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Archive through June 24, 1999

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I hope you all do get together and have a good time, just try not to think too much about some people on this board or it will spoil your vacation. Damn! Did you know if you sneeze and hit Ctrl at the same time it wipes out what you are typing? Anyway, I don't think this mess is over yet. Milosevic has some hidden agenda that I haven't discerned yet. I think he will wait until winter to put it into action though, if something spurious doesn't happen before then. Enough of that crap! I am going to go deep sea fishing with my son in July and catch a blue marlin that will sink the boat! Get my E-Mail from "Emina,Zoja,Zpka" or whatever her name is and write me once in a while. I'm not much of a talker but I like to listen.
God bless you too.

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"you seem to be in a good mood today. "

My mood is always the same. Anxious to see the day when monsters pay for all their crimes.

"apparently you were unable to grasp the phrase
"payback's a bitch...FOR ALL OF US". or perhaps you were thrown by the american slang."

Hey, we are being lectured by Americans now ! It's like asking Dan Quayle to give us lessons in Latin. No, don't worry, my understanding of what you call american slang is complete, and by the way what you pitifully speak is a perversion of the English Language. I can spot Americans' laziness even as they speak: "gonna", "wanna", "gotta", yup, the greatest numbers of contractions ever used in a language.

"an impressive document, that serbian constitution, but not to be confused with ANYTHING taking place in 1999 serbia."

This Constitution has been upheld so far. All criminals, including war ones, are tried in court and convincted if sufficient evidence exists to do so. However the Yugoslavia Constitution regards differently cases where its President lies under oath, commits adultery, robs retirement homes, is found involved in banks scandals, campaign mishaps, nuclear espionnage, etc...

"you're able to put hitler and clinton in the same sentence"

The only difference between Clinton and Hitler is that the latter was at least straightforward. He said: "I am going to kill, deport, cleanse, etc...Jews, Slavs, Africans, Arabs... and if you read my book you will understand why I need to do that". Clinton kills silently, and gathers help to do it. And most of your crooked politicians support him ! Your nation is totally disgusting. The world knows that. Your people are grossly overweight, ignorant, totally superficial and even artificial ! Your governments wage war all over the world, remove anybody in place using CIA and others NSA, apply economical embargoes to sabotage other nations. You came to Iraq to control oil, and now to Kosovo to choke up Russia where your goons still fear communism expansion.

You know what will always defeat you ? Ignorance. You never learn from past mistakes and never do your homework beforehand, for example the case of Clinton declaring recently he had thought Milosevic would surrender after a few days of bombing. Tragic mistake.

I have got to say, the fact that you even support Clinton, something even some of the sickest psychopaths on this board refuse to do, proves what a thick evil cockcroach you really are...

"as you pit three entire peoples in competition for "most disgusting nation on earth". what does the serbian constitution have to say in regards to that? "

Irrelevant. I am still waiting for proof of crimes allegedly committed by Yugoslavia or its residents. Anything coming ?

"or doesnt it matter? "

Course it does. Are you even questioning that ? Man, are you sick ! Would you like some proof of the Albanian retribution campaign currently undertaken against Serbs of Kosovo ? There is plenty of that.

"and, semantics to the contrary, i wonder how much difference it makes to the MURDERED whether milosevic initiated the GENOCIDE, or merely allowed it take place in his back yard?"

Oh come on, do not start using fancy words like "semantics", you do not know what they mean. And I am not going either to buy your attempt to pass as a nicer freak pitying victims of all sorts ! There was no genocide, as that would be a systematic elimination of one given race, which I cannot for the life of me, witness anywhere. There was a humanitarian catastrophe though, caused by NATO bombs falling on either sides and KLA devils taking advantage of the situation alongside of their newfound flying partners in crime.

"and his front yard?"

The one your bombs have destroyed when they aimed at his bedroom ? Or was it aimed at more journalists in accordance with the Geneva Convention ?

