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Archive through June 30, 1999

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During Bill
Clinton's term as
governor, the
Arkansas prisons
made money by
selling tainted
blood from inmates
to international
plasma dealers. Now
thousands are dying
around the world
from AIDS and

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00:20 U nocasnjem napadu na americke trupe
u sastavu KFOR kod Gnjilana lakse je ranjen
jedan americki marinac. One American marine
soldier was slightly wounded in last nights'
attack on US KFOR troops near Gnjilane.
23:25 Radnici UNHCR-a locirali su nekoliko
stotina izbeglica iz Krajine smestenih na
Kosovu i razgovarali sa njima. Osamdeset
odsto zatrazilo je pomoc da napusti Kosovo.
Pre NATO napada izmedju 5 i 7 hiljada
krajiskih izbeglica nalazilo se na Kosovu.
Several hundred Krajina refugees have been
located and interviewed by the UNHCR workers
in Kosovo. Eighty percent of them have asked
for help to leave Kosovo. Before the NATO
attack 5,000 -7,000 Krajina Serb refugees were staying in Kosovo.
22:35 Prema prvim informacijama iz Pristine, iz pravca jedne od bivsih
kasarni VJ zacula se snazna eksplozija. According to the first information
from Pristina, there was a strong explosion heard from the site of a former
Yugoslav Army barracks.
22:15 Dve Srpkinje, starosti 33 i 65 godina, koje su Albanci silovali i
potom zaklali u Peci sahranjene su juce u Peci. Two Serbian women,
aged between 33 and 65, raped and then slaughtered by Albanians in
Pec, were buried yesterday in Pec.
22:05 U Peckoj patrijarsiji ostalo je jos samo
nekoliko monahinja i svestenika zajedno sa
mitropolitom crnogorsko-primorskim
Amfilohijem koji su ujedno i jedini prostali
Srbi u ovom gradu. There are only few nuns
and priests left in the Pec Patriarchate
together with the Archbishop of Montenegro
and the Coast, Amfilohije, who are at the
same time the only remaining Serbs in the city.
21:30 Situacija u Urosevcu kriticna. 50 poslednjih Srba, stanovnika ove
oblasti, grada i okoline, nalaze se u okolini zeleznicke stanice i pokusace
da se probiju do Pristine uprkos odbijanju KFOR-a da im pruzi garancije.
The situation in Urosevac is deteriorating. The last 50 Serbs, inhabitants
of the city and its vicinity, are situated near the railway station, striving to
make their way to Pristina, despite the KFOR refusal to give them the
20:25 Pravoslavni svestenik Mirko Koricanac svestenik Mitropolijske crkve
u Peci pretucen je danas i dat mu je rok do 18 casova da napusti Pec.
Orthodox priest Mirko Koricanac from Mitropolijska church in Pec was
beaten today and given a deadline to leave the Pec till 6 pm today.

