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Archive through June 24, 1999

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"gunboat diplomacy" vs. GENOCIDE

payback's a bitch, in the vernacular.

just once, look to the despicable MILOSEVIC for the root of this misery.

your numerous digressions about the evil yankees are IRRELEVANT in this matter.

thoughtful americans are most aggrieved at the clumsy/stupid blunders done in the name of "liberation"

but what we've had here is WAR.

and there are no excuses.

but y'know what?

it doesnt F**G matter.

because that's what WAR is.

tragedy upon tragedy.

death upon death upon senseless DEATH

misery and sorrow and (choose the word)

because that's what WAR is.

both sides lying to their constituents;

meaningless qualifications and aoplogies;

negative after-effects around this world;

because that's what WAR is.

and there are no excuses.

but y'know what?

it doesnt F
**G matter.

beca!¿°+WAR is

so € the shoes that fit you, darlin'

payback's a bitch


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Kissie and Daniella,
Ladies, what's your point ?

You dig up dirt on the USA
and you make the USA
this terrible imperialist power
out to dominate the world
by manipulating the media.....

SO WHAT ..... ?

You don't believe the free media of the world,
but you do fall for Milo's press ?
You think SERB MEDIA is FREE ?

The US is no saint,
but if you have to chose between
Milo or NATO -
What is it about Milo that makes you love him so much?
(What does he have that I don't have?)

Your attempts to move the focus
... away from the WAR-CRIMES
... away from the defeat of the Serbian Army.
and into the realm of QUESTIONABLE US FOREIGN policy
will not work.

Good or bad US foreign policy
today or in the past
is not the issue.
The issue is
... supported here in writing
by vindictive COLLABORATORS.

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We posted simoultaneously - the same message.

Different words,
different styles,
same message.

Welcome on board.

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For Mina-Emina-ballerina

' That your not educated enough to read them is not my problem. '

Sorry, none of us speak Pidgin English

' What my identity concearns i am trew with that. '

Explanation in first comment

' One last thing you don't know me, '

And let's just keep in that way thank you...

' so if i were you i wouldn't be so presumtious about how i look. '

Please, stop, I am already having recurring memories of the nightmares...

' As a matter afect you wouldn't know what kind of classy lady your babbling about. '

Ok, afërdita dhe Malësia

' Is it frustration i smell from your side....? '

No, I believe that's just your bad breath

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For Pete Rose

' What happened to Nick? I haven't seen a single post from him today. Maybe he choked on his own rage?>? >::((( '

I think the guy got better things to do than waste it with losers like us. I hear his wife is something like a super model or something. If it were up to you, what would you choose?

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""What happened to Nick? I haven't seen a single post from him today. Maybe he choked on his own rage?""
I'm not sure ,but he is probably using his superior computer skills to track me down so he can KILL me.

""Please be a bit more carefull with peoples names. L'menexe is also doing a wonderfull job here.""
I'm sorry L'menexe and Emina, I didn't mean to give away any state secrets. All I did was click on L'menexe's name and read his e-mail address. It looked Germanic and I wondered what it meant, he gave the info voluntarily.
ROCK AND ROLL RULES. I may be Texan but I hate country and western music. I agree he is doing a good job Emina.

Daniella, please grow up, I've said it several times before but I will say it again. ALL SIDES IN ANY WAR COMMIT CRIMES! Frankly, IF what you said is true, and the some members of the KLA were torturing civilians, then the KFOR soldiers should have arrested them. The same goes for the ones accused of the crimes against the priest and nuns. War causes some weak willed people to lose their moral values and they turn into animals. Kind of like Nick, except they were actually exposed to the war and Nick is just extremely weak willed and immoral, that is why he is out trying to find a hacker to track me down so he can KILL me. He better catch me in the shower because I carry a .380 automatic (legally) the rest of the time, and I now have the legal right to blow him away since he made a death threat.
WHAT A MAROON! Speaking ya'll reckon DdC O.D.d on some good sh!t? He must have gotten ahold of some Texas sinsemilla.

