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Archive through June 16, 1999

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Personal opinion, s.h.i.t has already hit the fan.
This looks more like I have always imagined Beirut
too look like. Every single sould armed to the teeth. NATO troops only on the main roads, everywhere else 100% violence. KLA will not disarm and NATo doesn't look like it is planing to do the job. Serb extremist will not go out of Kosovo once they have seen eleven Serbs killed in one single day.

Prepare for a long war.

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Maja, even if it did become a war, which it hasn't, it wouldn't be a long one...

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Maja, be happy ....
your beloved Milosovic is still in power.

Serbs are retreating
into a country blown to bits,
all the goods you looted
will depreciate in value within a year or two.

But the destruction Milo earned for you
has pushed you decades into the past.
Was it worth it ?

Albania has grown.
The international community will sponsor Kosovo
to become stronger and better
than Little Serbia.

Believe me .... Kosovo will NEVER AGAIN
be associated to Serbia
even its stay in Yugoslavia is very very doubtful.
Milosovic calls it a "victory".
His thwarted thinking prevails from start to end.


You guys are really slow learners in matters of power.
You keep pissing against the wind.
You stand no chance, but you insist.

YOU started the fight,
now you have been beaten.
Was it worth it?

.... lick your wounds,
.... go cry in that sorry corner of the world called Serbia.

Was it worth it?

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Nick, Maja, Daniela
Can you see now? Are you still blind to the truth? Day 2 of NATO in Kosovo and already they stumble across mass graves and stolen identification documents. Are you proud of your affiliation with a genocidal regime? Excuse me for saying so but I think you are all scum.

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as graves are found,
attrocities revealed,
supressed people get to speak.

You can not stop it now.
What are you going to do?
Will you DENY it all?

You have stated your support .... in writing.
It is here for all to see.

Who is this Nick?
Who is this Maja?
Who is this Daniela?

Supporters of Serb-criminals
promoters of the "superior humans" ideal.
Human right abusers.

You are a part of the crimes committed.
You spread the philosophy of murder.
The true PROPAGANDISTS on this board.



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Was there ever any question about what they were? The only question that I had was what their effectiveness would be and that one has been answered -- NONE.

It's over now except for the specifics about the disposition and size of the peacekeeping force. Peacekeepers will be in the region for decades. My only hope is that the former residents can now return home and live out there lives in peace.

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please, people.
can't you see that war begins at home?

scum? collaborators?
but we're bones beneath, and life isn't very long.
compassion is a hard work worth doing,
like love, like the marriage of heaven and hell.

hate is hate
there is no just cause.

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"Brigadier General Fritz
von Korff said that Nato has no mandate for
disarming the KLA, and that it would require a
separate resolution from the UN. `"For the
moment, I can only disarm a KLA soldier if he
hinders me in fulfilling my mission," he said. At
the moment, KLA is controlling Pec, Prizren
and Orahovac although its demilitarization was
required by the agreement.."

Once again, the NATO-UN mafia lied and proves it.

Again, innocent Serbs are being expelled and exterminated in all impunity. I will cherish the minute KLA terrorists run out of Serbs to kill in Kosovo only to turn against NATO soldiers: hopefully said soldiers and KLA creeps will exterminate each others to the last one.

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The Independent, 14th June 1999

Shot dead by the Paras:
policeman who said no

Robert Fisk in Pristina

After allowing KLA guerrillas to brandish their
weapons at will in several areas of Kosovo, Nato
troops shot dead a Serb police reservist in
Pristina yesterday afternoon, claiming that they
had come "under unprovoked fire at close range"
from the Serb.

Soldiers of the 1st Battalion The Parachute
Regiment, who were responsible for the killing,
prevented reporters entering the block of flats on
Cara Dusana Street where a witness had earlier
told a reporter that the Serb was drunkenly
"joy-shooting" in the air when the British soldiers
shot him four times, once in the chest, after
shouting at him to stop.

