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Archive through June 17, 1999

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the UNHCR told Reuters in Sarajevo on 14 June that a
group of Bosnian Serb mine-clearing specialists will
soon leave for Kosova. "It is quicker to send people
from here now than to train people" from Kosova, the
official said. The German non-governmental organization
HELP will help organize the mission. HELP sponsors two
Serbian, two Croatian, and two Muslim demining teams in
Bosnia, and may send some of the Croats and Muslims to
Kosova as well.

Remember there are a lot of Serbs out there who hate Slob Milo's guts. They are happy to help out to rebuild and make peace. If THEY are, WHY the HELL are cunts like Nick and Daniela, etc, etc still going on about victory and no genocide. Tell that to the man I met who lost half his family, and had to run from his country with his wife nearing the end of her pregnancy.

Daniela.If your little mind allows you to digest this: Democratic Serb leaders inside or just outside Kosova are trying to do something about the situation you dicribe going on in the monasteries. The monks of the dioces of Rasta and Prizren know very well what has been going on in the region, and have done a lot more that just the radio communication you discribe. Throuhgout the war they have always stated the country is big enough to house everybody, Serbs and Albanians alike. If you can, take an example to these brave people, instead of shouting at nothing.

BTW, what would be the cause of my so called happiness these days? I am not writing on this board so much, because next to my normal work, I took up some other. Amongst others it involves helping out the for some people non existing victims of the so called non existing ethnic cleansing. I have no time to chat with you and Nick, and the likes of you. You only generate hate, and hate is something I can be without at the moment. Try it yourself; your life will be a lot easier.


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Not my war

The aftermath of the war on Yugoslavia is not following
the typical pattern. Usually, the commander in chief
basks in the glow of victory. Medals are handed out,
parades organized, speeches given to the masses.
Veterans are heralded as preservers of freedom. The
national soul swells in patriotic fervor. The merchants of
death gain a new lease on life.

Not this time. This is no victory glow, no parades, no flag
waving. Outside the mainstream media, there is a curious
lack of any bragging at all. There are no yellow ribbons
adorning trees. Indeed, veterans of this war are more
pitied than praised. Veterans of past wars are rushing to
repudiate the whole mess.

As regards the "national soul," it is pretty much what it
was before and during the war: skeptical of any
pronouncement from D.C. Meanwhile, Congress has
moved on to the usual civic pieties: promising to reform a
smattering of failed programs, dreaming up new ways to
regulate our lives, and celebrating Rosa Parks. Even
Clinton seems to be backing away from the topic of the

What gives?

This war never enjoyed wide or deep public support, and
for good reason. It was an attack on a far-away
sovereign country that never did anything to any
American. No interests of this country were threatened,
or even affected, by the 600-year-long struggle between
Christians and Muslims over Kosovo. The U.S. bombing
was simply an aggression of the sort the Russians used to
accuse us of.

Even now, it is difficult to know the real reason for
intervention, since no one believes that the Clinton
administration cares about human-rights violations. You
can't take anti-brutality sermons seriously when the
preacher is simultaneously bombing hospitals, schools,
and water systems, and killing innocents as a war tactic.
Far from giving rise to nationalist pride, U.S. behavior
forms a pit in your stomach.

Clinton tried to draw on antique war myths and accuse
his opponents of appeasement in the face of evil. But it
didn't fly. His poll ratings actually declined during the war,
an astounding fact in light of the tendency of war to unite
a country behind the ruling regime. And these numbers
are from phone polls that dramatically under-assess the
level of dissatisfaction with existing government policy.
The war was supported with intensity by very few,
mostly those who had something to gain from it.

Even according to NATO's own stated aims, the war
was not a success. The final treaty steps away from the
absurd demands made in the Rambouilett talks. And from
a humane point of view, the war was catastrophic, with
thousands dead and an entire society in ruins. The lack of
public celebration of victory reflects a widespread
acknowledgment of this.

The truth about this war was not being spread by
mainstream organs of opinion, of course. But thanks to
the Internet, this was the first war in which a sizeable
number of Americans had access to alternative media.
News from anti-war sites was just as accessible as that
from pro-war sites (again, the mainstream media). So
there was no need to rely on the warfare state's
spokesmen, and those who parrot their opinions.

The contrast between truth and propaganda was so
dramatic that we all received an education in how war
disinformation works. Even NATO was sometimes
forced to admit it had lied about its own iniquities. It was
either confess, or lose all credibility.