"and the whole of the land under his jurisdiction, supposedly goverened by the serbian constitution? "

Nope. The President of Montenegro is called Djukanovic. He beat the candidate of Milosevic REGULARLY during the last elections for Montenegro. Oh also, there is a parliament in Montenegro, in Serbia and of course a Yugoslavia Parliament. But you would not know that would you, you are just a dumb, ill-informed American analphabete...

P.S. there is no "s" in "people". Would you like to lecture anybody else in your own language ?

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1. Serb Nun Raped, Not Only Tortured (New York Post)

DEVIC, June 21 - We reported last week that some Serb nuns being had
beaten and tortured by some Kosovo Albanians at the Devic monastery
the withdrawal of the Yugoslav troops (see S99-111, "Peace" 5, item 2,
18). Now, a New York Post reporter in Kosovo, Uri Dan, has shed new
on this sad story. Here's an excerpt from his report, filed one day
the above TiM GW Bulletin (June 19):

"Three days after NATO troops refused a mother superior's pleas for
protection, Kosovar rebels looted her monastery and raped a young nun,
officials said yesterday.

French commandos and members of the French Foreign Legion arrived as the
Kosovar Liberation Army guerrillas were leaving the isolated mountain
religious community in Devic, about 30 miles northwest of the Kosovo
capital of Pristina.

The Post reported Monday (June 14) how Mother Macaria drove to Pristina
Sunday (June 13) to plead with arriving British troops for protection
herself, a priest and nine nuns at Devic. 'Please come and save us. You
have the guns, all I have is a cross,' she told an Irish Guard
But she was told that no protection was possible until NATO

Three days later, the unguarded medieval monastery was raided by KLA
members, French officers confirmed yesterday. The French gave few
but a spokesman for Serb Orthodox Patriarch Pavle said the guerrillas
showed no mercy.

'They desecrated the church, including the altar and icons, and
the nuns,' Deacon Luka Novakovic told The Post. He said a 24-year-old
was taken to a back room and raped.

The rebels looted the building of anything valuable and fired guns into
air as they left, just as the French arrived Thursday (June 17). "When
saw us, they stopped a while, shouted 'NATO, NATO,' and then beat a
retreat," the (French) officer said.

Among the evidence of the attack were the initials "UCK" - which stands
KLA - scratched into a pane of glass over an icon.

You can check out the full New York Post report at .

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2. KLA Shows Its Real Face - Killers, Looters, Arsonists... and Torturers

PRIZREN, June 21 - After the Yugoslav troops left Prizren, the KLA also showed its ugly face - as Killers, Looters, Arsonists - and now also
sadistic torturers. German troops with NATO K-FOR discovered something the KLA were not expecting them to at the former Prizren police headquarters
taken over by the KLA. The Germans found to their horror a freshly set up torture chamber. Inside was a 70 year old Serb tied to a chair, with
KLA men standing around the blood stained room. He had been beaten for several hours before he died, western media sources reported (also see a front page photo in the New York Times, June 19).

On the ground were chains, knives and a baseball bat with a nail in it. In other rooms K-FOR found 20 elderly Albanians, all of whom had been beaten
during hours of interrogation. One elderly man had his leg smashed after a KLA fighter has stamped on him. Most were so terrified they could not even speak. They had been accused of collaboration with the enemy.

Under the current rules of engagement, the K-FOR were unable to arrest the KLA torturers (?), reports Daniel McGregory of the UK Times. The KLA
have a strong presence in Prizren, where they are seen openly strutting around the streets showing off automatic rifles and pistols - contrary to the
"demilitarization" provision of the Kosovo "peace" agreement.
TiM Ed.: Even for a "piss agreement" which is what we said the Kosovo "peace" process would turn into, it is incomprehensible that the German
K-FOR troops were "unable to arrest the KLA torturers... under the current rules of engagement." What sort of "rules of engagement" are they if they provide for K-FOR to tolerate murder and torture?
Separately, here's a report about two other incidents of torture as reported by the Kosovo Human Rights Flash #47 on June 18:

"A 71-year-old Serb civilian who was interviewed by a Human Rights Watch researcher the evening before he fled Kosovo for Serbia has described
how soldiers of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) tied him up, held him hostage for six hours, and brutally beat him. The elderly man had two black
eyes, as well as large bruises on his body. His brother-in-law, an eyewitness to the incident, corroborated his account of abuse at the hands of the KLA.

