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Archive through May 18, 1999

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To all you Milo fff ing losers.

Now we have seen your true faces, we also know you are only out here for the hunt, the kill, not to have a decent discussion.

In order to improve your skills, you may want to visit the library of A Dutch lady Nazi, still at it (no, no, guys, not what you think). She is called Rost van Tonningen and she recieves all who sympathise the fascist an neo Nazi ideolgy. I am sure she will be delighted to see you. She keeps extensive records of propaganda from Nazi Germany, including files of Goebbels, you know the propaganda chief of the Thrid Reich. These archives may teach you a thing or two about PR, a skill you obviously lack now.

All you are doing at the moment is making a laughing stock of yourselves. Pathetic really. But before you go to her, please take one advice. LEARN TO READ. It would be most helpful.


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To Milo's dearest babies

When do you guys get beyond the yelling and cursing stage and really start talkung some sense?

From Maja everybody knows she is frigid and frustrated because she was raped at 16. Poor girl. If she wasn't so morbidly fascist, I would really pity her.

From Nick we know he tries to be English so bad, he even imitates them on the divide and rule thing. News for you, son The RA has won!

Sergey loves to be in not only Stalin's shoes (shows his two faces, like Jozef could do, only Jozef was better), but also in Slob Milo's. Poor guy, his country obviously doesn't have freedom of speech long enough to really value it.

The last counts for Basil, too. He was born under communism, and still has to learn what democracy is like. I guess you need to get excesses like him first before you get some sense there.

An finally, Draza, and other Serbian Slob Milo lovers, I don't envy you. So mislead by a mass murderer, and you don't even see it. How you would love to be on the front, raping and killing, and doing all these big man things. Pity you are not old enough yet, right? Quite frustrated about it, right??? So, now all you BIG MEN can do is shout at your keyboard.

I hope that, as you get a little older, and having experienced the suppression and hate, you will grow weiry of it and start to contribute something sensible to society, like working.

Maybe you can all help Maja in the mean time, as she tries to sue Americahahaha!


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Update from Jugoslavia!

PVO activity in last days.

Krasjevo, PVO shot down 03-- F 18 hornet
03--Av-8B Harrier
06--F16CG Fighter
02--A10A Attack

Vozdovac, PVO shot down 02--F15
03--GR-7 Harrier

Macvo, PVO shot down 01--Jaguar

Aleksinac, PVO shot down 01--F16CJ

Krusevac. PVO shot down 01--MIG 29 Fulcrum (Opps)
01--AV-8B Harrier
01--AT-2 U.S.Attack submarine--This happened during heavy rain
01--UB_2 O.L.D-.R.U.S.T.Y-.F.O.R.D.S
02--Mattel toy heilicopters

All confirmed with pictures

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It just goes to show you that americani peole are a brainless bunch of dilberts.This ds guy is their leader I guess due to the fact that that every time he posts a message he shows to everybody that he only gets dumber.STUPID AMERICANS!!!As for Rosie if you think I shoot blanks whore come check out my Mig-29. HE DOES NOT SHOOT BLANKS but scores every time HE AIMS.


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Emina, I was not brought up with a Serbian or Croatian language. I am Slovenian and have spoken Slovenian all my life. Therefor I am expected to make some mistakes when I write Croatian- Serbian.
But I would like to know what mistake I have made. Maybe you should describe it in Serbian- Croatian.
I can not see the point you are trying to make with my old message. I am sick of you trying to prove something and discussing your personal problems and frustrations here. There is no need to pitty me as I am doing very well. People come here to discuss the war in Yugoslavia and not your family and name matters. I will write the administrator to remove you if you do not stick to the subject. And once again, I have not lied about anything and I can prove that but writing Slovenian, knowing every street in it's capital or any other way one would wish. It is you who lie non stop and now making all those excuses and writing about nothing else. Stick to the subject!

