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Archive through May 2, 1999

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Den De Cannabis,
Not that it is relevant to this board, but you seem to be obsessed with my usage of the word maroon, it is not purple it is dark red, but that is not what Bugs meant. He was talking about an ignorant savage.

Main Entry: 1 ma·roon
Pronunciation: m&-'rün
Function: noun
Etymology: French maron, marron, modification of American Spanish cimarrón, from cimarrón wild, savage : a fugitive black slave of the West Indies and Guiana in the 17th and 18th centuries; also : a descendant of such a slave

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I am glad you stopped shouting and creaming.

Best wishes


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Read the following carefully,
and remember I am not threatening
or trying to insult you in any way.
I just think the following will be the

You call upon others to sue the USA for damages.
It won't happen
It will not hold in any court ouside Serbia,
certainly not in Den Haag.

It is more likely (and just) that Serb tax-payers
be required to pay for
1. the damage done to Kosovars,
2. a portion of the costs of the bombs
that had to be used to stop Milo.

Even if Kosovo is rich in natural resources
the peace-terms will narrowly define ("DICTATE")
the terms of its exploitation
including - but not limited to -
the application of funds derived from same.

Consequently, Serbia will have to BORROW extensively
from the WEST (nowhere else)
to rebuild the assets destroyed.

As you know, we do not lend you money without collateral,
so it is very likely that Western investors
(myself included)
will be taking fiduciary title to your assets,
as security for funds advanced.

The instalments on the loans will be huge,
the interest will reflect the risk (thus high),
and the period for repayment will be short.
Serbian people will be simple employees
with no net worth.

But as you will be unable to meet payments,
we will own these assets shortly after the war.
Wihtout sending a single soldier,
we end up owning the most valuable properties in Serbia.

If Milosovic had stopped early - say one month ago
then NATO would not have destroyed so much.
If he stops today, NATO will destroy less
than if he stops one month from now.
He will stop at some point - why not NOW?

The longer you hang, the shorter you'll be of breath.

Yet he drags on
.... even in the face of iminent defeat.
Does he want the country obliterated?
Why do you guys stick with him?

He, Milosovic, has achieved only one thing :
he made Serbs economic slaves for the new century.
At the start of the New World Order
Serbia will be downgraded from a European country
to a THIRD WORLD country
Even the GNP of Albania will be larger.
Serbian people will be impoverished.

Maja, again, without getting personal,
do you think the economic picture
for the future Serbia will be any different
from the one relayed above?

It is o.k. if you don't agree with me on the above.
But agree at least that you will need money
to reconstruct.
Where do you intend to get this money?

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so okay now who'll stand up
and speak for us the goons
who killed when told to kill
who stood at attention for years
promised a venue
by which to fulfill our wildness
unloosed from hypocrisy
who'll say we did this for reasons
and that reasons are wise
and that reasons are reason enough to kill
that there are actually investments
small gains leading to larger ones
we did after all have families
who counted on our every act
to free the bulk from the keening
that comes to us at night when we're alone
questioning our loyalties
reassessing our mutual dislikes
reexamining the structural warts

okay now so which of you
traveling light but with some sorrow
and if you could say what that was
if you dared to tell the rest of us
what it is that you fear
would somehow spur the lot of us
dangling like sleeping bats in our caves
to a panicked flight through the cavern
and to the cavern floor
where we brushed against each other horrified
the touch not sensuous, the chill
that skips like silver up our backs
are bent, are numb


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somewhere in the occupied city

I wrapped my legs around his legs
poking him until he laughed
we lay on the bed
where can we go?
everywhere the news is the same
I lay my lips against his lips
he breathes and he warms me
they are murdering each other
setting the city on fire
his hot palm, the slope of his cheek
what I imagine he dreams
a city without bombardment
sky fracturing through power lines
curtains lit by courtyard lights
never extinguished, we fear
the beast

he seems tired tonight
muscles tightening in his arched back
making love on the bed
having laid down our helmets
having broken a hunk of bread
savoring the taste on our tongues
the glass of cool water
the sweetness of melting butter
tooth against tooth, his tongue
moves almost frantically
inside my mouth


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Jack London, the future of Serbia is not bright, the future of Albanians even darker. Nevertheless,
Serbian civilians can sue American goverment in the American courts and by all the laws and rules, they should win.
And no, Serbia will not be rebuild mostly on loans. War damage or no war damage, Serbia will mostly be rebuild with American ( given ) money.
America is saying it is not in war with Serbian people, and will be forced by the international community to prove that.

