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Archive through May 17, 1999

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Is there a good reason for US , cause they aren't showing serbian refuges?

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True story. King David of Israel one evening from the rooftop of his castle saw a beautiful woman bathing on a nearby rooftop. He called for her, lay with her and got her pregnant. When she told him she was with child, he called her husband Uriah in from battle and tried to get him to sleep with her, to try to cover up his sin. When that didn't work he sent the Uriah to the front with a letter to his general telling him to put the man at the forefront of the battle where he was sure to be killed, then withdraw. The scheme worked exactly as David had planned, and Uriah was killed by an enemy arrow. Perfect crime? Not quite.
Some time passed. Then Nathan the prophet went to David and told him a sob story about a rich man and a poor man. The rich man had many herds and flocks, the poor man one little ewe lamb which was like a daughter to him. A visitor came to the rich man, and rather than take one of his own flock, he took the poor man's lamb and dressed it to feed his guest. David rose up in righteous indignation, said the man who did this was worthy of death, and should repay four fold. Then Nathan pointed at the king and said, "You're the man!" and made it plain that God was holding him directly accountable for Uriah's death.

Point of this story is, If Slobodan Milosevich ordered civilians placed in what he knew was a potential target, knowing NATO would bomb that target and many civilians would be killed (making NATO look bad and gaining for himself a progaganda advantage) then rest assured God will hold Slobo -or whoever ordered it- just as accountable for the deaths of those civilians as He held David accountable for Uriah's death. And just as David suffered one disaster and one tragedy after another for the rest of his life, Slobodan should expect no different. God is no respecter of persons. And don't think this kind of tactic will bring a halt to the bombing. If anything it may well lead to a further intensification. Slobo may pull the wool over the eyes of some people, but he can and will hide NOTHING from God. God knows all, sees all, and holds men accountable for their actions.

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Amen brother Pete.

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West Virginia rules!!

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Hey Jackie boy!!!First of all dickhead you gott no frigging idea about what's happening in Yugoslavia.The fact is around 75 planes have been shot down so far(includes helicopters&pilotless aircrafts).About a quarter of these have crashed outside Yugoslavia.Another quarter have crashed into lakes or rivers or the Adriatic sea.I'd like to see your scrawny ass film those.The rest of these planes and other crap are on tape and they will be showed very very soon.If you actually think that only 2 planes have been shot down you are a real brainless bufoon.Why would your nato bomb for almost two months now.Why?Because you are losing and nato knows it and they cannotfind the anti-aircraft guns and the missiles so they shoot civilians and a few of their planes go down in the process.



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Didn't you know that a Moron is 10 times, and an Idiot is 15 times more intelligent than a Serb? You prove it every time you post.

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Serbi Sami Sebe SERE!!!! Ko te jebe? I think its fantastic that you came out of the closet and admitted to having great sexual pleasure with your hand over a Slobodan Milosevic's picture. Wipe those stains so it wont ruin. Then again you are probably shooting blanks just like your army? NATO WILL WIN!!

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"The Serbs Fantasy War"
About 100 Serb troops cross into northern Albania, kill 800 KLA soldiers, capture a
brigadier general "without a name", and 16 U.S. officers also "without names" or
One site said there were 19 captured U.S officers. But it was posted here that there
were 16 U.S. officers and a brigadier general, 16+1=17. Seems the propaganda boys
lost 2 officers somewhere.

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Nato has been bombing for over two months now, NOT because they are losing, but because they said from the beginning they would bomb until Milosevic agreed to their terms.

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Reuters, May 16

General Weasel Clark says Serb AD lie again about shooting down 15 Tomahawk cruise missiles. NATO reports all 15 successfully returned to base.

Associated Press, May 15

A USAF Chinook transport chopper crashed today on Macedonia dorder having mistaken railroad tracks for a runway due to bad weather conditions.
The transport was reported to carry Coca Cola cans and potato chips for a Green Berets unit in Macedonia. The troopers are shocked and call their moms to please, please take them back home for they are out of fighting comdition now.


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Yuck, Kolina, you are hurt? Why? What's wrong, babe?
You said you wanted Clinto, so I tried to be a good friend and warn you what part of your body you'll have to rinse.

Kolina - Emina, who sleepeth with dogs gets up with flees. Always remember it, girl. Or are you a boy?

I see you you are here to practice your English, no other reason, right? All right, my agitated sweets, I'm a teacher so I can't refuse you.


PS here means you are PiSsed off, that so? You seem to have rather slow reflexes, you HAD BEEN pissed off long before. When you said you wanted Clinto.

>Speaking of oral sex you seem to know it quite well what the dirty old man likes.

