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Archive through May 13, 1999

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To Daniela,


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NATO and their humanitarian goals were clearly stated: "we will destroy strictly military objectives to prevent Serbs from making war on Kosovars".

Next was the organised bombing of civilians, refugees and utilities.

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Serbs are patriots and do not flee their country and do not call upon the world to bomb it either. But there are mothers who took their children to safety. And there was no humanitarian agency to help them. They have to pay for their accomodatioan and food. They are not so worth of help as Albanians are. Anyway, America demands patriotism and willingness to defend the country from it's own citizens. I would strongly recommend Milosevic to make the same constitutional change. There is no way back for traitors.

And another atrocity, read stupidity story. An Albanian woman saying that a Serbian soldier raped her in order to impregnante her. Serbs wanting to make new Albanians? Yeah right.

One more stupidity. NATO wants all Serb soldiers out before it starts talking peace. Well, they go out, they start talking peace, and peace mission and such. Before they are deployed it takes months and in that time KLA takes over Kosovo. It will never happen. I hope NATO realizes that now. Anyway, Washington media reporting Clinton wants out praying to god Chernomirdin gets some kind of deal to save NATO's face. Which is in mud anyway.
They can destroy but they can not win.

And one more, Greek lawyers will try Clinton and his company in Haag.

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12 May 1999,
NATO Headquarters, BRUSSELS

NATO Media Release

NATO alliance issued today clear directives to the world media. All
national media in all countries around the world have to show a minimum
of 5 minutes of crying Albanian refugees during every TV News. The
national media of non-Western countries which do not have their own
journalists in Albania must take the Reuters, CNN, API or BBC wire
material and video footage.

National media of non-Western countries are encouraged to combine the
video footage from the Yugoslavia-Albania border with their own
anti-Serb commentary. This video footage must be repeated in every News
throughout the day.

The countries which do not observe this directive will be black-listed
and may incur the wrath of the NATO alliance when it decides to check
their part of the world.

The first sign of the Western displeasure with your national media will
be to call them "state-controlled" and "propaganda machine", to be
followed by more severe qualifications. If the national media do not
comply even after the repeated signs of the Western displeasure, they
may be bombed off air. The leaders of those countries will then be held
responsible for this bombing.

The national media of China, Russia, Greece and India are particularly
on notice because of their failure in the past to fulfill the 5 minute

Once the war is won by the Western alliance, these media directives will
be revised.

NATO Press Secretary
Jamie O'Shea

P.S. I dropped the O' to succeed in England

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Early this morning, students in ChenDu, a Southwest city of China,
send an appology letter to President Clinton and American people for the
accident of burning down the US consulate in that city days ago:

"We, the students in ChenDu, hereby sincerely express our deep sorrow
to the US goverment. We were participating a rubbish-cleaning campaign
in the last few days, and wanted to burn some trash. but because of an
outdated intellegence, we burned your consulate by mistake. The city map of
Chendu of 1972 shows that your consulate location was a trash dump. This
accident was caused by inaccurant information and false operation. please trust
us, it was not our intention to burn your consulate. we will look
forward for a good relationship between us in the future.

However, we still have to carry on our rubbish-cleaning campaign in a
deeper order. we will try our best to avoid such accidents happening
again, and we appologize for this terrible mistake, we are deeply sorry.
This is abolutely a tragic mistake."

student representive

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By Ralph G. Kershaw
Exclusive to the SPOTLIGHT
May 17, 1999

Demonstrators picketing an appearance by President
Clinton has become a common occurrence. The night of
May 1 was no exception.

Arrayed in front of the Hilton Hotel at the corner of
Connecticut and Florida Avenues in downtown Washington
was a group of some 40 conservative demonstrators
representing the Free Republic organization.

Across Florida Avenue was a smaller group of left-wing
demonstrators representing the Institute for Public
Accuracy (IPA).

The demonstrators were there to show their opposition
to the bombing of Yugoslavia as tuxedo- and evening
gown-clad guests dutifully streamed into the Hilton
ballroom to attend another sanctimonious White House
Correspondents' Dinner.