Spiro, from what I have read the war damage is not a likely thing to happen, though it could. My understanding is there is some kind of American law passed in the 1982 that would prevent America to be obliged paying the damage it does while bombing all around the world. Nevetheless, I think it can be done.

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They indeed proved their humanity. Evethough they are poor and their country extremly small they have excepted THREE, yes people THREE refugees.
And with such speed, it only took them 38 days.

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Emina, da bi da mi dokazes, kako sam u greski, mogla bi da napises nekoliko recenica na srpskom jeziku. Za nekog ko je doktorirao u Bosni, i to vise puta, to stvarno ne bi smelo, da bude tezko.

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Ok Guido Nutz Whatever!
I have heard of Cimmaroon from the old west tv shows but to be honest I never knew the definition. But I can assure you I'm not a runaway slave or a wild savage either.
I guess I should have paid closer attention to Bug's vocabulary. Not really! In any rate your insult is noted.
Peace not WoD!

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NPR Gives Tacit Approval To The Outrage

Your Tax Dollars Support Repression

Hey Nutzy Guido. This is who you support? Moroon!

(October 1, 1997) -- At least four broadcast facilities operated
by Serbians resisting United Nations occupation of their homeland
were effectively seized today by NATO forces, reports National
Public Radio (NPR). In its report, NPR included "code words"
implying that the outrage against human rights was somehow
"reasonable." Said NPR (affiliated with the Public Broadcasting
Service, PBS), the Serb broadcast facilities were being operated
by "hard liners" (code word #1) who were making "inflamatory"
(code word #2) broadcasts. For example, says NPR, the Serb
resistance had broadcast that United Nations troops in the region
are like "a Nazi army of occupation."

Conspiracy Nation suggests that sacrosanct NPR itself is being
run by "hard liners" who make "inflamatory" broadcasts. However,
out of respect for the American ideal of free speech, we do not
advocate that NPR's facilities ought to be seized. (We *do*
advocate to, in the future, never, EVER, give any money to the
PBS swine who are tacitly supporting this most basic human rights

Ask yourself one thing: Just *why* exactly are U.S. troops
involved in this latest repression? More to the point: *Why*
are our uniformed women and men even *in* Bosnia?

Maybe you have some vague idea that we are in the former
Yugoslavia because of the "dirty Serbs" or something. Propaganda
mills have been cranking out questionable stories about supposed
Serb atrocities. Such stories are questionable based on historic
precedent: e.g., "the rape of the Belgian nuns" (World War I),
and Kuwait's "incubator babies" (Gulf War) -- these types of
stories are routinely manufactured to convince the too-trusting
public that military intervention is justified. The wild,
"inflamatory," propaganda mill stories of this type are foisted
off by oh-so-respectable "journalists" in league with war mongers
and imperialists. Some of these puppets of elite "hard line"
imperial interests spew their suavely-dressed venom via National
Public Radio! And *you* help pay NPR to keep doing it!!

Truth on what the Bosnian situation is about is hard to come by.
Considered credible is Mark Zepezauer's analysis. In his summary
of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) crimes, *The CIA's Greatest
Hits* (Tucson: Odonian Press, 1994), Zepezauer sees tensions in
the former Yugoslavia as fomented by Western intelligence
services, "including Germany's BND, the successor to the [Nazi]
Gehlen Organization." During World War II, it was BOSNIA and
CROATIA who were allied *with* the NAZIS; it was the *Serbians*
who *fought* the Nazis and gave them hell. The re-unification of
Germany in 1989 re-ignited Pan-Germanism, and that land of "the
master race" got greedy for Yugoslavian territory. Helping
Germany, says Zepezauer, has been "Mr. CIA" -- Sir George Bush.

If you're looking for "bad guys" in the former Yugoslavia, don't
look at the Serbs; look instead at "virulently fascist Croats
[who have] long been active in the World Anti-Communist League
and other exile groups nurtured by the CIA." (Zepezauer)

Remember also how, in spite of an "arms embargo" against Croatia,
Western powers continued to secretly arm that
Nazi-collaborationist state. And what role did BILL CLINTON play
in it? Recall past stories furtively circulated that Bill
Clinton & Co. had been connected to the circumvention of the
"arms embargo." And Clinton himself is a long-time CIA "asset."
(See *Partners in Power* by Roger Morris)

What is going on in Bosnia?? Can we trust the controlled
American press to keep us informed on all the facts? The current
issue of New American magazine (10/13/97) bucks the trend of
controlled news from Bosnia in a frightening lead article. In
"Template for World 'Justice,'" we get a glimpse of "UN 'world
law' in action." Calling it a "Kafkaesque nightmare," the
article details how, under developing UN "world law," the accused
is denied trial by jury, denied the right to confront his
accuser, denied bail, and hearsay is accepted into evidence. If
the accused does not like the verdict, he can make an appeal to
the same judges who convicted him!

