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Archive through May 19, 1999

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To God and Tanjug

Ok, big boss, tell us more details about Tanjugs newsflash. As you are almighty and all knowing, we are sure you can tell us the gory details. How many times, where, did they use cigars, etc.

BTW, big boss, can you also teach Sergey about leather and being gay. The boy is so..... yellow!

Please, please, beg, beg, tell us. Espeecially Sergey is so curious about the cigar bits. As his name is Monica LEWINSKY!!!


Dear sir.

The E.Z. Newsagency wishes to inform you that we recognise your growing standard and quality of news items. Indeed your agenzy is improving on free news gathering.

We have however one item you might have overlooked. Read all about it in OUR upcomeing NEWSFLASH!!!

Emina and Zoja

E.Z. Newsagency

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from the one and only....

E.Z. Newsagency!




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To Nickyboy

"Can anyone tell me what the "RA" is, what is it they won, and why that would be bad news for me ?
I am really lost."

Let me tell you what the crack is you British C##nt. The RA stands for what the RA stands for. We won because we have more backbone. Go take a wee look in your so called territories. You will find the answer written all over the WALLS in you know where.

The Kesh might be an fanfukkin' tastic place to start.


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To Sergey.

On the understanding of the concept of humour, the following.

You don't understand Pete's humour, Emina's
humour, Jack's, Rosies, Guido's, and so on, and so forth, but frankly, we all don't understand yours quite much.

What is the fun in overdoing it so bad it becomes grotesque? Franly you sound like someone who had too much electric shock treatments, a method well favoured in your country.

But if you really could enlighten us all with your definition of humour, maybe we understand it better.


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I hope this helps or comforts yall in some way.
May our Father continue to hold your lives in the palm of his hand..!


I refuse to be discouraged... To be sad, or to cry;
I refuse to be downhearted... and here's the reason why:
I have a God who's mighty... Who's sovereign and supreme;
I have a God who loves me... and I am on His team.
He is all-wise and powerful...
Jesus is His name;
Though everything is changeable...
My God remains the same.

My God knows all that's happening...
Beginning to the end;
His presence is my comfort...
He is my dearest Friend.
When sickness comes to weaken me...
To bring my head down low,
I call upon my mighty God...
Into His arms I go.
When circumstances threaten to rob me of my peace;
He draws me close unto His breast... Where all my strivings cease.

And when my heart melts within me...
and weakness takes control;
He gathers me into His arms...
He soothes my heart and soul.
The great "I AM" is with me...
My life is in His hand,
The "Son of the Lord" is my hope...
It's in His strength I stand.

I refuse to be defeated...
My eyes are on my God;
He has promised to be with me...
as through this life I trod.
I'm looking past all my circumstances...
To Heaven's throne above;
My prayers have reached the heart of God...
I'm resting in His love.
I give God thanks in everything...
My eyes are on His face;

The battle's His, the victory is mine...
He'll help me win the race.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!!!

I love and miss you Big Brother.....
and much love in Christ to the Riot Crew...
may He comfort your hearts!

In His Love,
Little Sister...

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Emina, you lying perverted bitch. I never said I wish you would be raped. You said that to me and I am sure people here still remember it. You can read Slovanian but not write it. First of all, there is no Slovanian language. Make up your mind. Can you speak or write Serbo Croatian or not?

About human sheelds. Sure they are used, I do not doubt that. But there is no proof they were used in that attact. If that was a problem, was was the issue brought up a day after it happened. If that was such a problem why wasn't it mentioned in the previous 50 days? About that statement to the German television. Journalists from CNN and RAI UNO talked to the refugees on the scene and they said there were no soldiers or police around and nobody told them to go to that exact building. I wish people would, by now, start noticing when something is said and start thinking.

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Serbian troops are decapitating, baby killing, village burning, human shield using, identification document stealing, nose cutting off, propagandizing, emasculating, uneducated(2 planes do not equal 200), ethnic cleansing, brainwashed, wedding ring and gold tooth stealing, megalomaniacal, child raping, genocidal, fascists (these are their good qualities). Anyone defending the Serbs are also guilty of these crimes by association. America will crush the lying NAZI Serbs under the heel of NATO justice.
All other opinions except Guido's, Emina's, Jack's, Zoja's, DS's, Pete's and Rosies' are null and void due to the fact that their authors lack the necessary insight and intelligence required to discern reality from propaganda.
P.S. NATO is kicking butt and not losing. There have been no bombs dropped on my city. Nothing in my country has been damaged. None of the NAZI's in my nation have been killed. Yes there really are NAZI's in the USA. I dislike them as much as I dislike Serbian NAZI's.