Now who's the dirty old man? The guy who's helping your fellowcitizens now? Why do you ask for his help then?
Besides, where the heck have you crept out of, kiddo? The whole world knows what the bastard likes. Have you read any papers recently?

>Either you are Monica or your her ladyfriend.

He he, you have rather peculiar sexual fantasies.

>As such matters are not dicussed with a guy,child.

That's when I first thought you were a boy. OK, I won't discuss such matters with you anymore, prooooooooomise!!!

>Maybe with a cissy though. So which one is it?

You tell me, hon.


I like Kolina more. Sounds sweeter: Ko -li -naaa.
Best wishes.

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So funny some people (well, Emina, for example) say ground troops should have been sent before.

Well, babies. Here are the rules for a war. The theory.

1. Ground troops can not do well without air superiority. So the first objective of ANY war in the 20th century is TO DESTROY AIR DEFENCE system.

2. When it's done you SEND TANKS and units that eliminate the threat of anti tank defense.



Now practice. NATO can't win. They can't beat the Serbs on the ground. That's for certain. Everybody knows it, that's why ground troops aren't sent.

But this is a scenario for a WAR, not a peacemaking operartion.

Peacemaking is a long, ungrateful and painful process.

That's what Russian ground troops are doing now ihn Georgia. As you know, Abkhasia is trying to gain full independence from Georgia. Russian peace makers were WELCOMED to Abkhasia and now they've been for a long time on the border , the civillian population of both countries doesn't want them to go. Because they keep peace not by BOMBING, the soldiers sacrifice their lives (many die, there alwys extremists shooting from behind the corner) but there's peace.

As usaual, US want to get it cheap and nicely (for them).

Enjoy the bloody show.

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Well, like I said. First the bastards try to play with information that it was Serbian artillery that destroyed Albanian people in Korisa.

The most important thing in an information war is to give birth to an IDEA. Now, here one must be accurate. If you just state your idea outright (and if you know it's a lie) you're gonna be sorry. Because later on you'll have to admit the FACT.

But. If the people you intend your IDEA are propaganda- brainwashed, they will consume what they want to hear.

Then you are not responsible for your idea, it lives it's own life, it's a FACT now.

Just what NATO speakers did in this case. First some "reliable source" hinted that it probably was Serbian artillery that destroyed Korisa. The IDEA lived for a couple of days, was successfully consumed and started to be a FACT for those who liked the IDEA.

Then Shea admitted the screwup.

Too late for some people.

How many kids did NATO kill today?

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By Maja on Wednesday, March 31, 1999 - 11:41 pm:
Or maybe Arcan was

Did not see the need to place it all.Only one comment if Serbo-Croation would have been the language you are brought up with, This is a very strange spelling mistake to make.

By Maja on Sunday, May 16, 1999 - 09:09 pm:
Emina ( by the way, you first said Kolina was fake and Emina the real one, now it is the other way around ),
**** better read my post i came here using my own name changed it said i took a name of someone i highly respect i will look it up for you.

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I am quite confident now that some people on the board have lost the mere sensation of what is sane and what is not.

But what is worse - some of them are trying to justify their stupidity and lust for blood. Take Emina - Kolina, for example. She used to hiss and splutter over the raped Kosovar Albanians - victims of Milosevic's regime of genocide. For this very reason she's been siding on the board with Jack London, Guido (the Crazy) and other "peacemakers" and "human right preachers". At that time I mistook her for a really concerned refugee, who having suffered through hell was after peace in her homeland. Though even at that time there was a sympthom about her postings that definitely meant the presence of a severe obsession: she wanted Milosevic dead at all costs.
Time has passed and now NATO are killing her compatriots on a regular basis and large scale. NOTHING has changed in the tone of her posts. Far from being objective and impartial Emina has subscribed to the mass manslauhter backed by high-flown phrases about ethnic cleansing, violence and genocide and acknowledged that Americans, unlike Milosevic, have the right to kill Albanians on one condition: if they kill Serbians at the same time. So, she's taken her pick.


What public we have here! Meet Guido. Don't take him seriously, though. The guy fell into childhood and started war-dreaming long ago. In his heroic dreams he is a SAVIOR on a Harley with a volume of LAW to teach the Serbs. The nervous breakdown for him is that he lives in a far-away Texan village with a family to care for and can't tear the Serbian army into pieces. That's why, helplessly furious, he has devoted his life to autotraining. The phrase "NATO will win" symbolizes the final harmony of his sick nature and grotesque agreement with his sit-at-home self. Besides the other day he had a dream where his angel Mad-alliance Allfight told him that the computer - those keys he pressed every day thousand of times - could be persuaded if told one and the same phrase at least 300 times. May God's mercy never leave him...


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