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Serbians and Serbian supporters are brainwashed, megalomaniacal, Albanian raping, fascists. NATO will crush the lying NAZI bastards. Yugoslavia will never again exist as a nation. There will only be a "Much Much Lesser Serbia". "Guido the Great American" has spoken. All other opinions except Eminas, Jacks, Zojas, DSs, Petes and Rosies' are null and void without prior approval from "Guido the Great American".

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This is my first visit here, interesting comments. As an American, former military, and one who supported the Gulf War, I have to tell all of Yugoslavia I, as millions of other Americans, am totally against this "Clinton" war. Please do not judge all Americans the same, I pray for your people, for thier safty, from the bombs of Clinton. NATO is Clinton. I know not ONE reason for the bombing which is justified. Those who do support Clinton are misled by his lies, for which he is well know for, and NATO's lies. Even if everything said about the leadership of YU were true, it still doesn't come close to a reason to bomb. In the end, God will punish Clinton beyond reason for what he has done to us and to you, as well as Hilary. I truly think they are evil to the core (heart), or could they really be that dumb? God be with you all, stand tall and proud.

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BOMBA JE PALA NA BEOGRAD. Do you know that song dickhead? Look what your boyfriend (Milo) has done to your precious Belgrade. As for calling me a whore pity you cannot ever experience one. Impotence must be frustrating. must have a sore mouth. Another thing.....your Mig-29 has expired, gone, dead and NATO WILL WIN.

Bog i Hrvati.

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If NATO really was winning it would not need to repeat it is winning. It would be obvious to everyone.

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A very nice and embarassing welcome for Tony Blair. When having a speach in front of Bulgarian politicians and journalists students opened a huge poster saying: Welcome Tony, Welcome murderer. He was visibly upset. Well of course, he considers himself being a peaceloving person. What a shock and relevation this has been to him.

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You are just jealous because you are a Serb and your intelligence is way below that of a moron and an idiot.
Also, Rosie dosen't have to worry about your little 2 inch toy Mig-29 that you play with every night in the bathroom. If it was wooden it would be worn down to a toothpick, you wouldn't know what to do with a real woman.

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“Chief, something terrible happened this morning,” the pilot
of a B-52 bomber called the head of operations at the NATO
headquarters in Brussels the other day, “I was zeroing in on
a bridge near Belgrade, when I hit a bus instead.”

“These Serbs are terrible, I swear! They make their buses
look so long and sleek that one could mistake them for a

“What do I do now, boss?”

“Nothing much to worry, pal”, the operations chief said,
“you are doing a great job. And remember, it must have been
that the bus was carrying military hardware. After all, you
can never tell about these wily Serbs.”

“But sir, not in this case,” the pilot insisted, his voice
shaking a bit, “they were civilians, some were children. I
could see them scream from the air as the bus went up in
flames. I feel terrible...?”

“Don’t let that make you feel too down. It is all in the game. Think of all the future generations of Serbs, and how
" beholden they will feel to chaps like you for having saved
freedom and democracy for them.”
“But still, is there no way I could expatiate for what I
have done?”

“Yes, there is one thing you could do right away. You could
get back to the damn place and bomb the hell out of it so
that nobody could tell whether it was a bus or a bridge!”
The operations chief barked into the mouthpiece as he banged
the receiver.

A couple of hours later, the pilot was back on the line. “I
flew back to the site, chief, and did as you said,” he
“Good. Now you must be feeling a lot better. Everything must
be plain right.”

“But something terrible happened as I went in this time,”
the pilot said, as he gasped for breath, “I hit an ambulance
that had come to collect the bodies from the bus.”

“Oh, God! Why did that god-damned ambulance have to be there
when we were doing a clean-up job? But let not that wear
your moral down. Remember, we are playing for bigger stakes.
We are fighting to rid the Serbs of a dictator so that they
can live in peace and democracy. So, for the sake of the
Serbs, don’t let anything dampen your morale at this

“But there is a problem, chief. The Serb television have got
pictures of the ambulance episode. How do we deal with

“Nothing to worry. This time get the hell out of the
television station in Belgrade before they get to show the
pictures,” the chief of operations said.

“But what do I say if asked why we did it.”

“Nothing to worry. All we have to say is that it was a
legitimate military target.”