One of the few reporters to deal somewhat frankly with
NATO atrocities was Steven Erlanger of The New York
Times, though he waited until the NATO occupation to
unburden himself fully. Writing in the New York Times
Magazine (June 13, 1999), he points out that no one,
Serbian or Albanian, believed "that this was anything but
Washington's war." All the prattle about allies was just a
fig leaf.

He further confirms that the U.S. was, "perhaps out of
frustration," deliberately targeting civilians. One "month
into the war, no Serb believed that the bombs were not
aimed at them or that NATO hit anything -- even
hospitals or the Chinese Embassy -- by error."

He tells a horrifying story about the massacre at
Aleksinac. Reporters were invited to view the death
inflicted on civilians by NATO. As they walked,
"Western reporters joked to inure themselves to the
bloody human remains on which they were unavoidably
stepping." But Serbians standing nearby said, "listen to the
bastards, speaking English and laughing." Serbians wept,
says Erlanger, not only at the loss of life and property, but
also "for the death of their own misconceptions of

And now, we hear of individual Serbs being run out of
Kosovo, 80,000 at last count, frightened of terrorism
directed against them that NATO is either powerless to
stop or de facto encouraging. When a handful of Serbs
refuses to collaborate, and dares to resist the foreign
occupiers with guns, can anyone really say they are
wrong? As Erlanger notes, even Serbs "have a right to
their patriotism, and to their own national myths, and to
their grief."

There's a scene in Godfather when Michael Corleone
tells his new girlfriend how his father once offered a
contract to a man at gunpoint. His father said, "either
your brains or your signature are going to be on that
paper." His girlfriend freezes in horror, but Michael
quickly assures her, "that's my family, Kate, it's not me."

It is difficult for Americans to consider the immense
human suffering inflicted on Yugoslavia with weapons
built by our tax dollars. Far from celebrating, there is a
widespread tendency to avoid even thinking about it. But
for those who do think, this war makes them want to cry
out to the world: that was the government's war, not

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. is president of the Ludwig
von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama.

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Spanish pilot admits NATO attacked civilians

From the Spanish weekly "Articulo 20"
No. 30, June 14, 1999
(NB: 'Article 20' is the Spanish constitutional
provision on the freedom of speech)

Jose Luis Morales

The pilots of Spanish planes who participated in bombing raids against
Yugoslavia do not feel like "supermen" nor as masters of air space.
Quite the contrary, they say that our forces play to the tune of music
played by the North Americans, and accuse NATO of having honoured with
medals the bombing of civilian targets, what they otherwise
name "collateral damages".

Captain Adolfo Luis Martin de la Hoz, who returned to Spain at the end
of May after having participated in the bombings since the beginning,
is an "authentic expert on the dreadful F-18", the war plane commonly
used in the strategy of "scortched land" in the Balkans. He is quite

"The majority, even if not all, of my colleagues are against the war in
general, and against this war of barbarity in particular."

Martin de la Hoz says that he and his colleagues "are burnt out". "A few
days ago there appeared in the papers certain statements by Commander
Maches Michavilla, who is now in the air base at Aviano with the pilots
who had replaced us, in which he said that that our main helper in the
air was our mental and physical health.

"But let me tell you that our worst enemies are our own authorities, the
Defence Minister and his team, and our Government, who know nothing
about the war, and go along with it without informing themselves about
anything. What is gravest, they are guilty of lying to the Spanish
people through the papers, radio and television, foreign correspondents
and press agencies."

The suspicions that NATO's repeated bombings of civilian victims and
non-military targets are not the result of "errors", are confirmed by
Captain Martin de la Hoz: "Several times our Colonel protested to NATO
chiefs that they selected targets which are NOT military targets. They
threw him out, with curses, threatening that the North Americans would
lodge a complaint with the Spanish Army, once through Brussels and then
to the Defence Minister.

"But there is more, and I want to tell it to the whole world: once there
was a coded order from the North American military that we should drop
anti-personnel bombs over the localities of Prishtina and Nish. The
colonel refused it altogether and, a couple of days later, the transfer
order came, removing him from our unit. But what I say now is nothing
compared to what I shall have to say when the time comes."

The Spanish military denounces that "the Spanish Government not only do
not try to inform themselves; they also accept the false reports that
are edited for them in Aviano, where there is a sort of military press
cabinet in the hands of North American generals and functionaries."

