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Archive through June 16, 1999

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To Nick

You are living in a fantasy world. You refuse to believe the facts even as they are being presented on this board and by worldwide news agencies. You probably still would not believe if someone transported you there and let you see it with your own eyes. You parrot Serb propaganda like a tape recording on an endless loop.

Nick, get your head out of the sand before you smother!!!

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Hmmm! Ya know, no one won this battle. Not NATO, Nor the Serbs. It would appear that the only winners here are the losers. The people of all countries. Allow me to explain:

NATO showed it's force...this creates a danger that may well not be seen for some time to come. We disclosed secret weapons that should only be used during a true war when the need exist to gain the upper hand. Yes, we bombed places that did not, in my opinion need to be bombed.

On the other hand, the FRY showed it's true colors again and unleashed what certainly is not the end of the killing and warring of factions that are close to the heart of many western countries. The saddest part is that after 100's of years, the people of the new FRY with all this fancy Internet technology can not see the forest for the trees. In other words, all this technology is of little use if you do not use it. Use it to it's full potential.

Honestly, I initially supported the operations in Kosovo. But, when we refused to launch a ground offensive, I gave up. And today, to hear that people are being shot in front of the troops on the ground, perhaps it is best that we stayed out. Vietnam is not all that far out of the minds of people that we do not remember the attrocities that were comitted by some of the same people that are making the decisions to continue this operation.
We stay and enforce the peace or we leave and let peace come from whatever means is possible. Now, I personally feel very strongly about killing innocent people. So, stop the killing! I was an American police officer for some time and know without a doubt the training that these forces have gone through. Unfortunately, polititians are allowing these things to take place and are using what they call restraint. This is total bull. I say "NATO, if you see a weapon, take it. If you are denied access to the weapon: Fire at will!" This is the only way to assure peace in the region. If we are unwilling to ascert this force. "Please send the boys home!"

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Special envoy of United Nations for human rights, Jiri Dinsbir, said that
new humanitarian catastrophe colud be started because of ethnic
cleasing of Serbs on Kosovo. He said that NATO had to disarm KLA
according to the UN resolution or there would be more than 200 000 Serb
refugees from Kosovo. Dinsbir added if that happened, it would be defeat
of NATO humanitarian activity on Balkans.

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APPEAL OF HIS EMINENCE ARTEMIJE, the Bishop of Diocese of Raska-Prizren

13.06.1999 09:35 pm

By the help of radio amateurs, with the blessing of His Eminence
Artemije, the Bishop of Diocese of Raska-Prizren we were asked to
communicate the following statement:

The general impression is that the international forces are coming too
slowly. Those already present are not numerous. Their attitude is
extremely passive and disinterested. According to them they are here to
safeguard cultural monuments.

PRIZREN: the situation is serious. There is a great tension.

Tonight a meeting of Serbs was held and it was decided that unless they
are given the United Nations protection, all Serbs will leave Kosovo
together with army and the police.

The fate of father Zoran Grujic, secretary of Diocese of Raska Prizren
was unknown. After energetic action of bishop Artemije he was released.

There are dead and wounded.

The fate of the nuns and monks from monasteries in Musutiste and
Zociste is unknown.

DECANI: the Italian forces supposed to be stationed in Decani have not
arrived yet.

The Albanians exploited this and swarmed from all sides. The fate of the
monastery is uncertain.

PEC: there are no data. Other sources report the evacuation of Serbs.
Pec is a ghost town.

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The Spanish pilots of fighter planes admit that NATO attacks
civilian targets

From the Spanish weekly "Articulo 20" (Article 20, the constitutional
provision on the freedom of speach?), No. 30, of June 14, 1999, about
the NATO bombing raids against Yugoslavia and the role of Americans in
making all decisions.

The Spanish pilots of fighter planes admit that NATO attacks civilian targets.

The pilots of Spanish planes who participated in bombing raids against
Yugoslavia do not feel like "supermen" nor as masters of air space.
Quite on the contrary, they say that our forces play to the tune of
music played by the North Americans, and accuse NATO of having honored
with medals the bombing of civilian targets, what they otherwise name
"collateral damages". Jose Luis Morales

Captain Adolfo Luis Martin de la Hoz, who returned to Spain end of May
after having participated in the bombings since the beginning, an
"authentic expert for the dreadful F-18", the war plane most often used
in the war strategy of "scorched land" in the Balkans, is very
"First of all, I want to make it clear that the majority, I say the
majority, of my colleagues, even if not all, are against the war in
general and against this war of barbarity in particular." Martin de la Hoz says
that he and his colleagues "are burnt out". "Since a few days ago there appeared in
the papers certain statements of the commander Maches Michavilla, who is
now in the air base at Aviano with the pilots who replaced us, in which he
said that our worst enemy in the air was our mental and physical health.