“That makes it sound a lot better, chief.”

“Now, get there fast before they get to show those
god-damned pictures. They could spoil NATO’s chances for
nomination for the Nobel peace prize.”

“Believe me boss, this time I will leave nothing to chance.”

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I won't even bother with your comment. What would you know about being a winner anyway.


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Covering up NATO's Balkan Bombing Blunder

"Western leaders are busy re-writing history to justify their Balkan
bombing blunder. The change in information, rhetoric and explanations
since the bombings started on March 24 is literally mind-boggling. Most
likely they fear they have opened a very dark chapter in history and may
be losing the plot. One way to make failure look like success is to
construct a powerful media reality and de-construct real reality. That's
the essence of media warfare and that's what happens now," says TFF
director Jan Oberg.

"For instance, you must have noticed that the The Kosovo Liberation
Army, KLA or UCK, which existed some weeks ago and allegedly participated
in Rambouillet now suddenly never existed. The 13-months war in Kosovo/a
also conveniently has been expurgated.

The last few days President Clinton, prime minister Blair, NATO
General Wesley Clark, foreign secretary Cook, foreign minister Fischer,
secretary Albright, defence minister Robertson and other Western leaders
have explained to the world why NATO bombs Yugoslavia. They made NO
MENTION of KLA or the war. Their speeches are surprisingly uniform. Their
main points are:

* We have evidence that Yugoslavia, i.e.President Milosevic had a plan
to ethnically cleanse Kosovo/a of all Albanians.

* One proof of this plan is that some 700.000 have been driven over the
borders; it would have been many more, if not all 2 million
Albanians, had NATO not taken action.

* Milosevic deployed 40.000 troops and 300 tanks in the region even
while his delegation was in Paris.

* 'We have reports' and 'there are stories' about mass graves, rapes,
and endless atrocities. We have no hard evidence, but that's what
refugees consistently tell.

* Milosevic is now 'a cruel dictator' and 'a serial ethnic cleanser.'

* Innocent civilians are driven away 'only because of who they are and
not because of anything they have done,' as Bill Clinton and Tony
Blair express it.

* Milosevic has not been in compliance with the agreement he signed
with ambassador Holbrooke in October last year.

Why is this not credible, why is this probably a 'narrative' made to
influence emotions, perceptions, enemy images, and ultimately the
behaviour of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals?

Let me give you a few facts from my own visits and repeated meetings
over the years with the civilian Kosovar Albanian leadership, the
opposition and independent intellectuals in Pristina," says Oberg. "Dr.
Ibrahim Rugova repeatedly told me, as he did everyone from the West who
cared to listen, that he feared he could not keep the Albanian people
behind his pragmatic nonviolent strategy if the West did not 'do
something' such as persuade Belgrade to participate in talks mediated by
the international community.

Years ago I met Kosovar Albanians who were very critical of Dr.
Rugova's 'passive' leadership and advocated guerrilla struggle as the only
way out, sooner or later. In 1996 I was told by well-informed Albanian
intellectuals that they would not rule out that there existed an armed
fraction. Last year advisers to Dr. Rugova told me that they had heard
about the liberation army as early as 1993.

For years, I would say, Kosovo has been a police state. The only
response Belgrade had to the legitimate Albanian grievances was to step up
police repression. I have no doubts about the fact that there were gross,
systematic violations of political, economic, cultural and other human
rights. The Albanians feared Belgrade - which insisted that it was an
internal problem but never took steps to find a solution. At the same
time, the Albanian leaders 'needed' the repression to mobilize
international support for their project of an independent Kosova. Thus,
they refused to deal with moderate, dialogue-inclined leaders such as
prime minister Milan Panic and his excellent ministers in 1993.

Be this as it may, the truth is that there was no war, no mass
killings, no systematic ethnic cleansing, no genocide. Many Albanians left
because of the repression but also because of the misery, the utter
poverty and lack of future opportunities for themselves and their
children. Serbs, too, left for such reasons and not - as they sometimes
claim - because they were victims of an Albanian genocide plan.