Ever since we arrived in Italy - the Captain goes on - there was no end
to humiliations and insults. "The order-givers are the North American
generals, and no one else. We were zeroes, just as our replacements were
going to be. But there is still more to that. Here they say that several
operations were directed by Spanish commanders and pilots. Lies over
lies. All the missions that we flew, all and each one, were planned by
US high military authorities. Even more, they were all planned in
detail, including attacking planes, targets and type of ammunition that
we have to throw. We never directed anything, and our missions were
limited to flying over the borders of Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia."

None of the pilots presently stationed at Aviano, who replaced those who
went to the Italian base a little before the start of war on March 23,
were there with clean conscience, says the Spanish military. "It is
being written to saturation that the disciplined and patriotic Spanish
pilots - according to Minister Eduardo Serra - 'are concentrating on
the complexity of their war missions'. But we read so many
discrepancies, so many lies that we agreed to not read a single
newspaper until we return. Our anger is enormous. The Prime Minister,
the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Defence Minister are lying
brazenly each time they talk about the war.

"The North Americans - the White House, the Pentagon, the CIA, the U.S.
Embassy, the military intelligence, whoever - do not inform them about
anything. How should they inform themselves if our own Javier Solana
remains ignorant? Solana is a puppet who has been put there by the
Yankees to do what they tell him he has to do. And so he does,
standing 'attention' before General Clark when he talks to him, or,
more precisely, when he issues him the orders that Solana has to
implement without delay."

On the subject of manipulation of information about the war, Captain de
la Hoz says that "no one has said anything about the incidents that
took place in Aviano, about the disastrous maintenance of Spanish
machines, and about the constant humiliations to which we were
subjected from the beginning. Not that we were even 'cannon fodder' -
no! We were nothing! About the fatal accidents, the losses suffered
without connection to combats, the contempt and sanctions, not a word.
From no one!"

For the wrong selection of targets and humiliations the Spanish military
are ever more certain that there is no alibi. "We know perfectly well
that we are intervening in a conflict - says Martin de la Hoz - which is
rejected by the majority of the Spanish people, and this is acutely
important for us. But what they do not say in any information,
commentary or speech, is that the Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese ... that
we are there to cover up for the North American generals who are
dealing and wheeling in the war. There is no journalist who has any
slightest idea what is happening in Yugoslavia.

"They are destroying the country, bombing it with novel weapons, toxic
nervous gases, surface mines dropped with parachute, bombs containing
uranium, black napalm, sterilization chemicals, sprayings to poison the
crops and weapons of which even we still do not know anything. The North
Americans are committing there one of the biggest barbarities that can
be committed against the humanity. Much and very bad things will be
told in the future about what was happening there, because, by the way,
judging by what we talked about with the British and German officers,
it was designed in order to divide the Europeans and keep us subjected
for many decades."

Therefore, Captain Martin de la Hoz is enraged when there are talks
about the costs of the war. There should be no doubts, he confirms that
the militaries detached in Aviano are receiving bonuses which "multiply
by five our salary, without considering the daily expenses and other

We could say that we should be satisfied with what this war means
economically for each one of us, but it is not true, what they give us
is the chocolate for the parrots. This war is going to cost the
Spaniards more than all the money allocated for the culture in the last
five years. And how, even if now no one says anything because of the
elections, but it will come in a few months and will be felt in our
pockets. Because this brutal solely Yankees' war, no one's but
Yankees', is going to be paid by all of us. Be sure that what I say is
not to exculpate myself and to intone 'mea culpa' for having
participated in it, because I will never be able to forget that what
was being committed there was one the biggest savageries of history."

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The end of the war diary

Article by Pedro Kurdo

The head of the Army of Peace walked into the tent.
This uniformed face, with more resemblance to a high priority Alcoholics Anonymous patient than a high-ranking officer, wore
his helmet for the very first time since the beginning of the war.
He wasn't going to take any chances - he was about to meet the real Serbs.
But the Serbs didn't turn up. They, I guess, encountered difficulties passing the duty-free shop on the Yugoslav-Macedonian
Later, the same Serbs were delivered an ultimatum, which has never been signed due to the language barrier.

The Serb Army withdrew. As one US military expert on TV put it "they looked happy, were freshly shaved and had nice
haircuts. They didn't look like an army that had lost a war."
They didn't know it. They don't watch CNN.

