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Archive through May 16, 1999

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Guido is a Christian.

However he "will gladly pay more taxes for more bombs".

Now I've looked everywhere but for the life of me I cannot see any clause in the Bible stating something like "Thou shall not kill, unless you believe it is right".

A lot of people want Milosevic dead. Some know why, others just repeat what the neighbour said (95% of them). Whoever claims that the Kosovo problem stops with the end of Milosevic contradicts himself everytime non-Milosevic lives and assets are annihilated. Ask the children of Korisa for example.

So good Christians of the world unite behind Guido and this coming Sunday when you go to Church remember the children of Korisa.

Then once you have asked the Lord to forgive your sins and save those who are suffering you can go home hoping there are more civilians killed by the alliance. After all, it's like saying that you will gladly pay more taxes so as to increase the salaries of the "employees" of the Spanish Inquisition who can then burn greater numbers of heretics at the stake.

Does anyone of you recently-promoted-guardians-of-the-human-rights brainwashed hypocrits know how many missiles and cluster bombs were used at Korisa, Zlatibor, Leskovac, Pristina, Nagavac, Vranje, Aleksinac, Kursumlija, Djakovica, Batajnica, Beograd, Surdulica, Vitajnovac-Kraljevo, Murino, Luzane, Savine Vode, Nis, Cacak ?

Of course you don't.

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Hi Big Brother...I wish that we would hear from you, but I hope that you are able to get these messages, somehow, let you know, that we LOVE you, and we're continuing to pray for you and the riot crew. I know that may not always offer the comfort that you really need, such as, a greater comfort would be this stupid war would end, and you can come home!!!! But I hope somewhere, in some word, in some phrase that
the Holy Spirit uses it to minister to your hearts no matter what place you are in right now.

The years had left scars,
the scars had left pain,
How could He recognize me?
I wasn't the same.....
I knew I should pay
And I knew the price...
For justice and law...
demanded my life....


that's how Mercy saw me,
For I was broken and so lost,
Mercy looked at all my faults...
The justice of God saw..
what I had done...
But Mercy saw me...
thru the SON...
Not what I was
But what I could be...
That's how mercy saw me....

Whatever you've done...
you can't go too far
That His eyes of mercy
Can't see where you are...
He loves you so much
Toleave you alone
You're flesh of His Flesh
and bone of his bone...

And His heart cries out
For your heart today...
See yourself through his eyes...
Then you will say...

Sin (and war) has stolen my dignity,
all my self esteem,
But I was made brand new again
When MERCY looked at me...

that's how Mercy saw me,
For I was broken and so lost,
Mercy looked at all my faults...
The justice of God saw..
what I had done...
But Mercy saw me...
thru the SON...
Not what I was
But what I could be...
That's how mercy saw me....

Not what I was........
But what I could be...
That's how Jesus saw me....

Boyz, I pray that you have the opportunity to minister to folks over there inspite of everything, we see through one set of eyes, but
God sees through another....I also pray that the Lord sends ministering angels to you, protecting angels, and warring angels to pull down those strongholds in that area...and I pray in the midst of all this, that a revival will break forth in the hearts of the wounded...that Jesus by his mighty power, and his mercy, will reach down in his infinite compassion and touch lives..and may he use you boys to do it ! i ask
the Lord to keep you covered under the precious shed blood of Jesus!

I love you...stay close to Jesus, hold on....!
your little sister...

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To Nick

It's so easy to badmouth other people's values and standards, but up to now I did not detect any valuable ones from you yet. So high and mighty you think you know everything, right? Then what about genocide? What about mass rape.? Do you look the other way when your neighbour gets beaten up by her husband?

At least Guido hates fascists, and is even man enough to look at all sites, of all sides in this war. You just babble out Molisebvic propaganda. What a big man you are! (puke)


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I don't want to see any civilians killed, Serbs or Kosovars. You must live in your own little world where everything is perfect. People get killed in wars in case you never noticed. NATO makes mistakes. Milosevic has civilians killed on purpose. You are wrong, I am right. End of story. I pray for people on both sides of this conflict daily.

You have such a one track mind that you can't see the truth when it is right in front of your eyes. You resort to insults frequently, like a little child. I know that Christmas and Easter are celebrated on pagan holidays, but I don't celebrate them for that reason. I celebrate Yeshua ha Meshia, for taking my sins upon Himself, and allowing me to be with Him for eternity. He left like a Lamb, but He will return as the Lion of Judah, leading Gods Army to destroy all non-believers like you. The whole world will see Him coming in the sky, and most people will think He is an invading alien. By the time you realize the truth, it will be too late.