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it dont make no never mind if the world knows what DASLUD stands for; hell, it could promote our upcoming appearance at the STRANGE DAZE 99 space rock festival, aug 20-22, "an hour east of cleveland" (grin).


so who is this NICK, whose wife is a supermodel, who can have people hunted down from thousands of miles away so that he can kill them? phooey to all that. why would he ever come here?


emina has enough feelings about all this malarkey that she speaks from the heart in what is clearly her second language. i can deal with her spelling.


too bad you couldnt e-mail me some of that sinse, guido....


p.s. hey, DMS! that's the second posting of mine you've garbled in that manner. please quit it. thanks

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My thoughts on it really simple.Atleast let me keep it simple.In my eyes there No'Real democracy
No 'Real" freedom of press either and what ever journalist did not report for all to see is a bad thing, but can we stop that ?
No we can't
Simple and quick as i have no more time. My sis Zoja is a journalist so.Then somethimes your quicker at the source.
Btw ask DANIEL what her thoughts on it are she posted it.


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Yeah it is very funny that they comment on my spelling mistakes....... Grin, And at the same time me and my sis are one. Grin

ANd Igor is just another Russian that pays his online time from moneylaundring.Otherwise he would not be online.
KFOR Russians beg for food and he's comfortable online that doesn't make sense

HIV NICK with a supermodel I don't think so.He lives in an imaginairy world.That could be the only place he could be with a supermodel HA HA!!!!

I agree with being through with greater serbia babble, but then get greater albania also out of your notebook ok?

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From: Archbishop Lazar Puhalo

All of us who are either connected with or supportive of the
Democratic Opposition in Serbia, want to see Serbs who are guilty of
crimes dealt with appropriately, and NATO leaders who are guilty of
crimes dealt with in precisely the same manner, and Albanians, the
same. None of us advocate covering up the crimes of Serbs or others.
It is difficult to accept that the aggressors, who are themselves
trying to cover up their own war crimes are going to be fair and
honest in their investigations and reporting. Will the FBI, for
example, not be inclined to report a grave full of Serbs as being
instead a grave full of Albanians? CNN certainly did just that. Will
the FBI and theBritish government agency not try to whitewash over all
KLA crimes and even blame the on Serbs? It would be astonishing if
they did not.
The greatest tragedy is that all those human beings who fought and
killed each other are really brothers and sisters, as human beings
sharing a common human nature. Neither we nor the NATO agents should
really be demonizing an ethnic community, but only looking for who
actually committed a crime and bring them to justice, whoever they may
be. Life seldom works that way, alas.

This is a piece i got in my mail today from someone who currently lives in Canada. We are a tight bunch of people, and in this Email group there are a lot of Serbian people who despiritely wan't to get rid of Milosevic, without losing their pride of being Serbian.This group is for everyone.And i thought this was a good piece to show that.
I did remove groupname and this persons email address.


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To: Emina

Russians had a 10-day food store. Water was a problem, yes. Later they received a ton of meat and more of vegetables from serbs. They are repairing the airport building.
I hasn't pushed any "Greater Albania" so far, but in view of recent events in Hungdry, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania it's clear that there might be maps to be redrawn and certain groups to happily start redrawing, and it would spell *trouble*.

To: Jack London

Sir, Your argument on NATO not being "omnipresent" (or not) is as lame as NATO's policies in view of even just today's news on SKY (as of 20:00 GMT), when a British officer acknoledged, that they could do nothing about the looting and burning, although being present; when a group of Germans arrived at the former Serb milbase, a KLA base now, to have the KLA surrender their weapons, and having been told "No"; a Russian TV crew videoed KLA men stuffing someone into a car just to execute him round the corner (videoed). The crew was lucky to get away. A lot of s--t goes on just under the NATO nose. And NATO is afraid to enforce what it proclaimed in fear of alienating albanians and winding up in the middle of the hostile territory.

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One month under NATO
will be much less violent
than the last 10 years under
Serb Army and Police.
So don't complain.

But it takes time to properly
put out a fire that has burned so hot.

Now that NATO has effectively
terminated the structural murders
by Serb Police and Army,
now NATO can move to control the
sporadic and random acts
of revenge by KLA and other victims.

These crimes will happen, and
nobody (except you?) believes that
NATO soldiers can be omnipresent
and stop them all.

Do you see GOD driving NATO tanks?
NATO soldiers are men, not GODS.
Although they do God's work.
Don't expect them to be OMNIPRESENT.
BE PATIENT ... you have no choice.