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And Rosie, comparing the book of BBC journalists called DEATH OF YUGOSLAVIA and why this is happening now in Kosovo, one can say with great certainty that THE SAME THING SERBS DO TO ALBANIANS IN KOSOVO, CROATS DID TO SERBS IN CRAINA. So I would think that the nation with so much blood on their hands would keep it's mouth quit. The war in Croatia would never had happened if you had not kicked all the Serb policemen out of work, make them wear ustasi ( better said nazi ) signs, same ustasi signs that were used when half a million of Serbs were killed in Croatia,
dismiss their political parties, making them second ranked citizens in every way. Everything happening now in Kosovo must be very familiar to your ustasi president. He, despite all the public appereance, is the great friend of Milosevic. Tudman and Milosevic were, while their soldiers were killing eachother, meeting and discussing how they will break up Bosnia, eliminate Bosnians and make a great Croatia and great Serbia. I wonder if you felt so much sympathy toward muslims when your soldiers were basically slaugheting them in Hercegovina.

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Looking down on Kosovo from this vantage point high on
Koshare Mountain on the Albanian frontier, it is easy to see the
problem confronting NATO's military planners. Or rather, it

Somewhere, hidden in that maze of towns, villages, hills, gullies
and thick forest are the hundreds of tanks and thousands of
men deployed by the Serbs. But you cannot see any of them.
Nor, unless it can spot tanks through thick foliage, can NATO.
The alliances's air bombardment can go on and on but short of
bombing every house and tree on the Jakovo plain there is no
way of guessing under which trees the Serbs have hidden their

And as Tony Blair, due to visit Albania today, is no doubt well
aware, NATO is in fact in danger of bombing its way into a

Up here, the rebel Kosovo Liberation Army is busily
reinforcing, with hundreds of soldiers, an enclave they have
pushed five miles inside Serb territory. KLA soldiers point to
distant hills, where smudges of brown mark the places where
Serb guns were foolish enough to open fire on the KLA, and
were subsequently destroyed by NATO bombers.

The Serbian artillery down there is now silent, and barring a
single Serb shell, all the noise yesterday is made by the
sporadic firing from the mortars of the KLA. The KLA wants
to push south, capturing the road that would allow them to
bring supplies through a mountain pass from the Albanian town
of Bajram Curri to Jakovo. But on its own, the KLA lacks the
armour and heavy guns to break out from their enclave into the
clear country beyond.

The only way to get the Serbs out of Kosovo through direct
action is to invade with ground troops, or for NATO to
establish a more direct relationship with the KLA, supplying
the sort of weapons and close air support that is likely to
enrage Serbia's ally, Russia. Analysts say the alternative -
bombing Serbia until it changes its mind - will only work if the
alliance is willing to bring about the complete collapse of this
country, including its water, power, food distribution and
sewerage systems.

Even then, NATO could find that the Yugoslav President, Mr
Slobodan Milosevic, will probably hang on, even as Western
TV channels fill with pictures of hungry Serb children dying in
blacked-out hospitals, or hundreds of tons of raw sewerage
float down the Danube.

Mr Blair, of course, hardly needs convincing. Britain, alone
among Allied powers, has said it is willing to use ground troops
if these air strikes fail to persuade the Serbs to cave in of their
own accord. Mr Blair's main crime, in the eyes of Britain's
military establishment, is the lack of foresight as to what would
happen if, as is now the case, those Serbian guns and tanks
remain tantalisingly out of view from NATO's jets on the Plain
of Jakovo.

Only now is the alliance scrambling to find a way out. Sharing
space on the decrepit ferry boat that took us through a
spectacular Albanian loch to the town of Bajram Curri, were
the first contingent of American troops.

