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Archive through March 27, 2000

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When have Blair and co. been anything but Hypocritical over the so-called Ethical foreign policy. Reality bites, I guess.

L'menexe, I'm confused...
what was the point of the 12inches of paste, do you have any idea?

What's Ocean Spray? Do you mean there is intelligent life beyond DMS?

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Have you given thought that the west may be reluctant to assist in Chechnya (although the Muslim countries have no excuse) because Moscow and Washington may be involved in a war of wills - with respect to Cosova / Chechnya connection?

Is it possible that Russia is retaliating against the Chechen Muslims because Washington is protecting the Cosovar Muslims? i.e. Washington is willing to lose Chechnya (Caucasus) for security in the Balkans (which is closer to Europe).

There may be a solution to this problem however simple it may sound. Would it be too much to ask Moscow and Washington to implement a plan and undertake the draconian task of arranging a
one way holy pilgrimage of Muslim Cosevars to Chechnya as a trade against Chechen total independence.

Chechnya has most of the Muslim heritage as opposed to Cosova and the Muslim family will be closer together. Not forgetting to mention that Chechnya will be repopulated and the Muslim Cosovars will be a great human resource asset to the Chechen people to help rebuild Chechnya as dreamed by all Muslims.

If the plan is implemented Cosova will be in the hands of Christians (Russia will be happy) and Chechnya will be an independent Islamic republic with Muslim occupants. (Chechens and Cosovar Muslims will have a permanent and secure home to build for their happiness)


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well, thanks anyway.
hi kim,

the paste? not sure, other than being an excerpt from DMS russ that night. posted by jisbond, and coincidentally(?) featuring the return of a recently-banned poster under a new name.

assuming there _is_ intelligent life beyond DMS (to the extent it exists _at_ DMS) ocean spray would not prove it, lolol. this is where they make cranberry juice etc.. i've worked there of late. not fun.

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Kinda late responce, but I really like the idea proposed by jisbond to migrate Kosovars and Chechens together. I would like to see these to ex-Nazi servants cut each others throats. That'll be a circuis! he-he

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I'll try to write some comments on this issue latter...

Mitrovica: The Serbian Side
of the Story (2-22-00)

The Western Press focused yesterday on images of Serbian
residents of northern Mitrovica (in Kosovo) pelting
American soldiers with rocks and snowballs. Nowhere did
the 'free world' media present the Serbian side of the story.
Here are three compelling reports from Tanjug, the
Yugoslav press agency. Thanks to Nebojsa Malic for the

One thing to keep in mind here: you will notice that the
Tanjug reports below are not ethnically negative. That is,
they are not directed against "Albanians" but rather against
anti-Serbian racism and also against the KFOR policy of
conquest and explusion of Serbs. Meanwhile, the thousands
of Albanians (most of them apparently from outside
Metrovica and even outside Kosovo) who demonstrated on
Feb. 21 want the Serbian people and other ethnic groups
driven out. The Serbs perceive KFOR, particularly the US
and Britain, as supporting this goal. Are they wrong? I
think not. -- JI [emperors-clothes]

Kosovska Mitrovica (TANJUG) - Early this morning,
KFOR soldiers from the ranks of American and German
units barged into the Tech College and the Technical High
School in the downtown of northern Mitrovica, in the
most arrogant and savage manner. Literally demolishing
the school premises, "peacekeepers" then begin the search
of the surrounding buildings and apartments.

American KFOR troops took over that section of the city,
boxed it in with armored vehicles, strong barbed wire
around the perimeter and started searching all apartments
and brutally detaining residents. Around six in the
morning, Americans had blocked the area around the
Tech College, Tech High and the student campus,
searching them and the apartments in the Kneza Milosa
and John Kennedy Streets.

Americans broke into apartments if there was no one to
open the door, or the residents had not jumped out of
their beds to open them. Smashing the doors, they entered
the apartments with rifles at ready and searched for
allegedly hidden weapons and ammunition. In the streets,
they searched the bags of citizens who went to purchase
their daily food staples - milk, bread and so forth.
American KFOR troops, who had snuck into the northern
part of the city in the night, have been turning over the
heart of the city, causing a revolt among the Serb

One Serb family testified to reporters that among the
so-called Americans they recognized their former
Albanian neighbors, who took DM 450 away from them
during the "search."

When American KFOR troops entered the student
campus and started their brutal search, the students
showered them with snowballs and rocks. Another "visit"
was paid to the Tech College and Tech School,
accompanied with widespread destruction. At the Tech
High School they actually stormed the classrooms and
smashed computers and other equipment. According to
Prof. Dragan Radulovic of the Tech College, he was
prevented from giving an exam, evicted along with his
students, and then watched as the lab was trashed. "I was
supposed to start the exam at nine, but they forced all of
my students out and searched the Dean's office, looking
at each and every document. They smashed all the closets
and broke apart even the boiler at the heating room. We
warned them that this is a place of higher education, that
there is nothing here of value to them, and that they
should not touch anything, but it was all in vain. They
even forced us to open our [money deposit] safe and show
them what was in there," says Radulovic.