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What i ment was simple: you find greater Serbia talk enoying .Which i do too, same counts for greater Albania talk .As far as i am concearned.
I don't like a greater whatever land. I hope you understand this time

For the moment i am just glad theres piece.And yes too many innocent people have died.And too many innocent people are still dying all over the world, cause man gods creation can't seem to get a grip on itself


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Polloshka's List, a Record of Horror
In a Kosovo city raging with violence, the Serbs asked
him to bury the dead. He decided to make sure he did not
also bury the truth.

By Peter Finn
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, June 20, 1999; Page A01

DJAKOVICA, Yugoslavia, June 19—Dr. Izet Hima's body lay out on his
front porch when Faton Polloshka came to the physician's home in this
city's Old Town at 5 p.m. on March 25 to collect it. It had been there for
14 hours. Behind the corpse, the Hima home was an empty, blackened
ruin without a facade. Smoke still smoldered in corners, and red-brick
rubble and window glass surrounded the body.

Polloshka got to work. With some Gypsies employed at the local
cemetery, he loaded Hima into an unadorned small purple hearse and
moved on. They would pick up three other bodies that evening: Kujtim
Dula, 44, a truck driver; Qamil Zherka, 70; and his son, Nexhdet, 41, a
car mechanic. All had been summarily executed and their homes burned in
the early morning after NATO's bombardment of Yugoslavia began.

These would become the first four names on Polloshka's list. Over the next
2 1/2 months, as the world around him dissolved in terror, flames and the
flight of hundreds of thousands, Polloshka would methodically write down
the names of those who were killed.

Ordered by the Serbs to dispose of the dead because of his job as the
city's director of public works, the ethnic Albanian was in an exceptional
position to document the brutality as it unfolded. Polloshka took it upon
himself to create what is likely to be the most complete, independent listing
of victims of Djakovica's mass killings.

"I knew the city very well," said Polloshka. "I risked my life so we would
have a record. That's why I didn't go away."

As the murder, looting, and burning ended here with the arrival of Italian
NATO troops last weekend, his list has grown to 200.

Polloshka, 46, is a short man with flat, knowing eyes. He had worked for
the city for 16 years. His most recent job made him responsible for the
cemetery, where he employed eight Gypsy gravediggers.

In the early afternoon on March 25, a Serbian city worker who recently
had been mobilized as a police reservist came to Polloshka's home and
gave him four addresses, including Hima's.

Pick up the dead, Polloshka was told, and bury them.

Over the next three months, the police reservist would visit again and again
with new addresses. The victims, many of them burned to cinders, were
loaded onto the backs of open carts pulled by farm tractors and driven
through the city to the cemetery for a hasty burial. Sheets of plastic
covered the bodies.

Polloshka and the eight workers attempted to identify every one of the
murdered before they put them into the ground.

The burial crew was among the few people able to move around the city,
witnessing the extent of the burning and carnage. Their testimony may
prove critical in coming months for war crimes investigators piecing
together the extent and pattern of murders in Djakovica, a once-proud city
that has been reduced in large part to scorched rubble.

The Serbs knew what Polloshka was doing. Even when Polloshka didn't
visit a murder site, he and his workers compared notes in the evening; they
bribed the Serbian reservist with 50 German marks ($27) to allow them to
talk at the office.

Serbian special police raided Polloshka's house and his office three times in
the last five days before they withdrew from Kosovo, removing all notes
and documents that they found. By then Polloshka had gone into hiding,
but he still had some handwritten notes, and with help from his employees
he reconstructed what was done here: names, ages and occupations of
victims, and places and dates of their killing.

It is a chronicle of barbarism, and one, Polloshka hopes, that will extract
some measure of justice from its telling.

