
he expected the confrontation between the two
governments to continue while Milosevic stays in power.

``As long as Milosevic is present in the political life of
Yugoslavia, his pressures on the democratic government in
Montenegro will not cease,'' he said.

``Milosevic is a politician who belongs to the past ... I hope
that after all this agony he has put the Serbian people
through, they too have such an opinion of him.

``I hope that in the near future they will know how to elect
a democratic leader,'' he added.

Once the Kosovo conflict ends, Montenegro expects
Milosevic to cancel his declaration of a state of war in
Yugoslavia, reduce the Yugoslav presence to peace-time
levels and withdraw Yugoslav forces from the Montenegrin
port of Bar.

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Posted Thursday, June 10, 1999 - 03:48 EDT by MNNews
Paris, Thursday, June 10, 1999
By Steven Mufson Washington Post Service

COLOGNE - Milo Djukanovic, the 37-year-old president
of the tiny Yugoslav republic of Montenegro, on Wednesday
offered his port and territory for international peacekeeping
forces to use to support operations in Kosovo.
Montenegro would give the international military forces an
easier route to Kosovo than the mountainous routes through
or Macedonia. The presence of international forces would
provide a
degree of protection for Mr. Djukanovic's multiethnic,
democratically elected coalition government, which has
refused to provide recruits for the Yugoslav army and has
provided a refuge for opponents of President Slobodan
Milosevic and the target of harassment by his Yugoslav
federal troops.
But one potential obstacle looms before international forces
taking up Mr. Djukanovic's offer: Yugoslav troops currently
the Montenegrin port of Bar and are blocking many of the
border crossings between Montenegro and the rest of
But Mr. Djukanovic, a Serb, said at a news conference with
U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in Cologne that
assumed that, with the end of the war in Kosovo, Yugoslav
forces would withdraw to their barracks and ''do the things
they are supposed to do under the constitution.''
Mr. Djukanovic's appearance with Mrs. Albright was just the
latest display of international support for the Montenegrin,
whom Mrs.
Albright called ''a shining example of what is possible'' in
Serbia. Mr.Djukanovic's republic has received about $40
million in U.S. aid.
He and Mrs. Albright spoke for more than an hour, focusing
especially on Mr. Djukanovic's analysis of the political
in Yugoslavia, a U.S. official said.
A senior U.S. State Department official said Washington
would reopen in the Montenegrin capital a diplomatic office
that it had
moved to Dubrovnik after the war began.
But if Mr. Milosevic plans to hang on to power, his tangling
with Mr.
Djukanovic might not be over. Yugoslav troops have been
Montenegrin police forces loyal to Mr. Djukanovic for many
Mr. Djukanovic, who called Mr. Milosevic ''a politician who
belongs to the past,'' said he would not speak in terms of
''whether Yugoslavia has won or lost.'' Rather, he said,
''What has lost is a quarrelsome, arrogant policy personified
by Mr. Milosevic. I think that Yugoslavia will gain because
peace will be restored in our country.''
Despite differences between Montenegro and Belgrade,Mr.
Djukanovic reiterated that he did not seek to split off from
the Yugoslav Republic.

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Posted Wednesday, June 09, 1999 - 05:24 EDT by MNNews
PODGORICA, 8th June(Montena-fax)- President of
Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has said that Army and Police
troops will not withdraw from Kosovo via the territory of

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Posted Thursday, June 10, 1999 - 04:44 EDT by MNNews
ZAGREB, Croatia (Reuters) -- Croatian reporter Antun
Masle, who was detained by the Yugoslav army on
espionage charges in April, has arrived in Croatia after
escaping his guards, his magazine said on Wednesday.

"Masle has crossed into Croatia and is in a safe place now,"
an official at Globus weekly told Reuters in a first
confirmation of Masle's whereabouts since his escape on
Sunday. The official could not immediately give any more

Masle, a seasoned war reporter, was seized by Yugoslav
soldiers on April 20 while crossing from Albania into
Montenegro. He was accused of spying and put in
preventive custody ahead of a possible trial before a military

He faced at least 10 years in prison if found guilty.

While details of his escape remained sketchy, Montenegrin
independent daily Vijesti said Masle had managed to evade
two officers late on Sunday night and escape from
Podgorica's main hospital, where he had been taken after
complaining of severe stomach pains.

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The above post came from

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Active Member
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Would you people, tell us something from your own head or not. This is the main idea of this board. All you are doing is 'cut and paste' some articles from newspapers. This goes to all those who are able to think with own brains. (Not included are Maja,Nick and Daniela). Don't bother about them...they will never be 'wrong'. They are always 'right'. There is nothing to do...we can only laught and let them be happy in 'Serbian Victory'.
But there where not enough Serbs killed to stop the violence on Balkan....Next target is MonteNegro...then the end Serbia-self...First True civil war in former Yugoslavia.


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Sorry Georg, but when I post my own ideas I wind up pissed off and degrade myself into name calling like Nick, Maja, etc.
I do have a question though.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why the Russians would move in early like they are doing?

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