Such behavior by American "peacekeepers" caused a
demonstration by about 2000 angry citizens, who chased
the intruders away around 10:30 with a shower of rocks
and snowballs. The American savagery struck even the
Children's Emergency Room, which they broke into and
searched. According to information available so far,
Stevan Zigic and Slobodan Mitrovic have been injured,
hit in the face with rifle-butts, while Slavoljub Jovic and
Drago Siljegovic were pepper-sprayed in the eyes.

Witnesses claim there are at least ten injured Serbs.
Around 11:00, American position was taken over by the
French and the Germans, who have been standing still
and not taking any further measures. The city was also
"seeded" by helicopter-dropped leaflets warning the
populace to turn their weapons in "as requested by
KFOR, while the soldiers will treat you with respect and
dignity." The leaflet's text was being repeated from
loudspeakers mounted on UN vehicles, cruising the city.

Andjelkovic: New Evidence of KFOR
and UNMIK's complicity in ethnic
Belgrade (TANJUG) - Chairman of the Interim Governing
Committee of Kosovo-Metohija Zoran Andjelkovic said
this morning that the events in Mitrovica reaffirm that the
international military presence cooperates with the
Albanian terrorists in their ethnic cleansing of Kos-Met.

"Since neither the French nor the British complied
with the KLA's demand to expel the Serbs from
Mitrovica, the American and German troops staged
a 'Kristallmorgen' [crystal morning] today by
barging into the Technical College and the school,
smashing the classrooms and equipment,"
Andjelkovic told Tanjug. According to him, KFOR
reinforcements stormed Mitrovica this morning with
dozens of armored cars and vehicles, putting
psychological pressure on the Serbs "so they would
leave northern Mitrovica of their own will, thus
enabling the American soldiers to finish KLA's work
and give them the right to take over the city."

Andjelkovic warns of this method of ethnic cleansing
because the international troops seem to think that the
problem disappears when the Serbs are expelled, since
there are no KFOR or UNMIK reports on Pec, Istok,
Klina, Djakovica, Decani and Prizren, for example,
ethnically cleansed of Serbs, Turks, Muslims, Gorani...
The problem exists only on the day of the actual
expulsion, and then it disappears.

If things are seen in this light, there would be trouble only
on the day when Serbs are forced out of Mitrovica.

"We think that this logic is prevalent in some centers of
power in the world, the ones that ordered the bombing of
our country," Andjelkovic said. "Ten days ago, Hashim
Thaci, KLA boss and practically the man in charge of the
'protection corps' [Kosovo police corps, staffed by
members of the Kosovo Liberation Army] as well, tried to
accuse Serbs for the assaults on Mitrovica. He said that
the Serbs bombed their own cafe and injured 15 young
people. This was an attempt to pressure KFOR to evict
the Serbs from northern Mitrovica with KLA's help," he

According to Andjelkovic, the international community is
no longer talking about a multiethnic Kos-Met. "They are
saying this is difficult and impossible, showing that their
earlier pronouncements were only a cover story and not
their true interest and goal...The only remaining
multi-ethnic part of KosMet is northern Mitrovica. That
is why the KLA, KFOR and UNMIK are attacking it
constantly - because it is an ugly reminder of the
possiblity of multiethnic existence in Kosmet, and a thorn
in the eye of those who want it destroyed," saind
Andjelkovic. For that purpose - destroying multi-ethnicity
- he says, Americans and Germans stormed the center of
northern Mitrovica this morning. That is why a large
Albanian demonstration is in the works, and that is why
so many attempts have been made to cross the Ibar bridge
and do everything possible for that part of the city to stop
representing a community of 2500 Albanians and 4500

Kosovska Mitrovica (TANJUG) - J. Jovanovic, member
of the Government and Judiciary Subcommittee on the
Yugoslav comittee for cooperation with UNMIK told
reporters that he was present during the attack on the
Technical College in Mitrovica. He witnessed how doors
on laboratories and other rooms were torn apart by axes.
"The Tech College looks like it's just been sacked by a
horde of barbarians," he said.

According to him, there is no door, closet or drawer still
still on its hinges.

The soldier who axed through the door of Professor
Radulovic's office asked politely if he could light a
cigarette. "The pinnacle of cynicism," Jovanovic said.
Javonovic toured the Tech High School, also a target of
KFOR's assault. The school and nearby buildings were
surrounded by soldiers as if they were a fortified position,
rather than an institution of higher education, Jovanovic
testified. The school was demolished; everything that
could be broken and smashed was, and all the books and
notes were scattered on the floor. Jovanovic pointed out
that floorboards were ripped up in some classrooms, and
the soldiers even ripped out of the wall a coat rack.