The war is over and everybody is safe, we presume. Therefore, the subsequent request for three times more soldiers by NATO
high command made perfect sense.

Anglo-American troops code named "Marinated Gurkhins" rolled into the province.
No need to rush though. They have been given a firm promise by the Serbian generals that each of the allied soldiers has been
designated its own personal mine.

Once they jumped over border minefields, soldiers swapped their boots for running shoes.
It's like a gold rush there. Whoever first drives the flag into the earth claims the place.
It comes as no surprise that each of the British soldiers included in the first wave had to be capable of making a hundred
meters under eleven seconds.

All twenty-five Albanian refugees, still inside Kosovo and unaffected by NATO bombing, staged a mass rally in support of the
incoming army. The event, predictably, got a prominent spot in the Blair Broadcasting Corporation's hourly bulletins.

News that the Kosovo separatists are not going to be disarmed in the near future has been received well. KLA share prices rose
sharply on the Medellin stock market.

Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon, Woody Allen look-alike but without the sense of humour, states that he has nothing against
the Serbs and would be very happy to assist their civilians with transport to the Kosovo border.

Meanwhile, a group of Russian paratroopers on a joy ride, took the wrong turn and ended up in Pristina, the capital of the
province. It's NATO's fault, they say, all the traffic signs have been knocked off.
Consequently, they have fallen in love with the environment and decided to settle there.
No way, says NATO. US spent the last couple of months rearranging the landscape, not for somebody else's benefit.

George Robertson the British defence secretary, so popular among the Pentagon elite that they named the ground attack plane
after him, has had his best week since the beginning of the conflict.
On the last press conference he managed to assemble a whole sentence without using "Serbian Thugs", two of his all time
favourites in his twenty-word vocabulary.
Then, carried out by this exciting achievement, he decided to give Russia a choice - the airport or the IMF pocket money.
As we learned from a well-informed source, he's been given his medicine and British officials expect a speedy recovery.

Initial communication problems, affecting British personnel mainly, due to the total destruction of the province's network
capabilities, has been solved. US will use its spy satellites to beam the signal to the most remote areas of Kosovo, making it
possible for Her Majesty's troops to watch the TeleTubbies on a regular basis.

Mother Theresas in camouflage uniforms killed a couple of Serbs, just for the TV audience.
NATO authorities investigated and accepted the argument that the temptation of an armed German with a Serb within firing
range was too much to bear. Naturally, nobody is guilty.

Before I finish I would like to use this opportunity to propose Mr Kiro Gligorov, the president of Macedonia, for the Nobel peace
He and his government led the most neutral policy under the circumstances. He even didn't want to interfere in the internal
affairs of his own country.

Now we all now why Clinton wanted this adventure to happen so quickly.
His presidency is running out, and there was a real danger of an intelligent successor dismantling this idiocy.

Pedro Kurdo is the business correspondent for the Internet Express News.
Copyright © 1999

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This article is from FAIR...please visit their site at...

FAIR Media Advisory:


Was Rambouillet Another Tonkin Gulf?

June 2, 1999

New evidence has emerged confirming that the U.S. deliberately set out to thwart the Rambouillet peace talks in France
in order to provide a "trigger" for NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia.

Furthermore, correspondents from major American news organizations reportedly knew about this plan to stymie the
Kosovo peace talks, but did not inform their readers or viewers.

FAIR's May 14 media advisory, "Forgotten Coverage of Rambouillet Negotiations,"
( ) asked whether the media had given the full story on
Rambouillet. News reports almost universally blamed the failure of negotiations on Serbian intransigence. The headline
over a New York Times dispatch from Belgrade on March 24 - the first day of the bombing - read "U.S. Negotiators
Depart, Frustrated By Milosevic's Hard Line."

But the evidence presented in "Forgotten Coverage" suggested that it was U.S. negotiators, not the Serbs, who blocked
an agreement.

Now, in the June 14 issue of the Nation, George Kenney, a former State Department Yugoslavia desk officer, reports:

An unimpeachable press source who regularly travels with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told this
[writer] that, swearing reporters to deep-background confidentiality at the Rambouillet talks, a senior State
Department official had bragged that the United States "deliberately set the bar higher than the Serbs could
accept." The Serbs needed, according to the official, a little bombing to see reason.