And, presciently, the article in New American warns of
UN-authorized military personnel being used in the former
Yugoslavia "to censor media outlets that publicize anti-UN news
and opinions." In light of NPR's use of the term "hard liners,"
the question is -- Who are the *real* "hard liners?"

It has been well over a year since Bill Clinton, without approval
from Congress, put U.S. troops into harm's way in Bosnia.
(Later, when the troop commitment was already a *fait accompli*,
a lily-livered Republican Congress knuckled under to Clinton's
arrogant abuse of power and rubber-stamped the sneak deal.) We
were told then that our troops would be out of there within a
year, but can you say "mission creep?" Like other promises made
by arch-deceiver Clinton and entourage, we are still waiting for
that promise to be kept.

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How much grass do you think you can
smoke in Freedom Loving Serbia?

They won't arrest you.
They'll just shoot you

And rape your mother while at it.

So go fight elsewhere.

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Hey jack, I doubt the serbs are very busy busting tokers.

Hang around DdC, fancy running into you here.

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Review the legalities.
Serb citizens can not sue in American courts
for "crimes" committed outside the US.
This is not Roman law, its Anglo-Saxon.
The principles of Justinianus (a Yugo) hardly apply.

Besides, what would be their legal status?
Citizen of Yugoslavia?
The US does not recognize Serbia as a
continuation of the old Yugoslavia.
Yet your government insists that you are.
Hence, your people would have no legal personality in US courts.
Thus they cannot be accpeted in US courts.

The Tribunal Penal International pour l'ex Yougoslavie,
now that's a different story.
Established in 1991,
they have accumulated data and have been
authorized by the international community
to pass judgement on :

ART.2. Grave Breaches of the Geneva Conventons of August 12, 1949.

ART.3. Violations of the laws of Customs of war.

ART.4. Genocide (!!!!!!!!)

ART.5. Crimes against Humanity (!!!!!!)

Your Heroes will HANG.

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Nobody will hang.

During the Nuremburg trials a million people were exterminated by Tito.

It's all a game taking place on a playing board we don't have access to.

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NATO leaders in session ! (posted on another site on 31st March 1999)

Behind thick walls, discussions of the utmost importance were taking place. Unbeknownst to some
of the world leaders, our secret envoy was able to sneak in and record some of the conversations in several locations. This journalist risked his life to recover the following excerpts:
LOCATION: Brussels, Belgium.

BILL: "I want some goddam figures, how many targets did we hit last night ? "
WESLEY: "One, Mister President. An army barracks. Actually the building where...refugees from some Krajina place were housed. But we believe we hit some of the army installations next to it."
BILL: "Good. We’ll just say we did that. How many military targets have we destroyed so far ?"
WESLEY: "Erm, about 8% I think, unconfirmed."
BILL: "What ? Goddam it, all these goddam satellites and we got 8% ?
Where didya get these pilots from, Albania ?"
WESLEY: "Actually, Sir, we are not quite sure what we’re hitting..."
BILL: "Look, we gotta do something. Eight days into this and nothing. Get me Doggie on the phone
[phone rings]
Tony ? Bill here. Listen, I got the Senate breathing down my neck, Russian spying equipment
paddling on their way over, the Ken Dwelle parents on the phone and stiffs shipped by the truckload. If they find out, forget amending the US Constitution for a third term !"
TONY: "Oh Dear. I am awfully sorry Mr President. It is rather a shame, but obviously these
annoying Kosovanians are preventing us from moving in. Shall I send more Tornado airplanes ?"
BILL: "Are ya kiddin’ me ? It’s a miracle the goddam antiques get off the Aviano runway at all.
What’s going on with these super soldiers you
promised me, the ones who sliced Argentinian throats in the Falklands ?"
TONY: "I am afraid they cannot make it Mr President, not after the arrest of the Mexican
BILL: "US soldiers, Tony, US. Why won’t your guys go in ?"
TONY: "Sir, they watched television and now they think that the captured soldiers are going to be massacred, perhaps even eaten alive with some local cheese, I think it’s called Kajmak."
BILL: "That’s ridiculous. OK, phase 4 effective immediately ! Tony, I seeya later, we’ll get a
burger one of these days."
WESLEY: "Mister President, I think we’re at phase 3 now. You know, hitting army and government
HQs ?"
BILL: "Oh yeah. Destroy everything you can. Anything that remotely looks like a tank from 2
miles up, bomb the hell out of it. And use

LOCATION: Paris, France.