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19:50 Kragujevacki komesarijat za izbeglice
izjavio je da je do danas evidentirano 6400
izbeglica sa Kosova koji su pristigli u
Kragujevac. Procenjuje se da je njihov broj ipak
presao 10,000. Samo u toku dana doslo je oko
400 izbeglica sa Kosova. U Kragujevcu inace
zivi oko 40,000 Srba sa izbeglih sa Kosova u
proteklih 20 godina terora albanskih
ekstremista. The Commessariate for refugees
of the city of Kragujevac reported that 6,400
refugees from Kosovo were registered in that
town so far altough it is estimated that their
number reached up to10,000. Some 400 refugees from Kosovo arrived
only today. There are more than 40,000 Serbs from Kosovo living in
Kragujevac who have escaped in the past 20 years due to the terror of
Albanian extremists.
19:30 Predstavnik civilne misije UN na Kosovu, Kevin Kenedi, najavio je
da ce biti ustanovljen sedmoclani savet za izbor sudija na Kosovu. Taj
savet cinice 3 predstavnika medjunarodne zajednice i 4 bivse sudije sa
Kosova od kojih 3 Albanca i jedan Srbin. Jedan od sudija Albanaca bice
Sadaj Herodici. The UN Civilian Mission Representative on Kosovo, Kevin
Kennedy announced that The Council of Seven will be established in
order to select the judges in Kosovo. The Council will consist of 3
representatives of international community and 4 ex-judges from Kosovo.
3 of them will be Albanians ond 4th will be Serb. Sadaj Herodici will be
one of the Albanian members of the Council.
19:15 Dnevnik iz Kosova Polja. Zivot u Pristini postaje pakao za Srbe...
Kosovo Polje diary. Life in Pristina becomes a hell for Serbs...
18:45 Generalni Sekretar UN Kofi Anan najavio je da bi za civilnog
administratora Kosova mogao biti predlozen finski predsednik Marti
Ahtisari. Do kraja nedelje bice objavljena konacna odluka Kofija Anana.
UN Secretary General Kofi Anan said that Finnish President Martti
Ahtisaari could possibly be appointed for the civil administrator of Kosovo.
Kofi Anan`s final decision will be made by the end of this week.
18:20 Pristinski aerodrom Slatina bice zatvoren za saobracaj od danas pa
do 3. Jula izjavio je pukovnik Nikolaj Dragin. Zbog toga ce prebacivanje
ruskih snaga biti privremeno obustavljeno. Jutros su na aerodrom sletela
3 ruska aviona sa opremom. Slatina airport near Pristina will be closed for
transport till the 3th July starting from today, said Colonel Nicolai Dragin.
Transportation of Russian forces will be suspended due to the above
mentioned reason. 3 Russian airplanes loaded with equipment landed in
the airport this morning.
17:50 OVK je pocela da predaje naoruzanje jedinicama KFOR-a kao sto
je i predvidjeno obavezom koju je potpisao Hasim Taci. Britanske jedinice
pocele su razoruzavanje 121. brigade OVK koja bez protivljenja predaje
automatsko i streljacko oruzje kalibra 12.7 mm. KLA started surrendering
their armament to KFOR units as agreed in accord signed by Hashim
Thaci. British units have started disarming the 121st KLA brigade. The
brigade is giving up its automatic and hand weapons of the 12.7mm
16:50 Oko 200 kosovskih Albanaca na silu je
uslo danas u zgradu Radio Pristine. Za danas
je bio zakazan sastanak zaposlenih u Radio
Pristini, nekadasnjih radnika ove kuce i
pripadnika KFOR-a. Some 200 Kosovan
Albanians took a forced entry into the Radio
Pristina building. There was a meeting
scheduled for today of Radio Pristina
employees and former workers of the company
with KFOR.
15:50 Zestok sukob uz koriscenje granata i
teskog naoruzanja dogodio se sinoc u Vitini
izmedju americkih snaga KFOR-a i pripadnika
OVK koji su palili srpske kuce u Vitini. Oko 14
srpskih kuca samo je nocas spaljeno.
Podataka o zrtvama na obe strane za sada
nema. A fierce clash using grenades and heavy armament occurred last
