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Archive through May 25, 1999

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A Final Solution (The New Republic)

0n June 12, 1990, one of the most important Serbian intellectuals of the twentieth century was laid to rest in Belgrade. His name was Vasa Cubrilovic, and his funeral was attended by a who's who of Serbian academia and politics. The dean of Belgrade University's College of philosophy and a member of the Serbian presidency, who spoke on behalf of Slobodan Milosevic's government, gave eulogies. "The work that he left
behind marks him as one of the giants of our era" said one official. "He was a man of understanding and negotiation. "The front-page obituary in the
state-run newspaper Borba said Cubrilovic's "name will be noted in history as one of the most important people of this country." President Slobodan Milosevic couldn't attend the funeral, but he did send a telegram to Cubrilovic's family.

Who was Vasa Cubrilovic to receive all these honors?

Born in 1897, Cubrilovic was a 17-year-old member of the Serbian nationalist group that staged the 1914 assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand in Sarajevo. Spared execution because of his age, Cubrilovic spent World War I in prison and then returned to Belgrade to study and work in the government of what was then the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. By the 1930s, he was a professor of history at Belgrade University, where he taught for 40 years, eventually becoming the head of his department and later the director of the prestigious Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences Institute for Balkan Stud-ies. In that time, he assembled a body of historical research on Serbian political thought that has been hailed even by American academics. And Cubrilovic was the author of vicious plans to rid Yugoslavia of the Kosovar Albanians.
Cubrilovic first presented his ideas to the Serbian Cultural Club, an organization of Belgrade intellectuals. On March 7,1937, he submitted "The
Expulsion of the Albanians" to the government as a secret memorandum.
"From 1918 onwards it was the task of our present state to destroy the remainder of the Albanian triangle [Kosova]. It did not do this, Cubrilovic
wrote. "The only way and the only means to cope with them is the brute force of an organized state." Cubrilovic suggested that Albania and Turkey would be the best places to ship Kosovar Albanians. But, if Tirana objected to the deportation, "the Albanian Government should be informed that we shall stop at nothing to achieve our final solution to this question."
Cubrilovic explained that "to bring about the relocation of a whole population, the first prerequisite is the creation of the suitable psychosis.'
This he said can be created in many ways' "including bribing and threatening the Albanian clergy, propaganda, and "coercion by the state apparatus," a concept he explained at length: The law must be enforced to the letter so as to make staying intolerable for the Albanians: fines, and imprisonment, the ruthless application of all
police dispositions, such as the prohibition of smuggling, cutting forests, damaging agriculture, leaving dogs unchained, compulsory labor and any
other measure that an experienced police force can contrive. >From the Economic aspect: The refusal to recognize the old land deeds,...requisitioning of all state and communal pastures,... the withdrawal of permits to exercise a profession, dismissal from the state, private and communal offices, etc., will hasten the process of their removal.... When it comes to religion the Albanians are very touchy, therefore they must be
harassed on this score, too. This can be achieved through ill-treatment of their clergy, the destruction of their clergy, the destruction of their cemeteries, the prohibition of polygamy, and especially the inflexible application of the law compelling girls to attend elementary schools,
wherever they are .... We should distribute weapons to our colonists, as need be.... In particular, a tide of Montenegrins should be launched from the mountain pastures in order to create a large-scale conflict with the Albanians in [Kosova]. This conflict should be prepared by means of our trusted people. It should be encouraged and this can be done more easily since, in fact, Albanians have revolted, while the whole affair should be presented as a conflict between clans and, if need be, ascribed to economic reasons. Finally, local riots can be incited. These will be bloodily suppressed with the most effective means.... There remains one more means, which Serbia employed with great practical effect after 1878, that is, by secretly burning down villages and city quarters.

"My first thought when I read [Cubrilovic's 1937 memo]," says Charles Jelavich, a professor emeritus of history at Indiana University and an
acquaintance of Cubrilovies since 1949, "was, my God, I think Milosevic read this and said, "I'm going to implement this plan." Still, some Slavic
studies scholars and former acquaintances of Cubrilovic argue that, in light of what was happening in Europe and Russia in the 30's, this ghastly vision was not as extreme as it sounds today. "I think most of these things should be put in the proper context," says Bosko Spasojevic of the Open Society Institute in Budapest, who was once a teaching assistant at Belgrade University, where he knew Cubrilovic. "At that time in Europe
things like this were solved in very radical, cruel ways" Indeed, Cubrilovic wrote: "The world today has grown used to things much worse than this, and it should not be a cause for concern. At a time when Germany can expel tens of thousands of Jews and Russia can shift millions of people from
one part of the continent to another, the shifting of a few hundred thousand Albanians will not lead to the outbreak of a world war."

Although parts of Cubrilovic's plan were put into effect during the 30's,World War II temporarily interrupted any mass deportation. But, after
Soviet troops liberated Belgrade in late 1944, Cubrilovic, who spent part of the war in a German prison camp, submitted another plan to Yugoslavia's new Communist leader, Josip Broz Tito the second document, "The Minority Problem in the New Yugoslavia," advocated the expulsion of not just Kosovar Albanians but all of Yugoslavia's minorities. "Yugoslavia can achieve peace and ensure development only if it becomes ethnically pure" he wrote. The army should "systematically and without mercy cleanse the minorities of these regions, which we want to settle with our own national element." He advocated taking advantage of the war chaos to help "ethnically conquer" Kosova: "That which in peaceful times takes decades and centuries in time of war will be accomplished in a matter of months and years." He also called for concentration camps, the development of a complicated government bureaucracy to conduct ethnic cleansing, and stressed that "[t]he hatred and irresistible wish of our masses to do away with minorities must be utilized in a constructive way," for "t may be that we might never again have such an opportunity in order to make our state ethnically pure."