In other words, the plan for Kosovo autonomy drafted by State Department officials was intentionally crafted to provoke
a rejection from Serb negotiators. In his Nation article, Kenney compares this plan to the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

Providing further confirmation of Kenney's account, Jim Jatras, a foreign policy aide to Senate Republicans, reported in
a May 18 speech at the Cato Institute in Washington that he had it "on good authority" that a "senior Administration
official told media at Rambouillet, under embargo" the following:

"We intentionally set the bar too high for the Serbs to comply. They need some bombing, and that's what
they are going to get."

In interviews with FAIR, both Kenney and Jatras asserted that these are actual quotes transcribed by reporters who
spoke with a U.S. official. They declined to give the names or affiliations of the reporters.

The revelation that American reporters knew about a U.S. strategy to create a pretext for NATO's war on Yugoslavia -
but did not report on it - raises serious questions about the independence of mainstream news organizations.

More reporting is needed on the origins of this war, as well as the opportunities for peace that may have been

This release will be updated as new information becomes available.

This media advisory was written by FAIR media analyst Seth Ackerman (

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zoja zpka emina kolina - give us a break with your lies ok?

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The Case of Disappearing MiGs

"How is the world ruled and led to war? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe these lies when they see them in print."

-- Karl Kraus

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, let's pull out our calculators and count the MiGs. Yugoslav MiG-29s that is. Yes, the same ones that
NATO said it has destroyed. Let's count them and compare to the number of MiG-29s remaining operational with YuAF. A number of
Western news agencies and NATO itself reported that eleven MiG-29 fighter jets have departed from the Slatina airbase near Pristina on
June 12, 1999.

The Slatina airbase has an extensive network of underground aircraft hangars and maintenance facilities. Yugoslavs created this airbase
back during the Cold War to withstand a direct impact of a nuclear bomb. Yugoslav military was preparing for a Russian invasion and,
true enough, 200 Russian paratroopers are sitting at this very moment at Slatina airbase drinking tea (I wouldn't bet on it, though) and smoking cheap cigarettes,
while their British "colleagues" are looking for a better location for their headquarters.

According to NATO, Pentagon, Yugoslav Air Force, and many respected aviation magazines there were 14-16 MiG-29s in Yugoslavia prior to the conflict. Most
defense analysts believe that out of a maximum of 16 MiG-29s in Yugoslavia on March 24, 1999, 14 were operational and 2 were not. It is entirely possible that
these two MiG-29s were the MiG-29UB trainer variant. Air Forces Monthly magazine wrote in its June 1999 issue that Yugoslavia has 16 MiG-29s nine of which were
written off during the operation Allied Force (for the AFM article click here). Why do I suddenly want to compare NATO's claims to reality? Don't I believe NATO? No.
Keep on reading and you will see why.

NATO clamed...

1.The date is March 26, 1999, during the NATO press conference in Brussels Jamie Shea, NATO's smiley (or is it slimy?) spokesman, proudly announces: "I
can give you a small update from night one. Whilst I am obviously unable to give you the tactical details, I can confirm that 3 MiG 29 Fulcrums were shot
down. One over Kosovo and 2 over Central FRY." (for a complete transcript of the press conference click here or visit NATO web site.) So, it's March 26 and
the MiG-29 count, according to NATO, is 16 MiG-29s - 3 MiG-29s shot down by glorious NATO pilots = 13 MiG-29s remaining. Excellent, let's continue
counting and keep that calculator handy...

the rest is there...


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Albanians are a dirty race.

They bring drugs, prostitution, racket, arms smuggling to every country that has the misfortune to accept them.

They are paracides who breed like rabbits and live on their hosts' unemployment and social security benefits.

They are also the biggest liars on the face of the earth.

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Yugoslavia won, despite the carnage engineered by NATO and ongoing retribution by KLA against Serbian Kosovo
residents. Here is why:

1) Kosovo is still (for now anyway) Yugoslavia territory. It has not been stolen, conquered, annexed, by NATO or Albania.

2) Milosevic is still in power. I know this pisses you off a lot, and I am enjoying it although I am not a supporter of his

3) There are finally "international" people present in Kosovo, although they call themselves NATO they are bound by the
terms of the UN Resolution which means it will be from now on VERY DIFFICULT to lie, cheat, kill, hide evidence of their
atrocities without the world seeing it.

4) With the Yugoslav army ordered back to Serbia, NATO monsters are now left to deal with Albanian liars and terrorists,
this will not be a tea party. Let us see how they handle the problem.

