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Archive through May 2, 1999

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Jack, first of all, not my goverment. And second of all, you are very wrong. Roman law has nothing to do with it. Families of victims who your pilot killed a year ago in Italy are suing the American goverment, and the same thing apllies here. And yes, Serb people can sue in the American court. And no, Justinianus was not a Yugo, for your information.

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I am glad Jack London said that. It shows that he has understood what the New World Order is all about: oppress the poor, give to the rich, control vital space, use the media to control the undecided.

This worked very well with London. I mean read what the guy says: he could not even consider any other event than what they put in his head, even under Chinese torture. That's called being objective.

The following shows, once again, how Jack London has no clue about the Kosovo conflict.

"Read the following carefully, and remember I am not threatening or trying to insult you in any way."

That is, until you really piss me off by not agreeing with you (see his previous posts).

"I just think the following will be the

A reality with rubbles: destroyed utilities, hospitals, roads and bridges, communications links, Government centres, this under more economic sanctions and miscellaneous embargos...

"You call upon others to sue the USA for damages.
It won't happen "

[to be read in a voice conveying a subliminous message]. You know, I think this is the guy who designed the radio programs broadcasted by NATO TV in the Balkans in an attempt to make them overthrow Milosevic.

"It will not hold in any court ouside Serbia,
certainly not in Den Haag."

Den Haag, that's the court where those disgusting soldiers in Somalia were cleared, right ? Dutch, Nazi, what's the difference ?

"It is more likely (and just) that Serb tax-payers
be required to pay for
1. the damage done to Kosovars,
2. a portion of the costs of the bombs that had to be used to stop Milo."

Now I have read everything. This should trigger spasms of hysterical laughter on the board.
Now Serbian people pay attention: once your houses are ruins, you will receive a bill from NATO for ordinance used in destroying your meagre assets and butchering your loved ones. We regret that there will be no payment facilities.

"Even if Kosovo is rich in natural resources the peace-terms will narrowly define ("DICTATE")
the terms of its exploitation including - but not limited to - the application of funds derived from same."

Read: NATO will steal Kosovo and its contents. Define, dictate, same as in Rambouillet.

"Consequently, Serbia will have to BORROW extensively from the WEST (nowhere else) to rebuild the assets destroyed."

And as collateral for the loan, should we use damage, or human lives ?

"As you know, we do not lend you money without collateral, so it is very likely that Western investors (myself included) will be taking fiduciary title to your assets, as security for funds advanced."

Look, it all comes out now: HE WANTS SERBIA RUINED SO THAT HE CAN REBUILD IT. That is the most stupid confession I have ever seen. London, will you be requiring employing our women for prostitution as well ?

"The instalments on the loans will be huge, the interest will reflect the risk (thus high), and the period for repayment will be short. Serbian people will be simple employees with no net worth. "

And he is going on and on...People if you can see through this guy: he REVELS in imagining people of Yugoslavia humiliated, at his fingertips, not only poor but enslaved. Of course this is all he can do since despite all the horrors committed by his Gandhis the Serbs will never surrender.

"But as you will be unable to meet payments, we will own these assets shortly after the war.
Wihtout sending a single soldier, we end up owning the most valuable properties in Serbia."

As I said before, the goal is probably to conquer the whole of Yugoslavia. You're delusional, man.

"If Milosovic had stopped early - say one month ago then NATO would not have destroyed so much."

Stopped doing what ?

"If he stops today, NATO will destroy less than if he stops one month from now. He will stop at some point - why not NOW?"

You mean, he accelerated your PR word "ethnic cleansing" JUST when bombs started to fall. So he became more evil then, as his hordes successfully managed to drive 800,000 in three weeks whereas he had done less than 5,000 in one year ? You are not making any sense.

"Yet he drags on .... even in the face of iminent defeat."

I think it looks better every day. More divisions within NATO, more demonstrations, more NATO planes down, running out of missiles, running out of money, US opposition stronger, US Congress having a change of hearts, NATO being accused by the UN of War Crimes and of course the international community convinced more and more everyday that NATO should no longer exist. Need I say more ?

"Does he want the country obliterated? "

No, but you do.

