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Archive through May 14, 1999

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Some info I came across...

THE GLOBE AND MAIL, Monday, May 10, 1999

Montenegrin editor plans escape from Yugoslav army

Media in rebellious republic buckling under military crackdown
Geoffrey York

Podgorica, Montenegro -- Nebojsa Redzic is a fugitive from the Yugoslav
army. At night, he hides in a secret apartment. In the daytime, he slips
quietly through the streets of Montenegro's capital, trying to avoid the
soldiers who have been searching for him for weeks.

Today he plans to make a dangerous dash for freedom. He will try to
reach a border crossing and escape from Yugoslavia without being
detected and arrested by Belgrade's loyalists.

Mr. Redzic, the editor-in-chief of Radio Free Montenegro, is one of a
handful of independent journalists here who endure constant pressure and
intimidation from Yugoslavia's powerful army.

He has been threatened with arrest on unknown charges, apparently
triggered by his criticism of the army. He has been described as an
“enemy of the state.” He could even be charged with treason.

His plight is the latest evidence that the Yugoslav military is
launching a new crackdown on its opponents in Montenegro, the small
mountainous republic that has become the last fragile outpost of
democracy in the Yugoslav federation.

As the Kosovo war continues, the army is trying to impose greater
control on Montenegro's rebellious pro-Western government. About 10,000
troops of the Yugoslav Second Army, who take their orders from Belgrade,
have been deployed in Montenegro. But the republic has its own force, a
well-armed 10,000-member force of special-police troops in camouflage
gear who protect key government buildings, and the two sides remain in
an uneasy standoff.

During the past week, the army has intensified its pressure. It has
blockaded Montenegro's seaport -- its commercial lifeline to the outside
world -- sparking fears of food shortages and industrial shutdowns. It
has raided the offices of the independent media. And now it is forcing
two of Montenegro's leading journalists to flee the country.

Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic has already seized control of
Serbia's media, silencing the last independent voices in Belgrade within
a few days of the beginning of the bombing campaign by the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization. Now he is turning his attention to
Montenegro, where the media are an important bulwark for what Belgrade
brands the “traitor” republic.

On Friday, military police descended on two of Montenegro's most
important independent media outlets -- Radio Free Montenegro and the
weekly magazine Monitor -- to make another search for their top editors.
The soldiers failed to find their quarry. They did not realize that one
of the two wanted men, Miodrag Perovic of Monitor, had already fled the
country, seeking refuge in neighbouring Croatia.

Their other target, Mr. Redzic, received an offer of asylum from Italy
on the weekend. He hopes to reach Rome this week.

Mr. Redzic arranged a rendezvous with The Globe and Mail on a
residential street corner and then walked to a small cafe nearby to tell
his story. As he spoke, his mobile telephone rang constantly. Friends
were calling with offers of support and safe houses where he could stay.

“This situation is absurd,” he said. “I'm not a criminal. I didn't do
any criminal acts. I don't know why they are searching for me. I feel
like a citizen of a country under occupation. Montenegro is under
occupation by this army.”

Three weeks ago, Yugoslav military police visited the two independent
media outlets to issue warrants for the arrest of Mr. Perovic and Mr.
Redzic. They were summoned to a military court for unspecified “criminal
acts,” apparently related to their criticism of the army.

The two journalists managed to avoid the military police. But last week,
the screws tightened. By the end of the week, Mr. Perovic had fled the
country, and Mr. Redzic was ready to leave.

“Every day there is another demonstration of military force,” Mr. Redzic
said. “They closed the seaport of Bar, and they are persecuting the
independent media.”

Until now, the Montenegrin government, led by President Milo Djukanovic,
has staunchly defended the independent media. It has even dispatched a
police guard with a machine gun to guard the offices of Mr. Perovic's
magazine. But now there are worrying signs that the Djukanovic
government is beginning to bend under the army's pressure.

Last Wednesday night, the Montenegrin police invited Mr. Redzic to their
headquarters and offered to escort him to the border if he wanted to
leave. They also offered to pay for his transportation and hotel

He rejected the offer. “I don't want to be a slave to the government of
Montenegro,” he said. “I want to leave when I decide to leave, not when
they decide.”

