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Archive through June 2, 1999

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There is no genocide committed by Serb forces in Kosovo.

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As we are about to witness the dawning of the New World Order, a lot of people who live in the actual NATO countries and those who live in the countries soon-to-be members are wondering what this will mean to their life. Some say a new language will have to be spoken, others that they will have to eat at McDonalds at least once a day. But one thing is for sure: they all know that only one dictionary will be acceptable and tolerated in the New World Order: the NATO Dictionary. Make sure you get your copy before the militia catch you off guard at home !

A few extracts from the new Bible:

Word or expression Definition, explanation or synonym

PEACE DEAL Blackmail.
MILOSEVIC Scapegoat.
NATO Big Brother.
REFUGEES Annoying hungry people.
COLLATERAL DAMAGE All non-military targets bombed and hit, including civilians.
STRATEGIC TARGET As above, less civilians.
ALBANIA Border post.
BOSNIA USA military base.
MEXICAN SOLDIERS Kidnapped heroes.
GENEVA CONVENTION A principle only applicable to US soldiers.
NATO CHARTER A law that guarantees sovereignty of countries in Europe, unless the GENOCIDE Clause applies.
UN CHARTER A bunch a Laws that can be overriden if needed.
DRAFT The Government can request you to go to war;
exception: Bill Clinton.
CLUSTER BOMBS Technological advance.
CIVILIAN CASUALTIES Not confirmed if shown on Serb media.
PRISTINA DESTROYED A city of Kosovo destroyed almost completely by Serb forces.
STEALTH Technology of undetectable aeronautics except to Serb forces.
KEN DWELLE Compulsing information, origin unknown.
INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS Untouchable Humanitarian organisation.
KOSOVO Promised Land.
MENWITH HILL BASE (UK) Our English commercial office.
BLAIR Man’s best friend.
88 COFFINS Propaganda.
KEN BACON Food committee.
TRACTOR NATO accredited vehicle to help refugees.
APPENDIX B Hidden contract clauses.
PEACEKEEPING FORCES Occupation troops.
YUGO A factory making strictly weapons.
SMART BOMB Ordinance that always finds its target.
FOOL European leader.
ALBRIGHT Personal Vendetta.
RAKJA Fuel used by Serbs to replace what NATO bombed.

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Hey, I figured out where those meteors are coming from.

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Pomocu SETI@home kompjuterski korisnici sirom sveta ce ucestvovati u znacajnom naucnom eksperimentu. Svaki ucesnik ce imati malu ali ipak postojecu mogucnost da njegov ili njen kompjuter detektuje slab zamor civilizacije van Zemlje.


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SETI@home bice podrzan od strane web sajta koji ce pokazivati trenutni status, obezbedjivati razni poucni materijali i linkove o SETI-ju, astrobiologiji, astronomiji a sa njega ce te moci da skinete i potreban korisnicki sotver.

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Trenutno SETI projekat se sastoji od radio astronoma koji tragaju za kratko talasnim radio signalima ( radio talasi su sposobni da probiju medjuzvezdane oblake prasine,a kratki radio talasi nisu nadjeni u prirodi). Postoji vise takvih projekat.Neki se usredsredjuju na pojedinacne bliske zvezde, drugi pretrazuju delove neba bogatim zvedama.SETI institut u Feniksu je
najpoznatiji po takvim projektima.
Svi postojeci SETI programi koriste specificnu opremu,slusajuci milione frekfencija signal sa teleskopa istovremeno. Ova analiza ,iako impresivna, je samo mali deo onoga sto je moguce.Zbog ogranicenosti pretrage u realnom vremenu zbog brojnosti i promenljivosti frekfencija kao i njihove periodicnosti, moramo razmotriti drugaciji tip pretrage - one koja mnogo podrobnije
analizira manji deo spektra frekfencija.Ovo je zadatak misije SETI@home

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SETI@home je prava nauka. Podaci dolaze sa Aresibo radio teleskopa u Porto Riku, koji je najveci najosetljivi u svetu. Brojkom od 50 000 prikljucenih racunara, bicemo ozbiljni konkurentni svim ostalim SETI projektima.SETI@home mozda detektuje signal koji bi drugi propustili.
Projekat ima tri glavna dela:

Sakupljanje podataka- SETI@home saradjuje sa SERENDIP-om,SETI projektom sa sedistem u univerztitetu Berkli, koji ima stalni pristup Aresibo radio teleskopu. SERENDIP je dizajnirao pc sistem koji ce izdvajati mali deo frekfencija njihovog signal, razvrstati ga , i zapisati ga u realnom vremenu na digitalnu traku.Ove trake bice poslate na server u Americi.
Analiza podataka- SERENDIP je dizajnirao program za SETI@home koji trazi signale na 4 000 0000 razlicitih kombinacija frekfencija,talasnih duzina i "chirp-a" (promena u frekfenciji tokom vremena) sto je ovde ilustrovano. Raznovrsnost i osetljivost ove anlize premasuje sve do sad.
Distribuciono racunanje- Mi smo razvili softver baziran na serverima, koji razdeljuje podatke sa radio teleskopa i salje ih klijentima a takodje i skuplja rezultate.On vodi racuna i o specificnim tipovima analize kao i o pitanjima bezbednosti

Diagram protoka podataka ilustruje ceo proces.

Plan Projekta

Projekat je podeljen u pet faza:

FAZA I -- Naucno i tehnicko izvodjenje, 1996-1997. Naucni plan koji je dobio veliku podrsku medju strucnjacima je nastao na Petoj internacionalnoj konferenciji o bioastronomiji u Julu 1996.Tokom 1997. prototip analizatora podataka and infrastruktura distributivnog racunanja bili su kreirani.

FAZA II -- Naucno razvijanje sotvera , Jan-Avg 1998. Mi trenutno kreiramo "Science only" verziju programa, i planiramo da bude dostupan za download i testiranje tokom leta 1998. Ovakva "beta verzija" ce omogucavati dobrovoljcima da vrse analize dostavljenih podatak, ali u sebi nece sadrzavati sisteme vizuelizacije, koje smo vam opisali. Poruka preko elektronske poste bice poslata svima na nasoj listi od trenutka kada softver bude spreman.

FAZA III -- Sponzorstva . Dokle god budemo pokazivali napredak, mi cemo primati donacije, i raditi sa Planetarnim drustvom da bi osigurali znacajna sponzorstva nekih kompanija.Kada budemo bili sigurni da mozemo da prikupimo najmanje 200 000 dolara od pojedinacnih donacija ili sponzorstava firmi, preci cemo na ....

FAZA IV -- Razvitak hardvera i zavrsetak softvera. Da bi zapisali na magnetnu traku podatke koji su pristigli sa teleskopa, tokom 24 casa, moramo da razvijemo odgovarajuci hardver i kontrolni program.Tokom ovom perioda, koji ne bi trebalo da bude duzi od sest meseci, korisnicki softver ce biti znacajno unapredjen i sadrzace funkcionalnost skri-sejvera i opisane sisteme vizuelizacije. Web sajt ce biti spreman za otvaranje,a baza podataka bice razvijena da bi obradila podatke koji su pristigli od korisnickog programa.

FAZA V -- Pocetak. Da bi istrazili sto vise mozemo nebo, eksperiment ce trajati dve godine.Internet sajt bice redovno azuriran sa izvestajima o trenutnom stanju, i objasnjenjima dosad dobijenih rezultata.


Clanovi tima SETI@home su:

Dr. David P. Anderson, Direktor programa. Dejvid je trenutno na funkciji glavnog nadleznog za tehnologiju u kompaniji Tunes Network Inc. Bivsi clan katedre kompjuterskih nauka na univerzitetu Berkli, napisao je oko 65 naucnih radova o operativnim sitemima, distributivnom racunanju i kompjuterskoj grafici
Dan Werthimer, Glavni istrazivac. Dan je glavni naucnik u projektu SERENDIP na Berkliju. Aktivno ucestvuje u SETI istrazivanjima vec 17 godina, i kreator je hardvera za prikupljanje informacija za projekat SERENDIP.

Dr. Woodruff T. Sullivan III, Project Scientist. Vudi je profesor astronomije na univerzitetu Vasington, i clan je akademske SETI zajednice vise od dvadeset godina.