Two Spasms of Killings Djakovica experienced two particularly intense
spasms of murderous violence. The first -- from March 25, the day after
NATO's bombing began, to April 2 -- was orchestrated by special police,
anti-terrorist units and paramilitaries from Belgrade. They were assisted by
local police and about 20 ethnic Albanians, who were issued special purple
uniforms. The Albanians were from the Mushk Jakup family, which
residents described as a family involved in organized crime that had
cooperated with the Serbs for years and lived in a village just outside the

In that first nine-day campaign of ethnic cleansing, which saw the city's
refugee-swollen population of 90,000 reduced to just a few thousand, the
militias killed 107 citizens. Much of the city was torched. In a 24-hour
period starting April 1, 75 people were killed. In one incident that night, at
least 19 people -- including a 3-month-old boy and a 90-year-old woman
-- were gunned down and their bodies burned. The gravediggers removed
them from the massacre site by hand and with shovels, and buried them in
just three graves.

By late March, there were too many bodies for the hearse. Polloshka
abandoned it for the cart pulled by a tractor.

"They would come whenever they wanted and take us at gunpoint to get
the bodies," said Qerim Kryeziu, 34, who drove the tractor. "It was
terrible. Amputations. Burned bodies. We had no gloves, no masks. We
would just carry them out with our bare hands or use our shovels. I had
terrible headaches."

Soon Polloshka was no longer sleeping, and he couldn't tell his wife what
he was doing. As the bodies mounted, his fear grew that the Serbs would
eventually kill him because of what he knew. "I felt this turbulence in my
head," he said.

The second killing spree occurred from May 7 to May 13. Local police
and reservists, some wearing masks, swept through the Chabrat
neighborhood after the Serbs suffered heavy losses in fighting with ethnic
Albanian rebels in the hills above. In seven days, Polloshka recorded,
Djakovica police murdered 58 ethnic Albanian residents in one warren of

In addition, hundreds of men arrested in the sweep through Chabrat are
missing and thus not on Polloshka's list. According to a former inmate in a
Serbian prison in the western Kosovo city of Pec, many of them were
jailed but were taken elsewhere in Serbia last Saturday. Their families fear
for their lives.

Between the two periods of intense killing, Serbian forces continued to loot
and burn homes, and there were sporadic killings of 35 people in their
homes and on the street. After the Chabrat sweep, the killing appears to
have ended, but in the five days before Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic agreed to pull out of Kosovo, there was a final bout of looting
and burning.

During the killings, intellectuals, political activists and businessmen were
targeted, but the violence was just as often random.

"Terror was their purpose," said Djakovica resident Fuat Haxhibeqiri of
the Council for the Defense of Human Rights in Kosovo. "And they often
executed those who had a lot of money."

One man, Etem Lluani, 72, who was known to be rich because he owned
a number of local businesses, was forced to bid for his life in German
marks. They shot him even after he had turned over 10,000, then 20,000
and eventually 70,000 marks ($37,000).

Many of the killings were savage, according to Polloshka, residents who
stayed in the city and refugees who fled to Albania. A 3-month old boy
was shot and burned. A dentist was tortured for two hours, and his ears
cut off, before he was shot in front of his family. An elderly paralyzed man
was shot where he lay in his home. A student running home from his uncle's
house to take a shower was gunned down, with five others. A number of
people who clearly suffered from mental disabilities were shot without
understanding what was about to happen to them.

Serbs Videotaped KillingsIf war crimes investigators ever get access to
Serbian records, which were removed from this city, they will find
videotape and photos of 80 percent of the murders, according to
Polloshka. He said that a special police photography unit, occasionally
accompanied by a man in a white coat who appeared to be a doctor,
visited most of the execution sites and also filmed burials. Polloshka has no
idea why the Serbs chose to document their atrocities, but he said they
took over a photo and video store on a street near the Old Town to
develop their film.

The men who collected the bodies said there were 210 murder victims
buried in the cemetery, including some from nearby villages whose identity
is not yet known. Some in the cemetery were refugees killed in a NATO
bomb attack on convoys on the Djakovica-Prizren road. Using an
excavator, Serbian forces removed the bodies of at least 70 people,
including some of the refugees, from the cemetery on May 22.

A number of residents were buried without being identified because they
had been shot repeatedly in the face or burned beyond recognition. But
Polloshka identified some of those who were burned because he knew the
house and he talked to survivors or neighbors.

The accounting of the dead is far from complete.

At least 30 people are known to be buried in the yards of their homes in
Djakovica. There may be more such graves, and there are numerous
makeshift burial plots of two, four or more bodies in the hills and fields
surrounding the city, many of ethnic Albanian rebels, according to city
workers and ethnic Albanian human rights activists.