night in Vitina between American KFOR troops and KLA members which
have been burning Serbian houses in Vitina. Some 14 Serbian houses
were burned down during the night. Numbers of the casualties on both
sides are as yet unknown.
14:40 Patrijarh srpski gospodin Pavle sluzio je jutros, na Vidovdan, Svetu
arhijerejsku liturgiju u manastiru Gracanica. Liturgiji je prisustvovalo vise
od 100 Srba. Serbian Patriarch Pavle held this morning, on st. Vid, the
holy lithurgy in the Gracanica monastery. The lithurgy was attended by
more than 100 Serbs.
13:30 Nemacki zvanicnici izjavili su da ocekuju da ce ministri EU postaviti
Boda Hombaha za koordinatora Balkanskog pakta stabilnosti. German
officials said they expect EU government leaders to appoint Bodo
Hombach as EU Balkans Stability Pact coordinator.
12:20 Ujedinjene Nacije pocele su jutros sa organizovanim povratkom
izbeglica na Kosovo. Oko 320 izbeglica u sedam autobusa krenulo je
jutros oko 8 iz kampa Stankovic ka Pristini. The United Nations have
begun the organized return of the refugees to Kosovo. Some 320 refugees
in seven buses have started on their way for Pristina around 8 am.
11:08 Briljantni britanski violinista Najdzel
Kenedi odrzao je sinoc koncert u prepunom
Sava Centru. On je prvi strani umetnik koji je
posle NATO bombardovanja gostovao u
Beogradu, i zasluzeno je pozdravljen
ovacijama. The brilliant British
violinist Nigel Kennedy held a concert last
night in front of a crowded Belgrade's Sava Center. He is the first foreign
artist who visited Belgrade after NATO bombing, and he was deservedly
hailed by a standing ovation.
10:10 Generalni sekretar UN Kofi Anan imenovace civilnog administratora
za Kosovo do kraja nedelje. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan will appoint
a civil administrator for Kosovo by the end of the week.
09:00 Generalni sektretar NATO Havijer Solana rekao je da NATO
garantuje bezbednost Srbima na Kosovu. NATO Secretary-General Javier
Solana said that NATO guarantees the safety of the Kosovan Serbs.
03:00 Danas se ocekuje dolazak tri ruska aviona na aerodrom Slatina kod
Pristine. Juce je na aerodrom Slatina stigla i ruska kolona iz Bosne u
kojoj su bile dve cisterne sa gorivom i 7 vojnih kamiona. Na aerodromu se
trenutno nalazi oko 700 ruskih vojnika. Arrival of three Russian airplanes
on Slatina airport is expected today. Yesterday, Russian convoy from
Bosnia and Herzegovina with 2 fuel tanks and 7 military trucks have
arrived to the airport, where there are some 700 Russian soldiers so far.
02:20 General Vesli Klark ne iskljucuje mogucnost da NATO deluje jos
koji put kao sto je delovao na prostoru Jugoslavije i da ce sprovodjenje
mirovnog plana na Kosovu biti kljucno da se ovakav princip ustali i u
buducnosti. Rat u Jugoslaviji je po njemu dao ocigledan primer kako sila
moze pomoci politickom resenju. General Wesley Clark does not exclude
the possibility of another NATO action similar to the one in Yugoslavia.
He said that implementing peace proposal for Kosovo might be cruical for
routining the principle of supporting political solutions by force in the
01:35 Od sinoc je pristinski hotel "Grand" od sinoc pod vojnom zastitom
pripadnika Kfora, nakon incidenta tokom kog je veca grupa Albanaca
pokusala da iz zgrade hotela izbaci srpsko osoblje. "Grand" hotel in
Pristina is under military protection of KFOR since last evening, when a
larger group of Albanians tried to evict Serbian personnel out of the hotel
01:10 Prva grupa od 750 ruskih vojnika, koja ce kompletno stici na
Kosovo u toku nedelje, najverovatnije ce biti razmestena u okolini
Maliseva, javljaju izvori u nemackom KFOR-u. According to the sources
from German KFOR, first group of 750 Russian soldiers, which is to arrive
in Kosovo in complete during this week, will probably be deployed in
Malisevo surroundings.