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I checked out the site you gave me. What a bunch of rubbish. It is all conjecture, not a shred of evidence. A person can take a Strong's Concordnance and make the Bible say anything they want because Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek words had so many different meanings. But only one interpretation is correct. You have to be led by the Holy Spirit to see the truth. You are not using your heart, you are using your brain. I have probably smoked more cannabis than you have, and I have never seen God while doing it. When I was in Korea I used to grab a handful of it out of a 50# sack and throw it on the lid of a red hot charcoal heater. The smoke was so thick that we would have to open a window after a while because everybody was coughing from a lack of oxygen. The first time we did it the villagers came with buckets of water because they thought the hooch was on fire. We did this daily for about a year and I never saw God or received an insight from Him. I've smoked so much hash and hash oil that it put me to sleep, but I never had a revelation. So give me a break, I know what I'm talking about. This is a Yugoslavian Disaster site, not a cannabis legalization site. Give us all a break dude. O.K.?

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Speaking of oral sex you seem to know it quite well what the dirty old man likes. Either you are Monica or your her ladyfriend. As such matters are not dicussed with a guy,child. Maybe with a cissy though. So which one is it?


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By Norman Solomon / Creators Syndicate

Ever since the start of NATO 's bombing blitz more than two weeks ago, the regime in Belgrade has
maintained total control of Serbia's press -- and American journalists have scornfully reported on the
propaganda role of Yugoslavian news media. But no one should be smug about freedom of the press
in the United States.

At first glance, U.S. news organizations may seem to be independent and critical. This is a popular
self-image. In a typical comment last Tuesday night on public television's "NewsHour With Jim
Lehrer," media correspondent Terence Smith spoke of "the frequently adversarial relationship
between the Pentagon and the press."

Rather than engage in self-examination, most reporters have preferred to go along to get along with
the Pentagon -- serving a function more akin to stenography than journalism. Despite all the
pretenses, the sparring and griping is part of a game in which correspondents seem eager to show
that they're on Uncle Sam's side, no matter what. Routinely, tactical differences are writ large while
fundamental issues go unaddressed.

When the "free press" marches off to war, the reflexive deference to officials sources -- with their
nonstop briefings, interviews and behind-the-scenes backgrounders -- produces an overwhelming
flood of propaganda. One result is that buzz phrases like "air campaign," "strike against Yugoslavia"
and "collateral damage" generate a continual fog.

As the second week of NATO bombing came to a close, the daily Independent in London published an
analysis by scholar Philip Hammond that assessed British media coverage -- and made observations
that also apply to U.S. media. Major news outlets, he wrote, "have generally been careful to keep the
debate within parameters of acceptable discussion, while politicians have stepped up the
demonization of the Serbs to try to drown out dissenting voices."

There are informal but well-understood limits to media discourse. "The rules appear to be that one
can criticize NATO for not intervening early enough, not hitting hard enough, or not sending ground
troops," Hammond added. "Pointing out that the NATO intervention has precipitated a far worse crisis
than the one it was supposedly designed to solve or that dropping bombs kills people are borderline
cases, best accompanied by stout support for `our boys.' What one must not do is question the
motives for NATO going to war."

In late March, during the first week of bombing, the U.S.-based Committee to Protect Journalists
released its annual report, "Attacks on the Press." The committee disclosed that "for the fifth
consecutive year, Turkey held more journalists in prison than any other country." Among the 27 Turkish
journalists behind bars as 1999 began, "most are victims of the government's continued
criminalization of reporting on the 14-year-old conflict with Kurdish insurgents in Turkey's southeast."

The government of Turkey -- lauded by Washington as an important member of NATO -- has engaged
in torture and murder for many years. Of course, rationalizations for such actions are always available,
whether in Ankara or Belgrade.

As it happens, the most righteous charges leveled by President Clinton against the Yugoslavian
government about its treatment of ethnic Albanians could just as accurately be aimed at the Turkish
government for its treatment of Kurds.

To depart from their own propaganda functions, major U.S. media outlets could insist on pursuing
tough questions. Such as: If humanitarian concerns are high on Washington's agenda, why drop
bombs on Yugoslavia and give aid to Turkey?

Slobodan Milosevic is guilty of monstrous crimes against human beings. And what about top officials
whose orders have sent missiles into cities and towns of Yugoslavia, day after day?

"Every government is run by liars, and nothing they say should be believed," journalist I.F. Stone
observed long ago. His judgment may seem harsh -- but it continues to be verified in the real world.

This month, it would be an act of heresy in the mainstream media of the United States or Yugoslavia to
suggest that Slobodan Milosevic and Bill Clinton share a zest for generating propaganda to justify
involvement in killing for political ends. Whatever their differences, both speak a common language of
world-class bullies, fond of proclaiming high regard for humanity as blood drips from their hands.

For the American media consumer, NATO's military prowess is apt to be impressive, almost
mesmerizing. We've seen such awesome firepower many times before. Vietnam War correspondent
Michael Herr recalls about the U.S. military: "Our machine was devastating. And versatile. It could do
everything but stop."