This case is consistent with a growing number of credible reports of KLA mistreatment of ethnic Serbs and other non-Albanians received during the
past week by Human Rights Watch researchers based in Kosovo.

The elderly man, S.B., described how he had been staying with his brother-in-law while they prepared to leave Prizren, the southern
Kosovar city where they had lived all their lives. He and his entire family were ready to leave the city on Monday, June 14, but he decided to return to his home one last time before departing in order to pick up his medicine and identification papers.

S.B. told Human Rights Watch that he reached his home at about 1 p.m. and that:

"[The KLA soldiers] grabbed me, brought me down to the cellar and took turns hurting me. There were several of them, all in uniform. One had a black uniform, the official uniform of the KLA; the others were in green camouflage. They all had the KLA patch. They wanted weapons from me. While they were beating me they insulted me, called me 'Chetnik,' and told me to leave forever."

S.B.'s brother-in-law, who had been waiting at home for him, became worried when S.B. didn't return. At about 1:30 p.m., he went over to S.B.'s house.
He told Human Rights Watch that he too was detained by KLA soldiers:

They took me down to the cellar with my Brother-in-law. Two of them told me that I should think about where the guns were. They said that if I didn't have any guns, I should go find some, that they're cheap.

The KLA soldiers did not physically abuse the brother-in-law, who described to them how he had assisted some Kosovar Albanians who had fled the
province during the recent conflict by protecting their shop.

The soldiers did, however, detain the Brother-in-law for nearly two hours and beat S.B. in front of him. According to S.B., he was beaten most severely while his brother-in-law was watching. KLA soldiers reportedly kicked S.B. and hit him with the butts of their weapons. His
brother-in-law described:

They took the old man's pants off and threatened him with a gun. They told him that they'd rip his eyes out of their sockets. Then they took the
blunt end of a knife and gave him these two black eyes. They asked him:
"Whose country is this?" When my brother-in-law answered that it's for everyone, they weren't satisfied. They said it belongs to the KLA, and
they forced him to say this.

The soldiers held S.B. hostage, while they allowed his brother-in-law to leave the house to go find them a weapon. They secured S.B.'s hands
behind his back with a belt and placed him face up on a table. After a while, they removed him from the table and let him sit in a chair, giving him
some water to drink.

S.B. stated that while he was sitting in the chair a young ethnic Serb man was brought into the cellar by KLA soldiers, his hands tied behind his
back with an electric cord. According to S.B., the young man was beaten even more severely than he had been. KLA soldiers demanded that he, too,
give them weapons.

Meanwhile, S.B.'s brother-in-law had obtained a handcrafted pistol from an officer of the Yugoslav military. Afraid to return to S.B.'s house, the
brother-in-law had his wife deliver the pistol to the KLA soldiers, who then released S.B. at about 7 p.m.

Human Rights Watch interviewed S.B. and his brother-in-law that same evening, roughly two hours after S.B.'s ordeal had ended. S.B., his
family, and some 100 other Serb civilians had taken refuge on the grounds of a theological seminary in the center of Prizren. Everyone in the group feared that the KLA might take violent action against them and were desperate to leave the city as soon as possible. Early the next
morning, they all left for Serbia."
TiM Ed.: Predictably, the western media have engaged in a feeding frenzy, overdosing on alleged Serb torture chambers "discovered' by the K-FOR in
Kosovo, while ignoring the same or worse crimes by the KLA. Like Bill Clinton and other good students of the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm
Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), CNN, the New York Times and other NWO media are creating a problem, switching the roles of the villains and victims,
and then providing a "solution" which suits them - grabbing Kosovo from Serbia, and handing it over to the terrorist organization which they have
created - the KLA.