Mr. Redzic's decision to leave was difficult. He is a Montenegro
patriot, a man who refused to leave his homeland in its most difficult
years. His family is here, and his radio station is here. Tears well in
his eyes as he wonders if he will see his country again.


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For those who do not understand croatian dialect, here is a partial

"For last two weeks we have been hearing about the scenario similar to the
Sarajevo Marketpalce called Markala... ...Today I found out (note: this is
a female writer) that a group of american and german pilots have been
training for days in Galeb and Jastreb type Croatian airplains which are
supposed to be painted into the Yugo Airforce colors and used for bombing
the refugees in Albania..."

1.... NATO is moving the refugees further south into Albania
2.... they stopped showing on TV the airplanes landing in Albania and
Macedonia (from a business partner in Macedonia(note: this is FYROM) I
heard that a large number of transport airplanes had been landing in
Skopje) 3.... info on CNN cameras and C. Amanpour waiting in Albania, etc

... All elements are in place. Please announce this over your web. This
can not be allowed. Civilized world needs to know about this before the
catastrophy occurs."

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I just read your artikle, Can you please tell me the source? I would like to read it in total.


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BBC News
Friday, May 7, 1999

Pentagon confirms depleted uranium use
By Environment Correspondent Alex Kirby

The US Defense Department says its aircraft are firing depleted uranium
munitions in the conflict with Serbia.

A questioner at a DoD briefing asked: "The DU shells. Have the A-10s
actually been firing them in addition to simply carrying them?"

A Pentagon spokesman, Major-General Chuck Wald, replied: "Yes". DU is a
byproduct of the enrichment of uranium for military and civilian uses.

It is 1.7 times as dense as lead, and weapons made with it are used for
punching their way through armour.

It is both radioactive and toxic, though Nato insists that it is no
dangerous than any other heavy metal.

The UK Defence Ministry says it thinks it unlikely that DU contributed
Gulf War syndrome, although many veterans believe it is implicated.

There are extensive reports from southern Iraq of stillbirths, birth
defects, leukaemia and other cancers in children born since 1991.

Published material suggests official reassurances may be misleading.
The US
army's Environmental Policy Institute reported in 1995: "If DU enters
body, it has the potential to generate significant medical

"The risks associated with DU are both chemical and radiological."

A 1990 study prepared for the army by Science Applications
Corp said DU was "linked to cancer when exposures are internal, [and]
chemical toxicity causing kidney damage".

At least 18 tonnes of DU weapons have been test-fired in Britain at
ranges in Kirkcudbright and Cumbria. Most of the munitions landed in
Solway Firth, where they remain.

The Military Toxics Project and Dr Hari Sharma, of the University of
Waterloo, Ontario, have published the results of a study into the use
of DU
munitions in the Gulf.

They say the result is likely to be an increase of between 20,000 and
100,000 fatal cancers in veterans and Iraqi citizens.

Dr Sharma is writing to all Nato heads of state to ask them to
eliminate DU
munitions from their arsenals.

Concern also persists over the wider ecological consequences of the war

The World Wide Fund for Nature says an environmental crisis threatens
Yugoslavia and its neighbours, particularly further down the Danube and
the Black Sea.

It says the damage to downstream areas of the unidentified pollutants
discharged into the Danube is unclear. Ten million people depend on the
river for drinking water.

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"They seek the truth before they can die".



You who are on the road
Must have a code that you can live by
And so become yourself
Because the past is just a good-bye.

Teach your children well,
Their father's hell did slowly go by,
And feed them on your dreams
The one they picks, the one you'll know by.

Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you will cry,
Bm G A
So just look at them and sigh
and know they love you.

And you, of tender years,
Can't know the fears that your elders grew by,
And so please help them with your youth,
They seek the truth before they can die.

Teach your parents well,
Their children's hell will slowly go by,
And feed them on your dreams
The one they picks, the one you'll know by.

Don't you ever ask them why, if they told you, you will cry,
So just look at them and sigh and know they love you.

Crosby Stills and Nash

Peace in Kosovo!
Peace not WoD!