Residents continue to come into the public works office to tell of more
people murdered, following an appeal for information on a local radio
station. Shkelszen Dana, 58, came to see Polloshka in his office to record
the deaths of 10 of his family members. Murdered at the same time, on the
morning of May 10, were seven of Dana's next-door neighbors.

"One family," said Dana, as he sat at Polloshka's conference table,
smoking cigarettes and weeping. "One family."

In the first days, Polloshka said, separate groups of Serbs marauded
through the city. One particularly vicious crew, which murdered Dr. Hima,
was led by a Serbian policeman who was not from Djakovica. Driving a
red Lada, he led four police cars, two jeeps and an armored car through
the city's 500-year-old historic district. The jeeps were used to break
down the courtyard doors of family compounds.

"He was harsh, very coarse," said Polloshka. "He was drinking all the time
and he stank of alcohol."

Hima was up in the early morning of March 25, watching the burning in the
Old Town steadily approach his home, when the Lada pulled in. About 10
Serbian police wearing masks burst into the doctor's home, according to
his brother, Xmer, 66. The doctor stood and his wife screamed, "Burn
everything, but leave my family." The police gunned Hima down without
asking a question. His wife, who went to Albania, and other family
members were allowed to flee.

In the next six days until April 1, 31 more people were murdered -- a
lawyer, clerks, receptionists, factory workers. At the same time, tens of
thousands were fleeing the city as refugees.

On April 1, a terrible fury was unleashed. In 24 hours, 75 people would

Astrit Spahiu, 25, a student of electrical engineering at the University of
Pristina, went out that day to do laundry and bathe. He and his cousins,
Ali, 42, and Qamil, 32, went to Astrit's parents' house.

Without being questioned, they were gunned down, with three others, on
the street by local police reservists, the Spahiu family and neighbors said.
The bodies were left on the street for 48 hours before they were picked up
by Polloskha's men. Neighbors hiding in their basements could smell them.

Astrit's mother, Shqipe, Ali's wife, Haxhere, and Qamil's sister, Arobere,
walked through the streets to the cemetery on April 4. They found their kin
lying in the open in the cemetery.

"I buried him myself," said Shqipe, who keeps the shell casings that killed
her boy and carries his student card in her purse. She weeps
uncontrollably, and beside her, Hylki, her husband, a long-time obstetrician
and gynecologist in the city who served both Serbian and ethnic Albanian
patients, raises his hands in front of his eyes as if they were a curse and
says, "Maybe the man who killed my son was born in my hands."

'I Couldn't Eat for a Week' The killing on April 1 continued through the
day, and about 11:15 that night two masked Serbian militia groups entered
the Qerem neighborhood. Over the next six hours, in a killing spree
documented in The Washington Post on April 30 through interviews with
refugees in Tirana and corroborated by residents here now, they killed
dozens of residents. They moved from house to house killing and burning,
skipping the residences of Serbian civilians.

One militia group entered a pool hall where women and children were
hiding in a basement. Bursts of gunfire followed and the building was
torched. The next day, the Gypsy gravediggers shoveled out the
carbonized remains of what they believed were 20 people, of whom 19
have been identified.

"I couldn't eat for a week," said Gani Petahi, 28, a cemetery worker who
collected bodies and buried them in cloth shrouds or blankets. "We saw
terrible things."

Petahi and the other gravediggers have only slowly emerged from their
homes in the past week, fearful that they will be accused of collaboration
for their work. Anti-Gypsy sentiment is growing here because ethnic
Albanians have accused them of looting and charging the Albanians large
amounts of money for necessities during the three months of bombing. The
gravediggers said they received no payment for their work and never
looted homes. Moreover, they ask, who would want to leave bodies in
homes and on the street?

"We had no choice," said Petahi. "They forced us to work and we did
what we had to."

From April 3 to May 6, the killing continued sporadically. Some residents
in Djakovica refer to these days as the "looting period." Serbs entered
houses, first stealing cars and electrical equipment, and later returning for
carpets, furniture and even baby clothes.