The death will serve only to convince the
ever-decreasing number of Serb civilians in
Pristina, most of whom express contempt for
Nato, that K-For troops have arrived here to
protect the Albanians rather than their own
minority community.

Earlier in the day, KLA men shot dead a Serb
policeman, two Yugoslav soldiers and a Serb
civilian in the suburb of Vranjevac. But no KLA
men were arrested by British forces.

Not a single Albanian will mourn the death of the
police reservist, who worked for an organisation
whose members performed some of the most
notorious war crimes in Kosovo over the past
year. But the statement from Lt-Col Nicholas
Clissett, which followed the killing, was not
entirely convincing.

He began by stating that a K-For patrol had
come "under unprovoked fire at close range" and
that when the man responsible had been
"repeatedly warned" to stop, he "continued to
threaten the soldiers" and that fire was returned
"in self-defence".

There was a touch of Belfast-speak about all this.
After initially refusing to answer questions, Lt-Col
Clissett declined twice to say whether the Serb
aimed his gun at the soldiers; he would say only
that they "came under fire". He then said that the
Serb "fired at least one round" - which sounded
less threatening than the man's behaviour in his
original account of the incident.

During The Parachute Regiment's tours of duty in
Northern Ireland, there were countless incidents
of Catholics being shot dead by soldiers followed
by British military statements that the dead had
"opened unprovoked fire" and were only shot
dead after "repeated warnings".

Amid the anarchy that Nato troops seem
powerless to end here, however, the death of a
Serb policeman is not going to worry K-For,
whatever the circumstances of his killing.

An hour after the man's demise, a black-painted
hearse arrived at the block of apartments where
his body lay, with the company name of "Exitus"
written on the side with the undertaker's
telephone number: 038-48722.

That is a number likely to be called many times in
the coming days.

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There was no genocide commited by Serb forces in Kosovo.

Albanians, who are truly proving at the moment to be the most disgusting race on the face of the earth, are committing genocide in Kosovo.

And the world is watching. Sweet dreams.

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Yugoslavia won, despite the carnage engineered by NATO and ongoing retribution by KLA against Serbian Kosovo residents. Here is why:

1) Kosovo is still (for now anyway) Yugoslavia territory. It has not been stolen, conquered, annexed, by NATO or Albania.

2) Milosevic is still in power. I know this pisses you off a lot, and I am enjoying it although I am not a supporter of his policies.

3) There are finally "international" people present in Kosovo, although they call themselves NATO they are bound by the terms of the UN Resolution which means it will be from now on VERY DIFFICULT to lie, cheat, kill, hide evidence of their atrocities without the world seeing it.

4) With the Yugoslav army ordered back to Serbia, NATO monsters are now left to deal with Albanian liars and terrorists, this will not be a tea party. Let us see how they handle the problem.

5) The Russians are in Kosovo, that pisses you off too. Of course they had to come quickly otherwise international mafias would never have allocated them a zone. So they took what they could and their presence should ensure accurate reporting of the usual killing and lying by NATO and KLA.

6) There is no autonomy for Kosovo, and the way things are going there never will be, nor will independence be studied. This is the fault of Albanians mainly whom, despite being liars and assassins, are also very thick: if you really wanted to look like the victims in a conflict, why would you go around shooting those you claim were shooting you ? Really dumb, but we knew that already.

The above six points are the undeniable proof of the Yugoslav victory, which the West calls defeat because of the damage inflicted on Yugoslav economy. Not a very mature comment.

NATO is lucky to get away with their actions, if there was fair justice they would already be out of business.

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Had you really been in the Army, you would not talk nonsense like this rubbish !

This proves you either defected, dodged the draft like you beloved Klintoon, or faked a psychological disorder. Maybe you didn't have to fake it.

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hate, why so much hate? they can't fake the anguish in people's faces, and god but I've seen a lot of it. serbs and albanians alike.