"The official explanation was a tip that there is a large
quantity of weapons and ammunition hidden in the Tech
School," he said. He also said that the Americans and the
French troops did indeed find some weapons, ammunition
and non-explosive devices. But, it was a museum
collection, placed in the former Civil Defense classroom.
[All schools had dummy weapons for military training in
the former Yugoslavia.]

"There were several landmines, both anti-personnel and
anti-tank, in the collection, which were used as classroom
props. They were specially marked to be distinguishable
both visually and functionally from the real models,"
Jovanovic added. "Several hundred blanks - bullets, hand
grenades, detonators - and air guns were found as well,"
he said, "but all of them were part of the museum exibit
of former educational props...These items were all
impounded to serve as an excuse for the savagery of
KFOR and to justofy the announcement that the Tech
School was a major depot of arms and ammunition for
'Serb terrorists' operating in northern Mitrovica,"
Jovanovic assessed.

He invited all who want to find out the truth to ask him
for the complete documentation on the training arms and
bullets found at the Tech School, so that "CNN would not
miscount the bullets and grenades, which they are likely
to do."

Jovanovic added that it is not a coincidence that today's
barbaric action was undertaken by American and German
troops. That this morning's events were planned in
advance is proven by the strong presence of foreign
reporters and TV crews in the area of KFOR's activity.
They stood right in front of the institutions that were
attacked and sent their reports from there. "It is obvious
this was a grand farce aimed to intimidate the citizens of
northern Mitrovica and expel the Serbs as soon as
possible under the guise of restoring multiethnicity."


For a better understanding of the significance of the
struggle in Mitrovica, see Why is the KLA Shooting at
KFOR? at

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it starts like this:

Specialists in 'psyops' worked for CNN
By Abe de Vries

See also background story: 'The American army loves CNN'
Article in Dutch at .

WASHINGTON, ATLANTA - Last year, CNN has for a short period of time employed military specialists in
'psychological operations' (psyops). This was confirmed to Trouw by a spokesman of the U.S. Army. The
military could have influenced CNN's news reports about the crisis in Kosovo.

,,Psyops personnel, soldiers and officers, have been working in CNN's headquarters in Atlanta through our
programme 'Training With Industry''', said Major Thomas Collins of the U.S. Army Information Service in a
telephone interview last Friday. ,,They worked as regular employees of CNN. Conceivably, they would have
been working on stories during the Kosovo war. They've helped in the production of news.''

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"Is it possible that Russia is retaliating against the Chechen Muslims"

As far as I can remember, the agression started with the Muslims who wanted to break away from Russia, similarly to KLA terrorists who thought that Kosovo should breakaway from Yugoslavia and become...part of Albania.

"i.e. Washington is willing to lose Chechnya (Caucasus) for security in the Balkans (which is closer to Europe)"

Washington is not going to lose Chechnya, I don't believe it was ever theirs to begin with. As far as security, there would be more of it in the Balkans without NATO/US poking their nose all the time and stirring up religious and cultural differences.

"Would it be too much to ask Moscow and Washington to implement a plan and undertake the draconian task of arranging a one way holy pilgrimage of Muslim Cosevars to Chechnya as a trade against Chechen total independence. "

You have to stop the Q-Tip when there is resistance.

Remember that what you call although mispelling it "Muslim Cosevars" are ethnic Albanians. I doubt they would move to Chechnya, ordered or not by either superpower. Their cuisine just doesn't go with Vodka !

"Chechnya has most of the Muslim heritage"

Do you actually know how many muslims there are over there ?

"as opposed to Cosova"

Too right, it is the cradle of Orthodox religion for Serbia.

"Not forgetting to mention that Chechnya will be repopulated"

How about rebuilt first ?

"and the Muslim Cosovars will be a great human resource asset to the Chechen people to help rebuild Chechnya as dreamed by all Muslims. "

Ha ha. Did you actually expect Albanians to build houses in a land which is not theirs ?

"If the plan is implemented Cosova will be in the hands of Christians"

Now whose are those ? I must have missed something...

"(Russia will be happy)"

As opposed to being pissed off for not having more Orthodox people ?

" and Chechnya will be an independent Islamic republic with Muslim occupants."
Yeah I guess occupants is the right word, after all they would have just moved there, and I definitely see them going straight to the polls to elect, democratically, a fair, multi-ethnic unbiased leader for the local landlords.

"(Chechens and Cosovar Muslims will have a permanent and secure home to build for their happiness)"

What language will they share their happiness in ?

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The roots of Kosovo fascism
by George Thompson (2-19-00) [emperors-clothes]


"The Serbian population in Kosovo should be
removed as soon as possible. Serbian settlers
should be killed." (Albanian fascist leader
Mustafa Kroja, June 1942.)