The conflict that was said to have started in 1989 erupted into war in
February 1998 when KLA surfaced. It can NOT be denied that KLA activity
changed the situation from repression to war. The most surprising is

a) that the West turned a blind eye to Albania's role as a training ground
and base for KLA,
b) that, in its consequences, Albanian policies amounted to de facto
aggression against Yugoslavia,
c) that KLA was armed by predominantly Western sources in contravention of
the United Nation Security Council's embargo on any arms imports into the
territories of former Yugoslavia,
d) that nobody thought of closing the border to prevent spilling-in of
soldiers, weapons and ammunition and the spilling-over of Yugoslav
reprisals and
e) that Yugoslav armed forces, by and large, let these incursions happen
for months without taking action against them.

US envoy Robert Gelbard said on February 23, 1998 that he was "deeply
disturbed by the UCK" and that it was "undoubtedly a terrorist
organization." One week later the Yugoslav offensive against it began. So
much for the present Western cover-up which seek to make us forget the
pivotal role of KLA in this crisis.

Next, what about the argument that Milosevic did not keep his promise
to Holbrooke of October last year? It would be a good point if that was
not a one-sided agreement. While there were two forces fighting fiercely
in Kosovo - various Yugoslav/Serb police and military forces on the one
side and KLA on the other - the agreement was signed only by Milosevic.
KLA declared a cease fire on their side, but never signed any document.
One-party cease fires are as unique as they are untenable.

We were told and saw pictures of a war that had raged in the province
for 13 months. Albanians intellectuals and editors I talked with during
visits to Pristina in autumn 1998 told me proudly when asked who the KLA
was that 'that's everyone of us, we are a people in arms.' Sheltered by
the Holbrooke-Milosevic deal, KLA seized 30% of the province's territory.
Radical Albanians gave visitors the crystal clear impression that victory
was around the corner. That is, until Belgrade had had enough.

During those 13 months, around 2000 people were killed and 250.000
people displaced - about 10% of the province's Albanians and 10% of its
Serbian citizens - but few of them, fortunately, fled outside Kosovo. Two
weeks after NATO action began, suddenly 750.000 had run over the borders
and NOW we are told that there were only innocent civilian Albanians in
Kosovo who, as President Clinton stated it on April 12, are driven away
ONLY because of who they are and not because of anything they have done.

It seems more probable to me that people run away for three reasons,
not one:

a) because of ethnic cleansing by Serb/Yugoslavs who feel that the ongoing
destruction of Yugoslavia is the result of Albanian policy,
b) because of the war between Yugoslav and KLA forces, and
c) because of NATO's bombs which repeatedly also happens to hit civilian

Was there a plan to cleanse the area? No one who maintains it has
shown any hard evidence. Before March 24 this year no politician had told
us about Milosevic' alleged plan. No humanitarian organizations had warned
about a major, systematic campaign to drive out 1-2 million people. If
OSCE with 1500 verifiers knew about such a plan - and they listened in on
Yugoslav communication - why did it not alert the world? If Belgrade
wanted to get rid of all Kosovo-Albanians, it could have done so at any
time since 1991. It never touched any Albanian leader or tried to prevent
the building of their parallel state. Why did NATO threaten to bomb
Yugoslavia if it would not sign the Rambouillet document but said nothing
about bombing it because of the existence of such a plan?

Are 40.000 troops and 300 tanks indicative of such a plan? Hardly.
Troops and tanks are not the prime tools to make people run away. They
were deployed in the province when NATO deceived Yugoslavia. You see,
Holbrooke probably forgot to tell Milosevic that NATO would deploy an
'extraction force' in Macedonia. Its task was to protect the 'extraction'
from Kosovo of the unarmed OSCE verifiers in the event of NATO bombings -
an activity that could lead to them being taken hostage by the Serbs. So,
NATO's bomb threat was real from October. Would your country do nothing if
threatened for months with bombings by history's most powerful military

With the OSCE verifiers peacefully out, NATO did not withdraw the
force but had already begun to increase it from 3.000 to 12.000 (and
forgot to consult the Macedonian parliament). Yugoslavia had very
legitimate reasons to see this as an extremely unfriendly "signal" and
moved troops down to the Macedonian border to "signal" its determination
to fight that force, should it cross the border into Kosovo. KLA was
sucked in by the presence of the Yugoslav units and fighting intensified
in an area where no fighting had taken place before. All this BECAUSE of
NATO's policies.

