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Archive through May 10, 1999

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For Zoja:

>Oh, my god, is that the only thing you can do?
>You really got me impressed.... DUH!
>Talking of safe distances, Igor, what might be
>your involvement in all this?

Pretty much nil

>Please, Igor, read your history.

I can't for you see I hate history and know nothing of it so you must teach me and tell me what I do not know.

>Go to Belgrade and experience what it's all
>like, or better yet, be a man and join the
>military in Serbia.

I would be part of what you call the 3rd call, should it God forbid come to that, I will join.

>Don't tire us with propaganda, please. It's such
>old news!

Pardon your highness, it was not my intention to raise subjects concerning the Balkans which you know nothing of.

>Better join the sensible discussions on this
>board, or don't you have the guts to do that?

Well if I truly wanted to join the sensible discussions then I would not be talking to you would I now?

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To Zoja:

>Please, learn to read, and find yourself
>something useful to do. By now everybody can
>recite the Serbian propaganda by heart.

I seem to have never learnt it, but seeing how everyone, including yourself knows it then could you please recite it for me?

>Just make a file with the standard propaganda
>text, save it to your hard disk, and put that on
>the board, every time. It will save you the
>trouble of typing the same words over and over

Is that how you work? I would just hate to be a copycat.

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Kiss My Ass

I got out of school and I was feeling kinda down,
I thought I'd join the Army just to take a look around.
I went on down to the recruiter man
And that's when all my troubles began.

Well, I've been up, down and around
This country more than a couple of times,
But I never knew until I got into the Army
That thinking for yourself was a crime.

Get over here, stand over there,
Let's see your identification.
Shut your mouth, son, get back in line,
We're sending you to Yugoslavia.

Well, they gave me some shoes that hurt my feet
They gave me some food not fit to eat,
They told me that I wasn't fighting alone,
They sent me to Belgrade and they stayed home.

Well, I've been up, down and around
This country more than a couple of times,
But I never knew until I got into the Army
That thinking for yourself was a crime.

Get over here, stand over there,
Let's see your identification.
Shut your mouth, son, get back in line,
We're sending you to Yugoslavia.
All right.

One, two, three, four,
We don't want your fuckin' war,
A, B, C, D,
Get someone else, hey don't get me,
Left, right, left, right,
You know the whole damn thing puts me uptight.

I done my duty and I fought my fight
And I thought I knew I was doing right,
But that's all over, I'm free at last,
An' if they want any more, they can kiss my ass.

'Cause I've been up and down and around
This country more than a couple of times,
But I never knew until I got into the Army
That thinking for yourself was a crime.

Get over here, stand over there,
Let's see your identification.
Shut your mouth, son, get back in line,
We're sending you to Yugoslavia — like hell.

Country Joe
adpt.w/o permission

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To Emina
Thank you,but I am speaking with my family everyday.

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Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. But Milosevics motto is "Practice makes perfect".

Real cool, Slick Willie, you bombed the Chinese Embassy. I have always believed the words of that great American, George Carlin, "There are some words that just don't go together. Words like JUMBO shrimp and military intelligence." You have once again proven that good comedy has a basis in fact.
Will the NSA, or CIA agent monitoring this communication please forward this to Bill for me?

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Hey dare Guido,
I think the message boards are the most free anyone has ever been. Not because any government set it up. Not because any one corporation set it up. Because the hippies and nerds set it up.
I can imagine that scareing the begeezus out of you. Your New World Order is a falsehood, yet your uniform and badge keeps you in line. Against every force in the universe you struggle for order. Without this false order you stress. Well bubba jr. the universe is chaos, on purpose.
So don't paint your pictures black and white, or its a lie. As with this conflict there is an underlying reason not told by CNN or Fox!
So I would welcome civil debate, preferably to brainstorm ideas to create a consenses for all involved.
So try not to put anyone in your steriotypical box. No one wants the bombing. No one is dealing with the illegal acts of NATO, US, KLA or Serbia. So once again the Klintoonites and GOPers follow without question. Bad Serbs, Must Kill, Follow the Leader, Follow, Follow, Follow, Follow, Follow the Yellow Prick, Toad!
Or think for yourself, objectively.

Peace or WoD

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You said,
"I think the message boards are the most free anyone has ever been. Not because any government set it up. Not because any one corporation set it up. Because the hippies and nerds set it up."

I agree wholeheartedly DDC, I think the www is the most important advance in freedom of speech in the history of the world.

"I can imagine that scareing the begeezus out of you."

No way. I love it.

"Your New World Order is a falsehood, yet your uniform and badge keeps you in line. Against every force in the universe you struggle for order."

It isn't my new world order DDC. It is the beginning of the end. The anti-Christ will soon reveal himself and the whole world will rally behind him. Fools like you will be first in line.

"Without this false order you stress."

