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Archive through May 20, 1999

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Part three of the Seselj story.

(Entlosung der Albanienfrage...)

Changing the ethnic structure of the population

The colonization of Kosova and Metohija should be carried out quickly and conclusively. Through political propaganda, colonists could be portrayed as Serbs populating Serb land and it is all the same which part of the country they live in as long as they live in their own land. These Serbs should also be supplied with equipment and long-term loans so they can cultivate the land they are granted which would make them stay there. Most of the Croats from Janjeva and Letnica [two Kosova regions where some Croats lived and still do], guided by ethno-centrism, left for Croatia without any pressure whatsoever. Their property has been either sold to Albanians or was plundered by Albanians from adjacent regions. Serb refugees from Croatia should be settled in those homes and estates. Besides confiscating the land from Albanians which they illegally expropriated, all those who have pillaged the wealth and have occupied Serb territories must must pay the consequences pursuant to the Law on Banning the Repatriation of Serbs in Kosova and Metohija. The Law on Prohibition of Selling Estates should be fully respected and all efforts should be made to have its provisions fully and properly implemented. To this end, the foremost responsibility goes to the current Ministry of Finances (Treasury) of the Republic of Serbia, which has in fact mostly not enforced that law. Ethnic expansion of Albanians onto Serb state- or privately owned land must be foiled by all means possible. All Albanians who are not citizens -- something can be easily proved with a census -- should be fired from their jobs. All the Albanians who wish to leave will be given passports. Albanians of Yugoslav citizenship living abroad and/or involved in secessionist activities must lose their citizenship. Taking into account the current ethnic distribution (with only a few rural Serb enclaves and over 700 purely Albanian centers, while the few Serbs in owns have been virtually suppressed by the Albanians, we consider that the colonization should be carried out in an organized fashion, through establishing of new villages, settlements, small towns or new neighborhoods in existing towns). Such places should be of a closed type with an inner form of organization, i.e., medical services, entertainment, cultural activities, etc. In this way people can be divided along ethnic lines, while the minority Serb population in mixed neighborhoods in the towns would gradually move to the newly established enclaves, an idea which requires both support and motivation. In order to have the Serb enclaves protected, an Albanian population of 5 to 10 per cent should be installed there (a selection of distinguished families and those with authority). Highways should be constructed (up to 1 kilometer apart -- in a process that can be called "terrain configuration -- to cleanse a wide belt through Albanian enclaves and near other sites like military barracks, polygons, depots, etc. Near such highways the land and space must be allocated to Serb colonists, which would result in thinning the Albanian population of the territories, one element that provides a feeling of security for Albanians. These moves would create a "leopard spot" pattern of Serb enclaves that would grow and eventually become larger than the Albanian enclaves. Conquering territories in this way is more efficient than "planting" individuals in Albanian communities, for it does not raise ownership issues. The first method provides far more security for colonists, while the second is a more lasting process. The Serb enclaves would chiefly depend on state supplies and a small number of Serb-owned private firms, while Albanian areas would be supported mainly through private firms, which could be allowed to operate. The state could help private firms that don't operate efficiently. Further, electricity and water supplies to the Albanian enclaves can be disrupted to make their lives unbearable. All this will be aimed not only at having the Albanian population divided but utterly isolated too. But if the Serbs find the neighboring enclaves of Albanians attractive (with privately owned shops, entertainment etc.), these can be eliminated by prompting incidents in those enclaves, such as beatings and violence. The fundamental prerequisite to efficiently control the flow of goods and capital is to prevent corruption in Kosova and Metohija and Serbia proper, for one has to bear in mind that Albanians are very good at cheating and bribing others. To prevent the flow of large amounts of capital through illegal routes - money should be strictly controlled by a well-organized banking system, frequent interventions of the fiscal police, rigid control of transportation and roads, attention to any kind of major change in the market, customs procedure and trade with dealers from abroad, financing political organizations, etc. All necessary measures should be taken to thwart the functioning of the Albanian private sector through permanent restriction of their activities, which could in turn result in maintaining rigid control over the funds of their political parties. Contacts with private firms and companies in Serbia must be prevented so Albanian capital cannot have a monopoly in Serbia. Through adequate legislation and efficient taxing policies, large amounts of money could be collected and used in financing programs like colonization . Paramount attention must be paid to drugs trafficking. If one Albanian is caught in such an activity, that must be used as a pretext to stalk and punish large groups of them. Such cases would discredit important personalities in the eyes of the Western world. This is a particularly sensitive issue for them because Albanians are already considered the main traffickers of drugs in the world. Rigorous measures should be undertaken against Albanian smugglers -- especially in tobacco. All this can result in serious social tensions if one bears in mind the fact that most of the Albanian population earns its living from selling things on the streets and by smuggling, practices which inevitably results in increase of criminal/illegal activities. However, we consider that through a strong and efficient police force, it is quite easy to make people seek refuge abroad. All steps should be undertaken so the capital of Albanians be channeled through Macedonia and Albania. The issuing of papers from state authorities (besides the seizure of passports) has to be as complicated as possible, with all those who fail to possess proper papers to be oppressively fined. Albanians like to stick to their tribal procedures in solving disputes and hate administrative intervention in the walks of life they consider important to them. Such legislation should be adopted which would force Albanians to ask for permission to even possess a cow. To promote such regulations will persuade them to go abroad, and then face serious impediments at the borders when attempting to come back. As for Serb enclaves the procedure should be less complicated, while in the cities where services are common to the whole community, like the Ministry of Interior, citizens of different nationalities should be treated in different ways. These procedures will undoubtedly result in dissatisfaction in their community which will be a precondition for a broad readiness for involvement in various organizations, including terrorist ones. Therefore, individuals from the state security must be "infiltrated" by agents who could pretend to press for establishing such underground or/and hostile organizations, or even become the leaders of such groupings. Such ruses could be exploited by the state as a pretext to undertake uncompromising actions against all their organizations which would result in inter-ethnic tensions and a further ruptures in their parallel life. To this end, more and more such groups are needed, while the police would now and then destroy one of them, which could then be allowed to consolidate again and look like genuine and "bona fide" organizations. Political parties of Albanians should be created through specific legislation and at the same time scandals should be created to discredit them. This could discredit their leaders in eyes of the domestic and foreign public opinion, a particularly sensitive consideration for Albanians. Distinguished individuals who play important roles in their political life should be eliminated through scandals or by staging traffic accidents, jealousy killings or infecting them with the AIDS virus when they travel abroad. Their infection would be discovered when crossing borders thus they could be quarantined. Through adequate propaganda in their mass media such events can create such an artificial picture of an intolerable percentage of infected people, which would be used as an excuse to isolate large groups of people. This would help in promoting a picture of Albanians as an infected people.