David Gedye, Founder and Advisor. David je sef inzenjrdkog biroa za APEX Online edukacioni projekat.Ima desetogodisnje iskutvo u kreiranju visekorisnickih okruzenja, a odnedavno je direktor mreznih igara za Starwave korporaciju.David je i osnovao SETI@home projekat i bio je prvi njegov direktor od 1995 do 1997.

Sledesi clanovi SETI instituta obrazuju diskusionu grupu

Jill Tarter
Tom Pierson
Kent Cullers
John Dreher
30. Jul 1998. Desetine dobrovoljaca programera je doprinelo razvijanju korisnickog softvera, a ljudi sirom sveta su preveli stranu u svetske jezike. Engineering Design Team Inc. (EDT) je poklonio analog-to-digital interfejs za prikpljanje podataka.
Nastavljamo da tragamo za finansijskom pomoci koja bi nam pomogla u razvtku science-only verzije sistema.Imamo par dobrih prilika ali nista posebno. Zbog toga projekat kasni barem par meseci.

10. Jun 1998. SETI program,univerziteta Berkli, je primio nagradu Smitsonijan Instituta za prvo mesto u naucnim i tehnickim inovacijma tokom 1998. Vise o tome...

Jun 1998. Sun Microsystems je pristao da da komjuterski hardver za SETI@home.Ova donacije je od velikog znacaja, jer su kompjuteri okosnica naseg sisitema.

May 1998. Centar za elektronske umetnosti u San Francisku je otvorio radionicu da bi dizajnirao napredni veb sajt i potrebne graficke elemente.

March 1998. Planetarno drustvo je ponudilo svoju podrsku kao ko-sponzor ,i pomoci ce u regrutovanju drugih sponzora.

Septembar 1997. Vise o 35 000 ljudi nam se pridruzili, od kojih mnogi nako sto su videli diskusiju sa Deno Vrtmajerom na Diskaveri tv kanalu. Takodje toko spetembra prva magntna traka sa podacima sa Aresibo radio teleskopa je pristigla na Berkli. Ovo ce biti iskorisceno za testiranje analizirajucih algoritama, karakteristika smetnja sa Zemlje.

Avgust 1997. Dan Werthimer je intervjuisan od strane NPR's All Things Considered. Prica o nasem projektu nasle se i u casopisu PC Worl Nasa postanska lista je narasla na preko 10 000 imena. Iskusniji clanovi SETI instituta su pristali da saradjuju sa nama kao savetnici

June 1997. SETI@hime sajt je uspostavlje i Dejvida Gedjea je intervjuisao Nju Jork Tajms.


Molimo vas da nam pomognete tako sto cete se pridruziti nasoj postanskoj listi.Ova lista ce biti iskoristena za najnovije vesti o SETI@home programu, kao sto je npr. dostupnost Science only verzije softvera tokom leta 1998. Da bi ste bili zajedno sa vis eod 100 000 ljudi koji su pokazali interesovanje za projekat, unseite vasu e-mail adresu
i .

Kada science only verzija softvera bude dostupna pitacemo prijatelje projekta da daju male (ili velike) donacije da bi nam pomogli u otpocinjanju eksperimenta, Ako zelite nesto odmah da ucinite ,postanite ktitori projekta
When the Science-Only version of the software is available, we'll be asking friends of the project to make a small (or large!) donation to help us launch the full experiment. If you'd like to beat the rush and become one of the project's Founding Supporters, please click here. Donations are fully tax deductible.
Jedan od trenutnih zadataka SET@home projekta je da nadje partnere za promociju ili sponzore.Ako ste predstavnik firme koja bi nam mozda pomogla da SETI@home postane realnost, posaljite e-mail.

Sponzori i oni koji su nam pomogli svojim radom

SETI@home sponzorisu:

The Planetary Society

Sun Microsystems

Engineering Design Team, Inc. (EDT).

