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Archive through June 19, 1999

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This evening the
German KFOR troops visited the Main Police
Station in Prizren. It has been run by the KLA
since the German KFOR came to Prizren
There they discovered people being tortured by
the KLA - including a woman with an arm
broken from beating.

German KFOR troops did not arrest KLA
members for abusing the Serb population. They
let them leave the building with all the

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The American Senate
has threatened to deny the first 750-million-dollar
aid package to Russia!!! This warning comes
simultaneously with the statement of the
American Defence Secretary William Cohen that
the meeting between the Russian and American
delegations in Helsinki are getting on slowly!!!

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Yeah, you tell him Emina, you always make reasonable statements ... except that they are illogical, unthoughtout, uncomprehensible and unreadable...

*** That your not educated enough to read them is not my problem.
What my identity concearns i am trew with that.
One last thing you don't know me, so if i were you i wouldn't be so presumtious about how i look.As a matter afect you wouldn't know what kind of classy lady your babbling about.

Is it frustration i smell from your side....?

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A 16-year old Serbian boy was murdered by the KLA
members near Savine Vode, 5 kilometres (3,5
miles) from the confine between Serbia and
Montenegro. The boy was in a group of 50
Serbian refugees returning to Kosovo from

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KLA terrorists have
beaten Father Serafim from the Devic
monastery and took the youngest nun to the
stable for three times under the threat of raping. The robbing of Devic
monastery near Srbica and Serbian Patriarch Pavle`s arrival in Kosovo are
themes of official communique of Serbian Ortodox Church

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By iole pavan on Friday, June 18, 1999 - 04:49 pm:
All those who agree with Milosevic and his band of murderers should be given only one option where to spend the rest of their lives::STAY IN YOUR BELOVED SERBIA, DO NOT INVADE OTHER COUNTRIES. Because of your big appetites for other peoples' countries and your despicable way of killing other people you do not deserve help from the civilized world.

By Kissie on Friday, June 18, 1999 - 05:35 pm:
To: All Stupid

Repeat: Serbia didn't invade any country. So, close that "Greater Serbia" BS. It's not funny anymore.

*** I agree with both of you but there are some very persistent and hotheaded people here.Who just keep on on going on about greater Serbia/Greater Albania and so on.People who try to change the topic or even people who make spelling mistakes hear these things from the day they made them till DMS goes i quess.

Thats the way it is an probably the way it will stay, but if i were you don't let it bother you goes hate,enoyment only consumes energy and deedless online time.

Ps sorry for getting your two statements together in one message

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Russian TV showed a footage of what remained of a german APC real blown up by someone.
As to the "grave" evidence - the mating frenzy about it makes me think, that now even a Neanderthal bone will do.
BTH, not long ago a german islam convert, a KLA member, was captured in Kosovo. There were gold watches and teeth found in his bag. The fate of that german was sealed.
Networks choke on saliva airing footage of cheering albanians. The sheer number of them ... . In other words, the majority of albanian population was not actually fleeing Kosovo.
NATO forces in reality do not stop the serbs from leaving. At best they only offer some protection from albanian thugs. If NATO was really against serb deportation, it would conflict with KLA and albanians. So, NATO's an accomplice. Albanians were spotted in the serb refugee columns.

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What happened to Nick? I haven't seen a single post from him today. Maybe he choked on his own rage?>? >::(((

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To Daniellllllllla:

Where are you getting your information? I see no attribution for most of your "stories". That is bad journalism >:(... or is it just more propaganda?

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Salud! Cheers!
Nice to have you here. We need someone else to help balance my occasional maniacal outbursts.
These pseudo-Serbs on this site already know in their hearts,if the sewer technician issued them one when they were found, that most of the crimes Serbs are accused of commiting are factual.They will never admit it though. Their psyche is too severely perverted by the evil within them to allow them to accept reality.

On another totally unrelated note, the stupid KKK, NAZI, SKINHEAD,(similar beliefs to some on this board) @ssholes in CALIFORNIA are burning Jewish Synagogues. We should send all the gangs to Belgrade armed with pocket knives and force them to assasinate Milosevic. Maybe we could solve two problems at once.

Do you know why Yugoslavia resembles a breakfast cereal?
They are both full of Fruits and Nuts and Flakes.

Vas ist Daslud ?


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the Serbian Orthodox Church issued a statement in
Belgrade on 15 June in which it called for Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic and his government to
resign and be replaced by a "government of national
salvation," RFE/RL's South Slavic Service reported. The
statement added: "It should be evident to every thinking
person that [our] numerous internal problems and the
international isolation of [our] state cannot be
overcome with such a government and under the present
conditions." The bishops urged Kosova's Serbs not to
leave the province. Observers note that the Church has
never trusted Milosevic because of his communist
background. This is the first time, however, that the
Church has openly called for his ouster. A Serbian
political analyst told RFE/RL's South Slavic Service
that the bishops' "call may mobilize resistance against
Milosevic's political power."

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To Danielllllla

Oh, dear, Summer holiday hardly started and sweet seventeen is already working up a heart attack! As if anyone would be interested to 'pick up a fight' with you. Could you please do us all here one favour, child? Either discuss topics in a grown up matter or go to a teeny chat board.


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To Daniellllla

Just look at what your brave Serbian troops are up to now!

man leaving Gjilan on 15 June threw a grenade from his
car at a group of Kosovar civilians nearby, wounding 13,
including several children, AFP reported. The Kosovars
were celebrating the departure of Yugoslav forces. It is
not clear what action, if any, French peacekeepers took
against the paramilitary.

French paratroopers..... Maybe Nick is so sour because he was to spinelss to join them??? :-)))

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British peacekeepers cordoned off a police station in
the Kosovar capital on 17 June after finding "strong
evidence of the systematic torture of prisoners by
[Yugoslav President Slobodan] Milosevic's police in a
cellar," Reuters reported. Elsewhere, foreign
journalists and KFOR troops across Kosova continue to
find evidence of Serbian war crimes. The BBC reported
one case of a single policeman allegedly killing 52
ethnic Albanians near Prishtina in April by throwing a
grenade into a room and firing at those trying to
escape. Other reports suggest that Serbian forces
recently burned large numbers of corpses at a steel
plant in Gllogovc to hide evidence of mass killings.
Western experts have concluded that the extent of
atrocities may be much worse than previously thought,
the BBC added. "The Guardian" reports at least 15 sites
of massacres. The Vienna-based daily "Die Presse" wrote:
"Every day brings new horrors."

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To Daniellllla

Read the above postings, if you dare.

This is no childsplay, kiddo! This is serious and horrible. This is what Serb forces under leadership of your beloved Slobodan Milosevic have done. I cannot believe you are still defending this regime,unless your are president of the Nazick fan club ofcours.

Nobody here is interested in a 'fight' with you. Everybody is appalled by the findings of torture chambers, killing sites and mass graves. What about you? Do you care at all?? Or do you only care how your EGO looks on the board???


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