Information and propaganda

To broadcast special radio and TV programs in the Albanian language which would aim at eroding their patriarchal and tribal mentality by offering the most decadent values of the West, which can be easily adopted by primitive people. The Serb enclaves could be spared from such programs primarily owing to language barriers, as well as through establishing cable television in newly erected buildings and settlements for Serbs. It is fundamental to establish a powerful and efficient propaganda machinery to feed international public opinion, something which has been already used. Even an underground (secret) publishing activity must be originated to enable them to defuse the criticism against the Serb regime. Albanians must be denied all kinds of social assistance, for it has facilitated their high birth rate. This birth rate among the national minorities of the Moslem faith has resulted in a very high population in Kosova and Metohija. Such a thing creates a demographic surplus, therefore emigration of Albanians is indispensable and could be carried out without any pressure by the Serb authorities. A crucial element of the Serb national program is to have a third and fourth child. Serbia has enough space and economic resources to handle dozens of millions of inhabitants, hence an increased birth rate is important in every respect. In order to have the Serb birth rate increased, which would directly impact on Kosova and Metohija itself, scores of concrete actions must be undertaken, be that stimulative or restrictively, respectively. Serb mothers who have three, four or more children should be entitled to their retirement earlier. They must be granted children's allowance, regardless their family income. Planning and enlarging of families must be the top priority of all individuals, families and entire society. Serb families with more children must be granted loans for house and private business, they must be granted apartments, they must be given jobs and other facilities and incentives to bring up their children. It is necessary to open in Kosova and Metohija region military and police schools and academies, additional military institutions and other state institutions such as ministries which would facilitate the settling there of thousands of army officers, policemen, state clerks, together with their families, with the infrastructure needed for normal life. All the Serbs who wish to live in those areas must be given free, fertile land, construction sites, and sites for their private business. All those who locate their economic facilities there and have at least 10 employees, should be provided with abundant opportunities, such as being exempted from taxes for ten years.