Prijatelji SETI@home (ljudi kao vi)
Dzef Kob Iz tima za SERENDIP program je uradio odlican posao tako sto je generisao i testirao pocetne verzije korisnickog analizirajuceg koda.Mnogo se zahvaljujemo i Kregu Krasnofu, koji je pomogao u iniciranju samog programa.Takodje se zahvaljujemo i Starwave-u koji je sponzorisao stidiju o naucnom izvodjenju projekta. Ralf Derikson je pomogao program svojim poslovnim savetima.
Preveo Milos Radulovic extreme@eunet.yu (izvinjavam se na greskama prilikom prevodjenja, i ja sam covek)


Seriously, you might want to download this screensaver, and you might not.


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This is how it will work out.

Milosovic is a war criminal
nobody can challenge this.

Accept it as a fact.
A fact is something you can not change.
No matter how hard you scream.
No matter how vulgar your arguement.

Milo's private funds
his personal financial assets
all that money he looted from SERBS
(money the Serbs had robbed from Kosovars)
he was sufficiently STUPID
to hide it all in foreign banks.
South Africa and Zwitserland.

But as a war criminal the Hague court
And all his assets will be embargoed.

This criminal may run from justice
but he is TRAPPED inside his country
.... is outside Serbia.

All his money is now FAIR GAME.
It is now OURS !

Milosovic will not get to use it - NEVER!
We will use this Kosovar money,
money Milo stole from Kosovars,
to fund Kosovar needs.

Meanwhile we bomb Serbs to bits.
And there is NOTHING you can do about it.
You deserve it all - no reservations.

God works in misterious ways.
So do we.
Go figure Serb-lovers.
Serb criminals beware ....

Jack is BACK !

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His wife will likely kill him
before we do
for being so STUPID
To put his money outside ....
and lock himself inside!

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"Today I try to get out of this land. At least I can attempt to leave. The horror of the attack has made me realise even more how desperate
is the plight of the people in Kosovo, caught between Nato's screaming devils and the KLA's daunting deep-blue sea. "

The bomb hit. I thought I was dead, Times of London,6/01/99

The Times of London
June 1 1999

Injured in Nato raid, Eve-Ann Prentice reports from inside Kosovo ©

Safe: Eve-Ann Prentice (right) with the Portuguese reporter Elsa Marujo yesterday after their brush with the bombers Photograph: GORAN

"The bomb hit. I thought I was dead"

The bomb exploded a few yards in front and to the left of me. That was the moment I thought I was dead.

I heard a phenomenal noise and thought it was the last thing I would hear on Earth. I was thrown to the ground, and was amazed when the
thick grey-black smoke cleared to discover that I was still alive.

We were deep in southwest Kosovo near the front line heading for Prizren, not far from the Albanian and Macedonian borders. There had been
two cars with five journalists and two drivers, one of whom was also the translator. When we had first reached a road tunnel about four miles
from Prizren it was obvious it had recently been bombed. There was rubble all over the road, which was impassable. We decided to abandon
the car, clamber over the rubble and make our way by foot into Prizren.

We spent about three hours in Prizren. When we hitched a lift back to the tunnel we found there were two of them side by side, about 30
yards apart. But both were impassable.

They seemed to be normal mountain road tunnels. But they were a newly strategic target because they were the last relatively safe route
for the Yugoslav Army to travel from Pristina and other cities to the border region.

We had just started making our way back across the rubble on foot when the sound of jets, which had been fairly constant, suddenly
screeched far louder. At that moment we all just knew we were going to be bombed. We had nowhere to run; nowhere to hide. The remains
of the nearest tunnel looked a death trap because of the danger of it falling in on top of us. The nearby riverbank was far too exposed. The
burnt-out wreckage of a military vehicle was still smouldering in the undergrowth.

Then the first bomb hit.

We all scattered. Almost immediately came the sound of another jet diving. By this time, three of us had run into the opening of the nearest
tunnel. Most of us were shouting and screaming - trying to find the safest place to go. There was simply nowhere.

Then the second bomb hit and that was the moment I thought I was dead. When I recovered, I crawled to my feet and a Portuguese radio
journalist shouted to me to run towards the second tunnel.

Then came the sound of yet another jet. At the same instant I saw the wreckage of one of our cars. It was flattened. The last time we had
seen it, the driver/interpreter, Nebojsha Radojevic, had been inside. The Portuguese and I scrambled into the undergrowth and found a water
culvert about six feet in diameter. We began to crawl in, when the unrelenting whine of another impending bombardment pierced the air. My
colleague wanted to go deep in the culvert. I was afraid of being buried alive.

