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Archive through May 11, 1999

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Hey, sugarbuzz. good to talk to you, finally. love you, brother... will keep praying for you and your unit.

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Do you actually believe that ANYONE would want to live in a place that's being bombed on a daily basis? Where would you propose that the Serbs would go? Will NATO be assisting them and taking them to the US and Canada? Or will they just be stuck in some nearby country, with little media attention about them, the same way that the Serb refugees from Croatia and Bosnia were treated?

I'll bet that you didn't know that at the beginning of the bombing, Hacim Thaci(sp), (the leader of the KLA) actually told his people to flee from Kosovo. And I'm willing to wager that you have no idea that various radio stations, broadcasting in Albanian- helped to create a panic situation inside Kosovo by telling people that the Serb army was commiting various 'attrocities' and at one point; (as you may remeber from CNN) rumors were flying in the Albanian community (again, thanks to the KLA) that the 'dreaded Arkan' was on the rampage in Kosovo. That led to an even greater exodus of refugees.

I was only to find out later, that Arkan was in fact in Belgrade, at a Rock Concert with his wife and child. Amusingly enough, CNN and the mass media simply stopped saying that he was in Kosovo about that same time.

My point is that you(nor I, for that matter) have no idea what sort of rumors have spread throughout the Albanian community, just as there is absolutely no proof that any attrocities have been commited, just allegations and AMERICAN propaganda.

-On to your next comment-
I happen to be a 'citizen of Earth' who believes that vilence is NOT the way to solve our(or anyone elses) problems. I have taken the defensive stance in this situation because I am part Serb; yet as an American I see that the Serbian people are being demonized, just as the Iraqis were/are being- in order to create public support for the 'US cause' which has nothing to due with Humanitarian Interventions; and everything to do with Politcal Agendas.


To an extent, I can prove that some of these realities are true. I don't have time to get into it now but Chomsky's Propaganda Model is an excellent tool to study the media and its reporting of various issues.

What I reflect is not simply Serb Propaganda. The source who wrote that article is from an AMERICAN orginization, with no particular ties to the Serbian community, other than the fact that they are opposed to our bombing of targets with Depleated Uranium. (NATO has confirmed that they are using DU, by the way) That can and, sadly, will be proven. We will only need to look at future birth rates/ infant mortality rates and birth defect rates of the Yugoslav citizens. Don't take my word for it; go search it up on the web. You may even find one particular site of a Government contractor which claims that they "recycle Uranium" into ammunition. It's America's solution to the mounting nuclear waste disposal problem.

"I've got it!" The dirty polititian said. "We'll give it to someone else, and then make our citizens believe that we're helping these people, while we're actually showering their country with our nuclear waste!"
Gotta love America

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Let me fist begin by telling that i hate facists where ever there from. If there called Hitler, Karadic,Mladic< Milosevic,Even a general in my own family named Dukic,and a whole lot others.

Second of all maybe you did read my previous posts i don't know, but i am helping people from Kosovo already. Both albanian and Serbians.

You say there is no prove of all these horrible claims?

How on earth is it possible then that most people who come in my practice show signs of abuse.
And i can tell you it was not their husband as most woman come here without a husband and same even lost 1 or 2 children.They don't know if their still alive.
Please explain this?

Most are Albanian, but i also get Serbians no abuse but trauma yes. And there i also come in.


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I can say only one thing to you too
1) read all my earlier postings
2) trust me i have been in the field, and no it was not pleasant.
3) If you don't know me well enough don't just judge, but ask first.

BTW I was Only talking about my own practice now. Not even about the rest if you think i sit here comfortably your mistaken.


Ps if all goes well i will be assisting shortly from now in the refugee camps.Just that you know where i come from. I am not allowed into Serbia otherwise i would probably assisting people there too.Do you sprnd a minimum of 56 hours a week working with refugees?

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Media is very biist.You get more from the internet and from people themselves.


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I looked up the url from Radio Liberty for you


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There. I have put it FIVE TIMES at the top so that even guys like Jack London can finally comprehend that some of the information he is arguing about without a leg to stand on stems from a reliable source.

Just that you know London, this site starts like this:

"Information, Activism, and Resistance to U.S. Militarism and War, Linking with Struggles Against Racism and Oppression within the United States"

Founded by Ramsey Clark, Former U.S. Attorney General

Talk about criticising other users' sources...

Anyway, since I started taking the piss out of you, I might as well continue:

"You imply that the refugees are people fleeing from NATO bombs."

No he doesn't. This was written by the site above which is far from Serb propaganda.

"WHERE IS THE SERB EXODUS ? Where is the MASS of SERBIANS fleeing NATO bombs?"

Serbs love their country, I thought you might have understood that already. The fact is you refuse to READ the facts and only are capable to spew your hatred of the Serbs, post after post.

The question you should ask yourself is:


"The bombs are not limited to Kosovo. Belgrade has had a great deal of it"

China did too. Now Clinton says that the Chinese can call him, he's had enough (?)