Although from opposite poles of the political spectrum,
both messages were clear: The war in Yugoslavia was
Clinton's War.

The Free Republic picket signs read: "Monica's War" and
"It Takes a War to Raze a Village." The IPA was content
to hand out leaflets to the banqueteers calling for an
end to the illegal bombing of Yugoslavia. One of the
IPA members wore a Mardi Gras-size mask of Clinton with
giant-size hands waving to the incoming dinner guests.
The Clinton figure at times engaged in typical
Clintonian double-speak to the amusement of passing
pedestrians but much to the chagrin of the White House
advance team of political operatives and Secret Service
agents nervously pacing back and forth in front of the

Clinton arrived late to the banquet because he did not
want to be put in the position of having to shake hands
with one of the honorees--Newsweek's chief Lewinsky
investigator Michael Isikoff.

A carnival-type atmosphere pervaded this area until
some less than amused members of the Washington
Metropolitan Police decided to harass the
demonstrators. The first target was the IPA's Clinton
figure. He and his associates were told to move across
the street with the Free Republic group.

The conservative group, which possessed a legal permit
to demonstrate on their corner and had earlier given
author Christopher Hitchens a round of cheers and
applause, welcomed the paper mache Clinton refugee with
open arms. However, when the Clinton figure moved back
across the street, he was quickly pounced on by three
D.C. policemen and arrested.

Free Republic members shouted, "You're arresting the
wrong Clinton!" as police forcibly removed the Clinton
mask and handcuffed the demonstrator, pushing him into
the back of a waiting patrol car.

Having eliminated the IPA's Clinton mascot from the
scene, the jack-booted D.C. police political enforcers
trained their sights on the Free Republic protesters on
the other side of Florida Avenue.

HERO Just as it seemed that the wrists of the Free
Republic demonstrators and the remaining IPA
demonstrators were going to feel the cold handcuffs of
the DC. Metro Police, to the rescue appeared Rep. Bob
Barr (R-Ga.)

Before heading into the Hilton, Barr and his wife came
down the street to greet the demonstrators. While Barr
was speaking to the gathering protesters, a few police
tried to break up the conclave.

Once the police realized that one of the people they
were ordering to disperse was a member of Congress,
they resumed their defensive position across Florida
Avenue. Barr then proceeded to the hotel amid the
cheers and applause of the gathered demonstrators.

So what did the White House's show of force result in?
The IPA, outraged that their protester had been
arrested, discovered that Free Republic had shot a
video of the incident. Phone numbers were exchanged
between the groups. Once again, the Cliintonista
apparatchiks managed to forge yet another alliance
between the right and the left.

It's a kind of unity that only an administration with
totalitarian intentions can consummate.

Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for
the educational purposes of research and open

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Six days prior to her death in NATO's barbaric raids
against Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia, Shao Yunhuan, a
correspondent with Chinese official Xinhua news agency,
wrote an article entitled " When will NATO Stop its
'Accidental Mistakes'?", in which she angrily
questioned: "With its continued air raids, how many
more 'mistakes' will NATO make? How many more innocent
civilians in Yugoslavia will be killed in these
'unavoidable mistakes?'"

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To Aphroditis

You made my day! When I read your posting to Emina, I mearly pissed in my pants with laughter!

Look who's talking! I bet you never saw a refugee in your life, let alone a bomb, or an angry soldier raping your girlfriend and torturing you. You support a regime who does that on a massive scale, and you wine about those few bombs???? Get real.

Besides, haven't you ever heard of the oath of your fellow countryman Hippocrates?? Guess not. Think about it.


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To Sergey

It may sound terrible to you what I said about the Chinese embassy, so let me try to explain.

I don't care much about them being bombed, because an embassy is filled with representatives of a regime, in this case the Chinese. They are there for an official diplomatic purpose. They are very aware that they can get hit when there is a war on. So,they are not helpless civillians caught in the middle. Remember Tien A Min square.