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Posts: 45


Just rumors, Serb propaganda or bad translation.

"For last two weeks we have been hearing about the scenario similar to the Sarajevo Marketpalce called Markala... ...Today I found out (note: this is a female writer) that a group of american and german pilots have been training for days in Galeb and Jastreb type Croatian airplains which are
supposed to be painted into the Yugo Airforce colors and used for bombing the refugees in Albania..."

That's a all crap because,

American pilots would never deliberately bomb civilians,.....1: they would be court martialed and ...2: there is a code in the Anerican Military that a soldier can't be forced to follow an order that is against the law and ..3: the American press and people wouldn't let it go unpunished.
I'm sure it's the same in the German Military.

There have been many planes that have returned to base with all their bombs and missles because they didn't want to take a chance of killing civilians.

There have been civilians killed by bombs and missles by accident, mistake or being in the wrong place during the bombing, this is a war and it does regrettably happen. I'm not happy with it either but unfortunately the bombs can't tell the difference.

I'm sure someone will have a smart-ass comment about this but I know what I posted is true.

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Posts: 32

Can someone tell me what the "four S's" in the Serbian cross stand for.

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Someone who goes the extra mile...
just like a mother caring for her child..
A friend who sticks thru thick or thin..
No matter what you've done.
or where you have been.....

just like one great big family...
a Stronger OLder Brother....HE will be..
so quick and ready to defend...
the younger, weaker to the end...

And He's ever interceding....
to the Father for His Children...
Yes for you...He is interceding...
To the Father for His own...
Thru Him you can reach the Father....
so bring Him all your heavy burdens....
yes, He is interceding....
So Come Boldly to the throne.....

BOYZ.....KEEP GOING TO JESUS....! and we
are going there know this has to hurt
the heart of our Father, just as much as it must
hurt your hearts to see all that you have...
Walk into that throne room Boldly, let's pull
down these powers and principalities and strong
men in the spiritual realms...Stand in your
faith....and don't let go....not even for a moment...hang on...because Jesus is interceding
for you too, and for others..

Father, Bring my big brother home safe..and the Riot Crew....wrap them in your loving arms, comfort them, encourage them, send your Holy Spirit to annoint them...allow them to see what
is taking place thru your eyes...and help them
to lay their burdens down at your feet and not
carry it upon their own shoulders...

I pray for the wounded, for the children, for the women, oh father, send labourers into the field to help all those who have been affected by this war....bring healing to a war torn nation...bring a message of hope and deliverance, freedom and
salvation...Send a revival in the midst of this
war...i know this prayer sounds a little crazy,
but God, I know that you can do what no man can,
and I ask you please Jesus, put an end to this war...stop those who are behind this whole thing,
Father enough is enough...and let all those begin to return to their families, and help those who have lost everything rebuild their lives...oh
Jesus..I have faith in you that you can do above all that we can even think or ask....and I'm asking from my heart...that you not only bring my own brother back, but that you touch the lives of many and let this war not have been in total vain, but bring your hand of mercy, grace, love and peace to a people and to children, who have lost all that a person can the name of jesus, I pray. I don't really know all the right words to pray God, but you can know my heart and so many others who are wispering up prayers as well.

JAWS>>>>i love ya bro.
and I miss you ....I even miss your preaching !

((((((hugs from me, your lil sis)))))))))))))))
Love ya,

Estimable Member
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Posts: 137

Maja, Zoja, Etc.
This is where "Bojans message originated, There is a link there to the message they refer to, but the message is not there. It is just some ignorant Serb trying to bullsh*t us all.

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Posts: 137

I think he is an American *sshole, unlike me, (a nice American). He has a lot of links to Yugo Government propaganda scum also. His name is probably something like "BObJANsen", he has no imagination and therefore is a poor liar. He is also stupid if he translated it and still can't spell airplane, he misspelled a different part of the message on his web site. What a maroon!!!

Estimable Member
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Posts: 137

I'm sorry,the message that his page links to is another message than the one he "translated" from Croation. But there is still no references to the origin of the "message". BULLSH*T!!!