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Posts: 333

. KFOR British Troops Refuse Help to Serbs;"Come Back Tomorrow" (if you
live that long)

PRISTINA, June 26 - When the NATO troops entered Kosovo on June 11, we were
told by the likes of Bill Clinton and Tony Blair that they were their to
ensure security of all civilians - Serb and Albanian alike. It must have
been a delayed reaction April Fools Day joke. In the last 24 hours alone,
14 Serb civilians and one Italian soldier were killed, allegedly by the KLA
terrorists, the Macedonian News Agency has reported.

Want to know what it is like to be an unarmed and harmless Serb in Kosovo
there days? Here's is an excerpt from a report filed by Olivia Ward, a
Toronto Star reporter in Pristina, which we received today:

"Help me, help me," cried the neatly groomed man in the crisp white shirt.
"They're after me. They told me I had to leave my flat."

Standing on the dimly lit steps of my 10th-floor walk-up apartment
overlooking the ruined storefronts of Pristina, I hardly knew what to
reply. The frightened man, a Serb in his 30s, followed me to my door,
glancing over his shoulder.

Milan described his afternoon of fear, as unknown Albanian-speaking
marauders battered on his door, smashing the lock and brandishing metal
bars. Then they left, telling him they would return later.

In our own rented flat, my driver, a Macedonian, was cowering on the couch
staring wildly at the door as we entered. "?Somebody tried to break in
while you were away," he said. "They were looking for Serbs. They broke one
of the locks. We must get help right away."

My American colleague Marcia and I looked at each other. In the chaotic
neither-peace-nor-war state that is Kosovo today, help is in short supply,
and knowing where to find it is next to impossible. "Let's go to NATO,''
we decided vaguely, hurrying off to the giant sports complex where the
Kosovo peacekeeping mission has its press headquarters.

There, an indifferent British soldier answered the door with a clear
message: "You want the military police, but their hours end at 5:30 p.m.,''
he said. "Come back tomorrow."
TiM Ed.: "If you live that long...?"
Tracking down one of the many NATO troops patrolling Pristina, we received
an equally disconcerting reply. "You really need the Irish Guards,'' said
a pleasant young soldier parked outside a bombed-out Serbian police
building. "They're in there. Just knock on the door."

Ten minutes later, a cluster of armor-clad troops clambered out on to the
roof, rifles at the ready. "What's the problem?" they asked, none too

Our reply failed to impress.

"If that's all, there's nothing we can do for you," said one. "We really
aren't set up for policing action. We're just trying to secure this building."
TiM Ed.: Funny how Clinton and Blair failed to mention to us that the
Kosovo "peace agreement" was about saving buildings, not lives. But then,
what else could one have expected from such mass murderers.
And what if our Serb neighbor was the next assassination target? After all,
we pointed out, bodies of Serbs who had remained in Kosovo have been piling

The trooper on the roof shrugged."
TiM Ed.: Which is why we said on Day 1 of the Kosovo "peace process" that
it would turn into a "piss process" (see S99-108, "Peace" 2, Item 1, June
13 - ). Guess the Irish
Guards should feel right at home in Kosovo...

2. An Assassination Attempt on Italian Prime Minister?

PRISTINA, June 23 - The Italian prime minister, Lamberto Dini, reportedly
also came under KLA fire in Pristina on June 23, as he was preparing to
visit the Italian troops stationed in and around the devastated Kosovo town
of Pec. The Serb TV showed a video of the alleged attack which had the CNN
logo as source.

The Tanjug (Yugoslav news agency) correspondent from Rome confirmed that
the Italian electronic media initially also reported that there had been an
assassination attempt on Dini, but subsequently suppressed that
information, with an explanation that there was no gun shot, only the sound
of breaking glass.

Dini was one of the few NATO leaders to speak out against the NATO bombing,
especially of the civilian targets, such as that of Serb TV in Belgrade
(see S99-56, Day 34, Update 1, Apr. 26 - )
TiM Ed.: Well, one sad conclusion which one can draw from the above Dini
story is that the western CNN viewers had better tune in to Belgrade's
(pirated?) CNN broadcasts if they are to see the part of the truth withheld
from us by the "Clinton News Network." Is that why the four anti-Serbia
"C's" - Clinton-Clark-Cohen-Chirac - bombed the Serb TV? Because the Serbs
could see the CNN pictures which the CNN-NATO warmongers would not show to
their western viewers?

3. Kosovo War Enters Canadian Classrooms

TORONTO, June 24 - If there are still some TiM readers who think that the
79-days of the anti-Serbian war propaganda by the NATO "lie and deny" news
spinners left most of us unscathed, they should read the June 24 story by
the Toronto Star, "Serbian children stung by schoolyard taunting. Sharp
words in a Toronto schoolyard did what bombs in Belgrade couldn't: They
made Mira cry."

It is an article about how NATO managed to force itself into Canadian
classrooms. And into the minds of the Canadian innocents - the children.
Here's an excerpt:

"It's tough being the new kid (on the block), especially when you move
halfway around the world to a new country.