We compromised and hid by the entrance. The sound of four explosions was hideously menacing. It seemed then as if the attack would never
stop. We called to the others in our party but there was no sight or sound if them. We decided to stay put for at least half an hour after
silence finally descended. After about 20 minutes, we heard a car close by.

Seconds later, two enormous Yugoslav Army soldiers popped their heads over the edge of the culvert, held out their hands and scooped me
up. One smiled a big grin and hugged me like a father. Almost carrying me, they shepherded me to their vehicle, where all but one of our
party was already ensconced. We could not find Nebojsha.

Nenad Golubovic, the other driver and hero of the hour for his coolness under fire, set off to investigate while the rest of us were driven to a
nearby village. Serbs and Muslims paraded out of their homes and swarmed over us, proffering sweet drinks, chairs and life-giving cigarettes.

Then I noticed that this display of hospitality was occurring 2ft away from a road bridge - one of Nato's key targets. Two of us begged that
we should find somewhere else to congregate. An army doctor then ushered us into two cars and we were driven several miles up to what
appeared to be a sleepy village - but was, in fact, an army base.

What followed was one of the oddest moments of my life. We were given some of the most royal treatment I have ever experienced - and
that includes tea at the House of Lords. In this bizarre world, minutes after being almost killed by Nato, we were being pampered, and calmed
and fed by the very people the alliance is trying to destroy.

Platters of beef, bread and cheese were spread for us. The doctor tended our light injuries, and dozens of troops spent the entire night
calming our nerves. All the time, Nato jets streaking relentlessly low across the village. It was only then that there was time to take stock of
my injuries. They were miraculously light - cuts and grazes to my legs, right arm and forehead. About an hour after we arrived in the village,
a soldier who had gone to investigate the damage to the tunnel returned. He brought the news that Nebojsha was dead. The troops brought
his relatively unmarked corpse back to the village for his best friend Nenad to prepare him for his eventual burial.

We also discovered that one of our party, a Portuguese television cameraman, had been separated from us during the last bombing run. He
had plunged into the river and was carried by the mountain current for about a mile and a half - still clutching his camera. He managed to
drag himself to the bank outside a monastery, but was initially arrested on suspicion of being a downed pilot. His documents eventually
persuaded the authorities of his real identity. Then he had a terrifying four-hour journey across mountain tracks to reach Pristina and rejoin
us. He came under constant fire from the Kosovo Liberation Army as it tried to ambush his police escort.

Also slightly wounded in the bombing were a Portuguese television reporter, Elsa Marujo, and Daniel Schiffer, the French philospher who
organised our trip. He had injured his arm, leg and nose.

Last night we made another terrifying journey along sniper-racked roads said to be infested by the KLA and where dozens of Serbs have been
shot in the past ten days. We prepared to sleep in the Grand Hotel in Pristina.

Today I try to get out of this land. At least I can attempt to leave. The horror of the attack has made me realise even more how desperate
is the plight of the people in Kosovo, caught between Nato's screaming devils and the KLA's daunting deep-blue sea.

[This last bit inserted by the Times' editor]

Nato said that one aircraft had attacked a tunnel near the road where the journalists were wounded but denied attacking
vehicles. A spokesman, said the alliance admired western journalists who were determined to report from Kosovo, but it could not
guarantee their security.


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The Financial Times, 1 June 1999

DEFENCE: Conflict highlights real winners

As the bombs rain down on Serbia, defence industry analysts are rethinking the prospects for the sector, reports Peter Thal Larsen

Wars have always provided opportunities for the defence industry to make money. For most people, the conflict in Kosovo conjures up images
of refugees huddling in makeshift camps or bombs exploding in the centre of Belgrade. For some fund managers, though, the conflict has also
highlighted the attractions of shares in defence aerospace suppliers.