5) The Russians are in Kosovo, that pisses you off too. Of course they had to come quickly otherwise international mafias
would never have allocated them a zone. So they took what they could and their presence should ensure accurate
reporting of the usual killing and lying by NATO and KLA.

6) There is no autonomy for Kosovo, and the way things are going there never will be, nor will independence be studied.
This is the fault of Albanians mainly whom, despite being liars and assassins, are also very thick: if you really wanted to
look like the victims in a conflict, why would you go around shooting those you claim were shooting you ? Really dumb, but
we knew that already.

The above six points are the undeniable proof of the Yugoslav victory, which the West calls defeat because of the damage
inflicted on Yugoslav economy. Not a very mature comment.

NATO is lucky to get away with their actions, if there was fair justice they would already be out of business.

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By Daniella on Thursday, June 17, 1999 - 08:59 am:
zoja zpka emina kolina - give us a break with your lies ok?

For everyone she advocates shes slovenian, but our alphabeth does NEVER write daniel'l'a with 2 LL's it simply does noet excist, so who is revealing herself now?

I Emina told everybody already a zilion times i changed my name.Not that it is DANIEL'LA's F@ck@ing business although probably she feels the need to defent herself at all costs. I am threw with that. And i must admit she's got a good memory for spelling mistakes. One that my sis made about 2 months ago i quess im not even sure anymore.


I just enjoy it,cause i knew sooner or later it would happen.



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There was no genocide commited by Serb forces in Kosovo.

Albanians, who are truly proving at the moment to be the most disgusting race on the face of the earth, are committing genocide of Serb civilians in Kosovo.

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Hey NATO lovers ! Remember, NATO wages wars, wars cost money, money is drawn by the government from...your pocket. That makes you stupid and poor.

NATO lies all the time. You repeat their lies and boast about it. That makes you liars.

KLA and NATO kill innocents. You support these killings. That makes you accomplices.

The truth always hurts. Only true criminals
though, do not feel hurt, as dirty deeds are part of their life. By cheering for KLA and the killing of Serbs, you definitely chose your side. Which leaves only 4 possibilities:

1) you work for their PR companies
2) you are retired NATO butchers
3) you are just evil
4) you are stupid and gullible.

Go ahead and take the test, I think this language is simple enough for you. I am still waiting for proof of massacres allegedly committed by Serbs on Albanians, although now, I am getting close to wanting retribution.

You still have not got a shred of proof.


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Spanish pilot admits NATO attacked civilians

From the Spanish weekly "Articulo 20"
No. 30, June 14, 1999
(NB: 'Article 20' is the Spanish constitutional
provision on the freedom of speech)

Jose Luis Morales

The pilots of Spanish planes who participated in bombing raids against
Yugoslavia do not feel like "supermen" nor as masters of air space.
Quite the contrary, they say that our forces play to the tune of music
played by the North Americans, and accuse NATO of having honoured with
medals the bombing of civilian targets, what they otherwise
name "collateral damages".

Captain Adolfo Luis Martin de la Hoz, who returned to Spain at the end
of May after having participated in the bombings since the beginning,
is an "authentic expert on the dreadful F-18", the war plane commonly
used in the strategy of "scortched land" in the Balkans. He is quite

"The majority, even if not all, of my colleagues are against the war in
general, and against this war of barbarity in particular."

Martin de la Hoz says that he and his colleagues "are burnt out". "A few
days ago there appeared in the papers certain statements by Commander
Maches Michavilla, who is now in the air base at Aviano with the pilots
who had replaced us, in which he said that that our main helper in the
air was our mental and physical health.

"But let me tell you that our worst enemies are our own authorities, the
Defence Minister and his team, and our Government, who know nothing
about the war, and go along with it without informing themselves about
anything. What is gravest, they are guilty of lying to the Spanish
people through the papers, radio and television, foreign correspondents
and press agencies."

The suspicions that NATO's repeated bombings of civilian victims and
non-military targets are not the result of "errors", are confirmed by
Captain Martin de la Hoz: "Several times our Colonel protested to NATO
chiefs that they selected targets which are NOT military targets. They
threw him out, with curses, threatening that the North Americans would
lodge a complaint with the Spanish Army, once through Brussels and then
to the Defence Minister.

"But there is more, and I want to tell it to the whole world: once there
was a coded order from the North American military that we should drop
anti-personnel bombs over the localities of Prishtina and Nish. The
colonel refused it altogether and, a couple of days later, the transfer
order came, removing him from our unit. But what I say now is nothing
compared to what I shall have to say when the time comes."