When you're nine years old and Serbian, the pressure is even worse. It's
hard to imagine a little girl being forced to feel responsible for the
atrocities of a brutal regime. It's enough to break a child's spirit - and
a mother's heart.

"We came here to forget and to start a new life,'' says Mira's mother,
Vesna, who came to Canada with her husband and two daughters from Belgrade
just two months ago. "We came to live here because this is a good country
with good people."

But Mira's first day at an Etobicoke elementary school burns in Vesna's
memory because of a few thoughtless words. "I don't want to be friends
with you because you are a Serb and Serbs are killing Albanians,'' one of
Mira's classmates said.

The words caught the youngster off-guard in the noisy playground. "She
doesn't understand why the other children would say such things," Mira's
Mom explained. "We spent two weeks in Belgrade after the bombing started
and she didn't cry when the bombs fell. But there are things here that make
her afraid."

Vesna says she doesn't want her children stigmatized. "An image of
Serbians has been created in the media that they are butchers, that they
kill people around them. But people must understand that children are
innocent, that they did none of these things."
TiM Ed.: Tell it to Chelsea Clinton, who helped promote her Dad's Kosovo
"peace," while touring Macedonia with her Mom last week.
"It's just these things that prompted Ray Cunningham, principal of Chester
Public School in east-end Toronto, to begin programs to ensure Serbian
children aren't vilified. "They could easily become victims here,"
Cunningham says. "What we tried to do from the outset was have open-ended
discussion groups at all the grade levels. [...]

The school's approach has produced unexpected results. "Some students
wanted to be honorary Serbs - not based on anything philosophical, but
based strictly on feelings for fellow students who had relatives in
danger," Cunningham says.

A young girl approached Cunningham one day at recess and read him a poem
about what it was like being a Serb in Canada. "It was very moving," he
says. "But we try to encourage them to be very open to their feelings. We
want them to know that Chester is a very safe place to be and it's okay to
talk about being frightened." [...]
TiM Ed. If only the Canadian (Liberal!) government were as open-minded and
compassionate as ordinary Canadians are about the "liberal" ideas which
Ottawa preaches, versus the totalitarian ways which it uses to implement
them. Such as bombing the little Mira's.

Little did this little Mira know that she was lucky only to be insulted by
an NWO-stupefied Canadian classmate, rather than to be incinerated by a
NWO-NATO "smart" bomb. As several hundred of her fellow Serb children were
- by the "liberal" governments in Ottawa, Washington, London, Bonn... (just
check out the photo section at our Web site - ).

4. Clinton: "Not a Red Cent for (Serbia's) Reconstruction"

WASHINGTON, June 25 - The Serbs should be grateful to Bill Clinton for
finally showing his true colors. Red! God knows, the Serbs have had
enough trouble with the color "red," from Josip Broz Tito on down the
globalist-communist hierarchy...

Speaking at an unusually lengthy (75-minute) June 25 news conference in
Washington, Clinton admitted, for the first time, that he had
underestimated the Serbs' determination to fight for Kosovo. And that he
would not give Serbia "one red cent for reconstruction."
TiM Ed.: The Serb and the world's patriots should be relieved to hear that
this sorry American "president" has recanted on his promise, offered at a
moment of weakness and desperation, in the midst of the NATO air campaign,
while this writer was in Belgrade (see "Clinton Pleads to Serbian-Americans
to Help" - ).

The Serbs have seen what the "red cents" delivered by the closet "reds,"
like Bill Klinton, can buy them - death and destruction. And betrayal.
Such as that by their vassal NATO neighbors - Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Bosnia and Macedonia... And, of course, the more distant ones -
Czech Republic and Slovakia - each of whose governments have sold their
country's souls to the NWO for a few "red cents." Literally. (Just check
out our Web site for how little these once independent European nations
have sold their sovereignty).
Clinton also emphatically rejected a suggestion from a reporter that the
United States and NATO were guilty of war crimes for killing Yugoslav
civilians and for destroying electric stations and waterworks, causing
Serbian suffering, according to a New York Times June 26 report.