"He, Milosovic, has achieved only one thing : he made Serbs economic slaves for the new century.
At the start of the New World Order Serbia will be downgraded from a European country to a THIRD WORLD country."

You are right: Milosevic dropped the bombs, he imposed sanctions and embargos. He also attacked civilians and came back to finish them off. He also polluted his own soil with depleted uranium.
And of course he never tried negotiating.

"Even the GNP of Albania will be larger. "

Ha ha ha ! Even if the bombing continues for a month, Serbia will still beat Albania to that. In order to increase your country's GNP, the problem is you have to WORK.
The GNP of Mars is higher than Albania's.

"Maja, again, without getting personal, do you think the economic picture for the future Serbia will be any different from the one relayed above? "

That is a stupid question. It is like asking Jamie Shea "would you attempt to tell the truth ?".

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Hi everyone,
High DDC,
You Yugo agents please tell Milosevic thanks for releasing the three soldiers they kidnapped in Macedonia.
Hey! You got another one! An American jet had an "engine malfunction" and went down in serb territory. I bet there will be lots of pictures of it in your media. I bet ya'll shot it down with a B.B. gun! Gee, I just can't imagine what happened to the evidence of all those other aircraft that was shot down. Did they ever decide how many it was? They can't seem to agree on how many to lie about. No one ever replies to any of my postings from the Yugo sites that are obvious lies. You all have a good day.

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An engine malfunction, that's all they can do at the Pentagon think tank ? OK, I see that they need my creative help for excuses, so here are the possible reasons for this jet going down:

-The pilot had a violent itch due to Albanian cuisine and went into a spin

-The mud collected from NATO bases in Albania caked around the pilot's thigh triggering the ejection system

-The pilot defected and ejected

-The pilot defecated and ejected (he got scared when he saw Serb SAMs)

-A bunch of Serb SAMs dazzled the NATO pilot, who steered his stick in the wrong direction

-Trained Serb chickens flew inside the engine and caused a malfunction

-Trained chickens under Arkan leadership sneaked into the cockpit and pecked the pilot to death

-Serb radio specialists imitated the voice of Aviano command officers and ordered the pilot to head straight for SAMs

-Skilled Serbs created a fake runway luring the pilot into crashing

-Serbs used their secret Nikola Tesla weapon

-Yugoslav peasants scratched the plane with their agricultural tools when in low flight and hit the fuel line

-The pilot, on hearing order to return to Albanian base "MudWorld", chooses to crash

-The pilot, upon briefing about release of POWs by Milosevic, opts for Serb treatment and ejects to get captured

-Poorly briefed by Commodore David Wilby, the pilot gets lost and ejects after running out of fuel

You know, we are just having a humourous break but some of the above will probably come up soon.

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Robin Cook suggests a 24-hour bombing pause.

Would that be because of the first UK based issuing of legal proceedings against NATO ?

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To show how CNN is controlled in almost its entirety by NATO:

"a NATO missile went astray and hit a bus on a bridge near Luzana".

A reporter named Alessio Vinci also from CNN confessed it was a direct hit on the bus, making the "oh-sorry-I-was-aiming-at-a-target-60kms-away-from-here" a big lie. An eyewitness was with Vinci.
Vinci was asked what his opinion was: "It appears quite clear that it was a direct hit". There were no military targets in the vicinity.

Answering whether that bridge was a NATO objective, Ken Bacon during the press conference said: "We have nothing to confirm it was us [...]SOMETIMES THE PILOT TAKES A SHOT".

Then the planes came back to finish the dirty job attacking ambulance cars and their occupants who were attempting to help the injured.

The toll was 39 dead and 5 wounded as of 2pm Sunday 2nd May 1999.

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I like this one the best! LOL

Trained Serb chickens flew inside the engine and caused a malfunction

Although the Tesla E.M.P. is the most plausible.

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" Murino, Montenegro, 30 April, 1999. NATO bombers have attacked a small Montenegro village
of Murino with 10 missiles. It is not clear why such a large number of missiles was used on a tiny
settlement of some 30 houses. A bridge, on which children were playing took a direct hit. Five
people were killed and 8 injured in the attack. Among dead are 2 young children. Today, 1 May
1999, some 1000 residents of the wider area around Murino had to be evacuated."