JACQUES: "Meesteur Prezident, I do not sink it eez a good aydi to continue ze bumming. Why do we not riviu ze Rambouillet deel. It waz a leetel ard on ze Yougos."
GERHART: "Ach, I don’t theenk zo. Das dokument vas in English and das serben are not gut at
languages. Vee shud kontinue mit zer boms and finish job from 40’s. I have das terrorists training in Germany but zeez idiots shut zo bad,
KLA vil be history by the time dey are redy."
BILL: "Yeah, I’d love to but we gotta do somethin’ for these refugees otherwise nobody is gonna
believe us. That idiot at the Pentagon, he told the press there were 400,000 Fillet-o-Fish on the counter and we got jack s..t down there !"
J.MARIA: "Señor Presidente, whya we don’t send de grrround trrroops and make tortilla wize dem ?"
BILL: "No way, they gonna turn them into Steak Tartare as soon as they cross the border.
Congress will never forgive me if I bring back
Kebab à l'Américaine instead of US soldiers. Howz that propaganda doing ?"
JACQUES: "Veri welle, olze we ave a problem wiz ze Kommunists, zey are organising demonstrasheuns all overe. In brussels, we even ad to cansele zem alzo zat is supposd to bee a fri countri. We are in ze
[phone rings]
BODYGUARD: "Sir, it's Tony on the phone, he wants to know if his rescue helicopters came back ?"
BILL: "Tell him to call Ken at the Pentagon, he's good at beating around the bush".

[loud laughs]

LOCATION: Aviano, Italy.

BILL: "What’s the bottom line?"
WILLIAM: "Well Sir, the picture is pretty gloomy. We got some hangars half empty, missiles are running out, we don’t know where the Yugoslav units are, and we’ve just broken the $10 billion barrier on cost."
SANDY: "The opposition is preparing something, Sir. Furthermore, the Serbs are resolved to fight
until the end. If we go in with troops, we could hide a few hundred casualties and still cover it up, but what if we lose thousands ?"
MADELEINE: "It’s this Milosevic. He is a bad man. He is a new Hitler."
BILL: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, stop repeating that all the time ! We know. But we gotta find something new. Where’s that tape you guys were gonna
show on the BBC ?".
SANDY: "It didn’t have the effect we were hoping for, Sir. The author's story came out strange."
MADELEINE: "Mister President, maybe I could go back to the Balkans and tell Bulgaria that the missile that hit them came from Milosevic ? Or tell Hungary the Serbs are scheming to invade them ?"
BILL: "No, we’ve already done that, and scaring Italy didn't work either. Destroying these bridges in Novi Sad was a crap idea too, what's the point of occupying a place if we can't move once we're in ? Try bombing more utilities, fight against protests, show more refugees crying, more villages on fire, anything ! I’m desperate here !"
SANDY: "Sir, we got that central heating plant in Novi Beograd, but the Serbs made fun of us on
the Internet because Winter is over; we got the Spanish Cesid spying on Mijatovic and others but they don’t understand Srpski; some journalists say they find amazing that 90% of the refugees interviewed speak English and we’ve only got two houses burning on film dating back to 28th March.
The problem is Mr President that they are extremely resilient: I saw a 70 year old man on Serbian TV the other day, he said about NATO that all we could do was fart under his windows."
WILLIAM: "Tragic. How about Milosevic plotting a Coup in Montenegro ?"
BILL: "Yeah, I could put CNN on that. Anybody who watches them will buy anything. You know what I told them the other day ? I said that Milosevic and Saddam were allies !"

[loud laughs]
SANDY: "They actually bought that ? You’re kidding."
BILL: "No, they really did ! And you know the last one ? I told CNN and all the crap media from the other NATO morons to repeat that the film with
Rugova was two years old ! And the best is, they had never met back then !"
[spasms of laughter in the room]
MADELEINE: "Did you hear my speech in Srpski 10 days ago ? You’re not gonna make me speak Hungarian now, are you ? I will do anything but that !"
BILL: "OK, seriously folks: I gotta go back home for Easter, pray, think of all the Serbs I
killed and the refugees I created and not helping
(pffrrt !). Keep bombing, blame the wheather, whatever."

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