"He, like many KLA officers, says openly that
he dreams of a Kosovo without Serbs."
(Description of KLA death squad commander
"the Teacher", Agence France Presse, August
19, 1999)

"As Germany overtook Yugoslavia in 1941, the
Kosovar people were liberated by the Germans.
All Albanian territories of this state, such as
Kosova, western Macedonia and border regions
under Montenegro, were re-united into Albania
proper. Albanian schools, governmental
administration, press and radio were
re-established." (From , a
Kosovo Liberation Army-affiliated affiliated

Mussolini's Italy occupied Albania proper in April,
1939, and established a collaborationist regime with the
apparent enthusiasm of most Albanians.(1) After Hitler
invaded and occupied Yugoslavia in spring 1941, the bulk
of current Kosovo-Metohija was placed under
Italian-Albanian collaborationist control and annexed to

When Italian forces moved into Kosovo they were
accompanied by Albanians from Albania. Albanians
living in Kosovo joined the invasion force as it made its
way North and West, and also ambushed Yugoslav Army
units moving to meet the invaders. These Albanians,
natives of both Albania and Kosovo, instituted a
campaign of murder and expulsion of Serbs. Initially, the
mayhem was carried out by disorganized "kachak"
(irregular) units. These were Albanian brigands from both
sides of the border who had fought Yugoslavia
throughout the 1920s and 1930s.(3) However, soon a
native Kosovo militia was formed. This militia, called the
Vulnetari, and various gendarme units, began more
systematic persecution.(4)


Italian authorities in Kosovo seemed a bit distressed
by the terror against Serbs and occasionally intervened to
prevent Albanian attacks, at least in urban areas. Thus a
Serbian historian wrote: "Italian troops were stationed in
the towns of Kosovo and acted as a restraining force
..."(5) And Carlo Umilta, a civilian aide to the
Commander of the Italian occupation forces, described
several instances where Italian forces fired on Albanians
to halt massacres of Serbs.6)

Because of manpower limitations and the de facto
alliance between Albanians and the Axis powers, these
efforts at restraint were limited. Nevertheless, the Italian
occupiers reported their disgust at Albanians’ actions to
the authorities in Rome. The Italian army reported that
Albanians were "hunting down Serbs", and that the
"Serbian minority are living in conditions that are truly
disgraceful, constantly harassed by the brutality of the
Albanians, who are whipping up racial hatred."(7) Carlo
Umilta described some of the atrocities in his memoirs
and observed that "the Albanians are out to exterminate
the Slavs."(8) His words were echoed by those of German
diplomat Hermann Neubacher, the Third Reich’s
representative for southeastern Europe: "Shiptars (i.e.,
Kosovo Albanians) were in a hurry to expel as many
Serbs as possible from the country."(9)

The atrocities were deliberate, part of a plan to create
a Serb-free "Greater Albania". In June 1942 the fascist
puppet president of Albania, Mustafa Kroja, declared his
goals candidly before his followers in Kosovo:

"The Serbian population of Kosovo should be
removed as soon as possible . . . All indigenous
Serbs should be qualified as colonists and as
such, via the Albanian and Italian governments,
be sent to concentration camps in Albania.
Serbian settlers should be killed." (10)

Similar sentiments were expressed by a Kosovo Albanian
leader, Ferat-bey Draga:

"time has come to exterminate the Serbs . . .
there will be no Serbs under the Kosovo

The anti-Serb pogroms intensified after Italy's collapse in
September 1943. The German Nazi's assumed control of
Albania, including Kosovo. Italian military units pulled
out and were replaced by three divisions of the German
XXI Mountain Corps. The German presence freed the
Albanians of restraint.

Kosovo Albanian nationalist militias called the "Balli
Kombëtar" (or "Ballistas") carried out a campaign of
deportation and murder of Serbs in 1943 and 1944. Then,
on Hitler’s express order, the Germans formed the 21st
"Waffen-Gebirgs Division der SS" - the Skanderbeg
Division. With German leaders and Kosovo Albanian
officers and troops, Hitler’s hoped that using the
Skanderbergs Germany could "achieve its well-known
political objective" of creating a viable (i.e., pure)
"Greater Albania" including Kosovo.(12)

In general, German policy was to organize volunteer
military units among Nazi sympathizers in occupied
countries. Of all the occupied nations only the Serbs,
Greeks and Poles refused to form Nazi volunteer units.
Rather than joining the Nazis, as the Albanians in Kosovo
did, the Serbs organized the largest anti-Nazi resistance in
Europe. Both the Communist Partisans and thee Royalist
Chetniks were mainly Serbs and both groups fought the
Germans and their local allies throughout Yugoslavia.

The Germans recruited the 9,000 man Skanderbeg
division to fight these resistance groups But the
Skanderberg's Albanians had little interest in going up
against soldiers; they mainly wanted to terrorize local
Serbs, "Gypsies" and Jews. Many of these Kosovo
Albanians had seen prior service in the Bosnian Muslim
and Croatian SS divisions which were notorious for
slaughtering civilians.

