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Archive through May 13, 1999

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First of all i said long before you were out of dipers that im not very happy with the bombing!!

1) Atleast im doing something
How many people have you killed as you support Milosevic's regime? I think estimation here 600.000....?


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First of all i said long before you were out of diapers that im not very happy with the bombing!!

1) Atleast im doing something
How many people have you killed as you support Milosevic's regime? I think estimation here 600.000....?


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Daniela has no facts, she has no brain.As she counts a spelling mistsake of my sister for a name.
She still can't comprehense that i had to change my name, wrote it even on the board i wanted to be honest.
She is just,naive and so on
Dont get uptight with her fews noone here really cares anymore.


PS Still have to thank you for sticking up for me.

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jjeeee you know what i found out...........

Maja is my laxative everytime i read her messages i rush to the toilet and........YES ANOTHER ONE!


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To Sergey.

Sorry if it is not clear to you. I thought by now you would have understood from my previous postings, I am not wild about bombing either. But as I saw though the years how things progressed in former Yugoslavia, I hold the opinion that somebody had to do something finally.

Armed conflict always has to be the last resort. thoughout the years I always thought: "If Mandela can do it, why can't it happen in former Yugoslavia?" Looking back now, I think the answer is that at a point, the Botha gouvernment started talking. Seriously talking, facing an all out civil war otherwise with a group forming the majority of the nation. In the case of the wars in former Yugosalvia, it was always UN and NATO talking one sidedly to regimes with only their OWN agenda in mind. No real serious talking was ever done on the other side, dispite all the retoric, and the show.

Let me explain some more also on my opinion of the bombing of the Chinese embassy. Stupid of Nato to bomb them, ofcourse. No doubt about that one. But beware that diplomats are there on behalf of the regime. They are sent there by the Chinese government to represent China's interests, meaning China's commercial trade as well as political interests. So, they have an offical role to play, and in a war situation, they know, sad or not, they can be at risk.

What disgusts me in this whole situation is that as soon as one bomb drops on something Chinese, all of a sudden, the whole country is in uprising. Just listen to the Chinese gouvernment talk about human rights, while they commit so many themselves.

It seems to me this bombing suits the Chinese gouverment very well to distract the attention from events like Tien A Min square, where so many students were killed for expressing their opinion.

Please don't be fooled into fhinking I am dependent on America to do the thinking for me. I already said repeatedly in earlier postings that I think all regimes, democratic or not. have dirty hands and are guilty of double standards.

Just look at this:

When the students were killed in Beijing, the whole Western world, America first, issued all kinds of sanctions, even had a diplomatic crisis, and intense talks about it. Everybody shouted from the rooftops how disgusting it was.

And now you can see Clinton groveling in the dirt to apologise to the Chinese regime. All the harsh words and moral standards are forgotten. All in the name of trade, and out of fear that China would back up Serbia. While on the other hand all the harsh language about human right's abuse go to Serbia this time. Talking about double standards!

I am really not joking when I say I wish we all would be united about beating the Nazis. I consider the Serbian regime (note: I say the Serbian REGIME) Nazis, becaues of the things I see and hear, as I keep on saying, not from just one news source.

Think about this. Everybody in world war 2 fought hard against the Nazis. Hell, Jewish people even came to get their own country, finally and very much justified. But what happens? The Jews start killing Palestinians by their thousands, and everybody looks the other way!

Some weeks ago a Dutch Journalist, who worked in Israel for quite a number of years, raising a family there, being married to a Jewish guy, did some serious research into this subject, and wrote a book about it. She could not print it in Israel, but had to divert to Holland to do it. Now, going back to Israel, she fears persecution.

You know why I am telling you this? Because the very same thing happened with Serbia. They fought side by side against the nazis, and went on committing the same attrocities themselves, while the West looked comfortably the other way for a very long time.

It's all the regimes, who do that, mind you. No ordenary Jew, American, Serb, Palestinian, who ever, is asking for war. The regimes that appoint themselves, and even the ones who get chosen, have normally only one thing on their minds: 'how can I get more powerful and more rich?! It's only lucky if one of these regimes happens to serve you interest, not the goodness of their hearts.