The Spanish military denounces that "the Spanish Government not only do
not try to inform themselves; they also accept the false reports that
are edited for them in Aviano, where there is a sort of military press
cabinet in the hands of North American generals and functionaries."

Ever since we arrived in Italy - the Captain goes on - there was no end
to humiliations and insults. "The order-givers are the North American
generals, and no one else. We were zeroes, just as our replacements were
going to be. But there is still more to that. Here they say that several
operations were directed by Spanish commanders and pilots. Lies over
lies. All the missions that we flew, all and each one, were planned by
US high military authorities. Even more, they were all planned in
detail, including attacking planes, targets and type of ammunition that
we have to throw. We never directed anything, and our missions were
limited to flying over the borders of Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia."

None of the pilots presently stationed at Aviano, who replaced those who
went to the Italian base a little before the start of war on March 23,
were there with clean conscience, says the Spanish military. "It is
being written to saturation that the disciplined and patriotic Spanish
pilots - according to Minister Eduardo Serra - 'are concentrating on
the complexity of their war missions'. But we read so many
discrepancies, so many lies that we agreed to not read a single
newspaper until we return. Our anger is enormous. The Prime Minister,
the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Defence Minister are lying
brazenly each time they talk about the war.

"The North Americans - the White House, the Pentagon, the CIA, the U.S.
Embassy, the military intelligence, whoever - do not inform them about
anything. How should they inform themselves if our own Javier Solana
remains ignorant? Solana is a puppet who has been put there by the
Yankees to do what they tell him he has to do. And so he does,
standing 'attention' before General Clark when he talks to him, or,
more precisely, when he issues him the orders that Solana has to
implement without delay."

On the subject of manipulation of information about the war, Captain de
la Hoz says that "no one has said anything about the incidents that
took place in Aviano, about the disastrous maintenance of Spanish
machines, and about the constant humiliations to which we were
subjected from the beginning. Not that we were even 'cannon fodder' -
no! We were nothing! About the fatal accidents, the losses suffered
without connection to combats, the contempt and sanctions, not a word.
From no one!"

For the wrong selection of targets and humiliations the Spanish military
are ever more certain that there is no alibi. "We know perfectly well
that we are intervening in a conflict - says Martin de la Hoz - which is
rejected by the majority of the Spanish people, and this is acutely
important for us. But what they do not say in any information,
commentary or speech, is that the Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese ... that
we are there to cover up for the North American generals who are
dealing and wheeling in the war. There is no journalist who has any
slightest idea what is happening in Yugoslavia.

"They are destroying the country, bombing it with novel weapons, toxic
nervous gases, surface mines dropped with parachute, bombs containing
uranium, black napalm, sterilization chemicals, sprayings to poison the
crops and weapons of which even we still do not know anything. The North
Americans are committing there one of the biggest barbarities that can
be committed against the humanity. Much and very bad things will be
told in the future about what was happening there, because, by the way,
judging by what we talked about with the British and German officers,
it was designed in order to divide the Europeans and keep us subjected
for many decades."

Therefore, Captain Martin de la Hoz is enraged when there are talks
about the costs of the war. There should be no doubts, he confirms that
the militaries detached in Aviano are receiving bonuses which "multiply
by five our salary, without considering the daily expenses and other

We could say that we should be satisfied with what this war means
economically for each one of us, but it is not true, what they give us
is the chocolate for the parrots. This war is going to cost the
Spaniards more than all the money allocated for the culture in the last
five years. And how, even if now no one says anything because of the
elections, but it will come in a few months and will be felt in our
pockets. Because this brutal solely Yankees' war, no one's but
Yankees', is going to be paid by all of us. Be sure that what I say is
not to exculpate myself and to intone 'mea culpa' for having
participated in it, because I will never be able to forget that what
was being committed there was one the biggest savageries of history."


Estimable Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 182

I don't remember Daniela saying she was Slovenian, damn ! That's Emina's brain tumor pounding again.

Anyway Kosovo is still Yugoslavia's territory, Slobodan Milosevic is the President of Yugoslavia, which includes Serbia, Montenegro, Vojvodina, and last but not least, K-O-S-O-V-O.

Of course Milosevic cannot do as he pleases (unfortunately) otherwise he would have removed a few Montenegro traitors/cowards and hit at the KLA harder, faster, sooner. Shame he did not.