But I tell you that our worst enemies are our own authorities, the
Defense Minister and his whole team, the members of the Government, who
know nothing about war and go along with it without informing themselves
about anything and, what is gravest, are guilty of lying to the Spanish
people through the papers, radio and television, foreign correspondents and press

The suspicions that NATO's repeated bombings of civilian victims and
non-military targets are not the result of war "errors", are confirmed
by Captain Martin de la Hoz: "Several times our Colonel protested to
NATO commanders why they select targets which are not military targets. They
threw him out with curses saying that we should know that the North Americans
will lodge a complaint by the Spanish Army, once through Brussels and again
by the Defence Minister. But there is more, and I want to tell it to the whole
world: once there was a coded order of the North American military that we
should drop anti-personnel bombs over the localities of Prishtina and Nish.
The colonel refused it altogether and, a couple of days later, the transfer
order came. But what I say now is nothing compared to what I shall have to
say when the time comes."

The Spanish military denounces that "the Spanish Government not only
does not try to inform themselves but they also accept the false
reports that are edited for them in Aviano, where there is a sort of military
press cabinet in the hands of North American generals and
function aries. Ever since we arrived in Italy - the Captain goes on - there is no end
to humiliations and insults. The order givers are only the North
American generals, and no one else. We are zeroes, just as our replacements are
going to be. But there is still more to that. Here they say that
several operations were directed by Spanish commanders and pilots. Lies over
lies. All the missions that we flew, all and each one, were planned by US high
military authorities. Even more, they were all planned in detail,
including attacking planes, targets and type of ammunition that we have to throw.
We never directed anything, and our missions were limited to flying over the
borders of Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Slovakia."

Government's lies

None of the pilots presently stationed at Aviano, who replaced those
who went to the Italian base a little before the start of war, last March
23, were there with clean conscience, says the Spanish military. "It is
being written to saturation that the disciplined and patriotic Spanish pilots
according to Minister Eduardo Serra - are concentrating on the
complexity of their war missions". But we read so many discrepancies, so many lies that we
agreed to not read a single newspaper until we return. Our anger is

The President of the Government, the Minister of
Foreign Affairs and the Defense Minister are lying brazenly each time
they talk about the war. Some of us are of another opinion and believe
they do not inform themselves, because the North Americans - the White
House, the Pentagon, the CIA, the Embassy or military information
service, whoever, do not inform them about anything. How should they inform
themselves if our own Javier Solana has not informed himself
since the war broke out? Solana is a puppet who has been put there by
the Yankees to do what they tell him he has to do. And so he does,
standing straight before General Clark when he talks to him, or better
said, when he issues him the orders that he has to implement without

On the subject of manipulation of information about the war, Captain de
la Hoz says that "no one has said anything about the incidents that
took place in Aviano, about the disastrous maintenance of Spanish machinery,
and above all about the constant humiliations to which we were
subjected from the beginning. Not that we were cannon food. No. We were
nothing. About the fatal accidents, the losses suffered without
connection to combat, the contempt and sanctions, not a word. From no

For the wrong selection of targets and humiliations the Spanish
militaries are ever more certain that there is no alibi. "We know
perfectly well that we are intervening in a conflict - says Martin de la Hoz - which
is rejected by the majority of the Spanish people and this is most
important for us. But what they do not say in any information, commentary or speech, is
that the Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese ... that we are there to cover up the
North American generals who are dealing and wheeling in the war. There is no
journalist who has the slightest idea what is happening in Yugoslavia.

They are destroying the country, bombing it with novel weapons, toxic
nerve gases, surface mines dropped with parachute, bombs containing
uranium, black napalm, sterilization chemicals, sprayings to poison the
crops and weapons of which even we still do not know anything. The
North Americans are committing one of the biggest barbarities that can
be committed against humanity. A lot of very bad things will be told
in the future about what was happening there, because, by the way,
judging by what we talked about with the British and German officers,
it was designed in order to divide the Europeans and keep us subjected for
many decades.

Therefore, Captain Martin de la Hoz is enraged when there are talks
about the costs of the war. There should be no doubt, he confirms that
the militaries detached in Aviano are receiving bonuses which are "five
times our salary", without counting daily expenses and other prerequisites.

We could say that we should be satisfied with what this war means
economically for each one of us, but it is not true, what they give us
is the chocolate for the parrots. This war is going to cost the
Spaniards more than all money allocated for culture in the last five years. And how,
even if now no one says anything because of the elections, it will be
evident in a few months and will be felt in our pockets. Because this brutal
solely Yankees' war, no one's but Yankees', is going to be paid by all of us.
Be sure that what I say is not to exculpate myself and to intone 'mea
culpa' for having participated in it, because I will never be able to
forget that what was being committed there was one the biggest savageries of

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British troop`s comment regarding KLA:

" These people should be disarmed only if they menaced us."