Last of all, I absolutely disagree with you that the attrocities of the Serbian regime started after the bombing started. No way! There are facts enough to show they started long before that. Even the plans for the genocide were worked out a couple of years ago already.

Hope this posting is more clear!


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JAW get ahold of me when you can... Need my brother! love ya, miss ya.

Love, lynnie

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"CL: The first thing you would advocate is get the hell out and leave
them alone?

DN: At the very least. If I were in a position to contribute to a solution to
their problems, I would see their solution coming through the unification
of the Balkan working class--finding some way to reforge the unity that
was shattered through the IMF and the various nationalist cliques among
them. The Croatian worker, the Serb worker, the Albanian worker--they
all have the same problems. Certainly there is much to be learned from
their past history to show the benefits of a voluntary amalgamation of all
these different populations into a unified entity, on a democratic basis.
That would lead to a much more progressive solution than war, which
only impoverishes the Balkan peninsula.

Caller: I want to call Bill Clinton and give him my opinion. This war
has me really upset. I wondering what would be the best thing? And
do you have the number off hand?

DN: Leave the Balkan people alone. Stop bombing them!

CL: Let me read something from your web site: "What sort of
'independence' could be possible for Kosovo? It would be, from the
first hour of its existence, nothing more than an impotent
protectorate of US and European imperialism. And what sort of
economic, social and cultural progress would be possible within this
landlocked and impoverished mini-state? Those raw materials that
are to be found within its borders--i.e., coal, zinc, manganese,
copper, bauxite--would be integrated quickly into the holdings of the
massive transnational conglomerates."

DN: I agree with it. I'm glad I wrote it. We know that the Europeans are
forming their economic unit, the US has always had the advantage of its
continental existence. So how can the interests of the Balkan people be
expressed in the existence of a dozen mini-states?

CL: I found it very interesting that when Ron Brown's plane went
down in Yugoslavia, this was at a time that there was already
warfare in some of the Balkan provinces, and here we have Ron
Brown with 34 businessmen. What in hell were they doing there if
not looking for ways to carve up the country and exploit it for their
own interests?

DN: I'm certain it wasn't to bring peace and goodwill among men.

CL: If that plane had gone down with people teaching conflict
resolution, it would have been far more indicative ...

DN: You might have noticed in yesterday's Wall Street Journal that
Bechtel has signed a very large contract with Croatia. There are many
corporations which are going to enrich themselves on the basis of this
war. That is a fact.

CL: That goes far beyond the defense industry that's going to make
money replacing all the weapons.

DN: It seems that this war is costing $1 billion a month, being paid really
by the American working people. It's really a misuse of the resources of
the people.

CL: This is the same time we are cutting back on welfare and
cutting back on all sorts of social benefits, and we can't afford
decent healthcare for our people because we don't have money.

DN: Every cruise missile is probably more than the annual budgets of
many public schools in this country.

CL: What haven't we covered yet?

DN: This war marks a major turning point in world politics. It marks a
recrudescence of imperialism in its most violent forms. This war seems to
have taken broad masses of people by surprise, but I would hope that it
leads to a reexamination of political perspective and a rebirth of political
thought. I think the great issue is that we need an alternative to the
Democratic and Republican parties. I should make the point that the
World Socialist Web Site is affiliated in the US with the Socialist
Equality Party, and we are seeking to build an independent political party
of the working class as part of an international movement of the working
class. Our movement, again, is not a national movement, but an
international movement.

CL: I think it's important to note here that since the media is
controlled, since the polls are done by the media for the media, the
bottom line is we really don't know how the American people feel
about this conflict. I think that if you talk to your friends and
neighbors, there' s very little support for this war and yet there's
nothing we presently can do about it.

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Code name "Roots"- a covert action by the CIA prepared the war the objective is the destruction of Yugoslavia though loss
of Kosovo, Montenegro and
the Vojvodina.