These soldiers, sitting among their HUMVEE armoured Jeeps,
each jammed with communications equipment, were evasive
about their mission up here in Albania's wild north-west. But
they appeared to be the advance guard, together with some
Albanian special forces, of a military base being set up in the
hills to better co-ordinate the expected escalation of NATO's
campaign. Apache attack helicopters are the star element in
this escalation, but at present they are little more than a

Like NATO's bombers, the Apaches cannot hit what they
cannot see, and are unlikely to cruise around Koshare
Mountain searching for stray tanks amid the risk that the Serbs
will fire a shoulderlaunched anti-aircraft missile at them. More
likely the AngloAmerican artillery and surface-tosurface
missiles now arriving in Albania will be put to use.

But like the bombers, such weapons, short of turning large
swathes of Kosovo into scorched earth, are of little use unless
they are supporting the seizure of territory by a ground force.
Up here - I am not allowed to reveal exactly where - KLA
soldiers sat in a stone farmhouse surrounded by boxes of
everything from ammunition and medicine to computers and
white military police belts contemplating their fate.

"We have plenty of men, more and more keep coming, but we
need some big weapons," said one. "When will NATO end its
embargo?" The question is not easy. NATO can begin
supplying heavy weapons to the KLA, and see Russia do the
same with the Serbs, starting an arms race. Or NATO can
bomb Serbia until it starves, or send in ground troops or throw
in the towel, halt the air strikes, and set about finding homes for
one million embittered Kosovans.

What the alliance cannot do, however, with the Serbs now well
hidden, is to cross its fingers and carry on bombing. Anyone on
Koshare Mountain can tell you that.

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Serb Denied Aid by "Humanitarian"
Groups Because He's Serbian

Orphan, Former Prisoner of
War from Bosnian Conflict,
Denied Aid Because He's a

By Philip Smucker in Skopje

A Serb who fled from Kosovo to
Macedonia in a bus full of ethnic Albanians after his wife and daughter
were killed by
a Nato bomb has been told he does not qualify as a refugee.

His rejection was only the latest instalment in a story of suffering
that mirrors the
Balkan upheavals. Stojan Zlatonovic, a Bosnian Serb by birth, was
wounded six
times in the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia and taken prisoner by a Muslim
warlord. He
thought he had escaped war when in 1995 he was handed over in an
exchange for
three Muslims.

A friend's house in Kosovo had served as a refuge for the family since
1992 as
Yugoslavia imploded. He finally found a job in Bosnia this spring and
wanted to
persuade his wife to return with him to start life over again. He said:
"When the
bombing started I rushed back to Kosovo to be with them. I wanted to
make plans
for the future. My wife was reluctant to go back to Bosnia since we have

The indecision was fatal. Mr Zlatonovic went to drink coffee one evening
late last
month with a friend. He was sitting on a porch when a Nato bomb hit his
home 250
yards away, killing his wife and 16-year-old daughter. He said: "I
stayed to bury
them and I left on a bus full of Albanian refugees." In Macedonia, he
found himself in
a refugee camp with tens of thousands of Albanians but not one Serb.

"The Macedonian guards let me out because they said they wouldn't be
able to
protect me," he said. Barefoot and penniless, he was given a used suit
and some
shoes by the Association of Serbs in Macedonia.

Most Serbs still do not qualify as official refugees. An orphan most of
his childhood,
Mr Zlatonovic is again alone. He thinks he had a step-brother in Germany
but he is
not sure.

"The lady taking names for the UN refugee bus to Germany wouldn't listen
to me,"
he said. "She said if my name had been Alija or Muhamed I might stand a