The same can be said of propaganda machinery, whether it's fueled by overt censorship or tacit


Norman Solomon's latest book, published this week, is "The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media"
(Common Courage Press; 1-800-497-3207, ).

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You have such a one track mind that you can't see the truth when it is right in front of your eyes.
Stop stealing phrases Guido. Your Christian Coalition is one tracked. You think Constantine didn't edit the bible? Oh Child of Gullable.

You resort to
insults frequently, like a little child.
I resort to insults to kick your little ass in retaliation putz! I prefer conversation, you choose to condemn anything non-Pat Robertson. Your christianism killed, enslaved and forceably converted more humans than anyone.

I know that Christmas and Easter are celebrated on pagan holidays, but I don't celebrate them for that reason. I celebrate Yeshua ha Meshia, for taking my sins upon Himself, and allowing me to be with Him for eternity.
Thats fine but you can't force that belief on everyone, like NATO's bombing spreading the New World Order. Yet you try. Insulting Wiccan's because your ignorant of they're ways. Insulting Serbs and cannabis from the same ignorance.

He left like a Lamb, but He will return as the Lion of Judah, leading
Gods Army to destroy all non-believers like you.
And no one will know the time, yet many false profits like you will run they're mouths from foolishness. Leave Jesus out of this hypocrite. He overturned the moneychangers tables you capitolist propagandist.

The whole world will see Him coming in the sky, and most people will think He is an invading alien. By the time you realize the truth, it will be too late.
But you forget I have the leaves that will heal the nations bubba jr.Rev:22:2...

By Guido on Saturday, May 15, 1999 - 03:44 pm:

I checked out the site you gave me. What a bunch of rubbish. It is all conjecture, not a shred of evidence.
Like Constantines Conversion, Like Sauls murdering christians as a Roman Jew then writing the bible as Paul the convert(converts are always so overzelous). Like the bible itself. Like Jesus and God themselves. But using common sense with translation it proves cannabis was used as nets, sails, food, fuel oil, clothing so why would it be so hard to believe it as insense? Or to believe the present translation knowing the position the church has on cannabis. To supliment plants through translation that have no bearing in reality. No properties to preform the task required. Yet the vowel less words fit, use them right? Hypocrite, open your eyes. Marsh Cane does not have the versitility of cannabis, period.

person can take a Strong's Concordnance and make the Bible say anything they want because Hebrew,
Aramaic and Greek words had so many different meanings. But only one interpretation is correct.
Thats right just follow the money dude. They were stoners, live with it!

You have to
be led by the Holy Spirit to see the truth.
I guess thats why I'm so diligent and after 30 years of advocating I'm unscared for the most part and gaining new ground daily.

You are not using your heart, you are using your brain.
Wrong again Jo Jo. I know what I feel when I use cannabis. A love for the God of Everyone so strong I can't deny it if I wanted to. A love that overcomes the insults and degradation thrust at me on every message board on the WWW just talking about cannabis benifits. I also directly see the benifits of the cannabis medicine on people your plastic geeeeeeeezus wants to put in prisons. As I see the profits the US/NATO NWO reeps from the bombings and prohibition. Why? Because of spineless fools like you. Braindead followers statically clinging to a dead tree scroll formally made of hemp.

I have probably smoked more cannabis than you have, and I have never seen God while doing it.
Your an idiot. I have never "seen" God. I never said anything about shape or form. God's spirit is as real as gravity, to anyone, anytime. Even without a plastic membership card Guido. Free!

When I was in
Korea I used to grab a handful of it out of a 50# sack and throw it on the lid of a red hot charcoal heater. The
smoke was so thick that we would have to open a window after a while because everybody was coughing from a
lack of oxygen. The first time we did it the villagers came with buckets of water because they thought the
hooch was on fire. We did this daily for about a year and I never saw God or received an insight from Him.
Must have been hemp then. Non psychoactive maybe. The Scythians did the same thing inside of tapestry dome's. Putting buds on hot rocks inside of cauldrons. But to tell me you don't get high and whole heartidly want to please God(not see or seize God)you must be very callous. Your religion has trapped your spirit. You still don't get it. It ain't a one-upmanship Guido. My kynd bud is sufficient enough to act medicinally or theropeutically in small amounts. So if you claim to have smoked 50# gunnysacks(hemp) it must be schwagg and therefore once again I find you talking out of your ass. and why do it for a year if it was so terrible? Felt nothing towards God? Schwagg or Lies!

smoked so much hash and hash oil that it put me to sleep, but I never had a revelation.
a thought? You never had a thought after smoking hash and hashoil? Your braindead then. I rest my case. You honestly never reveled new thoughts to yourself while influenced by hash?(there's the catch guido, honesty. You see I believe you'd say or do anything to win an argument, especially lie for the good of the [fill in the blank])

So give me a break,
I know what I'm talking about.
Whatever your bosses at NATO tell you to know.