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To Sergey.

We had the fourth and the fifth of May to remember the second world war here, and celebrate liberation, but actually I was not in such spirit to celebrate liberation day. Too many similar stories and similar pictures about this recent war, I guess.

I think it would be great if more Russians remembered our forefathers and mothers uniting to beat the Nazis. I wish we would all be so united now. Does it really have to ge that bad again, before that happens? Do the Serbs really have to rape, murder, and torture, and put into camps at least six million people before everyone agrees that this Nazi regime has to go??

I personally commemorated other things these days, and that is the birthdays of my two nieces, and my brother in law, killed by Serbs, for not agreeing with them.


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Madeleine's War,3266,24446,00.html

Peace not WoD

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>>I don't care much about them being bombed, because an embassy is filled with representatives of a regime, in this case the Chinese.

Zoja, I must be very much mistaken. I probably misread somewhere that you were a journalist or something. I see now no editor could employ you. And you really disappoint me. They were people, not "representatives of a regime". Why do you get surprised then that your sister is abused here? People may consider her an "enemy", not a woman, a human being.
The sorriest thing is that this time you start.
I remember someone say "Hatred is not my recknik"

>>They are there for an official diplomatic purpose. They are very aware that they can get hit when there is a war on.

So to your mind "diplomatic purpose" is to get killed. Nice view on politics.
You sure don't realize it, but diplomats live on a foreign territory and are in fact hostages. I think that it's fear and a sense of inferiority that make you abuse the Chinese. What makes you feel inferior? Why should you be this way?

>> So,they are not helpless civillians caught in the middle.

Were they armed, Zoja? Did they store nuclear missiles in the embassy? Where were they caught, if not in the middle?

>> Remember Tien A Min square.

You suggest eye for an eye?

>>It may sound terrible to you what I said about the Chinese embassy, so let me try to explain

I'm dumb and whatever you may think, but you didn't suceed in making yourself clear.

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>>I think it would be great if more Russians remembered our forefathers and mothers uniting to beat the Nazis.

You go on joking on a lot of subjects, Zoja, but don't you fiddle with this, dear. ALL Russians remember how WE beat nazi. And I'm perfectly sure that if you come from Kosovo you owe your life fully to the Serbian partisans who were a pest on the nazi.

>>I wish we would all be so united now.

You are talking fascism. You approve of bombing Belgrade. Of killing diplomats on the ground that they work in a country where america doesn't keep its embassy. You know perfectly well that I'm against driving Albanians from their homes. I'm for giving them all autonomy they (you) want.
You contradict yourself, you don't REALLY think of uniting with anybody. I'm sorry to see that, as your sister said it ( it's a quotation from her, not my abusing you) you'd "like to make love to Clinton" rather than unite for peace.

>>Does it really have to ge that bad again, before that happens? Do the Serbs really have to rape, murder, and torture, and put into camps at least six million people before everyone agrees that this Nazi regime has to go??

See what I meant? It's not only inferiority, but nationalism (and that's where the word NAZI comes from) that speak in you. You deliberately say that it's serbs that "rape, kill,..." , no one makes you say that. You'll be sorry later.

You omitt the fact that not ALL Serbs are agains Albanians (you talked to adriana, if she's not a ghost), you know that many of them turned against Albanians AFTER tha bombing started. It's that same "eye for an eye" politics. It's not good. But it'll live until people exercise it. And you do.

All "regimes " tend to be nazi. ALL regimes have to go. Don't make yourself part of NATO regime.

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weather you believe it or not Some Serbian people did flee.
You know why because they opened their mouthagainst brutalities commited by the army, police, Arkan .They had the guts to speak.Speak in the open. Now there partly here.
Yes i have a waiting list. Thank god no not al serbians, but for those who did flee its bad enough dont you think.That counts btw for both sides

Ps it was not UCK who drove them out.WOrse their own country mates.

Where you one of them Nick?

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Borrowed it from Jack:

Last part is mine, you know behind the comma.


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