"but do you see the SERB EXODUS ANYWHERE ? "

You would want that, wouldn't your troops could have an easier time. Serbs have been exterminated for ever and occupied by the Turks for five centuries. A lot of them died for the land, what would be the point of going now, especially since they know they are right to stay ?

"Tell you why. Serbs are not being DEPORTED and MASS EXECUTED / RAPED. The refugees are people fleeing GENOCIDE."

There is no genocide. Again, I refer you to Harrap's or Webster's Dictionary of English for a simple definition (no Serb propaganda, I promise !): Genocide is the systematic elimination of one ethnic group or nation. The refugees are in the camps, your favourite humanitarian mafias (Caritas, CARE, UNHCR) said so. They are alive, for now.

"You quote ONE PERSON who says she is frightened by the bomb. How about the remaining 999,999 people ? "

That is a stupid argument. If you don't think that non-Serbs are scared after all this, you are either insane or braindead. You have no respect for the dead even after NATO's toasted tractor-led convoys and passenger bus kebabs...

Besides, there are 10 million inhabitants out there, not one. Can't even do a simple sum.


Read: agree with me or I will continue to show a condescending obnoxious attitude towards you.

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Emina-Kolina-Zoja-ZPKA, and whatever other names;
it's been established long ago that you are not who you claim to be, neither that you're of the Bosnian origins; so being somebody who is lying
over and over again I really see no reason to consider any of your postings. Not to mention the one about China-the pits! If it wasn't tragically stupid I would have had a good laugh.
It's more than obvious that you are supporting this bombing, occasionally hiding behind some faked compassion, and are generally very mean,
let's not forget what you wished me earlier:

"I wish something really bad to happen to you".

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When I have some free time, I polish my new skills, I do impressions of people. Here's my latest of Jack London:

You Serb lovers
will understand
one day soon
that the bread is burnt

It is Milosevic fault
he left it in the oven
and also the water you need
he peed in it
and you are drinking it

When will you overthrow him
for he has betrayed you
instead of selling Kosovo
to NATO he vowed to resist

The GENOCIDE caused by Serbs
is not your fault but
your army's actions

That is why you will die
and I cannot wait
to see all 10 million
thrive in agony

We are killing your children
to help you understand
that our democracy must rule
for you to be happy

Once Kosovo is ours
and all is left but ruins
we will gladly loan you
money you can't repay

People of Serbia do not fear
we promise to help you
we promise to treat you
at least as well as Bosnian Serbs

(to be read in a melancholic, sad, pathetic and propagandist whimper of a voice)


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You are my favorite waste of time.

You have no cause other than a lost cause.
Yet you hold on, insist, stubborn,
.... very much like a pitbull
Maybe a shot of anti-rabies
will get you off my leg.

I rather you just hang-on,
like the parasite you are.
Do you have a job, Nick?

Need I discuss any further with one
who labels organizations such as
as "humanitarian mafias" ?
Go ahead, piss against the wind - it won't change direction.

International Action Centre ?
Anybody ever heard of this Centre before the war started?

Tell me more about this Centre, Nick.
If you know anything about it,
tell us how it is not a SERB-sponsored site,
anti-bombing hippies that would rather
see Milosovic continue raping and killing
...... undisturbed.

Get this through your head,
I state it without reservation :

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as defined in the

Statue adopted MAY.25.93

Article 4 : Genocide

Sub 2. Genocide means any of the following acts committed with INTENT to destroy, in WHOLE OR IN PART, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) killing members of the group;
(b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life
calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Sub. 3. The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) genocide;
(b) conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) attempt to commit genocide;
(e) complicity in genocide.

Go ahead,
use GENOCIDE to make fun.
Call Caritas, CARE and UNHCR
"humanitarian mafias" if it makes you laugh.
Have your fun now and enjoy it while it lasts
because JUDGE ARBOUR is at the door,
the WORLD stands behind her
(except some pariahs like Baghdad and Bejing)

Guess who'll have the last laugh.

Next : Article 5 / Crimes against humanity

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To Daniela,

Where the hell do you get your facts from? For example Milosevic and his pissy Tigers walked into Croatia during the Croat/Bosnian war claimed and re-named it Krajina and said it was theres. They would claim every bit of Europe if they could. Anyway young Mr. Arkan got caught by the Croats and was taught a lesson or two. But note he was not murdered!!! HE WAS NOT MURDERED!! Pull your finger out of your bum you budala....

Bog i Hrvati i neka spasi Kosovo od Srbije.

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Jack London, you must have got poo in your eyes. Listen, the next time you decide to put your glasses on, the site I mentioned in my previous posting is run by the former US Attorney General,

The site address is:

The organisations are very dodgy indeed. Surely you must have read about the 2 Australian spies using CARE as a cover for their operations in Serbia and Kosovo. One of them confessed spying and that was made public. Since it was even on CNN, I cannot believe you would ignore such public knowledge.