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On May 12, President Clinton met with some American Indian leaders and
used the opportunity to try to justify genocidal policies against the
Serbs via a tortured analogy comparing America's early days to Kosovo.
As is often the case with Clinton, he twisted reality into a mobius
strip based on his perverse world view that is based on the notion that
forcing all peoples to blend together is somehow good and not the
genocide that it really is.
Clinton clearly showed some of his well know paternalistic liberal mind
set in his
discussion about American Indians being pushed off their lands earlier
in this nation's history when he said "[T]he American people pushed the
native American tribes off their lands... without any concern for how
they would govern themselves and make their way in life so long ago."
Without any concern how they would govern themselves and make their way
in life is the type of smarmy hidden racist thought that sent
missionaries to essentially kidnap young Indian children and dress them
in white men's clothes and make them little red skinned white men. It
was an attempt to kill off the Indians by assimilating them into the
white population culturally and genetically. It was the genocide of
Indians masquerading as do goodism.
The truth of history is that the American Indians faced an invasion by a
higher breeding population that believed it had the right to take what
it could take and expected that if other populations wanted to keep what
they had, that they had the right to fight for it. To the victor go the
spoils. It's no more complicated than that, and to find anything more
complicated or to posit notions of good and evil, as is so often done by
Clinton types, misses the truths of history and nature.
The American Indians didn't need Clintonesque thinking to tell them how
to govern themselves or how to make their way in life and the people of
the Balkans don't need such thinking now either.
Each distinct people, as self-defined, has a right to its own
self-determination and the right to govern itself as it sees fit and to
make its way in life as best it can. Those in our society who didn't
take part in the do gooder assimilation/genocide attempts on the Indians
were the ones who we should now praise, because without them there might
now be no Indians alive at all.
Where did many of the now extinct Indian tribes go? Were they all killed
off with white men's bullets? Nope. Many of them were killed off with
white men's genes and they were slowly bred out of their own distinct
existence and into the white masses.
To treat a distinct people as little children who must be scolded by the
likes of Clinton and his liberal pals is to insult the people and kill
them off with love.
Again, there is no great evil nor any great good in any of this. The
American Indians pushed out earlier peoples who had pushed out still
earlier peoples. That's the way of nature and we, as humans, may
arrogantly think that we're better than that or that we can go against
the laws of nature, but we can't. Our problem is that we have a hard
time in seeing that when we do try to obviate the laws of nature all we
end up doing is temporarily stalling the inevitable wars that are a
natural result of a calculus composed of various factors and equations
such as population vs. food supply and living space.
Oh, we may intellectualize the causes of our wars and we may (and we do)
posit a demon like leader or a Hitler of the month to explain why wars
happen, but that's not the real cause at all these leaders who we
demonize bubble up from the population whenever the various pressures
In the Balkans, if Milosevic weren't this month's Hitler, there would be
What we should do is let the people of the Balkans solve their problems
now so that much bigger problems won't happen a few years from now.
Leave the people of that region of the world alone and don't treat them
like children who we need to send to Clinton's Indian Schools.

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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 1 first visit here. Lots of hostility exists. Also, I've noticed that people like to post news articles. Here's one that illustrates how hard it is to trust what your media tell you the politicians are saying:

Clinton's words on Kosovo ground force

WASHINGTON, May 18 (Reuters) - President Bill Clinton on Tuesday refused to rule out the possibility of using ground troops in Kosovo. Following are selected Clinton quotes over the last three months on the issue of ground troops to Kosovo.

February 4 speaking in Washington:

``If a settlement -- and it's a big if -- if a settlement is reached, a NATO presence on the ground in Kosovo could prove essential in giving both sides the confidence they need to pull back from their fights. If that happens, we are seriously considering the possibility of our participation in such a force.''

March 25 in a televised address after the NATO bombing campaign began:

``I do not intend to put our troops in Kosovo to fight a war.''

March 31 in an interview with CBS's Dan Rather:

Asked if his statement that he had no intention of sending ground troops to Kosovo meant ``we are not going to have ground troops in there -- no way, no how, no time,'' Clinton replied: ``It means just what it says ... I have used those words carefully.''

``The thing that bothers me about introducing ground troops into a hostile situation -- into Kosovo and into the Balkans is the prospect of never being able to get them out.''

April 24 during a news conference at the NATO summit in Washington:

A reporter asked if the buildup of American and Allied troops smacked of potential grounds troops: ``No. The short answer is no.''

May 6 speaking to reporters during a visit to American troops stationed in Germany:

Asked if NATO was planning for ground troops in case Yugoslavia proved more difficult to defeat: ``Well, we're updating our contingency plan. We authorised the Military Committee of NATO to upgrade their assessment of what would be required if we had to send in forces in a non-permissive environment.''

Clinton added: ``We believe, I believe this (air campaign) strategy will work.''