What is now called evidence of a grand design for ethnic cleansing by
Western leaders was nothing but the response to NATO's remarkably unwise,
clumsy and adventurous attempt to force Macedonia into the role of an ally
and major NATO base. It was a perfectly natural response to NATO's
repeated threat of a massive air campaign. It - predictably - resulted in
an almost complete political destabilization of the Macedonian government
and a socio-economic destabilization because of the NATO-provoked refugee

Finally, Milosevic is a 'cruel dictator'? Well, if so why has the West
helped him be central, relied on his signature in Dayton and never
extended any help to the opposition in Belgrade - not even when 1,5
million people demonstrated against him a couple of years ago? Why has
ambassador Holbrooke and scores of Western diplomats had 'interesting'
talks with him? Why did the West hope for a last-minute concession from
him to avoid the bombing it threatened? What do we do with 'cruel
dictators' who are elected by citizens many of whom would certainly call
him authoritarian or see his policies a catastrophic but who never saw him
as a cruel dictator? And why does NATO repeat the mistake from Iraq - to
bomb a country only to see its people unite completely behind their

contradict facts, they contradict what Western leaders themselves told us
yesterday. What we witness is a pitiful attempt at "perception management"
and media war against public opinion.

We should get suspicious," concludes Jan Oberg, "when Western civilian
and military top leaders within days seek to rewrite and falsify history,
omit well-documented facts and central actors, change the sequence of
events and forget what they stated and did only a couple of weeks ago.
It's particularly disturbing if you see a systematic bias or tendency in
those changes. And it bodes ill, indeed, when the majority of journalists
ask only politically correct questions to State Department and NATO spin
doctors and spokespersons at a time that could well turn out to be a
defining moment of history."

Dr. Jan Oberg
Director, head of the TFF Conflict-Mitigation team
to the Balkans and Georgia

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A view to the shattered mirror

After the latest bombings, one could notice that NATO officials have
difficulties in pronunciation of names of the cities in Yugoslavia.
Really, with all this knowledge of particular tragic faiths of Albanian
refugees, it is quite understandable why they didn't have time to learn
these names. Therefore, here is a crashcourse. After this, it will be much
easier for a NATO general or pilot to pronounce correctly, on a press
conference, "we killed fourteen of Milosevic's Serbs and Albanians in
Pristina", "we hit this mourning strategically important Milosevic's train
in Grdelica", "last night, Milosevic's special military bridge in Novi Sad
was destroyed", "strategically important convoy of Milosevic's Albanians
was attacked on Prizre-Djakovica road", "a strategic village of Merdare
was hit last night, and in it was killed a whole Milosevic's family,
particularly a eleven-months old baby", "Milosevic's three-year-old girl
was killed last night during the bombardment of outskirts of Belgrade".

Since Albanians and Serbs didn't leave Pristina, they got to be the
worst of villains in the whole world. All other reasons would sound quite
stupid. How else could you explain their capital sin of staying in
Pristina despite all those CNN cameras on the border. They are expected
there with great impatience. Not to offer them houses and property they
left behind, though, but they will make a great story. How dare they stay
in Pristina when Seselj struts for several days that there are no
Albanians on Kosovo? One more question remains - why are they Milosevic's.
Probably because he only thinks about how to stay in power and has no
other connection with them.

Another great shame: to ride on a train in Yugoslavia in the middle of
the day. What arrogance. It is intolerant. It has been affirmed that known
war criminals were killed on that train, led by a seven year old girl and
a ten year old boy with their seventy two year old grandmother as their
leader. Twenty-six other people were blind followers of these villains,
and paid for their savageness in the similar way. There were indications
that new generations of world slayers and tyrants would gather around
their graves, if their bodies remain in one piece. Luckily, world can
rest, because their criminal bodies were blown up and burned, therefore
there could be no funeral.