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Jamie Shea is getting grilled by Wolf Blitzer
on the CNN - way to go Blitz!

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I hope he doesn't get sucked like Mark Steel of the "Guardian" ( one of the many this days ); which doesn't come much as a surprise considering
how many media "outlets" are owned by the arms manufacturers.

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- An Albanian couple who lived and worked in
America for little more than a year died Wednesday
after one of their neighbors and countrymen allegedly stabbed them
repeatedly, police said.

Koci Prifti, 37, allegedly turned his knife on himself after killing Ibrahim
Palluci, 44, and his wife, Shpresa, 40, in the couple's Mandarin
apartment, said Jacksonville police Sgt. Don Schoenfeld.

Prifti also allegedly attacked the couple's 17-year-old daughter, Ornela,
who managed to call 911 around 7 p.m., Schoenfeld said. The couple's
14-year-old daughter, who was unharmed, is staying with relatives, he

The attack "came out of nowhere," he said. "We have no known

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THE ORWELLIAN LANGUAGE OF WAR by Norman Solomon Might doesn’t make right-except in the real world,
when it’s American might. Only someone of dubious
political orientation would split hairs about international law.
When the mass media in some foreign countries serve
as megaphones for the rhetoric of their government, the
result is ludicrous propaganda. When the mass media in our
country serve as megaphones for the rhetoric of the U.S.
government, the result is responsible journalism.
Unlike the TV anchors spouting the government line in
places like Sudan and Afghanistan, ours don’t have to be
told what to say. They have the freedom to report as they

“Circus dogs jump when the trainer cracks his whip,”
George Orwell observed, “but the really well-trained dog is
the one that turns his somersault when there is no whip.”
Orwell noted that language “becomes ugly and
inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the
slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have
foolish thoughts.” And his novel 1984 explained that “the
special function of certain Newspeak words ... was not so
much to express meanings as to destroy them.”
National security. Western values. The world
community. War against terrorism. Collateral damage.
American interests.
What’s so wondrous about Orwellian processes is that
they tend to be very well camouflaged — part of the normal
scenery. Day in and day out, we take them for granted. And
we’re apt to stay away from uncharted mental paths.
In 1984, Orwell wrote about the conditioned reflex of
“stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any
dangerous thought ... and of being bored or repelled by any
train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical

Doublethink: the
willingness to
forget any fact
that has become
inconvenient, and
then, when it
necessary again, to
draw it back from
oblivion for just so
long as it is

Orwell described “doublethink” as the willingness ... <<<<<<<<<<<

the whole one is at

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>>>>>>>>> For example, in the African nation of Somalia,
peacekeepers on a U.S.-led mission were so brazen they
actually took pictures of their atrocities — trophy photos —
as souvenirs. Italian peacekeepers snapped away as they
pinned a man to the ground and allegedly shocked his
genitals with wires from a radio generator.
Other Italian peacekeepers took photos as they bound
a woman to an armored truck and allegedly raped her with
a flare gun. Peacekeepers from Belgium were photographed
roasting a boy over an open fire. A witness said the boy
went into shock after his clothes caught on fire. The soldiers
were acquitted of torture after the child couldn’t be located.
The peacekeepers claimed it was just a game to discourage
the boy from stealing.

‘It’s become
worse recently,
because U.N.
peacekeeping has
happened in much
greater scale and
Former U.S. peacekeeper
And these are only some of the cases we know about
because peacekeepers took trophy photos. Experts say
many more cases of wrong doing still haven’t come to light.
“Not only were these soldiers committing these
extraordinary crimes, but they’re actually documenting their
crimes themselves,” says John Hillen, a former peacekeeper
for the U.S. He’s now a senior fellow at the Center for
Strategic and International Studies who has written
extensively on peacekeeping and believes in it. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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War is hell on earth. Normal people do abnormal things. These attrocities are commited by all peoples in war. No exceptions. Always have, always will.

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it looks like the trophy photos will be mostly serb this time round

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