(Now we all can see where MAJA gets her birth rate ideas from....)

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The fourth and last part of the Seselj story.

Retired officers from the army, policemen and state clerks can have their accommodation/housing problems solved by allocating to them comfortable and maximally big apartments in the region of Kosova and Metohija. The border belt, a minimum of 50 kilometers adjacent to Albania should be used for settling Serbs. This would avert any danger of having the zone jeopardized, while the neighborly relationship could work in compliance with needs and interests of both sides. The border zone near Albania could be exclusively allocated to Serbs, while the rest of land would be the property of the Yugoslav army.


The education system in state schools should stick to elements and values of the Serb, European and world culture and art; the instruction language must be Serbian. Open perspectives and free development in Serbia are very attractive for the minorities. Schools in languages of minorities will be treated as private, while if one wants to have a job he will need a verification proving he has completed courses pursuant to the state curricula. A careful selection and normal inclusion of all positive Serb values and structures will be included in their education in this way. Following the overthrow of the Albanian parastate, the Serb University of Prishtine has made a radical change and it is in a good way to achieve enormous results, which directly determine the fate of Kosova and Metohija and the state itself. This course should be further stabilized and promoted, in harmony with the new needs and curricula. All the efforts should be made that conditions at the Serbian University of Prishtine be more favorable than in Serbia proper. Efforts should be made to further maintain and promote the current illegal parallel education of Albanians, because in this way they will have all the doors closed for employment and incorporation in the society. All these efforts should be made to have the population dispersed all over the world, including Macedonia and Albania. Such activities should be carried out concomitantly with various forms of pressure and creating feelings of uncertainty. All the tools, though modified to specific circumstances, should be used to prevent Albanian secessionists from having a job.


In order to have the Kosova and Metohija problem solved, the Yugoslav army must be turned into the Serb army. People from the republics that have seceded from the federation must be immediately driven out of the army, in the first place all those holding commanding posts, except those who have distinguished themselves as verified and gallant combatants in defending the freedom of the Serb people. Such an army would be more consolidated and more capable to solve complicated military and war issues, and, furthermore it could be less expensive. The Law on the Army should be so severe that it would oblige every citizen of Yugoslavia to make his contribution in defense of the country, while members of national minorities could contribute with money or labor. These issues must be arranged in details by a specific law. In the vicinity of the existing military bases it is necessary to intensify the settling of Serbs, while non-Serbs must not be allowed to build houses there. The current situation in this respect is catastrophic, therefore urgent measures are needed to have it changed. Some military facilities of a vital importance should be relocated to Serb enclaves, but at the same time they must maintain full control all over the territory of Kosova and Metohija through visits, maneuvers and other activities of the army. Within the army, it is indispensable to legalize the operation of professional Chetnik guerrilla units, who should be located in localities of strategic importance in Kosova and Metohija.


The police are a very important element of the state, responsible for keeping Kosova and Metohija as the permanent property of the Serb state. However, the police must be better trained and more professional than they are now. The police must have young and educated people, while all its members must complete additional courses. The police academy will play a crucial role in this respect. Police forces in Kosova and Metohija will be exclusively involved in protecting Serb inhabitants, as an endangered people in these areas.

Public Services

The route through which the Serb army withdrew in 1915 has significantly determined the direction of a future highway (Nis, Prishtine, Podgorica, Bar), which would in a solid way connect Serbia with Montenegro and the Adriatic Sea, via Kosova and Metohija. The realization of such a project must be a priority for the public services. Even during the international sanctions and economic crisis it is possible to have a rapid progress in this direction, which would have an epochal impact on the problem of Kosova.