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New York Times, 13/05/99
Dumb American General Talks

In his first interview since the conflict began, Lt. Gen. Michael Short said that the alliance has expanded its attacks in Kosovo, including a dramatic daytime bombing raid by B-52 bombers against Serbian troops.

The son of an army officer, the 55-year year general flew combat missions during the Vietnam and Persian Gulf wars. Plainspoken, but intense, he has been virtually invisible to the public during the seven week campaign.

Working behind-the-scenes, he is trying to do something that the military has never done: win a war from the air alone. An enthusiastic proponent of airpower, he has a very personal stake in the conflict: His son is an A-10 pilot over Kosovo.

My message to the Serbian PVO (air defense): let us send daddy a body bag back home! This is the only kind of mail he understands.

And these days striking directly at the Milosevic regime is very much on his mind. While NATO says it is not fighting against the Serbian people, Short also hopes the distress of the Yugoslav public will undermine support for the authorities in Belgrade.

"I think no power to your refrigerator, no gas to your stove, you can't get to work because the bridge is down -- he bridge on which you held your rock concerts and you all stood with targets on your heads. That needs to disappear at three o'clock in the morning."

This how a dumb American general thinks (the Serbian people are going to blame Milosevic and not the Americans). Nothing has changed since Vietnam. Only America is closer and closer to abyss: 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, how many before it destoys itself?

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Crusade for civilisation all a lie
A document reveals that Serbia was stitched up over the NATO bombing.

THE justification for NATO's attack on Serbia, now the outright terror
bombing of civilians, was the Serbs' rejection of the "peace accords"
drafted at Rambouillet in France in February.

The precise terms were never made public, with the British media generally
accepting the word of the Foreign Office that the West's aim was to bring
peace and autonomy to Kosovo.

This is the big lie of what Tony Blair calls a "crusade for civilisation".
Anyone scrutinising the Rambouillet document is left in no doubt that the
excuses given for the subsequent bombing were fabricated.

The peace negotiations were stage-managed and the Serbs were told: Surrender
and be occupied, or don't surrender and be destroyed. The impossible terms,
recently published in full in Le Monde Diplomatique, but not in Britain,
show that NATO's aim was the occupation not only of Kosovo, but effectively
all of Yugoslavia.

Nothing like this ultimatum has been put to a modern, sovereign European
state. Of all the Hitler and Nazi analogies that have peppered the West's
propaganda, one is never mentioned - Hitler's proposal to Prime Minister
Neville Chamberlain in 1938 that he occupy Czechoslovakia because ethnic
Germans there had been "tortured", "forced to flee the country" and
"prevented from realising the right of nations to self-determination". As a
cover for German expansion, Hitler was laying the basis for a "humanitarian
intervention", whose fraudulence was no greater than that planned by NATO 61
years later as a cover for its own expansion as the American-led military
wing of "globalisation".

Take chapter seven of the accords. Headed Status of Multinational Military
Implementation Force, it says the NATO general commanding the occupation
"shall have the sole authority" to take virtually any action he liked, such
as shooting down aircraft inside Serbia. NATO would have complete and
unaccountable political power, with its occupying force "immune from all
legal process, whether civil, administrative or criminal [and], under all
circumstances and at all times, immune from [all laws] governing any
criminal or disciplinary offences which may be committed by NATO personnel
in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ... NATO personnel shall enjoy,
together with their vehicles, vessels, aircraft and equipment, free and
unrestricted passage and unimpeded access throughout the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, including associated airspace and territorial waters".

Propaganda is not overlooked. The Government of Yugoslavia "shall, upon
simple request, grant all telecommunications services, including broadcast
services, needed for [the occupation], as determined by NATO. This shall be
free of cost." And the ideological basis for the occupation is left in no
doubt. "NATO is granted the use of airports, roads, rail and ports without
payment of fees, duties, dues, tolls or charge. The economy shall function
in accordance with free market principles."