And they continued to murder. On April 16, 12 people were killed in their
homes, many in front of their families. Masar Radonici, 55, a local dentist
was tortured for two hours with a knife before he was shot. His family was
forced to watch as his ears were cut off, according to Polloshka, who saw
his body and talked to his family afterward. Tahir Nikoliqi, who was
paralyzed and house-bound, was shot on his couch and then burned. Four
policemen watched as the body burned, Polloshka said. On April 23, nine
men were gunned down in the street near a mosque as they ran from their
homes to escape advancing Serbs.

'We're Here. No Burning' The residents of Chabrat, a neighborhood of
multi-house family compounds, felt relatively safe. The Yugoslav army had
retreated from the hills to three streets in the neighborhood after being
pummeled by NATO warplanes. But the army didn't kill anyone when it
entered, and didn't force civilians out of their homes. "The military didn't do
anything," said Ilirian Dana, 18. "The police would come in and the military
would say, 'We're here. No burning.' "

But by early May, Serbian units were experiencing heavy losses in firefights
with the rebels in the hills above. On May 7, the Serbs moved to clear
Chabrat. Local police and reservists, some wearing masks, moved in, and
the army, which didn't participate in the ensuing killing, was nonetheless
powerless to stop them.

"When they came, one policeman could control the military," said Dana,
who lost his 10 family members at that time. In a shed in the Dana family
compound, the blood has coagulated to black on the ground.

Vjollca Kurhasani, 39, walked through the cemetery on the edge of the
city Friday. Her face was drawn and her eyes were red. Fetahi had
disinterred six bodies for her to look at, but none was her father, Etem
Lluani. She didn't look at the corpses' faces, only their clothes. She knows
what Etem was wearing when he was shot.

When her father's body was taken away, she obtained a coffin and
followed the tractor to the cemetery. But Serbian police wouldn't let her
enter to watch him be put into the ground. They took the coffin and told
her to go home.

A lonely figure among the heaps of fresh earth, she moved from marker to
marker looking for a clue.

"They say he's in here," she wept, "but no one can find him."

Polloshka's List

The following list of ethnic Albanian civilians killed in Djakovica is based
primarily on the handwritten notes and memory of Faton Polloshka, the
local director of public works, who supervised removal of the bodies, and
of his employees. It also is based on information provided by the office of
the Council for the Defense of Human Rights in Kosovo and family
members of the dead, and on reporting by The Washington Post. Ages are
sometimes approximate, and in some cases the name, age, or occupation
of the victim was not available. The names are grouped by time periods but
are not listed in order of death. This list is incomplete; the accounting of the
dead continues in the city.

March 25-31

Dr. Izet Hima, 66, surgeon

Kujtim Dula, 44, driver

Qamil Zherka, 70, retired businessman and father of following two:

Nexhdet Zherka, 41, car mechanic

Sadik Zherka

Mark Malota, 40, vice president of local branch of Democratic League of
Kosovo, a moderate ethnic Albanian political party

Avni Ferizi, 58, textile factory manager

Four members of Osmani family, construction workers

Xhevdet Rakoci, 35, driver

Naser Thaci, 45, driver

Shefqet Pruthi, 52, painter

Myrteza Kurti, 38, metal worker

Urim Rexha, 38, lawyer

Besim Bedra, 58, administrative clerk

Nasim Nagavci, 52, telephone receptionist

Bajram Zymberi

Mazlom Muhaxhiri, 48, water works factory worker

Esat Varaku, 55, tailor

Shaban Lyta, 72, retired driver

Jaje Gogani,65, retired teacher

Mustafa Bobi, 48, returned immigrant from Austria

Zenel Dana, 59, factory worker and Muslim cleric, and father of following

Fahri Dana, 36, unemployed

Emin Dana, 33, unemployed

Albert Luzha, 35, city worker

Armen Luzha, 28, student

Shpetim Morina, 46, businessman

Two unidentified refugees from villages outside the city

April 1-2

Astrit Spahiu, 25, student

Ali Spahiu, 39, tailor

Qamil Spahiu, 32, student

Muhamet Zhubi, 46, watch repairer, and brother of following two:

Skender Zhubi, 40, watch repairer

Petrit Haracija, 26, student

Mithat Radoniqi, 48, accountant

Shpetim Morina, 46, technical worker in factory

Hazyr Lusha, 70, retired

Hajdar Vula, 52, economist and brother of following

Mahmut Vula, 42, engineer

Arberesha Zherka, 25, mentally hadicapped

Marie Nushi, 66, husband of following

Ndreke Nushi, 69, carpenter

Rexh Guci

Guci's brother

Fehim Lleshi, 44, butcher

Lleshi's wife, 38

Hysen Deda, 41, electric company worker

Saja Deda, wife, driver 38

Fehmie Deda, 37

Fehmie Deda's 6-year-old son

Jonuz Cana, 70, retired teacher

Ganimete Cana, 60, wife

Shpresa Cana, 45, economist, daughter

Fatmir Cana 35, son

Hasan Hasani plus 7 family members

Melahim Carkaxhiu, 35

Gezim Berdeniqi, 38, architect

Osman Dika, 75, retired

Skender Dika, 49, metal worker

Blerim Dika,

Albert Dika, 30, medical student

Skender Dylatahu,

Dylantahu's brother

Myrteza Dina, 42, driver

Lulzim Dinaj plus three children, aged 12, 10, and 8

Supi Arlati, 70, retired

Eight unidentified refugees

April 1-2 (Mass Killing at pool hall)

