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Archive through May 14, 1999

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May 13, 1999

15:55 FONET - One of the biggest US communication
satellites of the firm "LORAL ORION" has informed
Belgrade provider "Informatika" last night that because
of "vis major" they wiould have to stop Internet
emitting toward all Yugoslav providers who are linked
to providers in USA. "This decision is the result of
the executive order of the President of USA, Bill
Clinton, banning emitting of all services from USA into
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte
Negro)", says the message of "LORAL ORION" to the
general Director of "Informatika", Slobodan Sreckovic.
"In accordance with that, LORAL ORION will, starting
from May 12, 1999, stop its services", it is said at
the end of the statement. On Thursday, May 13, in
morning hours, "Informatika" confirmed to Fonet this
has not happened yet, but they are expecting to be
disconnected from USA Internet satellite service toward
Yugoslavia any minute/hour now".

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Clinton's executive order makes it a crime to even visit a web site in
Yugoslavia. So don't visit here!

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The American shits were the first to demand the observance by the Serbs of the Geneva convention for their captured solders and pilots.

The Geneva conventions have clearly laid down rules and
conduct of operations in aerial bombardment when it
concerns the well-being of civilian population. The
rules of Air Warfare, (Hague, February 1923) and
Article 24 states: "In case the military objectives are
so situated that they cannot be bombarded without
indiscriminate bombardment of the civil population, the
aircraft must abstain from bombardment."

Spiro Dreamer
(I dream of America as a smouldering nuclear hole)

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Nayee Dillee, May 11 (UNI) - On the anniversary of the
Pokhran explosion, Chinese ambassador to India Zhou
Gang has called for closer ties between India and
China. ``The military attack of the US-led NATO against
Yugoslavia, a sovereign State, has once again proved
that hegemonism and power politics remain the major
root cause threatening world peace and security, and
that the new `gunboat policy' is rampant today. This is
a dangerous trend,'' Mr Zhou said in a statement handed
over to NDTV. He said all peace-loving and justice-
holding countries in the world must not lose their
vigilance against it. ``However, hegemonism and power
politics are becoming increasingly unpopular. The 21st
century will not and must not witness a unipolar world
lorded over by a lone superpower. China and India are
both in favour of a multipolar world and oppose a
unipolar one.''

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jack london you motherfucking american bastard!!!You are one of the biggest dipshits and totally f*cked up retards I have heard in a long time.Your "heroic"numbskulled dickheaded pilots are so brave that when a SERB MiG-21 attacks a group of five your planes they all run like the wind!You actually think that millitarily you are winning this war?Guess how many of your sh*t headed planes never came back to their bases.Try 75.We are the ones winning you ignorant bastards.The truth will come out sooooon!!!And by the way see you on the ground and for the ones staying home in cocksucking u s of a-holes I"ll be sure to send you couple hundred of body bags.


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To Dear Draza

The Four S's. Srbi Sami Sebe Seru.

Ko te jebe cetnik.

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A couple of days ago explaining to his own
men how they are "winning" this war Gen.Clark
noted: "Imagine how Serb soldiers feel fighting
an enemy they can do nothing to. They must
feel like they are fighting God. They need to
convert and be on the side of good, instead of
the side of evil".

Wesley Clark views HIMSELF as God,
according to subordinates. See:

//// A Vain, Pompous, Brown-noser
//// Meet the Real Gen. Clark

"We are state of the art pomposity and
arrogance up here," remarks the aide. "So when
a witness displays those traits so egregiously
that even the senators notice, you know we're
in trouble." His NATO subordinates call him,
not with affection, "the Supreme Being".

If Hitler had called himself "God" we would
denounce him as a megalomaniac. But when NATzO
equates itself with "God", no one objects.

If the Serbs are indeed fighting god, it
must be some kind of small-time Greek
mythology god - emotionally unstable and not
particularly bright. Those gods were known to
get their asses kicked on a regular basis, and
similar fate awaits this "deity" as well.

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To Spiro

I checked what was true about the claim that some demands to Milosevic at Rembouillet were secret, but looking at the media on, for instance March 23, shows that what you call secret was out in the open already.

Also on that day I find reports of Serbian police shooting from cars to passers by in the streets of Pristina, and Serbian police beating up umarmed Kosovar Albanians.

What is the exact source that says the demands had a shadowy secret side to it? I mean, apart from Really, for serious, please tell me, and I will take a look there.


PS What a stupid thing to do, blocking internet access for Yugoslavian people!

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No smartass comments from me there. I think every army here has these regulations>


Ps thats why i asked bojan the source so i can read myself.

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No smartass comments from me there. I think every army here has these regulations>


Ps thats why i asked bojan the source so i can read myself.

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If this internet cut off story of you is true.I think there the most dumb A.s.s.e.s I ve ever witnessed!!!!!!!!
Taking away some's freedom of speech goes way to far for me.


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If this internet cut off story of you is true.I think there the most dumb A.s.s.e.s I ve ever witnessed!!!!!!!!
Taking away some's freedom of speech goes way to far for me.


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If this internet cut off story of you is true.I think there the most dumb A.s.s.e.s I ve ever witnessed!!!!!!!!
Taking away some's freedom of speech goes way to far for me.


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" Urgent!
During night, NATO airplanes bombed Albanian refugee convoy,
which was comming back to Kosovo and was camping during
night on Pristina-Prizren road near village Koris (Prizren area),
with 15 missiles. During two hours of attacks, NATO destroyed
about 20 refugee tractors and also bombed medical teams, which
were giving help to wounded people. At least 100 people were
killed, mostly children and women, and about 50 were hevily
wounded. This is one of the biggest tragedies. We are still
wainting for more information. "

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I read your story about cutting the internet off in Serbia.I can only say one thing and that's that i think they go wayto far.Its getting dumber all the time.
Taking away someones freedom of speech is the worste crime in my eyes.


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