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Archive through May 10, 1999

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Reputable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 266

I agree, I don't think it was a mistake.

NATO deliberately bombed the Chinese embassy.

Now, will a Serb-Lover please explain WHY ?

I'll give you some possibilities :

1. To start WW III on purpose, so we can finish you off with a limited nuclear warhead.

2. The Chinese are offering diplomatic coverage to Arkan's pussycats.

3. To have the Chinese apply pressure to stop the bombing.

Pariah's of the world : BAGHDAD, BELGRADE, BEJING.

Again - if deliberate : WHY ?

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To see who wants to eliminate the other ethnic group in Kosovo, watch the CNN documentary called The valley. It was made about two, three months ago and shows that Serbs said they have no problem living with Albanians as long as they don't attact them, and Albanians say they want to kill all Serbs. One old man said he can not die in peace as long as all Serbs are not dead. But like I said, those who wish misery upon other become miserable themselves. And more and more people realize Albanians will not go back to Kosovo and they can kiss their Great Albania goodbye.

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Jack, after thinking about it and discussing it over and over again, I do not know why it happened. Deliberate, for sure, why, I still have not found out. If I do, I will make sure I let you know.

And I do see many more possibilities as you do.

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The embassy used to be a military storehouse. It was outdated intelligence. Or maybe it was just payback for stealing our nuclear secrets.

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Yeah right. Even if it was a storage once, though I doubt it, that was a fact three years ago. I can understand NATO bombing empty buildings not knowing military left them moths ago, but an embassy that you can find on any civil map of Belgrade ( and military map aswell ). You Americans, most of you, are simply stupid if that was a mistake ( like I said it is statistically impossible that the mistake was made on the Chinese embassy ). Just like with bombing of a train. The train scedue is public, and I was able to obtain the information when that train was crossing the bridge. If I could Americans could aswell.

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Choice for today :

(a) Baghdad, Belgrade, Bejing

(b) Boats, Beaches, Bars & Ballads.

Things that make you go hhmmmmmmm 🙂

'B' nice to each other...... I'm out of here.

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Its good to know you still have good contact with your family.It makes me really happy to hear that.


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Just want to know for sure was the piece you wrote cinical ment or not?

Cause in my opinion there are a lot of innocent Serbian people.There are innocent people in every conflict.


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DID you get my messages.
Sorry can't be on long much today.
If you did please fax me back.


Ps or say yes on the board

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What are they moaning about anyway i told them yesterday already that NATO admitted hitting the chinese ambassy. So if they admit it it's not on purpose otherwise why on earth atmit the whole thing.


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All you American soldiers in the Kosovo area don't forget to call your mothers today, it is Mothers Day.

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Posts: 137

Yes, the white people of the united states killed all of the native americans. You can see by this URL that there are none of them left.

Estimable Member
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Posts: 137

Try this URL to see how poorly the few native american survivors are treated. Use the e-mail address to ask them how they are doing, and if they hate the USA government.

I'm sorry this isn't Kosovo related, but I'm tired of the Serbs throwing it up in my face.

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D-S, you're dying for it, but it won't happen; sorry.

As for our "novelist"Jack L. - thank you for the Igor advice; he's as good as you'll ever be.

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Posts: 333

An Accord Agreed by All


Effective control of the media by the Clinton White House ensured that the prevailing opinion before the start of the NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia
was that the Yugoslav Government had rejected all attempts to negotiate an agreement on the future of Kosovo. The so-called Rambouillet Accords had been
offered to the Yugoslavs and rejected, leaving NATO no option but to start aerial bombardment on March 24, 1999. But that was far from the truth.

On March 15, 1999, meeting in Paris, the key parties to the problem had already reached and signed an “Agreement for Self-Government in Kosmet [Kosovo and
Metohija]”. The agreement was signed in the Albanian, English, Romany, Serbian and Turkish languages. For the Yugoslav side it was signed by Prof. Dr Ratko
Mlarkovic (Vice-President of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and head of the Republic of Serbia delegation); and Prof. Dr Vladan Kutlesic
(Vice-President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia). For the Kosovo and Metohija side it was signed by Sokolj Cuse (Democratic Reform Party of Albanians);
Faik Jashari (Kosovo Democratic Initiative); Vojislav Zivkovic (national community of Serbs and Montenegrins); Zaynelabidin Kureys and Guljbehar Sabovic
(national community of Turks); Ibro Vail (national community of Goranles); Refik Senadovic (national community of Muslims); Ljuann Koka (national community of
Romanies); and Cerin Abazi (national community of Egyptians).

Strategic Policy has obtained a copy of the Agreement which was conducted under the auspices of the members of the Contact Group (and in light of the Contact
Group ministerial meeting in London on January 29, 1999) and the European Union. It recognizes “the need for democratic self-government in Kosmet, including full
participation of the members of all national communities in political decisionmaking”.

The Agreement offers literally everything demanded by the Kosovo community except the demand by the KLA, which drafted the so-called Rambouillet Accords
which were never discussed at all with the Yugoslav Government before being presented to it as à fait accompli two days after the ultimatum had been published as
“the final agreement” in a KLA newspaper in Albania. The Paris Agreement had been the work of moderates and would have effectively blocked the KLA terrorist
organization from achieving its goal: total secession of Kosovo and Metohija.

It gave full internal autonomy to the Kosovars; a free press; unfettered access to international organizations; an independent assembly; an independent judiciary; full
control over local (and locally-appointed) police; and much more. What was important was that this was an agreement which satisfied all main communities in

With this already agreed, was there justification for a military attack?

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