A special bridge, intended solely for military purpose, in the very
heart of Kosovo - Novi Sad is finally demolished. Its military purpose was
clear: it was built recently, over 50 years ago and it is only about 500km
far from Kosovo. It is unknown why aren't the targets in Sofia, Salonika,
Athens and Rome yet bombarded. They are similarly important to Milosevic's
Serbs. This bridge's special designation is evident because tanks and
armoured personnel carriers disguise themselves as common cars and
bicycles. Still, when a truck goes across, it would vibrate, which is a
confirmation of its immense military importance.

Finally, after three weeks of attacks, the greatest achievement of
NATO - successful liquidation of Milosevic's Albanians terrorist group. If
someone had any doubts about these heroic bombardments before, now he is
convinced in its rightness and necessity. It is clear how NATO generals
worry not to inflict civilian casualties. The sick minds of those women,
children and elders, who decided to return home, speak for their terrorist
activity. How dare they not to be persons from CNN and Seselj's
fairytales? To try to live normally in these hard times? After this
magnificent success, none will dare to play a role other than the one
assigned to him by scenario.

This bandit family was killed in heroic attack of NATO bombers. Even
though they tried to resist, they were successfully eliminated. An
eleven-month-old baby was especially persistent in resistance, so it had
to be blown up by a cluster bomb. There has been information that a
pregnant woman survived this attack, therefore, a birth of another
criminal is to be expected.

What a notorious criminal was this child? Just look at her eyes. What
hatred. It is clear what dark plans were created in this mind. How many
people suffered from this murderer? The world and all the people in it can
finally rest. She was killed by illustrious NATO action while being in the
bathroom. It is fortunate that there are no bathrooms in the shelters in
Yugoslavia so villains like this have to leave them once in a while. But,
alas, there are swift NATO pilots to react promptly and relief us of these
xenophobic monsters, Milosevic's pathological nationalists and world

This sci-fi fairytale became cruel reality. All the roles have already
been assigned and it would be inhuman to play outside the scenario. Still,
we don't have to worry. There are good people from NATO, Serbian police
and army and Albanian KLA, always ready to help. Lucky us! It is too
expensive to change actors to keep the plausibility of the play. Media are
cheaper. There are, always benevolent, reporters of CNN, Sky news, RTS
(Serbian broadcasting system), and the rest of televisions and newspapers.
The role description is different, though, but who cares. All's well, that
ends well. Armament companies shares are rising, Milosevic is finally
gaining popularity in Serbia he couldn't dream of.

Finally, let's look at some real aspects of this tragic war. The war
is about human rights on Kosovo. The number of refugees has risen more
than ten times. Even if NATO manages to occupy Kosovo, Albanians can
return to their destroyed homes and demolished cities. For God's sake
don't help them like that. I won't write about how hard is to attack
Kosovo on land and the possibilities of global conflict, that could become
reality. There are other aspects, the overturn of Milosevic's regime in
Serbia. NATO is even more successful in this area, and all of us here in
Serbia are convinced that, outside natural death, nothing will stop
Milosevic in his reign. With these NATO friends, you really don't need
enemies. Although, every thought that the crisis could be solved in an
another manner must be rejected. It would be most self-critical. The
possibility to support moderate and pro-democratic Rugova instead radical
Tachi looks really stupid. To spend 5% of funding spent on the
intervention to support democratic forces in Serbia, instead of bombard is
quite irrational. And to secure that someone doesn't fall for the story
that NATO didn't expect this developments, just look at the shares of
major arms producers .I can already imagine this scene: Clinton, NATO
generals, the owners of these corporations, Milosevic and his associates
pray every mourning for eachother's health, because what would they do
without eachother.

In the end, a simple question remains: why do the smart and normal
retreat and let this rampage of the other people, if you can call them
people? Probably because they naively believe that the smart ones are also

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