May 18 during a photo opportunity before talks with Jordan's King Abdullah:

Asked if he was giving more consideration to the use of ground troops: ``I and everyone else has always said that we intend to see our objectives achieved and that we have not and will not take any option off the table.''

16:33 05-18-99

I trust Reuters, but not ANY of the politicians.

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Posts: 47

Yes the communist propaganda about Americans committing genocide against the American Indians is true(NOT!). Here is a list of the few remaining tribes. Mind you, these are tribes, not individual Indians. There is an e-mail address at the bottom for those that don't believe me.

Tribal Directory by Tribe

Absentee-Shawnee Executive Committee
Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove
Agua Caliente Tribal Council
Ak Chin Indian Community Council
Akiachak Native Community (IRA)
Akiak Native Community (IRA)
Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Council
Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town
Alatna Village
Aleut Community of St. Paul Island & St. George (IRA)
Allakaket Village
Alturas Rancheria
Angoon Community Association (IRA)
Anvik Village
Apache Business Committee
Arapahoe Business Council
Arapahoe Business Council
Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians
Asa’ Carsarmuit Tribe of Mt. Village
Atqasuk Village
Aukquan Traditional Council
Bad River Tribal Council
Barona General Business
Battle Mountain Band Council
Bay Mills Executive Council
Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria
Beaver Village
Benton Paiute Reservarion
Berry Creek Rancheria
Big Lagoon Rancheria
Big Sandy Rancheria
Big Valley Rancheria
Birch Creek Village
Bishop Reservation
Blue Lake Rancheria
Bridgeport Indian Colony
Buena Vista Rancheria
Burns-Paiute General Council
Cabazon Indians of California
Caddo Tribal Council
Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians
Campo Band of Mission Indians
Carson Colony Community Council
Cawtawba Indian Nation
Cayuga Indian Nation
Cedarville Rancheria
Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Chalkyitsik Village
Chehalis Business Council
Chemehuevi Tribal Council
Chemehuevi Tribal Council
Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma
Chevak Native Village
Cheyenne-Arapaho Business Committee
Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma
Chicken Ranch Rancheria
Chico Rancheria
Chignik Lake Village
Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan) (IRA)
Chilkoot Indian Association (Haines) (IRA)
Chinik Eskomo Community (aka Golovin)
Chippewa Cree Business Committee
Chitimacha Tribe
Chitina Traditional Village
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
Chuloonawick Native Village
Circle Native Community
Citizen Band Potawatomi Business Committee
Cloverdale Rancheria
Coeur D’Alene Tribal Council
Cold Springs Rancheria
Colorado River Tribal Council
Colusa Rancheria
Colville Business Council
Comanche Business Committee
Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribal Council
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
Confederated Tribes of Coos Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians
Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde Tribal Council
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation
Coquille Indian Tribe
Cortina Rancheria
Coushatta Tribe
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians
Coyote Valley Reservation
Craig Community Association (IRA)
Creek Nation of Oklahoma
Crow Creek Sioux Tribal Council
Crow Tribal Council
Cuyapaipe Band of Mission Indians
Delaware Executive Committee
Devils Lake Sioux Tribal Council
Devils Lake Sioux Tribal Council
Douglas Indian Association (IRA)
Dresslerville Community Council
Dry Creek Rancheria
Duckwater Shoshone Tribal Council
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma
Egegik Village
Eklutna Native Village
Elem Indian Colony of Pomo Indians, Sulphur Bank Rancheria
Elk Valley Rancheria
Elko Band Council
Ely Colony Council
Emmonak Village
Evansville Village
Fallon Business Council
Fond du Lac Reservation Business Committee