What explained this passionate hatred for non-Albanians?
A big factor was militant Islam. The Fundamentalist
"Second League of Prizren" was created in September
1943 by Xhafer Deva, a Kosovo Albanian, to work with
the German authorities. The League proclaimed a jihad
(holy war) against Slavs. They were backed by the Grand
Mufti of Jerusalem, El Haj Emin Huseini, who was
pro-Nazi and had called for getting rid of all Jews in what
was at that time British-occupied Palestine. Albanian
religious intolerance was shown by their targeting Serbian
Orthodox churches and monasteries for destruction.(13)

No one is certain of human destruction suffered in this
Fascist Albanian Holocaust. Estimates range from 10,000
to 30,000 Serbs murdered. At least 100,000 were driven
from Kosovo and replaced with "immigrants" from
Albania proper.(14)

In justifying current Kosovo Albanian demands to secede
from Serbia, the media has repeated, like a mantra: 90%
of the population is Albanian. While this figure is most
likely exaggerated (nobody knows for sure because
Kosovo Albanians boycotted the census for years!) - the
province has been largely Albanian. But a major cause of
the current demographic imbalance: was the Albanians'
success as Hitler's willing executioners during World War

And their attention was not limited to Serbs. Unknown
numbers of Roma ("Gypsies") were liquidated. And
Kosovo Albanians, acting alone as well as under German
direction, eliminated many of Kosovo's Jews.

The definitive work on Hitler's "Final Solution" in
Yugoslavia (16) estimates that 550 Jews lived in Kosovo
Hitler took over Yugoslavia. 210 of them, or 38 percent,
were murdered in Kosovo, mainly by Albanians. In fact,
the Skanderbeg division's first operation was to act as an
"einsatzgruppen" against the Jews, and its second was a
similar extermination foray against the Serb village of
Velika where more than 400 Serbians were murdered.(17)

Ceda Prlincevic, head of the Jewish community in Pristina
and an executive of the provincial archives, has explained
to Emperors-Clothes that the Jews who were not
murdered outright were sent by the Skanderbeg division
to the German death camps Treblinka and Bergen-Belsen.
One train, on its way to the latter camp, took the wrong
track and was intercepted by advancing Russian soldiers.
According to Mr. Prlincevic, were it not for that fortunate
detour, the entire Jewish population of Kosovo would
have been eliminated.

Although KLA supporters now claim that no Jews were
killed in Kosovo and that Jews were sheltered by the
Kosovo Albanians, such claims are false and should be
treated the same way we would treat other Holocaust


The Germans surrendered in 1945, but the remnants of
the Kosovo Albanian Nazi and fascist groups continued
fighting the Yugoslav government for six years, with a
major rebellion from 1945 to 1948 in the Drenica region.
(Drenica was the hotbed for KLA recruiting in 1998-99).
That rebellion was under the command of Shabhan
Paluzha; it is called the Shabhan Paluzha rebellion.
Sporadic violence continued until 1951. It is literally true
to say that the last shots of World War II were fired in


This past summer, as Germans entered Prizren in Kosovo
for the first time since World War II, an NBC
correspondent reported:

"I was at dinner with a kind Kosovo Muslim family
the other night when talk turned to the German
NATO troops that rolled into town to make the city
the headquarters of its peacekeeping district. The
patriarch of the family, a man old enough to
remember the last time German troops rolled into
Prizren, said they all felt safe now. 'The German
soldiers are excellent,' he said. Then he added, 'I
should know, I used to be one.' Then he raised his
arm in a Nazi salute and said, 'Heil,' and laughed
merrily. (NBC, June 18, 1999)


(1) Professor Nikalaos A. Stavrou, KFOR: Repeating
History, The Washington Times (August 11, 1999).

(2) Hugo Wolf, Kosovo Origins (1996) chapter 10. Portions
of northern Kosovo, from Mitrovica to the provincial
border with Serbia, were administered by Germany from
the outset, primarily to exploit the mines in the area. An
eastern sliver of Kosovo was ceded to Bulgaria.

(3) Dr. Smilja Avramov, Genocide in Yugoslavia, Part 2,
Chapter 5, "Genocide in Kosovo and Metohija" (1995):
"The crimes were begun by the ‘kachak’ guerrilla
detachments which had been sent into Kosovo from
Albania, but members of the Shqiptar minority quickly
joined in. Judging from Italian reports, at first the
situation resembled more the marauding of bandits than a
deliberate policy."

(4) Dr. Dusan Batakovic, The Kosovo Chronicles (1992);
Avramov, supra.

(5) Dr. Smilja Avramov, supra.

(6) Carlo Umilta, Jugoslavia e Albania, Memoire di un
diplomatico (1947), in Avramov, supra, note 141.

(7) Dr. Smilja Avramov, supra, note 117.

(8) Carlo Umilta, Jugoslavia e Albania, Memoire di un
diplomatico (1947), in Avramov, supra, note 137.

(9) Hermann Neubacher, Sonderauftrag Sudost (1953),
quoted in Dr. Slavenko Terzic, Old Serbia and Albanians.

(10) Dr. Slavenko Terzic, Kosovo, Serbian Issue and the
Greater Albania Project.