"NATO did not commit war crimes," Clinton said. "NATO stopped war crimes.
NATO stopped deliberate, systematic efforts at ethnic cleansing and
genocide. And we did it in a way to minimize civilian casualties."

Clinton said that the allied bombardment had been the most accurate in the
history of warfare, and that civilian deaths had been minimal.
TiM Ed.: Right. Clinton should check it out with the relatives of the
2,000 or so Serb civilians killed, 30% of them children. Such as Bojana
Tosovic, killed by NATO's bombs on Apr. 11 at her home near Podujevo, along
with her father. Or the 4-year old Dejana Pavlovic, and her 7-year old
brother, Stefan, killed by NATO's bombs at their home in the Belgrade
suburb of Ralja on May 27. Or Father Milivoj Ceric, a brave and unselfish
Serb priest, whose head was literally blown off by a NATO bomb on Sunday,
May 30 on the Varvarin bridge, as he was trying to help his parishioners
after an earlier NATO raid.

For some (not so strange) reason, TiM has a feeling that the relatives of
all these Serb victims of "the most accurate in the history of warfare,"
may wish to see such "accurate" bombers hang.

Lest, of course, the murderers first repent. As Christian sinners are
supposed to do.

No such remorse, however, is forthcoming from any of the NATO governments.
Nor from their murderous proteges - the KLA. Which only goes to PROVE that
they are all ANTI-CHRISTIAN, as NATO's war on Serbia has shown.

5. Serb "Bounty" on Clinton, Blair Cheaper

LONDON, June 27 - Reacting to the $5 million bounty which the New World
Order-NATO leaders put on the heads of the rival criminals in Belgrade -
Slobodan Milosevic and his cohorts - a TiM reader from Britain sent us the
following comment:

"I think it is high time to have an analysis of Clinton's 'bounty' money on
the head of Milosevic. This is to my thinking quite unprecedented. Where
does it stand in international law?

It is very frightening to me indeed."

Samuel James McBride, United Kingdom
TiM Ed.: No need for one set of criminals to put the bounty on the heads of
other criminals. Much better to have honest and uncompromised citizens do it.

Two days ago, for example, TiM got a word about a case of civic action
taken by some such citizens of Serbia. It was in response to Clinton's
"bounty" on Milosevic. Not that there was any love lost for Milosevic
among these Serb citizens of Sremska Mitrovica, a mid-size town 40 miles
west of Belgrade They said they had passed the hat around, and collected
$5 per head of Clinton, Blair, Albright, Cohen, Clark, etc...

"We're a poor country," the SM citizens explained to TiM. "Besides, that's
all these two-bit NATO criminals' heads are worth, anyway."

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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 333

**Smelly Cat**

Smelly cat, smelly cat
What are they feeding you?
Smelly cat, smelly cat
It's not your fault

They won't take you to the vet
You're obviously not their favourite pet
You may not be a bed of roses
And you're no friend to those with noses

(Repeat Chorus)

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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 333

Having failed as soldiers, KLA prove their manhood by raping
retarded girl

.c The Associated Press

BELO POLJE, Yugoslavia (AP) - Stripping homes down to the plaster, ethnic
Albanians burned and looted a Serb village Sunday where a mentally ill Serb
woman was raped and stabbed to death by armed Albanian men in

The pillaging of Belo Polje was the latest in what a Serbian Orthodox Church
leader said is a systematic campaign of violence that is driving out even the
few elderly, frail Serbs still remaining in the western city of Pec and
nearby villages.

Accounts Sunday from bleeding, bruised elderly Serb men and women supported
that accusation.

``It is ethnic cleansing, under cover of NATO,'' said the church leader,
Metropolitan Amfilohije Radovic, at the 14th-century monastery near Pec, now
a sanctuary for Serbs guarded by Italian NATO tanks. ``The people that left
from here are bad, but the people who come are doing the same.''

In Belo Polje, Marica Miric, 85, stood amid the flames and destruction -
apparently the last Serb remaining in what until a week ago was an all-Serb
village. She described the rape and slaying of her 30-year-old, mentally ill

She said two armed ethnic Albanians in uniform - she described the green
uniform and red patch of the Kosovo Liberation Army - came to her house
Saturday afternoon and tied up the daughter by the arms and legs.