Forest County Potawatomi Executive Council
Fort Belknap Community Council
Fort Bidwell Reservation
Fort Hall Business Council
Fort Independence Reservation
Fort McDermitt Tribal Council
Fort Peck Tribal Executive Board
Galena Village (aka Louden)
Gila River Indian Community Council
Goshute Business Council
Grand Portage Reservation Business Committee
Grand Traverse Tribal Council
Greenville Rancheria
Grindstone Rancheria
Guidiville Rancheria
Gulkana Village
Hannahville Indian Community Council
Havasupai Tribal Council
Healy Lake Village
Hoh Tribal Business Council
Holy Cross Village
Hoonah Indian Association (IRA)
Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation
Hopi Tribal Council
Hopland Reservation
Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians
Hualapai Tribal Council
Hughes Village
Huslia Village
Hydaburg Cooperative Assocation (IRA)
Iglugig Village
Inaja & Cosmit Band of Mission Indians
Indian Township Reservation
Inupiat Community of Arctic Slope (IRA)
Iowa of Kansas Executive Committee
Iowa of Oklahoma Business Committee
Iqurmuit Tribe (Russian Mission)
Ivanoff Bay Village
Jackson Rancheria
Jamestown S’Klallam Tribal Council
Jamul Band of Mission Indians
Jicarilla Apache Tribe
Kaibab Paiute Tribal Council
Kaktovik Village
Kalispel Business Committee
Karuk Tribe of California
Kaw Executive Council
Kenaitze Indian Tribe (IRA)
Ketchikan Indian Corporation (IRA)
Keweenaw Bay Tribal Council
Kialegee Tribal Town
Kickapoo of Kansas Tribal Council
Kickapoo of Oklahoma Business Committee
Kickapoo Traditional Council
King Island Native Community (IRA)
Kiowa Business Committee
Klamath General Council
Klawock Cooperative Association (IRA)
Knik Tribe
Kokhanok Village
Koliganek Village
Kootenai Tribal Council
La Jolla Band
La Posta Band
Lac Courte Oreilles Governing Board
Lac du Flambeau Tribal Council
Laca Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Michigan
Las Vegas Tribal Council
Laytonville Rancheria
Leech Lake Reservation Business Committee
Levelock Village
Lime Village
Lone Pine Reservation
Los Coyotes Band of Mission Indians
Lovelock Tribal Council
Lower Brule Sioux Tribal Council
Lower Elwha Community Council
Lower Sioux Indian Community Council
Lummi Business Council
Lytton Rancheria
Makah Tribal Council
Manchester/Point Arena Rancheria
Manley Hot Springs Village
Manokotak Village
Manzanita General Council
Mashantucket Pequot Tribe
McGrath Native Village
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
Mesa Grande Band of Mission Indians
Mescalero Apache Tribe
Metlakatla Indian Community Council
Miami Tribe of Oklahoma
Miccosukee Tribe
Middletown Rancheria
Mille Lacs Reservation Business Committee
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma
Mohave-Apache Community Council
Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut
Mooretown Rancheria
Morongo Band
Muckleshoot Tribal Council
Naknek Native Village
Narragansett Indian Tribe
Native Village of Afognak
Native Village of Akhiok
Native Village of Akutan
Native Village of Aleknagik
Native Village of Algaaciq (aka St. Mary’s)
Native Village of Ambler
Native Village of Atka (IRA)
Native Village of Balkofski
Native Village of Barrow
Native Village of Bill Moore’s Slough
Native Village of Brevig Mission
Native Village of Buckland (IRA)
Native Village of Cantwell
Native Village of Chenega (IRA)
Native Village of Chignik
Native Village of Chignik Lagoon
Native Village of Chistochina
Native Village of Council
Native Village of Crooked Creek
Native Village of Deering (IRA)
Native Village of Dillingham
Native Village of Eek
Native Village of Ekuk
Native Village of Elim (IRA)
Native Village of Eyak
Native Village of False Pass
Native Village of Fort Yukon (IRA)
Native Village of Gakona
Native Village of Gambell
Native Village of Georgetown
Native Village of Goodnews Bay
Native Village of Hamilton
Native Village of Hooper Bay
Native Village of Kasilgluk
Native Village of Kiana
Native Village of Kipnuk
Native Village of Kivalina (IRA)
Native Village of Kluti-kaah (aka Cooper Center)
Native Village of Kobuk
Native Village of Kongiganak
Native Village of Kotzebue (IRA)
Native Village of Koyuk (IRA)