Under the "Roots" operations, the USA has since the beginning of the first term of Clinton's Administration, been working -
in close collaboration with
Germany - on this covert action of the CIA and the DIA, and supported by the German secret service. The objective of
"Roots" is the military and ethnic
destabilization of Yugoslavia, the last bastion of resistance in the Balkans.

The objective of "Roots'" is the dissociation of Kosovo as the principal source of raw materials for Yugoslavia though a
comprehensive autonomy, by
Albanian annexation or total independence; the secession of Montenegro, its the only remaining access to the Adriatic and
the dislocation of Vojvodina the
"bread basket" and another source of raw materials for Yugoslavia leading to the total collapse of Yugoslavia as a viable,
industrial state.

Behind this action is Germany's and the USA's fear that Yugoslavia will ally itself with Russia and other former Soviet states
once Yeltsin is replaced by
communist and nationalist forces in the near future. [ ... ]

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Emina-Kolina-Zoja-ZPKA, and whatever other names;
it's been established long ago that you are not who you claim to be, neither that you're of the Bosnian origins; so being
somebody who is lying
over and over again I really see no reason to consider any of your postings. Not to mention the one about China-the pits!
If it wasn't tragically stupid I would have had a good laugh.
It's more than obvious that you are supporting this bombing, occasionally hiding behind some faked compassion, and are
generally very mean,
let's not forget what you wished me earlier:

"I wish something really bad to happen to you".

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Today's list of military targets cluster bombed by NATO's brave pilots:

-Youth settlement "July 7th" near Paracin: 15 missiles
-Vladicin Han: two persons killed, three injured

-Bogutovac village: 2 missiles

-Biljanovac village: 4 missiles

-Pristina area: 18 missiles in 1.5 hour

-Ponikve: 2 missiles

-Pozega: 3 missiles

-Radinac village: 1 missile

-Wider Sjenica area: several missiles; 3 attacks in 1.5 hours; cluster bombs

-Kutlovac Hill near Stari Trg (strong concentration of Albanians : 6 missiles

-Gnjilane (Kosovo)

-Milosev village

-Donje Ljupce village, Kosovska Kamenica

-Kutlovac hill

-Babin Most village (Kosovo)

-Leskovac village: 5 missiles

-Nis: several missiles, cluster bombs

-Leposavic (primary school): several missiles

-Nis (again): several missiles, cluster bombs


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Today I have witnessed in the western media ( BBC and SKY ) what I have been telling all along. Two Albanian refugees ( one each television one ) saying NATo has done no good and they would be better off if they had not even stratred. First one. And the second one. All they have managed to do is piss off Serbs completely and then left us at their mercy. Solana, Blair and other warmongers should stop touring camps cause I suspect many feel the same and will eliminate them. They will get a medal from me.

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Hmmm, according to my intelligence report there is a Yugoslavian ammunition storage facility located under the Russian Embassy. Oh well, I'll just have my puppet NATO bomb it into oblivion. After all, no country, China or Russia has the balls to F##k with NATO. Only an ignorant backwards country like Yugoslavia would be stupid enough to do that.

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Enough is Enough
Come on NATO (USA) you have done enough damage,give the poor civilians a rest.

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Nick, you Serb D-i-c-k,
We won this war yesterday.
Nothing you do or say
will change that.
Have some taco, from the Mexican soldiers.

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Yeah, I now feel like
stepping outside and giving my dog
some Kal Kan and MILK.
much unlike the Serb Murdering Bastards
are getting.

Maybe we can stop the bombing now,
but .... I don't quiet feel like it.

The sonofbitches deserve to be punished some more
Before international law applies to them
because international law is too soft on MURDERDERS!

No. Let's just keep bombing these NAZI's until
that we have had enough,
so they LEARN
something about .... ABUSE.

How does it feel like being abused?

Want to sue us?

Fukk you !

Now We Abuse You Like
You Abused Them!

Go Eat Shi-t M-ohterfuc-kers!

We'll se you until we have enough.

Feel what it feels like to be at the receiving end.

And don't come cryin for mercy - a-ssholes.

This is what you have been doing to others.

Now it is your turn.

Eat ... s-h-i-t ... and die!

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