``I tried to defend her,'' Miric said, blood crusted on her mouth and a
bruise swelling beneath her eye from where they clubbed her away. They raped
the daughter, then stabbed her to death, she said.

Italian soldiers discovered the body on a sofa in the house Sunday, covered
with a blanket.

Ethnic Albanians say the village was a stronghold of the most violent of Serb
policemen who preyed on Kosovo Albanians during the war. Gunmen killed three
Serbs there last week.

The NATO commander in Kosovo, British Lt. Gen. Mike Jackson, tried to
reassure Serbs on Sunday, saying he hoped they would be feel safer with the
arrival of some 3,600 Russian peacekeepers - expected soon. Serbs view the
Russians, their fellow Slavs, as allies and protectors.

``I'm very conscious of the position of the Serb minority,'' Jackson said in
an interview with British Broadcasting Corp. television. ``Some of them are
frightened because of recent events, and I understand that.''

Some 50,000 Serbs have fled Kosovo since NATO peacekeepers moved in two weeks
ago. At the same time, so far nearly 400,000 of 860,000 ethnic Albanian
refugees have returned, many finding their homes ruined and relatives dead.

Czech President Vaclav Havel - the first NATO leader to visit Kosovo since
the air campaign began March 24 - met returning ethnic Albanian refugees and
German peacekeepers in the city of Prizren on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Belo Polje was hot with flames and popping with ammunition
exploding in burning Serb houses.

Ethnic Albanians loaded cars, carts, tractors and trucks with satellite
dishes and mattresses, herding cows onto trailers to be driven away and
carrying out turkeys with their necks newly wrung.

``The Serbs killed our cattle and now we're taking their cattle,'' said one
man, who refused to give his name, as he loaded cows onto a flatbed trailer.

``The people who lived here were the worst police officers in all Pec,'' said
Mete Kadria, driving out with a load of furnishings and jars of home-canned
carrots. ``They cut us, they killed us, they massacred us, children, women.
They are animals, wild animals.'' ***yeah, what is he then ??? a spring flower...

A man with a mallet pried off a window frame, stripping the house even of its

Men in KLA uniforms drove up and down the dirt roads of the village, watching
the looting. NATO soldiers at the village showed no immediate sign of
stopping the mayhem.

At the Serbian Orthodox monastery on the opposite end of Pec, about 30 Serbs
were taking refuge, sitting in the shade under trees with packed bags around
them. Most were old women.

The Serbs were waiting only to bury their dead, then expected to join
NATO-guarded convoys and travel to safety in neighboring Montenegro during
the next few days.

Inside the monastery, Radovan Babovic, 63, lay curled on a bed smelling of
urine, comatose in the hubbub of a crowded room. KLA soldiers had taken the
paralyzed man from his wheelchair and thrown him out of the house, his
weeping sister said.

Julka Stansic, 65, stood outside the room, holding a wet handkerchief to a
bruise that purpled her face from eyebrow to throat.

``They said to me, 'Where is the money. Where are the guns?''' Stansic said
of the three KLA soldiers who allegedly came to her home. ``I said, 'I don't
have any money. I don't have any guns,'' and they start punching me.''

Mitar Milosevic, 90 and half crippled, said KLA soldiers forced him out of
his home Sunday morning without even giving him time to snatch up a change of

``They said, 'Don't even think of coming back because if you do, we'll kill
you,'' he said. ``All I have is these old shoes, and myself.''

AP-NY-06-27-99 1807EDT

Copyright 1999 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news
report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed
without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active
hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.

Honorable Member
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Posts: 616

hey darnello

sure as hell couldnt figure out your allegorical BULLSH*T soap opera, but i think your point today is to take up as much space on the board as possible.

i grit my teeth and say "this is a place where both sides need to be heard" which isnt to imply that your crap is worth reading.

next time you see sugar daddy h'niq (does his wife know about this? or is she too busy sleeping with entire soccer leagues?) spit in his eye for me, willya? (contraction alert!)

or better yet, smash him in the head with a baseball bat a few dozen times for me, willya? (contraction alert #2!)