Native Village of Kwigillingok (IRA)
Native Village of Kwinhagak (IRA)
Native Village of Larsen Bay
Native Village of Marshall
Native Village of Mary’s Igloo
Native Village of Minto (IRA)
Native Village of Nanwalek
Native Village of Napaimute
Native Village of Napakiak (IRA)
Native Village of Napaskiak
Native Village of Nelson Lagoon
Native Village of Nightmute
Native Village of Nikolski (IRA)
Native Village of Noatak (IRA)
Native Village of Nuiqsut
Native Village of Nunapitchuk (IRA)
Native Village of Ohogamiut
Native Village of Ouzinkie
Native Village of Perryville (IRA)
Native Village of Piamuit
Native Village of Pilot Point
Native Village of Pitka’s Point
Native Village of Point Hope (IRA)
Native Village of Point Lay (IRA)
Native Village of Port Heiden
Native Village of Port Lions
Native Village of Ruby
Native Village of Savoonga (IRA)
Native Village of Scammon Bay
Native Village of Selawik (IRA)
Native Village of Shaktoolik (IRA)
Native Village of Sheldon’s Point
Native Village of Shishmaref (IRA)
Native Village of Shungnak (IRA)
Native Village of Solomon
Native Village of St. Michael (IRA)
Native Village of Tanacross (IRA)
Native Village of Tanana (IRA)
Native Village of Tatitlek (IRA)
Native Village of Tazlina
Native Village of Teller
Native Village of Tetlin (IRA)
Native Village of Tuntutuliak
Native Village of Tununak (IRA)
Native Village of Tyonek (IRA)
Native Village of Unga
Native Village of Venetie (IRA)
Native Village of Wales (IRA)
Native Village of White Mountain (IRA)
Native Village of Yakutat
Navajo Nation
Nenana Native Association
Nett Lake Reservation Business Committee (Bois Forte)
New Stuyahok Village
Newhalen Village
Newtok Village
Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee
Nikolai Village
Nisqually Indian Community Council
Nome Eskimo Community (IRA)
Nondalton Village
Nooksack Indian Tribal Council
Noorvik Native Community (IRA)
North Fork Rancheria
Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council
Northway Village
Northwestern Band of Shoshoni Nation
Oganized Village of Kasaan (IRA)
Oglala Sioux Tribal Council
Omaha Tribal Council
Oneida Indian Nation of New York
Oneida Tribal Council
Onondaga Nation
Organized Village of Grayling (IRA) (aka Holikachuk)
Organized Village of Kake (IRA)
Organized Village of Kwethluk (IRA)
Organized Village of Saxman (IRA)
Orutsararmuit Native Council
Osage Nation of Oklahoma
Oscarville Traditional Council
Otoe-Missouria Tribal Council
Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma
Pala Band of Mission Indians
Pascua Yaqui Tribal Council
Pauma Band of Mission Indians
Pawnee Business Council
Pechanga Band of Mission Indians
Pedro Bay Village
Peoria Indian Tribe of Oklahoma
Petersburg Indian Association (IRA)
Picayune Rancheria
Pilot Station Traditional Council
Pit River Tribal Council
Platinum Traditional Village
Poarch Band of Creek Indians
Ponca Business Committee
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe
Port Graham Village
Portage Creek Village
Potter Valley Rancheria
Prairie Band Potawatomi Tribal Council
Prairie Island Community Council (Minnesota Mdewakanton Sioux)
Pueblo of Acoma
Pueblo of Cochiti
Pueblo of Isleta
Pueblo of Jemez
Pueblo of Laguna
Pueblo of Namba
Pueblo of Picuris
Pueblo of Pojoaque
Pueblo of San Felipe
Pueblo of San Ildefonso
Pueblo of San Juan
Pueblo of Sandia
Pueblo of Santa Ana
Pueblo of Santo Domingo
Pueblo of Taos
Pueblo of Tesuque
Pueblo of Zia
Pueblo of Zuni
Puyallup Tribal Council
Qagun Tayagungin Tribe of Sand Point
Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska
Quapaw Tribal Business Committee
Quartz Valley Reservation
Quechan Tribal Council
Quileute Tribal Council
Quileute Tribal Council
Ramah Navajo Chapter
Ramona Band of Cahuilla Indians
Rampart Village
Red Cliff Tribal Council
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians of Minnesota
Redding Rancheria
Redwood Valley Rancheria
Reno-Sparks Tribal Council
Rincon Band of Mission Indians
Robinson Rancheria
Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council
Round Valley Reservation
Rumsey Rancheria
Sac & Fox of Missouri Tribal Council
Sac & Fox Tribal Council