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to all of us,
what will we do now?
continue as before?
look where it's gotten us.
easier to say something's wrong
than to come up with an answer.
yes, the media lie.
yes, I want my bread over yours.
yes yes yes I'm afraid for my life.
I dreamed it would be different.
I never imagined that children would play
in debris, amongst skulls, waving
their parent's bones as weapons.
as they were taught.
is what we will teach.
consciousness is pain.
it's all we have
against madness.

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Serbs pull out, leaving behind mass graves and charred bodies

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, June 15 (AFP) - Serb forces pursued their pullout from southern Kosovo on Tuesday hours before a midnight deadline as the discovery of 20 charred bodies appeared to provide fresh evidence of Serb atrocities against local civilians.

Meanwhile, the United States and Russia scheduled a top-level meeting for Wednesday aimed at ending jarring discord between Moscow and NATO over the KFOR peacekeeping force in Kosovo.

The flame-blackened corpses were found by NATO troops in a house in the southern Kosovo town of Velika Krusa, near the southern city of Prizren.

A witness told AFP the dead were ethnic Albanian men who had been torched alive by Serb forces, confirming the international community's worst fears of what it could find after Serb troops and paramilitaries leave.

Tuesday's discovery came only a day after British and German troops reported they had
found five mass graves in southern Kosovo, holding at least 85 corpses.

A Velika Krusa inhabitant, 36-year-old Ismet Tara, who had led the NATO soldiers to the house, said around 250 local men between 16 and 60 had been taken away by Serb forces, two days after NATO began bombing Yugoslavia on March 24.

A batch of more than 50 of them were then "burned alive" in the building, he said.

Ethnic Albanian refugees who fled Kosovo after Serbia began its policy of mass expulsions in March have testified to executions and torture of men of military age by Serb troops and paramilitaries.

Many villages on the road from Prizren to Djakovica -- which is said to be heavily mined -- are completely destroyed and almost every house is burned.

More such finds could come in the days ahead, as Yugoslav forces and Serb paramilitaries vacate the southern third of Kosovo, which includes the provincial capital Pristina, ahead of a midnight Tuesday deadline.

The withdrawal is going according to plan, but NATO troops are ready to use force if necessary if they encounter resistance, KFOR officials said Tuesday.

"It's going well," a British officer said. "At the moment, they are clearing."

Serb forces must pull out of the entire province by June 20.

Serb civilians, meanwhile, burned houses as they fled the province to prevent ethnic Albanians from occupying them.

The arrival in the western town of Pec Monday of Italian KFOR soldiers failed to reassure Serb inhabitants, who fear the vengeance of the province's ethnic Albanian population and particularly the KLA.

Some residents set fire to their homes and headed for the border with Montenegro, 20 kilometres (12 miles) away.

At the same time, several hundred ethnic Albanian refugees left Macedonia to return home as NATO forces pushed ahead with their deployment.

"We are grateful for the welcome Macedonia has given us but now that NATO is in Kosovo, we feel safe and are returning," one told Macedonian television.

Meanwhile, on the diplomatic front, Russian Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin announced that top US and Russian officials are expected to meet in Helsinki on Wednesday, to hammer out Russia's role in the Kosovo peacekeeping force.

US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Defence Secretary William Cohen will meet with Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev, Stepashin said.

"I am convinced that all misunderstandings which have come up will be solved by the end of the week," Stepashin said, speaking after meeting President Boris Yeltsin.

Russia has refused to place its Kosovo contingent under NATO command and is pressing for the right to operate its own sector in the Serbian province, over whose future NATO bombed Yugoslavia for 11 weeks.

Washington and its allies insist however that NATO should run the entire operation and fear that Russia's control over its own sector would lead to a de facto partition of Kosovo.

The issue was infused with added urgency when some 300 Russian paratroopers moved into Kosovo ahead of NATO forces early Saturday morning.

The contingent took control of Pristina's Slatina airport on Sunday, denying French and British troops access to the strategic facility and sowing doubts about Moscow's willingness to work with NATO.

More Russian troops were sent by road from Bosnia on Tuesday, transporting food, fuel and water for their entrenched comrades.

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