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Posts: 616

and on a different note...

i've been numb and shocked all day after what i learned from someone whose cyber-companionship i've enjoyed greatly. the war came into my room today. the truth i knew all along became a personal matter today, and not just numbers on a page or monitor.

that'll be my excuse, thank you very much, for my using the figure "14,000" , which was WAY TOO BLOODY LOW. i regret that very much. because it's


i could give a good goddam about clinton or NATO but to even remotely defend the murderous fascists is now even further beyond my comprehension=}`À=„Àt yesterday.=@am">z@am starting to feel poisoned. c'mere, h'niq, darnello, come SUCK the venom out.

and you know WHERE.....

Honorable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 616

i was out of control yesterday

after i learned what i learned.

hell would freeze over many times before i did ANYTHING remotely resmbling an apology to the worst of the LYING SCUM who post or pass through here.

i could NEVER hurt them enough.

but it was not the best form among a world-spanning congregation such as DMS.


i hope to be on ICU ere long but PLEASE drop me a line. there are references you could make to identify yourself to me.

Estimable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 110

The Kosovo Crisis Page has some chilling reports of Serbian activity during (and shortly after the end of) the bombing campaign.

Go to

Take a deep breath befor you start. Most noteworthy are articles by Niko Price, Associated Press Writer ("Kosava Rebels Feeling Defenseless",) Roy Gutman, Newsday and Matthew McAllester ("How Serbs Burned Corpses at Balkan Rubber Factory" and "Volunteer Killers",) and Matthew McAllester, Newsday (Final Terror Spree.")

One last article of note is "Neighbors, Then Killers" by Michael Slackman.

I had goosebumps and a knot in my stomach while reading them. The quialiy of reporting is really good.


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Posts: 441


Just leave these scumbags alone there not worthed to type for.There not worthed to in my case break a nail over.

Estimable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 237

To: Emina

So, any person, not conforming to Your taste in terms of thinking is a scumbag?

Estimable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 237

To: PhilTR

BS, darling, BS. How many... ? LOL
Do You know, what BS means?

Reputable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 369

To Kissie.

Did you lose your family too in Bosnia, or maybe Croatia of Kosova? Are you still so full of hate about that, or aren't you able yet to distinguish between opposing opinions and fascism???

A statement like "there is no genocide in Kosva", is not just a statement, as L'emenexe says, not just letters on your screen. It is the same as saying the Holocaust never happened. And if someone keeps on poisoning , in this case a Message board with that sheit, the best thing you can do is ignore.

Same with Holocaust denying and dictator loving cheer leaders. Why should we give any attention to that? What is the use? Everything you say goes in one ear, out the other. Why bother, then?

Statements are about people. For instance the people I see every day with stories to tell that will make your flesh creep. These people, and even part of my own family, are victims of this genocide that according to some people does not exist. It means that these opinions are not theory or TV. They are real life.

Once again there is a big difference in opposing oppinions, and plain NAZISM. Can you understand that? Do you know the meaning of the word NAZI?

Try yourself opposing opinions with them for a while, but I would advise you not to wear your neat clothes, because the sheit will hit you big time.


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Posts: 369

To L'emenexe.

Very true what you say about heroes! I hope that anyone you call a hero will inspire you with courage to tackle whatever you encounter in your own life!


Reputable Member
Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 369

The following is another story about heroes...

leading official of the Alliance for Change coalition of
opposition groups, said in Belgrade on 28 June that the
opposition will stage a rally in Cacak the following
afternoon. Participants in the rally will demand the
immediate resignation of Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic and "early, free, and fair elections," Batic
added. He stressed that if Milosevic does not call early
elections under OSCE supervision, the alliance will do
so itself and form a parallel government, "Danas"
reported. Dragan Milovanovic, who heads Serbia's only
independent labor union, said that members of his union
will join the protest in Cacak. He added that workers
will "no longer work for peanuts, nor will they help
rebuild the country for free," Reuters reported. The
alliance expects at least 10,000 people to attend the
rally, "The Daily Telegraph" reported.

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