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Council
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Council
San Carlos Tribal Council
San Juan Southern Paiute Council
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
San Pasqual Band
Santa Rosa Rancheria
Santa Rosa Reservation
Santa Ynez Band of Mission Indians
Santa Ysabel Band of Mission Indians
Santee Sioux Tribal Council
Sauk-Suiattle Tribal Council
Sault Ste. Marie Chippewa Tribal Council
Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians
Seldovia Village Tribe (IRA)
Selitz Tribal Council
Seminole Nation of Oklahoma
Seminole Tribe of Florida
Seneca Nation of Indians
Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma
Shageluk Native Village (IRA)
Shakopee Sioux Community Council
Sherwood Valley Rancheria
Shingle Springs Rancheria
Shoalwater Bay Tribal Council
Shoonaq’ Tribe of Kodiak
Shoshone Business Council
Shoshone Business Council
Shoshone Paiute Business Council
Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribal Council
Sitka Tribe of Alaska (IRA)
Skaguay Traditional Council
Skokomish Tribal Council
Skull Valley General Council % Unitah & Ouray Aaency
Smith River Rancheria
Soboba Band of Mission Indians
Sokaogon Chippewa Tribal Council
Sokaogon Chippewa Tribal Council
South Ford Band Council
South Naknek Village
Southern Ute Tribe
Spokane Business Council
Squaxin Island Tribal Council
St. Geoge Island
St. Regis Mohawk Council Chiefs
Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council
Stebbins Community Association (IRA)
Stewart Community Council
Stewart Point Rancheria
Stillaquamish Board of Directors
Suquamish Tribal Council
Susanville Rancheria
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community
Sycuan Business Committee
Table Bluff Rancheria
Table Mountain Rancheria
Takotna Village
Telida Village
Thiopthlocco Tribal Town
Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council
Timbisha Shoshone Tribe
Tohono O’odham Council
Tonawanda Band of Senecas
Tonkawa Tribal Committee
Tonto Apache Tribal Council
Traditional Village of Togiak
Tribal Council of the Te-Moak Western Tribe
Trinidad Rancheria
Tulalip Board of Directors
Tule River Reservation
Tuluksssak Native Community (IRA)
Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe of LA
Tuolumne Me-wuk Rancheria
Turtle Mountain Tribal Council
Tuscarora Nation
Twenty Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians
Twin Hills Village
Ugashik Village
Uintah & Ouray Tribal Business Committee
Umatilla Board of Trustees
Umkumiut Native Village
Upper Lake Rancheria
Upper Skagit Tribal Council
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe
Uuplit of Andreafski
Viejas Tribal Council
Village of Alakanuk
Village of Anaktuvuk Pass
Village of Aniak
Village of Arctic Village
Village of Atmautluak
Village of Chefornak
Village of Clark’s Point
Village of Eagle (IRA)
Village of Kalskag
Village of Kaltag
Village of Kanatak (IRA)
Village of Kotlik
Village of Lliamna
Village of Lower Kalskag
Village of Old Harbor
Village of Red Devil
Village of Salamatof
Village of Sleetmute
Village of Stoney River
Village of Wainwright
Walker River Paiute Tribal Council
Washoe Tribal Council
Wells Indian Colony Band Council
White Earth Reservation Business Committee
White Mountain Apache Tribal Council
Wichita & Affiliated Tribal Executive Committee
Winnebago Tribal Council
Winnemucca Indian Colony
Wisconsin Winnebago Business Committee
Woodfords Community Council
Wrangell Cooperative Association (IRA)
Wyandotte Tribe of Oklahoma
Yakima Tribal Council
Yankton Sioux Tribal Business & Claims Committee
Yavapai-Apache Community Council
Yavapai-Prescott Board of Directors
Yerington Paiute Tribal Council
Yomba Tribal Council
Ysleta de Sur Pueblo
Yurok Tribe

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Last Revised on Apr 16, 1996. © 1996 American Indian Heritage Foundation
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Now please, shut the f**k up about the Indians. Serbs are the ones committing genocide NOW. We aren't concerned about some communist propaganda that never occured 200 years ago.

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