None of which is to suggest that the Milosevic's goons weren't capable of torture and killings; only that the western public is only get one side
of the story from the establishment media.

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3. NATO Breaches the Kosovo "Peace" Agreement: KLA to Evolve into "Kosovo Defense Army" with Albright's, Senate's Blessings

PRISTINA, June 21 - Barely 11 days into the "piss process," NATO has already breached the Kosovo "peace" agreement it had signed. Twice.
Suddenly, the KLA terrorists are being given 30 days to "demilitarize," meaning to allow to murder, torture, loot and rape Serb civilians - as
you have seen from the above stories.

And now, a new NATO agreement with the KLA, reached on June 21 in Pristina, allows the KLA to become a permanent Kosovo "defensive army," according to today's front page New York Times report. This NATO deal with the KLA is a clear breach of the original June 3 "peace" agreement, according to which Kosovo is still an integral part of Yugoslavia. Yet, Yugoslavia was not
a party to the latest NATO-KLA scam.

The stench from such Washington double-dealing was so high that even the NWO German government was opposed to it. But its foreign minister,
Joschka Fischer, reportedly relented after a Sunday night dinner with Madeleine Albright in Cologne.

Rewarding the KLA terrorists with the status of a "defensive army" vindicates a poster seen at many anti-war protests around the world, asserting that NATO stands for North Atlantic Terrorist Organization. Birds of a feather evidently flock together.

The KLA political leader, Hashim Thaci and Madam Halfbright's spokesperson, James Rubin, even appeared together at yesterday's press conference in Pristina (see a Reuters photo in today's New York Times, and a related pre-war TiM story about Thaci and Albright - TiM GW Bulletin 99/3-2,
Mar. 8, 1999 - ).

Just in case that you may think this was some sort of a "Rambo" foreign policy move by Madam Halfbright, think again. Last Thursday (June 17),
the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee quietly and UNANIMOUSLY (!) approved $20 million in start-up money to equip a Kosovo "self-defense force." And the 28 Senators did that four days BEFORE the NATO-KLA agreement about it was signed in Pristina.

And so, in the Kosovo "peace," as they did during NATO's illegal war, the members of Congress continue to support the criminal Clinton
administration and the terrorist KLA - WITH OUR MONEY! Listed below are the names of the
Senators on the of the Senate's Appropriations Committee. Let us ensure that they here from the TiM members what we think of their support for
organized NATO-KLA terrorism, and ensure that NONE of them are returned to Washington come re-election time:


Ted Stevens, AK, Chairman

Thad Cochran, MS

Arlen Specter, PA

Pete Domenici, NM

Christopher Bond, MO

Slade Gorton, WA

Mitch McConnell, KY

Conrad Burns, MT

Richard Shelby, AL

Judd Gregg, NH

Robert Bennett, UT

Ben Nighthorse Campbell, CO

Larry Craig, ID

Kay Bailey Hutchison, TX

Jon Kyl, AZ

Robert Byrd, WV, Ranking Member

Daniel Inouye, HI

Ernest Hollings, SC

Patrick Leahy, VT

Frank Lautenberg, NJ

Tom Harkin, IA

Barbara Mikulski, MD

Harry Reid, NV

Herb Kohl, WI

Patty Murray, WA

Byron Dorgan, ND

Dianne Feinstein, CA

Richard Durbin, IL

The Senate Appropriations Committee Web site:

The Kosovo "self-defense force" bill, a part of the Senate Bill - S.1234,
SPONSOR: Sen McConnell, Mitch (introduced 06/17/99):

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