This is a Yugoslavian Disaster site, not a cannabis legalization site. Give us all
a break dude. O.K.?
Give us all a break crusader. Think for yourself. I post what I post for myself. If you enjoy it thats nice. If it bothers you, thats ok too. Just pass it on by bubba wannabe. Stop bullshitting about cannabis when all you obviously know about is smoking ditchweed. Cannabis is a sacrament to assist one in balancing his spirit with his mind and body. Not Peyote, Mushrooms or Detura halucinigens. Cannabis aids relaxation these natural LSD's shift consciousness, ie "revalations". Cannabis can assist mellowing someone using the enthnobotanical plants and in the tales of the Hash Eaters can produce some colorful moments but not a shift. At least not in my experience. Cannabis and Life are both better with Quality over Quanity Guido. I post here because I hate War and hemp is growing in the region and no ones using it. So I'll continue and you just pass them by and stop insulting what you don't understand and we'll get along just fine, or not.
Peace not WoD

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Draza! Emina ( Zoja, Kolina, same person ) is not an American but a refugee from Bosnia who does not speak Serbian or Croatian. Go wonder.

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More than 200 bombs were already found in Adriatic, on the Italian coast. Fishermen began finding them in fishing nets. And also three fishermen were wounded when they exploded. Cluster bombs were amongs them also. Italian public is outraged. Italian goverment has complained to NATO but they don't give a damn. Sourse, television RAI UNO.

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I could not have put it better than Ddc did. Thank you for saying what nearly everyone believes and explaining the reasons.

I've read the insanities from this ignorant Texas resident for weeks and he has no more credibility than the bogus refugee with 5 names. I think he wants to play marbles with the big kids at school but he's clearly lost them.

I feel for the ones who survived Korisa having lost a loved one there. And to think you've got to hear lies, hatred, hipocrisy and excuses by some bastards instead of showing a little compassion.
How can one claim he wants to save people if he admits he targetted the same people ?

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The day after the Littleton massacre, Clinton said that kids should attempt to solve problems with dialogue rather than violence.

The next thing he did was to intensify bombing on Kosovo and Yugoslav civilians.

Today you can read the following on

"Clinton urges curbing screen violence:

Hours before sitting down to a $2 million political dinner with Hollywood’s elite,
President Bill Clinton challenged the entertainment industry Saturday to ban guns
from ads and movie previews."

This man shows as much logics as Guido who is a good Christian and loves everybody but don't push him for he will bomb you if you do.

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TO JAWS AND THE RIOT CREW.....ONCE AGAIN...IT'S ME ...YOUR LITTLE BRAT SISTER....and I'm just wanting to let you know, first, to my brother, that I love you and I miss you...and to the riot crew...much love to you in Christ Jesus...from many of us that you do not know. You are in our hearts...our thoughts .....our prayers....and I know that you boyz are also in Our Fathter's heart as well.........I wish I could leave really wonderful words of wisdom, encouragement and know something really profound, but here, from your little sister's heart, i send
you many hugs.....and oceans full of love....
and may God keep his Hand upon your precious lives!

(((((((((( hugs, from lil' sis and Jesus)))))))

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Hey, sugarbuzz. I am sorry, I gave up this week. has been really hard week... need to see you again.. brother, please get ahold of one of us... please... as soon as you can... but remain safe. I still pray that God is holding you and your unit in the palm of his hand. I pray that HE is sending you his ministering angels to refresh you for you ungoing tasks... remember love and compassion... love ya more sugarbuzz!...

love, cootiebug

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Well I'll be off again a few days so I hope you'all stay safe. A little ditty to sing through these hard times. Enjoy!

What would you think if I sang out of tune
Would you stand up and walk out on me
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not to sing out of key, oh

I get by with a little help from my friends, mmm
I get high with a little help from my friends, mmm
Going to try with a little help from my friends

What do I do when my love is away
Does it worry you to be alone
How do I feel by the end of the day
Are you sad because you're on your own
No I get by with a little help from my friends
Mmm get high with a little help from my friends
Mmm gonna try with a little help from my friends

Do you need anybody
I need somebody to love
Could it be anybody
I want somebody to love

Would you believe in a love at first sight
Yes, I'm certain that it happens all the time
What do you see when you turn out the light
I can't tell you but I know it's mine
Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
Mmm get high with a little help from my friends
Ooh I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends

Do you need anybody
I just need somebody to love
Could it be anybody
I want somebody to love
Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
Mmm gonna try with a little help from my friends
Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
Yes I get by with a little help from my friends
With a little help from my friends

With A Little Help From My Friends
the Beatles

Peace not WoD

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