Last week, industry analysts were rethinking the prospects for the sector after returning from a clutch of analysts' visits. Cobham and Smiths
Industries, the aerospace engineering groups, recently hosted a visit to their operations in the US. A few days later, Rolls-Royce, the
aero-engine manufacturer, gave analysts a detailed update of its own prospects. Cobham is a leading supplier of the in-flight refuelling
systems that have allowed Nato aircraft to carry out long-range bombing sorties. Meanwhile, Smiths, which also has extensive industrial and
medical operations, has developed a strong position in cockpit display and flight management systems.

Yet while Kosovo has given shares a short-term lift, Britain's aerospace engineers were already expecting strong demand from the defence
sector. Over the next few years, big programmes including Eurofighter, produced jointly by Germany, Britain and Italy, move into full

The pick-up in demand comes just as the commercial aerospace cycle, which has helped to drive profit growth over the past few years,
reaches its peak. Boeing of the US plans to cut production of commercial aircraft this year. Production at Airbus, the European consortium,
will probably peak next year.

The increased demand for military aircraft partly marks the end of years of cuts since the end of the cold war. "The days of major reductions
in defence expenditure have gone," says Julian Blogh, chief executive of Ultra Electronics, a UK manufacturer of sonar buoys dropped from
aircraft and used to detect submarines.

Keith Hayward, head of research at the Society of British Aerospace Manufacturers, says: "The future for defence contractors is reasonably

Yet rising defence budgets are only part of the explanation. While the US recently announced its first increase in defence spending in years,
budgets in the UK and the rest of Europe remain largely flat. The difference is that governments are shifting spending towards equipment
using more sophisticated and expensive technology.

"There are fewer fighters now but they are more expensive and more versatile," says Mr Blogh, pointing to the super-expensive US Stealth
aircraft. Aerospace analysts calculate that avionics equipment and software accounts for up to 50 per cent of a new fighter aircraft's costs
against about 25 per cent a decade ago.

Priorities are also changing. While the cold war emphasised building up stockpiles of weapons, conflicts in the Gulf and Kosovo have stressed
the importance of responding quickly, picking out targets, and ensuring effective communications. Smaller British aerospace engineers have
thrived by developing these niches.

"Even though defence spending has been reducing, if you are in the right niche you can succeed," says Gordon Page, Cobham's chief

The recent analysts' visit also underlined the importance of the US market: roughly three-quarters of Britain's aerospace revenues are earned
overseas, mostly in the US.

The success of smaller companies runs contrary to the received wisdom in the industry that only the largest groups will survive. British
Aerospace's recent £7.8bn takeover of GEC's Marconi defence electronics arm used as its rationale the move for manufacturers to deliver
complete systems.

Second-tier manufacturers do not expect consolidation to seriously affect their markets. "Our customers are different because we deal less
with the Ministry of Defence and more with prime contractors," says Ultra's Mr Blogh. He also believes that, as the main suppliers take on the
role of systems integrators, smaller groups with useful technological skills will thrive.

The key to success remains the ability to identify and become a supplier to the right programmes. It seems Britain's military aerospace
suppliers face a period of sustained growth.

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The New York Times
May 31, 1999

Day for Church and Sales Shattered by a Day of War


VARVARIN, Yugoslavia -- Sunday afternoon began peacefully in this small
Serbian town. Two boys were down by the water's edge fishing. Sanja
Milenkovic, 17, a top mathematics pupil at a Belgrade high school, was
walking home across the bridge. The local Orthodox priest, Father Milivoje
Ciric, was celebrating Trinity Sunday inside his small white church perched
above the river.

It was just before 1 p.m. when NATO planes roared in low to shatter the calm.
It bombed the bridge over the Juznaja Morava River, a sturdy concrete and
steel structure, striking it in the first run and then returning minutes
later to hit it again.

A fisherman standing on the river bank downstream said he watched in horror
as people and cars toppled into the river. "There were a lot of people and
cars on the bridge," he said, refusing to give his name to a Western
journalist. "It was market day, a few thousand people were here. It was
absolute panic. We were terrified."

At least nine people were killed and 28 wounded. People who had gathered
earlier for the church service were setting off for home across the bridge,
on foot and in cars, when the bomb hit.

Ms. Milenkovic, the mathematics student, had just crossed the bridge and was
on the far bank just a mile from home when the plane struck. She was wounded
so gravely by shrapnel that she died on the way to hospital, said Dragoljub
Stanojevic, her former teacher and a friend of the family.