Sorry DDC you lost me on that one. Was it Indica you smoked before you wrote this? Pretty heady stuff dude.

"Well bubba jr. the universe is chaos, on purpose."

I hate Bill Clinton, So you hit a nerve there Slob Milo Jr.. The universe is not in chaos, it is all following a set course. Everything is happening right on schedule, according to Gods plan.

"So don't paint your pictures black and white, or its a lie."

Good is good and evil is evil DDC.

"As with this conflict there is an underlying reason not told by CNN or Fox!"

You are right, it is all part of His plan.

"So I would welcome civil debate, preferably to brainstorm ideas to create a consenses for all involved."

Your opinion, like mine, means nothing. You already have a storm in your brain though.

"So try not to put anyone in your steriotypical box."

I would think a head would know how to spell stereo. You don't fit in my stereotypical box DDC.

"No one wants the bombing. No one is dealing with the illegal acts of NATO, US, KLA or Serbia."

Satan wants the bombing. He loves people like you too. The trials after the war will judge the actions of all involved. It is not for you or me to judge.

"So once again the Klintoonites and GOPers follow without question. Bad Serbs, Must Kill, Follow the Leader, Follow, Follow, Follow, Follow, Follow the Yellow Prick, Toad!"

Sorry you lost me again in your senseless ranting. I have no idea what a yellow prick toad is. Do you see them often when you partake of the noble weed?

"Or think for yourself, objectively."

I will do that DDC. It sure as hell beats having people like you thinking for me. Keep posting though, you give me lots of laughs.

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Hey, what can I say, s h i t happens. If it didn't, there would be no DDCs, Majas, or Nicks in the world.

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Bomb all of Serbia and let God sort them out.
I feel so sorry for the Serbian people, everyone seems to pick on them for NO REASON, they never do anything wrong, and they are fed so much propaganda they can go weeks without food.
If some of you don't agree with me, that is your privilege, you have your feeling and I for reasons have mine.

Also, Milosevic told people the other day that the KLA had been defeated in Kosovo, that is a long way from the truth.

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Will Montenegro be next?

Montenegro patriots defy call-up, by Carolin Davies
in Cetinje
Posted Friday, May 07, 1999 - 19:02 EDT by MNNews
Resistance is fiercest in Cetinje, capital of the old Kingdom of Montenegro. Vigilantes here have turned away soldiers and vow to take up arms if necessary. Call-up papers have been delivered to 2,200 men in Cetinje, a town of 13,000 people. Only 70 have accepted. Bozidar Bogdanovic, 43, a
cafe owner and vigilante said: "They (Yugoslavian solders) come at midnight and post the papers under the door because they are scared.
They don't want to see us face to face."

After destroying Kosovo, he says, the Serbs "probably think they can do the same to Montenegro. But throughout history, Montenegrins have risen to defend their families and to defend their country." He says that his organisation,
Free Montenegro, has 15,000 members - "men aged 15 to 55 who are ready to die for Montenegro". Of course they are armed, he says. "It's a tradition of Montenegrin history.
We are born with guns and we are dying with guns."

Up to 200 of these resistance volunteers are training in the mountains, he says, being instructed by former army officers. Mr Bogdanovic will not divulge details of weapons, and it is impossible to verify his claims of such a large,
organised resistance movement. Other locals say the figures are exaggerated. He said:"'You will see, when the moment comes. And I believe that moment is not too far way..."

To Read more


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JAW and the riot crew... May God keep you in the palm of his hand on this Blessed day... Get a hold of someone when you can... Love you more, brother...:) lynnie

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Let's be really realistic. Saying the coordinates were mixed and instead of some HQ an embassy was hit. There are millions and millions of coordinates in Serbia. What is a possibility for those coordinates to be the ones of Chinese embassy? So small it is not worth mentioning. It was either the deliberate attact of NATO or they have Serb agents in CIA. Whatever is the case, it is not statisticly possible that when coordinates were mixed those of embassy came about. Anyone who knows a little mathematics knows that.

To somebody who called me ugly and fat. You can just wish you had a woman like me. If your wife is ugly and fat, that does not mean all women are.

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Igor says : " I guess the only thing that I can respond with is that the KLA and Albanians have killed thousands of Albanians themselves, in fact, that was mostly the KLA's objective - to kill all those who did not fully agree with it. And don't even get me started on blood feuds."

Read this and other stupidity
posted by IGOR
on SAT. MAY.08.99

Entertain yourselves.

Thanx for the remarks IGOR - you make my point for me.

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And Guido, you asked who started this war? This war, anyway NATO calls it a conflict, was started by NATO. It wasn't a war before, it was an internal conflict. 1.500 dead in a year ( half of them killed by KLA ) is not a war. That's how many get killed in Washington D. C. in a year. What western newspapers are writing now: NATO HAS TURNED A DISASTER INTO A CATASTROPHY.

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