Il Giornale, an international Italian Newspaper, reported on several occasions the smuggling of KLA-bound arms and ammunitions in CARITAS trucks, witnessed by one of their reporters who was accompanying an Albanian KLA soldier travelling from Italy to Kosovo via Durres. This information was reported several days ago by the Italian state TV channel RaiUno.

I am not posting this information for you, I know what you usually make of it. However I am sure that other users will have heard of it already, if not the curious ones will have a look wherever appropriate.

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By the time the war is over, there will be a Greater Albanian Kosovo and Yugoslavia will be a suburb where the remaining Serbians live. Ah ha ha ha ha!!

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Since NATO despite all their shiny spy satellites have not come up with a shred of proof concerning all the crimes Serbs are being blamed for, an insider's opinion is invaluable.

"On the other front - according to the American promise made at the earlier meeting with Mr. Xheladin Gashi, the member of the KLA's general staff and a regional commander, it was decided that one of Britain's top soldiers heads the crack force from which 8,000 Nato troops will be sent to Albania as "part of allied efforts to ease the Kosovan refugee crisis". Major General John Reith, a former Paratroop commander who saw service with
peacekeeping forces in Bosnia, heads the Allied Command Europe – known as ACE – Mobile Force (Land). The unit, based in Heidelberg, Germany,
acts as a watchdog force, ready to pounce in the event of an attack on one of the small states on Nato's southern or eastern periphery.

Inside Kosovo The Sunday Times' reporter - the first Western journalist inside the war torn country - reported on the following (which was published on the Times April 11th addition): "Clearly, the ruthless Serbian war machine is far from crippled. Up here, in this small area of Kosovo between Pec and Istok, it is hammering the remnants of the KLA with impunity. But thousands of civilians are hemmed in by the fighting in this small patch of KLA-held territory. For a week the Serbian military has steadily tightened its grip. As I left precipitately on Thursday night - ordered out by the KLA, which was losing ground and feared for my safety..."

This same reporter - maybe inadvertently - set some light to the Western claim why so many men are missing from the refugees reaching Macedonia or Albania. His report follows: " There were dozens of uniformed KLA fighters in the villages. My impression was that the locals respected the KLA for fighting to keep out the Serbs, but feared its rigid discipline. The guerrilla movement seemed to have eyes and ears everywhere and forbade men of fighting age to leave this part of Kosovo without permission, a restriction that rankled. Virtually KLA fighters drove the only cars on the road. Nobody else had access to fuel."

Those rebels inside Kosovo small in number but not for long, if..... There are already training camps set up, one of them is around Kamenica, where -
according to Marie Colvin, the writer of The Sunday Times - "...Giylsime Rama's squad, part of 150 KLA soldiers based in the Accursed Mountains
that rise along the border between Kosovo and Albania, is training for a coming offensive against the Serbs. Recruits such as Rama are pouring into KLA bases along the border....." ".....Officers and trainees alike are living in spartan conditions in abandoned mining barracks, reached along a rutted, stony track. Bunks have been set up in concrete-floored rooms that are clean but made cold by broken windows. Discipline is strong. The uniforms - many of them US army issue - are new and muddy boots are left in wooden racks at the door of the barracks......."

"We have changed our tactics," the commander said. "Now we have to build an army. This will take time."

So the training outside Kosovo and the fighting inside Kosovo intensifies these days. And something else : On Sunday, April 11, Albania welcomes Nato plans to increase significantly the number of troops in the country after a spate of border incidents in which Kosovan rebels and Albanians came under fire from Serb mortars and machineguns. Observers with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe said that three Albanian civilians and four fighters with the Kosovo Liberation Army were killed after four Albanian villages came under Serb attack.

"After four days of fighting along the border, at least ten wounded Albanian and KLA soldiers were being treated in the Bajram Curri hospital, sparking belligerent statements by the Serb and Albanian Governments and fears that the two countries were sliding into an all-out war." – said Sam Kiley in The Times.

Petro Koci, Albania's Interior Minister more and more nervous, he knows exactly what is going on, so he proclaimed: "Nato needs to intervene to
neutralize the Serb artillery..."

Also on Sunday the Albanian Government meets in emergency session.

In Belgrade, Serbian State television said Albanian forces were supporting an attempted incursion into Kosovo by hundreds of KLA fighters.

The NATO briefs the world: "On the week between 11th and 17th of April about 8,000 troops, mainly Americans, are due to arrive in Albania. They
will be backed by 24 Apache attack helicopters (their arriving time is fixed during this time with no delay on sight) and an additional 82 warplanes. "

On 11th of April, also Sunday, KLA guerrillas and Serb forces traded machine-gun fire near Kamenica in the remote Tropoje border district. While
border clashes are not unusual, the skirmishes of the past 48 hours have been particularly fierce and prolonged so much that "Yugoslavia and Albania
accused each other of risking a wider war in the Balkans". (Express 04-12-1999)

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