After the first strike, people rushed from the nearby market to help those
injured on the bridge. Then the planes came back and struck again, unleashing
two bombs that smashed the sturdy bridge off its concrete supports and sent
lethal shrapnel flying up the street into the marketplace, witnesses said.

Ciric, the priest, had come out of the chapel when he heard the first blast
and was standing in the courtyard of the church, just 100 yards from the
bridge. Shrapnel caught him full in the head, killing him instantly and
injuring another priest, a police officer said. On the edge of the church
compound, one of the trees was severed by shrapnel too, leaving a raw yellow
stump sticking up in the air.

In all, seven men and two women have been identified so far as having been
killed, all civilians. Townspeople said that, in addition to Ciric and Ms.
Milenkovic, one victim was named a 33-year-old factory worker named Zoran.
The chief investigator for the town said that 30 were injured, 17 critically.

Later Sunday, blood and remains of human flesh marked the road where some of
the victims had died. A blood-covered bicycle was flung in the grass at the
side, a piece of flesh tangled into the spokes of the back wheel.

Divers stood in their wetsuits beside the edge of the bridge, where it ended
abruptly in front of the broad river. The nearest section of the bridge had
completely been swept away under the swiftly flowing muddy waters.

"We do not know how many people found a grave in the Morava river and how
many victims there are in the hospital remains to be seen," said Dragan
Cavnic, Varvarin's mayor.

The fisherman said he feared for the lives of two young boys who had been
fishing close to the bridge. The blast cast up huge waves of water, and he
thought they had been swept away.

One woman's body had been retrieved from the water but it was not clear how
many people had died in the water, the chief investigator, Janko Milenkovic,
said at the morgue. "We know there is something down there," he said.

Eight bodies were lying on stretchers in the morgue at the entrance to the
town cemetery. Ciric stood out in his black suit trousers and city shoes. The
other men were in cheap workers' clothing. Their bodies were mangled
horribly. The woman whose body was found in the river, in her stocking feet,
alone appeared calm in death. Ms. Milenkovic's body was still at the

"This is a catastrophe for us," said a local police officer named Dragan. "We
are just a small town. There is nothing around here but agriculture."

At least until Sunday, Varvarin was something of a beauty spot. A town of
only 4,000 people about 95 miles south of the capital, Belgrade, it is in an
idyllic setting with thick green foliage flanking the broad river.

"People are full of bitterness," Stanojevic, the teacher at the local school,
said, curling his fist into a ball against his heart. "We are not scared.
They will never scare us. But this is making them bitter.

"I am trying to be a realist. Maybe a bridge is a military target, but if it
is a military target, why did they not bomb it at night when there are no
people? It is well known that Sunday is market day here and people are lined
all along the street down to the bridge selling things."

Dragan, the police officer, said he suspected that NATO pilots had aimed at
the bridge after they spotted the commotion from people and cars. "They flew
very low," he said.

NATO said that four aircraft attacked the bridge at about 1 p.m., and that it
was a legitimate and designated target. The alliance said it was unable to
confirm reports of casualties, but it has said repeatedly that civilian
casualties in airstrikes are unintentional.

It was the first time their town had been hit since the bombing began more
than two months ago, the men here said. They were pessimistic that the
bombing would stop soon. "It does not depend on us -- if it depended on us it
would not have started," Stanojevic said.

"We hope this will end soon, but not because we are afraid. We are just
defending our country and we have always supported a peaceful deal. But Serbs
will not accept an ultimatum from NATO -- never."

"They should make a deal," he added, speaking of his leaders and NATO, "but
not an ultimatum, with humiliation, not like that."

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"Muslim polygamy plays the major role here: a man who can afford it is entitled by the Koran to four wives ? at any one time; divorce is
executed by three times pronouncing the formula "I divorce thee!". Some of the "wives" are little girls who, as one (female) observer of
women's rights in Islamic societies aptly puts it, "still playing with dolls". Albanian nationalism abuses women, using them as baby machines for
the expansion of Greater Albania, not only to include Old Serbia, but also Macedonia, where the Albanian percentage of the population is
higher than in Old Serbia.. [Where are the feminists? Worrying about sexist pronouns, it seems.]

