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Archive through June 4, 1999

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You ask why Christians eat pork when the Bible says they shouldn't. The injunction against pork was old covenant and applied only to the Jews. When Jesus commissioned the apostle Peter to go to Cornelius's house, Peter saw what appeared to be a sheet containing all manner of animals lowered in front of him, and a voice saying, "Kill and eat." Peter replied, "No. I have never eaten anything impure or unclean." The Lord's reply was, "Don't call unclean that which God has cleansed." This happened three times. (Acts chapter 10)
Also, Jesus said it is not what goes into the mouth that makes a man unclean, but what comes out of the mouth, from an impure heart, that makes a man unclean. (Matthew 15:17-20)

While I am here I have a question for you. I see posts on here periodically accusing the Albanians of illegal drug trafficing like that's all they do. Is there anything to that, or is it just more Serb propaganda?


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True story. Back in the days of King David a man named Sheba rebelled against David. He took refuge in the city of Abel Beth Maacah, and Joab and his troops laid siege to the city. A woman of the city asked why Joab was seeking to destroy the city. Joab explained to her he was after one man, Sheba, for rebelling against the king, and if they would deliver that one man up to him he and his troops would withdraw from the city. She went to the people of the city with this news, and so they cut off Sheba's head and threw it over the wall to Joab. This done, Joab and his troops withdrew from the city and left it alone.

Do you see any parallels to this story and what's going on in Yugoslavia today? Slobodan and his thugs under his control committing crimes against humanity... NATO laying siege to Yugoslavia to get at this one man... could it be if this one man were delivered up to the proper authorities, dead or alive, that NATO would call off their bombing?

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Get your head out of the sand before you smother! Read the posts, listen to the news. Examine the evidence. Think for yourself, and quit simply parroting Milosevich's official propaganda!

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I keep hearing in the news about one of NATO goals being to return the refugees to their homes. What homes? Milosevich's serb thugs have burned most of their homes to the ground, there is nothing for them to return to.

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To Pete.

Well said, really. I am hoping for years that it would happen that way; catch the one man you are after, and then go and leave the population in peace. Maybe the war in Bosnia could have been prevented too that way. Anyway, I hope they catch him, soon!

The pork meat 'thing' with Muslims comes, apart from the Koran, also from the fact that in hot countries, pork meat only stays fresh for a few hours. You'll get sick if you eat it any later.

What I read from your answer to Emina, if I read that right that is, is you can eat anything when you have to/need to.

I was writing to Daniela about my views on the use of religion in politics and war, and I am curious about your opinion. In my view, her posting shows what religious prejudice can do in a war: polarise the people. Alienate them from each other.

Religion and religious prejudice is often used as a weapon in wars. This one in Kosovo as well. I think using ANY religion as a scapegoat for war purposes, is ABUSE of religion.

Tell me what you think?!


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It was me Emina not zoja who wrote that Rugova was elected and has nothing to do with uck .uck is the guys with the guns who are in Maja's words fighting for there freedom.Zoja was the one calling out viva uck! just to work up your appite.

Ps do we get that childish behaviour again counting a spelling mistake for a name? Oh yeah i forgot your "only" 16 no we can't blame a young girl in puberty for her foolish games, but you know what its not working.Must be very frustrating.

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Thank you for the porkmeat answer i really appriciate it.I was not able to find it.

About Albanians and drugs Most of it is just to make people believe how evil, bad Albanians are.But in reality they are just as much involved as you would see in other countries.Not that i approve on it.

Also here is a parrelel like with the predidge of relion and people from one race selling drugs all around.They need people to blame.Either for being Muslim or for selling drugs on so called massive scale.And Milosevic does nothing wrong in there eyes.

Like you i wish it would all just stop.And it would be good if they would arrest Milosevic, but also his wife cause she would just proceed where her husband left off.
But i go even further then my sister i think nato should stop the bombing now.I hear so many stories from ordanairy people in the middle, that i think its time for a differnt approach.


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Some of you wonder why America is the way it is. Here is the answer.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,
Samuel Adams, First Chief Justice John Jay.
Names synonymous with the spirit of our country.
Founding fathers of the U.S.A.

Over 200 years ago they shook off the chains of tyranny
from Great Britain by divine call,
citing 27 Biblical violations they wrote the Declaration of Independence,
with liberty and justice for all.

But something happened since Jefferson called the Bible the cornerstone
for American liberty, then put it in our schools as a light.
Or since “Give me liberty or give me death” Patrick Henry said
our country was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We eliminated God from the equation of American life.
Thus eliminating the reason this nation first began.
From beyond the grave I hear the voices of our founding fathers plead,
“You need God in America again.”

Of the 55 men who formed the Constitution,
52 were active members of their church.
Founding fathers like Noah Webster who wrote the first dictionary,
and could literally quote the Bible chapter and verse.

James Madison said, “We’ve staked our future on our ability to follow
the Ten Commandments with all our heart.”
These men believed you couldn’t even call yourself an American
if you subvert the Word of God.

In his farewell address, Washington said, “ You can’t have
National morality apart from religious principle,” and it’s true
Because right now we have nearly 150,000 kids carrying guns
to these war zones we call public schools.

In the 40’s and 50’s student problems were chewing gum and talking.
In the 90’s, rape and murder are the trend.
The only way this nation can hope to last,
is to put God in America again.

Abe Lincoln said, “The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation
will be the philosophy of government in the next.”
So when you eliminate the Word of God from the classroom and politics,
you eliminate the nation that Word protects.