The current situation in Kosova and Metohija can result in unpredictable consequences, especially if outside factors aim at implementing such a scenario. Therefore, particular attention must be paid to preventive actions, first of all by seizing all kinds of weaponry, in with licenses or without them, so to neutralize all paramilitary, para-police and para- territorial defense formations. If we have to fight a war to defend Kosova and Metohija, it should be fought with all possible means and have it finished as soon as possible. No talks or agreements should start with representatives of Albanians until the law on citizenship is adopted and until it is verified the exact number of those who recognize and accept this state as a state of theirs. To those Albanians who claim to be citizens of Serbia or Yugoslavia, respectively, the state should be more tolerant, and they can be incorporated into state and political bodies if they accept the Serb state and its laws.

A statement by Serb Deputy Prime Minister Voislav Seselj in Velika Serbija, The Greater Serbia Journal, Belgrade, Oct.14, 1995

Sorry all you normal people out there to spoil your lunches or diners!

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You are truly an imbecile. Thats why you pretent to know it all.Can't stand it right when you got a posting to chew on.

OH my god! I suddenly remember you've got false teeth.I am truly sorry.

Jee fantasicing goes pretty well with you too.
Every loked in a mirror to see your own thousant persanalities. You seem to be obsessed with that.


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JAW and riot crew.

If you see this... please JAW get a hold of me... pray... Katie may not have long... I know there is still time for a miracle... I hope you and your unit are safe.. still praying... been a really tough week... Love you and miss you much... lynnie

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POOR BABY..........


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I have no idea what is going on, but from your post it seems someone named Katie is very ill.

I don't know if it is of comfort to you, but i am ready your posts and i cinceraly hope she will be allright.
Try to hang in there. I am sure your brother loves you a lot and prays for you too.


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Emina, do you realize what your posting is saying?
That armed Albanians are hated everywhere, not only in Kosovo and will start a new war, this time in Macedonia, everything for a greater Albania.

And Robertson, saying what he is saying is only trying to start another war, this time in Vojvodina, so he would have a reason for more bombing. He actually is trying to cause more ethnic hating. This people are now ( aside NATO bombs killing them ) living peacefully together but apparenty that is not at everybodies liking.

Emina, I do not need Seselj to tell me how many children Albanians have. I wasn't born yesterday.

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And Emina, that poor Serbian refugee that was refused help by humanitarian organisations that you want to kill him, what kind of proof do you have he was a war criminal? None whatsoever. Even if he was, the humanitarian organisation had no way of knowing it therefor they refused to help a helpless civilian.

There is no Slovanian language. There is a group of languages called Slovanian languages; like Russian, Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Polish...
But there is no Slovanian language.

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Hi to all of you...and especially my big brother. I hope that you are hearing that some of us are writing you regularly....still here praying for all of you...

Well, Big brother, I got I'm stuck at home...orders from the doctor. they had me in therapy 5 times a week, 3 times of ceasar and 2 times of fisio (physical). was doing pretty good.
even walking with no crutches, which was kewl.
Now,they got me back grounded, no walking, nothing, really fighting them about going back into the stupid wheelchair. hate that thing, although the wheelies are fun.

I don't mind. I needed to get back into my school work again. the time needed for the other, was losing me so much time every day. I've gotton
my AA degree since you left in Ministry. Going for my Bachleor's now. Just signed up for some really neat courses, and will start again on Monday. this is pretty kewl. The dean of my school is so awesome. When I get further along, He wants me to come give my testimony at his
church. Isn't that neat?

Well Big brother.....and the riot crew.....just wanted to post ya something happening here for a change...but still want to tell you boyz to hang on to your faith with all you got..and don't let go of the Master's matter what!!!! He loves each of you so much.

I ask our heavenly Father to keep you surrounded with angels, protecting, ministering and warring for each one of you. I ask Jesus to keep his arms wrapped around each one of you and bring you back safely...and I ask the Holy Spirit that He will continually minister to each of you, pouring out his spirit upon you, touching you, healing you, giving you and each memeber of your family peace that passes all understanding, in the midst of all of this...May he guide your every footstep, every minute of every day..and night. And may you continue to stay in that secret place and dwell under the shadow of the Almighty. (ps.91)

My Love to all of you,
In Christ,
your little sister.

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To: Emina...

Thank you for what you wrote to Lynnie.
That was so nice and thoughtful of you.