Shahindere Hoxha, 55, retired teacher

Flaka Hoxha, 30, daughter

Tring Vejsa, 31, plus five children, four daughters and one son

Hysen Gashi, 50, mentally disabled

Valbone Vejsa, 32, plus three children, including three-month baby boy

Valbone Caka, 38, plus three children

Mandush Nuci, 55

Nuci's mother, 90

April 3-May 6

Talush Caushi, 55, accountant

Shyqyri Mejzini, 60, bank teller

Jakup Nushi, 58, professor of geology

Dush Ajroni, 45, mechanic

Gazmend Xharra

Sabah Guta, 55, retired on disability

Blerim Berdoniqi, 32, architect

Naser Dylatahu

Mehdi Zeka, teacher, 49

Sulejman Xhoci, 49, water works engineer

Florat Keraxhija

Xhemajli Keraxhija

Isuf Dafota, 55, teacher

Elderly unidentified neighbor of Dafota

Xhevat Bedra, 65, mechanic

Skender Binaku, 45, economist

Perparim Bedra, 35, businessman

Ruzhdi Tuzi, 46, tailor

One member of the Kavaja family

Five unidentified refugees

Aliriza Gorani, 60, retired

Shaqir Gorani 62, retired

Tahir Nikoliqi

Besnik Bedra, 38, businessman

Masar Radonici, 55, dentist

Sokol Kabashi, 48, economist in bank

Sami Axhanela, 56, worker in city administration

Nezhdet Zeka, 54, businessman and electrical engineer

Sulejman Gjoci, 50, water works employee

Etem Lluani, 72, restaurant owner

Bajram Thaci, 43, baker

May 7-May 13

Neki Pula, 57, teacher

Ylber Hoxha, 40, city administration

Sokol Zenuni

Avni Shasivari, 75, retired driver

Mentor Shtaloja, 33

Elez Bakalli, 73, retired city administrator

Tefik Lluani, 48, businessman, with an unidentified person from his family

Sami Luzha, 46, car painter; brothers following

Florim Luzha, 35

Gezim Luzha, 49, businessman

Sadri Binaku, 49, businessman; nephews following

Gezim Binaku, 37, unemployed

Binaku's brother

Halil Axhemi, 40, salesman

Esat Bicurri, 50, economist and musician; brothers following

Ferhat Bicurri, 47, engineer

Nezhdet Bicurri, 40, businessman

Kastriot Zherka, 40, computer businessman

Shani Luzha, 40, driver

Gani Shtrezi, 55, taxi driver

Agim Efendia, 47, tourist agency economist

Lulzim Jaka, 38, electrical engineer

Burim Bardhi, 35

Astrit Rexha, 30, butcher

Basri Nura, 28, barber

Mekzon Boshnjaku, 32, clothing shop owner

Ali Krypa, 55, mentally disabled

Muhamet Dyla, 65, retired tailor

Skender Morina, 46, factory worker; cousins following

Adriatik Morina, 17, student

Genc Morina, 30, manager of market

Gezim Dana, 49, mechanic

Afrim Dana, 47, teacher

Albert Dana, 30, waiter

Kastriot Dana, 32, waiter

Luan Dana 20, student

Labinot Dana 17, student

Agron Dana, 45, teacher

Osman Dana, 23, waiter

Ramadan Dana 88, retired

Shyret Dana 68, housewife

Medi Haracija, 75, retired teacher; son following

Genc Haracija, 35, agricultural technician

Afrim Haxhiavdyli, 35, brothers following

Osman Haxhiavdyli, 40, bank worker

Agron Hazhiavdyli, 37, cafe owner

Driton Lluhani, 20, student; nephew of Haxhiavdylis

Genc Kepuska, 46, carpenter

Selim Lluhani, 66, shoe shop owner

Nexhmedin Koci, 44, businessman

Florent Agimsylejmani, 14, student

Ali Beqa, 56, city worker

Five unidentified refugees.

Estimable Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 182


Thank you, thank you, thank you ever so much for the attention.

One post, and 8 replies. Please please please, this is too much, my head will never make it past the bedroom door and my wife (who is really hot, you got that right) would not forgive me.

I am glad some of you really enjoy what I post. I hate indifference, and I will take bad or good stuff everytime over no stuff at all. Take today's page for instance: about 75% of the above posts contain insults, curses, horrible diseases, references to privacy, indictments, accusations, quolibets, hints, and all this directed to me. Must have hit a nerve.

I am not quite sure what gets you going but I am going to keep doing it. I will continue to state the true questions, raise the disturbing issues, question the unquestionable. It is either that or talking about the wheather.

For the record: again, I do not think that NO ALBANIAN was ever killed, willingly, by Serbs. In every civil war, there are people who lose it, particularly when their brother got massacred during an ambush set up by cowards. If I saw my wife attacked by a KLA loon or a NATO soldier (preferably US or UK, they make me drool), I know that for the following minutes not even God could protect him from my wrath.

HOWEVER, and that is the foundation of everything they don't WANT you to know: there is no ORGANISED KILLING/ETHNIC CLEANSING (don't you love that word) of Albanians by Serbs. That is the reason for thousands of individuals, soldiers, generals, heads of states, UN observers, doctors, forensics and even Albanian residents in Kosovo CANNOT COME UP WITH A SHRED OF PROOF which would confirm the assumption that led to the past slaughter of Yugoslavia and its residents, and the current atrocities currently endured by Serbs in Kosovo.

So please keep going, fuel the discussion, that won't hurt anybody as long as there is valuable info. I don't know how NATO creeps do this though, so little material to read from. I mean, once you have read "Serbs kill Albanians" from www.killserbsinkosova.mafiorg, you have read them all. True, you can also go visit when you are out of ammo.

I can go so many places. Take the Spanish pilots post, for example: it's all over the Net. I have seen it in 4 languages, although one of the translations probably originated from me, it's true. Many more of these to come.

Is it raining in Holland today ? The people I know there tell me the climate is as bad as UK's, it makes residents so crabby that even an Amsterdam window transvestite cannot cheer them up.

Nice attempt to falsely accuse me, but it wasn't a death threat. Just a warning, hence the word self-defence, not known amongst US residents who usually shoot first, then ask questions later. My posts cannot be changed once they have appeared on the board, so too bad. Poor try though. Don't worry false Italian, you still have plenty of time to talk to your new nazi friend. Or are you disappointed he wasn't what you hoped for ? There will be others to exchange swastikas doodlings with.

Anyway must dash. Unlike most of you, I do have a life and a job. Oh, and I don't buy your pitiful attempts to sensibilise readers by saying that war is bad, poor victims and so on: I can recall plenty of posts from Daniela, Maja, Basil, Spiro, Ddc, forgive me if I left someone out, but no posts from our NATO headless chickens about how sorry they were when KLA & Albanian residents' retribution against Serbs began in the last few days. NOT ONE. This confirms the following:

-We know who cares and who doesn't
-Which means we know who pretends to care, doesn't and thus is a liar
-The Dutch, Albanian and Croat races are fighting hard for title to the most disgusting nation on earth.

I can find some posts, on several sites, where I called NATO agression against Yugoslavia "responsible for humanitarian catastrophe" and regretted what was happening to EVERYONE. Can you ?

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