America is now number one in teen pregnancy and violent crime.
Number one in illiteracy, drug use, and divorce.
Everyday, a new holocaust of 5,000 unborn die,
while pornography floods our streets like open sewers.

America’s dead and dying hand is on the threshold of the Church,
while the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah vex us all.
When it gets to the point where people would rather
come out of the closet than clean it,
It’s the sign that the judgment of God is going to fall.

If there’s ever been a time to rise up Church, it’s now.
And as the blood bought saints of the living God proclaim,
that it’s time to sound the alarm from the Church house
to the White House, and say, “We want God in America again”

I believe it’s time for America to stand up and proclaim,
that one nation under God is our demand,
and send this evil lifestyle back to Satan where it came from,
and let the Word of God revive our dying land.

For Jesus Christ is coming back again in all His glory,
and every eye shall see Him on that day.
That’s why a new anointing of God’s power’s coming on us,
to boldly tell the world you must be saved.

Because astrology won’t save you, your horoscope won’t save you.
The Bible says these things are all a farce.
If you’re born again you don’t need to look to the stars for your answers,
because you can look to the very One who made those stars.

History tells us time and time again,
to live like there’s no God makes you a fool.
If you want to see kids live right, stop handing out condoms,
and start handing out the Word of God in schools.

The only hope for America is Jesus.
The only hope for our country is Him.
If we repent of our ways,
stand firm and say,
“We need God in America again.”

The same could be said for Yugoslavia about God. They need Him in their lives also.

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To Dr. Kovacs, "About the Balkan War:"

Well spoken. I couldn't have said it better myself.


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To Zoja:

Concerning pork: Yes you are right. In Christianity there are no legal stipulations about what you can or cannot eat. Of course, common sense needs to rule in a situation like this, you would not eat something you knew to be harmful or poisonous (unless you were just plain stupid or wanted to die). Your comment on pork spoiling quickly in hot countries is enlightening. Here all meat is refrigerated (or frozen) from the time it is slaughtered until it is put in the pan to cook, so this kind of spoilage usually is not a problem. In the days when the injuction against eating pork was originally written there was no such thing as refrigeration, God knew that pork spoiled quickly, and so that was why He put that prohibition in His law.

As to religious prejudice, I think this has been a curse on mankind all through the ages. In the dark ages it was the Roman Catholic church and the crusades, pillaging and burning at the stake anyone who didn't adhere to their doctrines and dogmas. They even burned evangelical Christians at the stake, because they would not acknowledge the RC church as the one "true" way to God. Now we have radical Muslims, orthodox Christians, Hindus, Buddists, and others making war on each other, because they each think they are the only true religion, and anyone who doesn't believe the way they do is an infidel. Evangelical Christians believe there is only one way to God, Jesus, as he himself stated, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father [God] except through Me." But we don't go around killing those who disagree with us. Jesus said, "Love your enemies, pray for them who persecute you, do good to those who despitefully use you." And this is the rule we try to live by. I find Guido a thorn in my side, claiming to be a Christian, then posting all the hateful rubbish I see him put on here. I think religious intolerance is not only used as a weapon in war, I believe it is the cause of a great many wars.


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Thanks Daniela,
It seems I have to come to Yugoslovia to find the story, blacked out of the Santa Cruz media.
My home town is usually a peaceful place to protest. This is normal for America, but not for Santa Cruz. But whats almost as bad as the people beaten and I heard 35 arrested. Is the media's lack of coverage. The cops regularly go after the freespeech pirate radio people. But this is gonna wake some locals up. We've already had two community tv reports about it. The Resource Center for Non Violence has been getting more involved this last month. People are starting to gather daily and marches are set to continue.
These Corporate Badges will pay, the citizens police review board is already filing papers and the ACLU is involved. Thanks again. I've already sent this out over the netwaves.
Peace not WoD

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To Zoja:

Concerning pork: Yes you are right. In Christianity there are no legal stipulations about what you can or cannot eat. Of course, common sense needs to rule in a situation like this, you would not eat something you knew to be harmful or poisonous (unless you were just plain stupid or wanted to die). Your comment on pork spoiling quickly in hot countries is enlightening. Here all meat is refrigerated (or frozen) from the time it is slaughtered until it is put in the pan to cook, so this kind of spoilage usually is not a problem. In the days when the injuction against eating pork was originally written there was no such thing as refrigeration, God knew that pork spoiled quickly, and so that was why He put that prohibition in His law.

As to religious prejudice, I think this has been a curse on mankind all through the ages. In the dark ages it was the Roman Catholic church and the crusades, pillaging and burning at the stake anyone who didn't adhere to their doctrines and dogmas. They even burned evangelical Christians at the stake, because they would not acknowledge the RC church as the one "true" way to God. Now we have radical Muslims, orthodox Christians, Hindus, Buddists, and others making war on each other, because they each think they are the only true religion, and anyone who doesn't believe the way they do is an infidel. Evangelical Christians believe there is only one way to God, Jesus, as he himself stated, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father [God] except through Me." But we don't go around killing those who disagree with us. Jesus said, "Love your enemies, pray for them who persecute you, do good to those who despitefully use you." And this is the rule we try to live by. I find Guido a thorn in my side, claiming to be a Christian, then posting all the hateful rubbish I see him put on here. I think religious intolerance is not only used as a weapon in war, I believe it is the cause of a great many wars.


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I'm sorry Pete, you are right. I never said I was a sinless Christian like you apparently are.

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