(11) Batakovic, supra, citing H. Bajrami, Izvestaj
Konstantina Plavsica Tasi Dinicu, ministru unutrasnjih
poslova u Nedicevoj vladi oktobra 1943, o
kosovsko-mitrovackanm srezu, Godisnjak arhiva Kosova
XIV-XV (1978-1979) at 313.

(12) Avramov, supra, note 151.

(13) Avramov, supra, note 148, citing Bishop Atanisije
Jevtic, From Kosovo to Jadovno.

(14) Batakovic gives a conservative estimate of 10,000
dead while Dr. Slavenko Terzic cites a contemporary
American intelligence report that 10,000 died in the first
year of occupation alone. Terzic, supra, citing Serge
Krizman, Maps of Yugoslavia at War (1943). Carl Kosta
Savitch, in Genocide in Kosovo: Skanderbeg Division,
quotes a wartime account that 30,000 to 40,000 Serbs were
killed by Albanians. In addition, an unknown number of
Serbs dies in the German-operated work camps of Pristina
and Mitrovica, or were killed by the Germans as reprisals
against resistance activity.

The reported number of expelled Serbs also varies
depending on the source. Dragnich and Todorovich cited
the figure of 70,000-100,000, based on a review of wartime
refugee records. Dmitri Bogdanovich estimates 100,000,
but acknowledges that the exact number has never been
determined. Dmitri Bogdanovich, The Kosovo Question:
Past and Present (1985). Dr. Avramov notes that wartime
records showing 70,000 refugees from Kosovo counted
only those persons in need of government assistance who
registered with the Commissariat for Refugees in
Belgrade. Records of those who did not register, or who
fled to Montenegro, apparently do not exist. Avramov,

(15) Before world war 2 Serbs constituted a slight
majority of the Kosovo population. Avramov, supra. In
addition to the murder and expulsion of Serbs, the
relative ethnic population balance was further skewed by
the entrance of hundreds of thousands of ethnic
Albanians from Albania proper during the war. Relying
on Italian records from the time, Dr. Avramov estimates
that 150,000 to 200,000 Albanians moved into Kosovo
between 1941 and 1943.

(16) The Crimes of Fascist Occupants and Their
Collaborators Against the Jews of Yugoslavia (1952, revised
1957) (published by The Federation of Jewish
Communities of Yugoslavia).

(17) Avramov, supra.

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The Business of Manipulation,
From Baghdad to Belgrade

by Gilles d'Aymery

February 8, 2000 - The New York Times publishes a 1,250-word article, written by Barbara Crossette, with this
headline: Iraq Suspected of Secret Germ War Effort - Experts Say Baghdad May Be Trying to Develop
New Viral Agent. Ms. Crossette expands on "at least one more secret project still to be uncovered." Experts
talk, experts are suspicious. It may be a new virus or a bacterial agent. No one knows for certain. But, certainly,
the infamous Iraqi regime - Saddam Hussein, you know - is hiding and developing yet another monstrous
weapon of mass destruction. "Arms control experts contend that the list of conditions for suspending sanctions
must be left open-ended so inspectors can add to it if necessary." 1,250 words that are only printed as a
supporting cast for the headline. There is not one inch of hard information. Nothing. The headline is the story. Iraq
is up to no good as usual.

The next three days, blips appeared in the paper.


the rest at:

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I am a chinese, I am quite sympathy to yugoslavia people, but it is useless to talk to much on this board, I believe what you can do is to make your country strong, and one day send a bomb to whitehouse in washington. Just like the American bombed Chinese ambassy, I believe one day we will send a bomb to their ambassy.

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Geo-Political Implications of NATO Intervention in Kosovo

Testimony by Dr. Srdja Trifkovic

Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade

House of Commons, Ottawa

February 17, 2000

The war waged by NATO against Yugoslavia in 1999 marks a significant turning point, not only for America and NATO but also for "the West" as a whole. The principle of state sovereignty, and of the rule of law itself, has been subverted in the name of an allegedly humanitarian ideology. Facts have been converted into fiction, and even the fictions invoked to justify the act are giving up all pretense to credibility. Old systems for the protection of national liberties, political, legal and economic, have now been subverted into vehicles for their destruction.

But so far from demonstrating the vigor of Western ruling elites in their ruthless pursuit of an ideology of multi-ethnic democracy and international human rights, the whole Balkan entanglement may be as a disturbing revelation of those ruling elites' moral and cultural decay. I shall therefore devote my remarks to the consequences of the war for the emerging new international system, and - ultimately - for the security and stability of the Western world itself. Almost a decade separated 'Desert Storm' from 'Humanitarian Bombing.'

In 1991 the Maastricht Treaty was signed, and the rest of the decade has brought the gradual usurpation of traditional European sovereignty by a corporate-controlled Brussels regime of unelected bureaucrats who now feel bold enough to tell Austria how to run its domestic affairs. On this side of the ocean we had the passage of NAFTA and in 1995 the Uruguay round of GATT gave us the WTO. The nineties were thus a decade of gradual foundation laying for the new international order.