According to the Peace Agreement, all KLA members must be disarmed.


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To Pete Rose, who left his reading glasses in the toilet where he wrote his 5 empty, pointless posts in the last three months:

This time make sure you read the following.

The Independent, 14th June 1999

Shot dead by the Paras:
policeman who said no

Robert Fisk in Pristina

After allowing KLA guerrillas to brandish their
weapons at will in several areas of Kosovo, Nato
troops shot dead a Serb police reservist in
Pristina yesterday afternoon, claiming that they
had come "under unprovoked fire at close range"
from the Serb.

Soldiers of the 1st Battalion The Parachute
Regiment, who were responsible for the killing,
prevented reporters entering the block of flats on
Cara Dusana Street where a witness had earlier
told a reporter that the Serb was drunkenly
"joy-shooting" in the air when the British soldiers
shot him four times, once in the chest, after
shouting at him to stop.

The death will serve only to convince the
ever-decreasing number of Serb civilians in
Pristina, most of whom express contempt for
Nato, that K-For troops have arrived here to
protect the Albanians rather than their own
minority community.

Earlier in the day, KLA men shot dead a Serb
policeman, two Yugoslav soldiers and a Serb
civilian in the suburb of Vranjevac. But no KLA
men were arrested by British forces.

Not a single Albanian will mourn the death of the
police reservist, who worked for an organisation
whose members performed some of the most
notorious war crimes in Kosovo over the past
year. But the statement from Lt-Col Nicholas
Clissett, which followed the killing, was not
entirely convincing.

He began by stating that a K-For patrol had
come "under unprovoked fire at close range" and
that when the man responsible had been
"repeatedly warned" to stop, he "continued to
threaten the soldiers" and that fire was returned
"in self-defence".

There was a touch of Belfast-speak about all this.
After initially refusing to answer questions, Lt-Col
Clissett declined twice to say whether the Serb
aimed his gun at the soldiers; he would say only
that they "came under fire". He then said that the
Serb "fired at least one round" - which sounded
less threatening than the man's behaviour in his
original account of the incident.

During The Parachute Regiment's tours of duty in
Northern Ireland, there were countless incidents
of Catholics being shot dead by soldiers followed
by British military statements that the dead had
"opened unprovoked fire" and were only shot
dead after "repeated warnings".

Amid the anarchy that Nato troops seem
powerless to end here, however, the death of a
Serb policeman is not going to worry K-For,
whatever the circumstances of his killing.

An hour after the man's demise, a black-painted
hearse arrived at the block of apartments where
his body lay, with the company name of "Exitus"
written on the side with the undertaker's
telephone number: 038-48722.

That is a number likely to be called many times in
the coming days.

Now Rose, you can call the Independent to check that Fisk did write this and that he works there. That guy is one of the least brainwashed of you f.u.c.k.i.n.g disgusting anglo-saxon bastards. All the crimes allegedly committed by Serbs are still without a shred of evidence and yet you persist in your unfouded accusations. You are guilty, like the others, of unvoluntary manslaughter by drawing bombs to the Serbs. There is always a time to come for end-of-year accounts to settle.

Get your own head out of your butt before you choke on your own s.h.i.t.

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Current situation in Prizren is
extremely critical. KFOR did not disarm KLA
members who already entered city suburb. 2
policemen were killed during the day, while one
civilian was found slaughtered. All citizens are
preparing to leave Prizren together with Army
and police forces in fear of KLA terror. Their
departure is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:00
am. The situation in Decani is similar, according to eyewitnesses reports.

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The KLA terrorists entered Suva Reka area after the Serb
exodus. Serbian refugees are placed in the sports center in Pristina.

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The convoy containing 1470 Serbs
entered Montenegro last evening leaving Kosovo in fear of KLA
repression. During last 3 days, 5000 Serbs from Kosovo fled into

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Albanian terrorists
assaulted Musutiste village, 5 miles eastern from Suva Reka, and burned
it to the ground.


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The Spanish pilots post will show all of the morons on this board where the evil really lies !

This post is actually being printed all over the place in Spain.

It is the beginning of the end for the monsters.

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Serbs from southern Kosovo are still leaving areas
of Djakovica, Prizren, Pec and Suva Reka. The refugees are mostly
coming in Pristina hoping that Russian peackeepeing forces will protect

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today's assault of KLA against the Army and
police members in Vranjevac near Pristina, one
policeman and two soldiers were killed by
sniper shots. There was also one civilian killed.

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In the place of Zur in Kosovo,
few kilometres from the Albanian border,
ethnic Albanians attacked the local Serbs. A possible escalation of the
incident was prevented by the Yugoslav Army and German peacekeeping

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