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Freido Von Guido NATSO Junkie Nark from Texas. There are Texans and Tex Asses I got your number bubba jr.
Pay attention junkie. Cannabis was used during the formation of the RELIGIONS. Not GOD, RELIGIONS! Of man redneck wannabe.
I liked this description of friedoguido.

"I have taken acid, peyote(the best), datura(the worst), psilocybin, opium, morning glory seeds,(acid), cocaine,
pcp, meth, and so many others. I had mind altering experiences running out my ass".
NATZO pre-requisite?

I quit doing drugs years ago. I did them for about 20 years. Yes, they damaged my heart, but not my
common sense.
***Who are you trying to convince friedo? You sound like the same addictive personality shooting up the garbage white powders. Now your drug of choice is NATZO bombs on innocent people. Common sense is not part of your vocabulary cracker.

You are such an ignorant as*hole
***Oh but friedo, as you have well documented. all assholes are supposed to be ignorant. So once again your redundancy invalidates your common sense. This coming from a junkie NATZO groupie A**hole!

, I will not communicate with you from now on.
*Texas: Land of steers and queers and obviously punks with no backbone. Quit, you should quit friedo! Quit Living! Your witless spoutings and frothings are typical Tex Ass NATZO rhetoric.

but I will
continue talking about you.
You don't even know me bubba, your "talk" is from NATZO propagandist and corporate media. You haven't said an original comment yet trailor trash.

By the way, you are guilty of the following crimes sh*t for brains.
***If that was a crime friedo, youd be on death row brainless sh*t.

NATZO bombs are decapitating, baby killing, village burning, human shield using, identification document
stealing, nose cutting off, propagandizing, emasculating, uneducated, ethnic
cleansing, brainwashed, wedding ring and gold tooth stealing, megalomaniacal, child raping, genocidal, fascists
(these are their good qualities).
I agree.

Anyone defending the Serbs (LIKE DDC) are also guilty of these crimes by association.
Lets see a choice between Serbia and a right wingnut WoD whacko Tex Ass Goper Klintoon whore.

The truth will crush the lying NATZO friedoguido's under the payroll of NATO facsism.
***Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth!
Peace not WoD!

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BLAIR, YOU LEAD WE DIE. That's how Albanian refugees welcomed British prime minister in Albanian refugee camps where he came dressed in the colours of Albanian flag. If you don't believe me you can check it out on the front page of Guardian or Independent where the picture is printed.

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WoD & DdC

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Location of hell finally discovered!

Stab Vrhovne Komande Vojske Jugoslavije - Informativna sluzba
Yugoslav Army Supreme Command Headquarters - Information Service
Vesti News

NATO soldiers would face hell in Kosovo

BELGRADE, May 17th
The Commander of the Third Yugoslav Army Lieutenant-general Nebojsa Pavkovic stated that if NATO comences the ground operations in Kosovo, it will suffer huge casualties, and that their soldiers would face hell in Yugoslavia.

Pavkovic added that "the state border is well secured and prepared for the resolute defense".

"Let them know (NATO) that hell awaits them here. The people and the Army are determined to defend Kosovo at any price, even the selling of our souls to Satan. The price which we are offering, they can not afford. They can not enter our territory without great casualties. Naturaly, our casualties are also inevitable. But, if they come here, they have to know that they will not survive, and that they would, for days and months, face a slow and horrible death. Our strength, their fear, despair and uncertainty will kill them."

Highlights from
lieutenant-general Nebojsa Pavkovic's

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Great radio theft - B92
Death of independent media in Serbia.
On March 24th, the night when NATO strikes on Yugoslavia started, famous Belgrade independent radio station B92 was ordered to shut down the transmitter. Order came from Yugoslav authorities, who wanted to prevent any independent informations to float around. For next 9 days, radio has been broadcasting on Internet and satellite. On April 2nd, authorities shut down radio completely: their offices were confiscated and it's manager and editor-in-chief was dismissed following the court order.

Radio B92 was founded in 1989 by state-controlled Council of Youth, but that government organization had little interest in station, so first in 1990 and then again 1993 station restructured itself. After 1993 it was owned by new-founded company called B92 Broadcast Company. After restructuring, company expanded it's activities to other areas beyond radio broadcasts: book publishing, TV and Video production, alternative music publishing. One of their great achievements was OpenNet - first Internet Service Provider in Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, founded in 1995. Also in 1995 B92 renovated Belgrade's Rex cinema, abandoned after WWII, and turned it into first-class cultural center. In 1996, B92 and other independent broadcasters in Serbia formed ANEM (Association of Independent Electronic Media) network.