Besides the differing birth rates, the former Serb majority was literally cut down, under the malicious tyrannies of the Sultan, Mussolini and
Tito. The latter expelled hundreds of thousands of Serbs and brought in hundreds of thousands of Albanians from across the border. That's
when the border should have been sealed. Tito then forbade Kosovo Serbs driven out by the Albanians to return. The Albanian insurrection
is a war of total conquest, merciless jihad towards any minority. (There are other peoples there, too, not only Serbs and Albanians.) -Serbs
would have no anxieties about living as a minority community in a state that that protects minorities.

Tolerance is not the program of Rugova nor of the KLA, nor of Islamists anywhere. For them the world is divided into two territories, "the
land of Islam ["Submission"]" and "the Land of the Sword".

A friend of mine, like me not Serbian, related to me a conversation he had in Kosovo back in the 1980s with some young Albanians. He
asked them "what do you guys do for fun?" They answered: "Serb-hunting".

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"Serb-dominated Yugoslavia" of the 1991 headlines was a hoax. Tito's motto was always "Weak Serbia, Strong Yugoslavia". Some "Serb

Kosovo's autonomy. As Tito detached Vojvodina from Serbia, making it an "Autonomous Region" of Serbia, and as he detached Southern
Serbia and called it "Makedonija", he also detached Old Serbia from the Serbia that had been recognized as a sovereign state by the
Congress of Berlin. "Quasi-President" Ibrahim Rugova has admitted that under Albanian domination many crimes were committed against
Kosovo's Serbs by the dominant Albanians. That was a "quasi" legal state.

Kosovo statistics and how they got that way. "Old Serbia" is the Serb term for Kosovo, and so it was even for the enemy Austro-Hungarian
Empire. Mosby's paucity of historical information is matched by his statistics, which are meaningless for their lack of context

Statistics: In 1950 Darryl Huff Ph. D. published a best seller entitled "How to Lie With Statistics", an excoriation of the stupid uses and evil
uses of statistics to sway opinion. . The stats on Kosovo used in today's press reports would fit right in with Huff's justly sarcastic horror
stories. Let's look at these "statistics" in several contexts, time, authorship etc. Else they are taken "out of context", no?

Stat # 1: Context of authorship: - Says who?. The population figures ranging from 1.5. to 2 million Albanians in the province have a spread
that is acceptable to nobody with statistical and demographic smarts. Kosovo Albanians, like Chicago's First Ward Democratic Party
organization, have creative ways of counting, let us, awe old Army grunts, say, bodies. Some constituents vote from the graveyard, some
from exile in far-off countries. Some great grandmothers and still-born infants had been receiving their pensions/benefits every month. A
number to take seriously would be one million Kosovo Albanians.

Stat # 2. "Kosovo 92 percent Albanian". Context of time: When? If this means in 1998, how about a few years back? -- Poland used to one
third Jewish.-- How did that change? In Old Serbia it wasn't German gas chambers, but knives and guns of Albanian pandours, successively,
of Ottoman Turkey, Mussolini's Repubblica Sociale, then of the Socialist Federative Republic Yugoslavia of the Stalinist Comrade Josip Broz
"Tito", son of a Slovene mother and a Croat father. In World War I the good soldier Broz had been an Austro-Hungarian sniper killing

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300 killed by Milosevic you say? Well, show me one. But I have seen more NATO victims. Some 20 from what I remember when residential buildings were bombed. And now NATO even misses Yugoslavia at all. Well, not the first time. They have experience in Bolgaria and Macedonia. I guess American bombs and American pilots are as smart as their leaders.

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Source BBC, the journalist who NATO almost killed today.
Albanian villager in Albania who almost lost his life today said: Clinton is no better than Milosevic. I guess White House is losing it's supporters, the most loyal ones. Maybe these Albanians can explain Clinton why Kosovar Albanians are fleeing Kosovo. It's not pleasant being bombed.

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Hey Maja, remember the "NATO pilots do not think of damage", "sometimes the target is covered in smoke, they panic", "sometimes the pilot takes a shot", these are from J. Shea and K. Bacon.

They speak for themselves, don't they ?

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