The denigration of sovereign nationhood hypnotized the public into applauding the dismantling of the very institutions that offered the only hope of representative empowerment. The process is sufficiently far advanced for President Clinton to claim ("A Just and Necessary War," NYT, May 23, 1999) that, had it not bombed Serbia, "NATO itself would have been discredited for failing to defend the very values that give it meaning." The war was in fact both unjust and unnecessary, but the significance of Mr. Clinton's statement is in that he has openly declared null and void the international system in existence ever since the Peace of Westphalia (1648).

It was an imperfect and often violated system, but nevertheless it provided the basis for international discourse from which only the assorted red and black totalitarians have openly deviated. Since 24 March 1999 this is being replaced by the emerging Clinton Doctrine, a carbon copy of the Brezhnev doctrine of limited sovereignty that supposedly justified the Soviet-led occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968. Like his Soviet predecessor, Mr. Clinton used an abstract and ideologically loaded notion - that of universal "human rights" - as the pretext to violate the law and tradition.

The Clinton Doctrine is rooted in the bipartisan hubris of Washington's foreign policy "elite," tipsy on its own heady brew of the "world's last and only superpower." Legal formalities are passé, and moral imperatives - never sacrosanct in international affairs - are replaced by a cynical exercise in situational morality, dependent on an actor's position within the superpower 's value system. And so imperial high-mindedness is back, but in a new form. Old religion, national flags and nationalist rivalry play no part.

But the yearning for excitement and importance, that took the British to Peking, Kabul and Khartoum, the French to Fashoda and Saigon, and the Americans to Manila, has now re-emerged. As a result a war was waged on an independent nation because it refused foreign troops on its soil. All other justifications are post facto rationalizations. The powers that waged that war have aided and abetted secession by an ethnic minority, secession that - once formally effected - will render many European borders tentative. In the context of any other European nation the story would sound surreal.

The Serbs, however, have been demonized to the point where they must not presume to be treated like others. But the fact that the West could do anything it chose to the Serbs does not explain why it should. It is hardly worth refuting, yet again, the feeble excuses for intervention. "Humanitarian" argument has been invoked. But what about Kashmir, Sudan, Uganda, Angola, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Algeria? Properly videotaped and Amanpourized, each would be good for a dozen "Kosovos".

There was no "genocide," of course. Compared to the killing fields of the Third World Kosovo was an unremarkable, low-intensity conflict, uglier perhaps than Northern Ireland a decade ago, but much less so than Kurdistan. A total of 2,108 fatalities on all sides in Kosovo until June 1999, in a province of over two million, favorably compares to the annual homicide tally of 450 in Washington D.C. (population 600,000). Counting corpses is poor form, but bearing in mind the brutalities and "ethnic cleansings" ignored by NATO - or even condoned, notably in Croatia in 1995, or in eastern Turkey - it is clear that "Kosovo" is not about universal principles.

In Washington Abdullah Ocalan is a terrorist, but KLA are freedom fighters. What was it about, then? "Regional stability", we were told next: if we didn't stop the conflict it would engulf Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, the whole of the Balkans in fact, with much of Europe to follow. But the cure - bombing Serbia into detaching an ethnically pure-Albanian Kosovo to the KLA narco-mafia, under NATO's benevolent eye - will unleash a chain reaction throughout the ex-Communist half of Europe. Its first victim will be the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia, where the restive Albanian minority comprises a third of the total population. And will the Pristina model not be demanded by the Hungarians in Rumania (more numerous than Kosovo's Albanians), and in southern Slovakia?

What will stop the Russians in the Ukraine, in Moldova, in Estonia, and in northern Kazakhstan from following suit? Or the Serbs and Croats in the chronically unstable and unviable Dayton-Bosnia? And finally, when the Albanians get their secession on the grounds of their numbers, will the same apply when the Latinos in southern California or Texas eventually outnumber their Anglo neighbors and start demanding bilingual statehood, leading to reunification with Mexico? Are Russia and China to threaten the United States with bombing if Washington does not comply?

The outcome in Kosovo, for now, is in line with a deeply flawed model of the new Balkan order that seeks to satisfy the aspirations of all ethnic groups in former Yugoslavia - except the Serbs. This is a disastrous strategy for all concerned. Even if forced into submission now, the Serbs shall have no stake in the ensuing order of things. Sooner or later they will fight to recover Kosovo.

The Carthaginian peace imposed on the Serbs today will cause chronic imbalance and strife for decades to come. It will entangle the West in a Balkan quagmire, and guarantee a new war as soon as Mr. Clinton's successors lose interest in underwriting the ill-gotten gains of America's Balkan clients. NATO has won, for now, but "the West" has lost. The war has undermined the very principles that constitute the West, namely the rule of law. The notion of "human rights" can never provide a basis for either the rule of law or morality. "Universal human rights," detached from any rootedness in time or place, will be open to the latest whim of outrage or the latest fad for victimhood.