All of these activities stopped at April 2nd, 1999. Yugoslav government took control of all of station's business, ignoring the fact that some of them were owned by independent, privately-help company.

During the 10 years of it's existence, B92 has won numerous international awards for spreading independent news around the globe, and vigorously defending the right of free speech, becoming the symbol of independent media in Serbia. At the same time, station had a lot of trouble with Yugoslav government. Before 1999, it was banned twice, during anti-government protests in Belgrade in 1991 and 1996. Final ban came on March 24th, and on April 2nd, 1999, Yugoslav government took control of the station and all of it's activities, including ANEM network.

First reaction by ANEM network was dismissal of now government-led station from it's membership. But ANEM's offices has also been took, so ANEM is now homeless. Meanwhile, government-led "B92" started their own broadcast. New manager and editor-in-chief is Aleksandar Nikacevic, long-time "leader" of state-controlled student organizations. Nikacevic remained on his position of "student leader" since dawn of Milosevic's rule by extending his status of a "student" for almost ten years. Nikacevic has also often used his position of government's pet in the past. He pursued a career of politician, but until now, he was allowed "only" to take over a small night club in Belgrade.

Now, Nikacevic is finally in for something more. He is very proud of picture of him and president Milosevic together, the picture that is placed on the desk in his new office in B92. Also, the list of his aides includes Rade Radulovic, long-time activist of Council of Youth and Nemanja Djordjevic, so-called "leader" of government-controlled student organization that tried to discredit (in vain) students protests in 1996/97.

Those government people so far don't have a clue what to do with activities like TV/video production, but our insider information are telling that they are at least trying to put Opennet ISP back online. ISP has been cut-off the Internet by B92's partner XS4ALL (ISP from Netherlands) when government took control over the station. Our sources were able to obtain some names of people who are responsible for putting back online the "stolen" Opennet. Some of the names are Milos Prodanovic and Milan Basic.

For past eight years, since anti-government protests first started in 1991, B92 provided listeners in Belgrade (and in later years, world-wide) with open-minded, independent and non-biased informations. Now, whole team of journalists that were employed in B92 are suspended. New management doesn't want to fire them, because that will allow public to condemn it's actions for violating freedom of speech. They are using a trick, often used by government-sponsored takeovers: waiting for journalists' contracts to expire. News presented by "new B92" shows no difference compared to other state-owned radio and TV stations.

The Theft
Since new management is not qualified and not capable of running book and music publishing business, they simply decided to shut it off. This left place in music world only for artists that have contracts with publishers closely connected to government-led media.

Music was always important landmark of B92. New management decided to take away anything that can be connected to "old" B92. In the same line, new music editor, Zoran Lekovic, banned rock'n'roll and techno music from program. New policy allows only old Yugoslav rock and jazz music on the air.

Other properties of B92 Broadcasting Company, like transmitter (sponsored by station's listeners) and "Cinema REX" culture center has also been held by new management. So is private properties of ex-employees. This includes large and very valuable music collection, computers and other equipment.

All of that could never be done without. Milosevic's government has been trying to shut down B92 for ten years, with no success. Even with ever-changing laws, legal status of B92 gave the station complete protection over government's efforts to shut it down. What government needed to shut down not only B92, but all of the independent media in Serbia, was state of war. By Yugoslav law, during the state of war, all the media are put under strong government control. After ten years on unsuccessful attempts to shut down B92, NATO gave Milosevic's government a perfect reason to do so.

And it's not just B92. All of the independent media in Serbia has been shut down, those who survived are under complete censorship. Owners and employees of media that doesn't comply to the censorship rules, are risking prison and even life. Extreme example is death of prominent opposition journalist Slavko Curuvija, owner of Dnevni Telegraf daily, who was shot to death in broad daylight in the downtown Belgrade, on Easter. There are fears that same could happen to other journalist of independent media, as well as prominent political opponents of Milosevic's government.

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