If you want my opinion I think half of Albanian men should have been castrated 30 years ago, we would not be in this mess. The problem is, their only three activities are breed, drink and go collect their undeserved social benefits. Oh I forgot: they also play war games. A gun is an extension of one's small penis, said a psychologist one day. How did they manage to make so many children then ?

Which means Jack London and Guido have a BIIIIIGGGGGGG gun. Actually Guido already told us, he uses it to shoot rabbits in his lost village. Let's not be mean to him: when he found the internet, about 2 years ago, he realised it was a window to the world. How did you expect him to know what was going on ?

Send a psychiatrist to J. London's home. To find out whether there is any connection between his utter lack of respect for human life and his lack of skill, sex, love, information, kicks, you name it...

Business as usual. London's childish pointless deconstructing of others' smart posts, the same people posting intelligent things, and still no proof, no, no proof justifying the actual foundation to the theory praised by all hypocrits who joined NATO ranks on 24th March 1999. You sad bastards.

Anyway you nazis out there have a Coca-Cola on me ! With a chicken sandwich. And a glass of milk. Don't miss out on Western Europe's latest food terror. After all, it is not the first, and it won't be the last. I never heard of anything like that engineered in the Balkans by the way. The fact is Western Europeans, and principally the Anglo-Saxon part, are disgusting. Dutch are among the worst, their record boasts Apartheid and Nazi doctrine support. Ah, the Brits and their lovely scandals from Tories and Labour. Their smooth handling of the Irish problem. Irish ? Another great nation of drinkers, and explosive specialists trained to kill women and children although they try to phone a few minutes before the area blows.

On the Latin front, the Spaniards are not bad either: don't know about the Kosovo conflict, don't want to know. Who cares ? It was not as bad for our people as the motor oil/olive oil scandal a few years back.

Let's not forget the French: how to sell HIV-contaminated blood to Tunisian people, get caught doing it, go to court for it and get away with it ! It must have been a panel of American jurors, the same as those who were at OJ Simpson's and Clinton's impeachment pannel ?

The Germans host Albanians and their training camps on their territory. They watch them pick up their visas, get to the airport with their KLA package, papers, gun and ammos, a couple of underwear and schnell ! Off you go. We'll keep your benefits for when you come back from Kosovo, if you come back...

Our beloved Swiss also host the same camps of terrorists. What the hell, these people's papers are valid, why should we prevent them, and since when do we Swiss care where the money comes from ?

Western European scums could not find a better leader than the US. The biggest interventionist nation on this earth, the US change any government they dislike, using their mighty agents who report to no one. If that does not work, they starve the targetted country to death, as per Iraq. They may choose a strategic location, such as Kosovo. How do you get in ? Simple: send a few observers, find out which ethnic group is complaining because it is larger, stir the latent revolutionary sentiment, arm the fuckers, look the other way concerning their drug dealings, call the PR companies, alert and control the media et voilà ! Go in with the B52s. The rest is history.

You have to give the US credit for they have understood at least one thing: masses are stupid. Show them a crying refugee, they will pity Albania. Show them a burning house and a Serb tank next, they will hate an entire nation. Pretty simple, isn't it ?

Perhaps there will come a day when the US will be conquered, bombed, your dream guess is as good as mine. That day they might leave us alone, and concentrate on feeding their homeless, educate some of their population that needs it (85%) and maybe spare all these oceans of milk and mountains of unsold fruit which they destroy now and again, for donating to the people of Africa, Asia, South America.

Maybe one day.

Honorable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 616


if by now you persist in being incapable of comprehending the OVERTLY OBVIOUS TRUTH that albanians were slaughtered by your playmates, then perhaps you arent worth the energy it would require to convince you otherwise.

frankly, who cares what a spouter of the lamest racist cliches thinks anyway? the best you can do is crawl out of your hole periodically to spout your GARBAGE RHETORIC in a place like DMS, and then return to your hole.

their were plenty of nazis at nuremburg who held fast to their GARBAGE RHETORIC right up until the moment the gallows trapdoor swung out from under them.

what i do find interesting is that your sweeping stereotypical generalizations in regards to albanians are EXACTLY what dipsh*t american "skinhead" types say about blacks. but as you do seem to be fractionally more articulate than them, i guess that makes you an even BIGGER dipsh*t than they are.

i laugh at them.

and i laugh at you.

GARBAGE RHETORIC...remember that suits you so well.

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