The misguided effort to transform NATO from a defensive alliance into a mini-U.N. with "out-of-area" self-appointed responsibilities, is a certain road to more Bosnias and more Kosovos down the line. Now that the Clintonistas and NATO were "successful" in Kosovo, we can expect new and even more dangerous adventures elsewhere.

But next time around the Russians, Chinese, Indians and others will know better than to buy the slogans about free markets and democratic human rights, and the future of "the West" in the eventually inevitable conflict may be uncertain. Canada should ponder the implications of this course, and gather the courage to say "no" to global interventionism - for its own sake, and for the sake of peace and stability in the world. Is it really obliged to watch in undissenting submission as a long, dangerous military experiment is mounted which will lead us to a real war for Central Asia? Will it soon be 'defending' new KLAs against 'genocide' along Russia's Islamic rim, among ethnic groups as yet unknown to the Western press that can provide a series of excuses for intervention, all as good, that is as bad, as the Kosovo Albanian excuse?

Was Canada's imperial history so sweet that it must seek another imperial command-center, in Washington, to compensate for the loss of London? Does Canada today feel comfortable with the emerging truth: that it has less freedom of choice about war and peace than it did as a free Dominion under the old Statute of Westminster? For there can be no doubt that the war NATO was fighting in April and May 1999 was not intended, or willed, by anything which can be called the Alliance, when the use of force was plotted inside the Beltway in 1998. It is worth asking how far this re-acquisition of minor imperial status - by Canada and other NATO members - is creating a media-led political process that leaves national decision-making meaningless, beyond a formal cheer-leading function.

It is also worth asking how it came to be that the chief war aim of NATO was 'keeping the Alliance together', what disciplines it implies, and how easily, and bloodily, it can be repeated. The moral absolutism that was invoked by the proponents of intervention as a substitute for rational argument can no longer be sustained. Genuine dilemmas about our human responsibility for one another must not be used to reactivate the viral imperialism of the re-extended West. The more arrogant the new doctrine, the greater the willingness to lie for the truth. To be capable of "doing something" sustains moral self-respect, if we can suppress the thought that we are not so much moral actors as consumers of predigested choices.

At the onset of the Millenium we are living in a virtual Coliseum where exotic and nasty troublemakers can be killed not by lions but by the magical flying machines of the Imperium. As the candidates for punishment - or martyrdom - are pushed into the arena, many denizens of "the West" react to the show as imperial consumers, not as citizens with a parliamentary right and a democratic duty to question the proceedings. May the results of your present inquiry prove me wrong. Thank you.

Srdja Trifkovic is the foreign affairs editor of Chronicles and the executive editor of the Lord Byron Foundation for Balkan Studies. He is a former correspondent for the BBC, US News and World Report, and the Voice of America.

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nobody ever asked me whether i was, or wanted to be, an "imperial consumer".

my experience at DMS yugo taught someone who believed/believed in very little to believe/believe in even LESS.

hard to describe the feeling of dread at the thought that the country of yugoslavia was trashed:

A)because of clinton's dallying; he needed a diversion, and he sho nuff got one, eh?


B) same reason a dog licks his balls.

BECAUSE HE CAN. because NATO/america was big enough to say "we'll do what we want and y'all cant stop us."

in anticipation of spring's misery, i remain...

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Now, I understand,
Thanks Tgunns.
Kim Arx

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And now take a look at McCain being cheered on Feb. 11, 2000 in
New York by the very same Joe DioGuardi, draped in an Albanian
flag-shawl, at a fundraising rally held across the street from the
senator’s New York City hotel (see the photo). Like father, like
son… like Dole, like McCain.

For more on DioGuardi, check out the Justin Raimondo Feb. 25,
2000 column, “McCain and the KLA Connection,” at the web site.

As for McCain’s KLA connection, perhaps the truth about this
“closet Albanian supporter,” who has now come out in the open, can
help us understand better why the Arizona senator was an even
greater war hawk than Bill Clinton, whom McCain supported and
egged on every step of the way during NATO’s war on Serbia over Kosovo.


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i've never supported a US military action in my life, not vietnam, nicaragua, panama, or any number of others. however, when nato bombed the serbs i was beside myself with joy because i have studied the war in bosnia fairly extensively as a graduate student and i know what criminals the serb nationalists are. not all serbs, just the nationalists. so while it may be true that nato are nazis, what the hell would you call the serbs? and this all sides are guilty stuff is crap because all organizations agree that 90percent of the atrocities committed in bosnis were committed by the same serbs who are now attacking kosovo, or should i say were attacking kosovo, because finally they got a little of their own medicine, they knew no one would stop what they were doing in croatia and bosnia, and now no one will stop what anyone like nato does to them, to bad. and just a tip, the violence will end when milo is gone, not before, because he is the root of it. read a book or two about what happened in bosnia and educate yourself, it would e nice.

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