No government anywhere could accept this. It was an outrageous provocation.
On March 19, the Kosovo Liberation Army, which Madeleine Albright and Robin
Cook had earlier dismissed as terrorists, signed the "accords". The Serbs,
of course, refused. And it was not just Milosevic. The elected Yugoslav
Parliament, reported The New York Times correspondent in Belgrade, "rejected
NATO troops in Kosovo [but] supported the idea of a United Nations force to
monitor a political settlement there". To my knowledge, this was not
reported in Britain. If it was, it was lost in the media mantra demonising
Milosevic. So what amounted to a viable alternative to bombing could be
ignored in Washington and Brussels. Five days later, NATO attacked. The
Serbs had been nicely stitched up.

Moreover, there is substantial evidence that the bombing was preordained. On
August 12 last year, the US Senate Republican Policy Committee commented:
"Planning for a US-led NATO intervention in Kosovo is now largely in place.
The only missing element seems to be an event - with suitably vivid media
coverage - that would make the intervention politically salable ... That
Clinton is waiting for a 'trigger' in Kosovo is increasingly obvious."

On March 25, the day after the bombing began, British Defence Secretary
George Robertson described NATO's aim as "clear cut". It was, he said, "to
avert an impending humanitarian catastrophe by disrupting the violent
attacks currently being carried out by the Yugoslav security forces against
the Kosovan Albanians". A United Nations report contradicted this, putting
the balance of violence between Serb and Albanian paramilitaries at roughly
equal, and nothing approaching the level of violence that the bombing
unleashed. A CIA warning to Clinton, leaked to the American press, made
clear that the bombing was likely to spark mass ethnic cleansing.

On April 30, sitting among top military brass on HMS Invincible, the
bellicose George Robertson said NATO had never expected to prevent a
humanitarian disaster. This was the very opposite of his "clear-cut"
announcement five weeks earlier. Like Clinton, he and Blair must have been
forewarned of the catastrophic refugee disaster their actions would ignite.

General Satish Nambiar, an Indian, was the Head of the United Nations
Mission in Yugoslavia from 1992 to 1993. Recently, he wrote: "I felt that
Yugoslavia was a media-generated tragedy ... The Yugoslav Government had,
after all, indicated its willingness to abide by nearly all provisions of
the Rambouillet 'agreement' on aspects like ceasefire, greater autonomy to
the Albanians and so on. But they would not agree to station NATO forces on
the soil of Yugoslavia.

"This is precisely what India would have done under the same circumstances.
It was the West that proceeded to escalate the situation under the current
senseless bombing campaign that smacks more of hurt egos, revenge and
retaliation. NATO's massive bombing appears no different from the morality
of the actions of the Serb forces in Kosovo."

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Someone else's text


The US dropped atom bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki intentionally in ww2.
The mistake was that the atom bombs were dropped on civilians.

The US dropped 14 millions gal of Agent Orange in Vietnam intentionally.
The mistake was that they were dropped on civilians & villages.
(Agent Orange causes cancer and birth deformity even today in Vietnam)

In Sudan the pharmaceutical building was bombed intentionally by the US.
The mistake was that it was not a strike against terrorism.

see story below

APRIL 12 -
A NATO missile targeting a bridge strikes a passenger train
in southerneastern Serbia, killing at least 17. (CNN)

APRIL 14 -
Seventy-five ethnic Albanian refugees die in attack on a
conwoy near Djakovica. NATO acknowledges a misfire "may
have caused damage to a civilian vehicle and unintentional
harm to civilian lives. (CNN)

APRIL 23 -
Sixteen employees of Serbian Television and Radio died in NATO
strike on its headquarters (CNN)

MAy 7 -

NATO officials conceded that "it is highly probable" that U.S. F-16
aircraft mistakenly dropped cluster bombs on civilian buildings in the
Yugoslav city of Nis, although they were aiming for an airfield.
Killed at least 10 people and injured 15 more. (CNN)

May 8

China's Embassy in Yugoslavia was hit by US bombs.

Seems like either the US weapons delivery system is defective or it is
starting to make too many mistakes intentionally which may one day
plunge the world into ww3. And that coming from the champion of human
rights leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

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Good Morning Kosovo!
This weeks cannabis extraviganza presented by the Cannabis Cinema for your reading pleasure.
Nector of Delight

Peace not WoD

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