It tells you something about the sincerity of Tito's "brotherhood and unity" slogan that he invited Cubrilovic to serve as a federal minister from 1945 to 1951. During this period, the Tito government did send tens of thousands of Albanians to Turkey and, according to some estimates, executed tens of thousands more.

Yet some say that, by the time of his death in 1990, Cubrilovic had mellowed and no longer believed in the brutal solutions he had once
advocated. "I think he was afraid of what [post-Tito nationalism] would unleash, " says Norman Cigar, who is completing a study of the infamous 1986 Memorandum of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, the intellectuals' manifesto that became the inspiration for Milosevic-era Serbian nationalism. "He was dead against the memo' "says Cigar. "He said it was going to lead to bloodshed " However, at the same time Kirilovic
was predicting that the memorandum would break up Yugoslavia, he also threatened that blood would be spilled if Kosovar Albanians sought independence.

Whatever intellectual shifts he may have gone through at the end of his life, Cubrilovic had created an ideological monster he could no longer control. Shortly after his death, The Collected Historical Studies by Vasa Cubrilovic was trotted out by nationalist Serbs to bolster the case for the wars that Milosevic later launched.

Confronted today with more than half a million deportees and reports of unspeakable violence, many in the West wonder at the lack of dissent among Serbian intellectuals. But, as Cubrilovic's work shows, the historical rationale for ethnic cleansing has been provided by some of the most respected academics in Serbia. The present generation of Belgrade scholars is hardly different. As Miranda Vickers, the author of Between Serb and Albanian, puts it, "The more educated the Serbs are, the more nationalist they become."
During the Milosevic era, Dusan Batakovic, a Belgrade University historian, has emerged as the leading advocate for the minority Serb population in Kosova. Like many nationalist writers, though, his scholarship seems clouded by a wildly chauvinistic reading of Serbian history. He notes that the Kosovar Albanian intelligentsia consists of "semi-intellectuals capable of taking in only a limited number of ideas. " He writes that during World WarII some 100,000 Albanians immigrated to Kosova under a secret Italian resettlement policy. (The Axis powers occupied Albania during the war.) In Kosova: A Short History, however, Noel Malcolm exposes this assertion as "pure fantasy." He writes, "No evidence of any such mass migration during the war can be found in any of the documents of the occupying powers'
Writing about the deportation of Kosovars to Turkey in theories, Batakovic insists that mainly ethnic Mirks were sent and that the number of Albanians was "negligible. " He fails to mention that, before the deportation, Albanians were coerced into declaring themselves as Turks (the number of "Turks" in Kosova increased by 2,500 percent in six years). Today, this spurious "researcher" is a widely respected historian, and it is said he will likely follow in Cubrilovic's footsteps and be named director of the Institute for Balkan Studies.

Yet Cubrilovic's true legacy may be what is now happening in Kosova the enactment of his decades-old blueprint for ethnic cleansing through
Milosevic's meticulously planned Operation Horseshoe. "NATO didn't realize that this 'Cubrilovic syndrome of the 1930s was still active in the 1990s, says Vickers. "But the Serbs have always said, "We don't want Albanians living with us". There's no hypocrisy on their part."

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Chicago Tribune, May 10, 1999

U.S. Aggression

WASHINGTON-As the bombs, smart and dumb, fall ceaselessly on
Serbia,Montenegrins and sometimes Albanians, on bridges,
waterworks,electric generation plants and factories, and on
trains, trucks and homes, the remorseless crusade for
"humanitariansm" presses forward to the applause of journalistic
and academic shills. To paraphrase the Roman historian Tacitus,
we are busy creating a desert, which we can then call peace.

For the United States, alias "NATO," the planning and
launching of this war by the president heightens the abuse
and undermining of warmaking authority under the Constitution.
(It seems to be accepted that the president can order his personal
army to attack any country he pleases). The bombing war also
violates and shreds the basic provisions of the United Nations
Charter and other conventions and treaties; the attack on Yugoslavia
constitutes the most brazen international aggression since the
Nazis attacked Poland to prevent "Polish atrocities" against Germans.
The United States has discarded pretensions to international leglity
and decency, and embarked on a course of raw imperlalism run amok.

Our alleged concern with human rights borders on the
ludicrous. We dropped twice as many bombs on Vietnam as all the
countries involved in World War II dropped on each other.
We killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in the course of
that war. Very recently, in Central America, we sponsored,
trained and endorsed the local armies - Guatemalan, Salvadoran,
and Nicaraguan Contras - in the killing of at least 200,000 people.

We encouraged the Pinochet coup in Chile with the resulting
killing of another few thousand or so people, including the
democratically elected president. We saw nothing wrong with the
Croat slaughter and expulsion of 200,000 Serbs from the Krajina
area. We have taken very little stand on the monumental slaughters
of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people in Africa.
We have restrained the Iraqis from attacking Kurds but see nothing
amiss in Turks attacking Kurds. We cannot even agree to abondon
the use of land mines.

In reality when we, the self-anointed rulers of the planet,
issue an ultimatum to another country, it is "surrender or die."
To maintain our "credibillty," we must crush any semblance of
resistance to our dictates to that country.
Walter J. Rockler
Former prosecutor
Nuremberg war crimes trials

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May 24, 1999


Tuesday, May 25th
12:30 p.m.
H-231 House Radio & TV Gallery

On April 28, 1999, Congress voted overwhelmingly against declaring war against Yugoslavia (H.J. Res 44) and defeated a concurrent resolution (S.Con.
Res. 21) to continue the air war. Only Congress has the authority to declare war under the Constitution. The President dismissed our disapproval and has
continued the war against Yugoslavia.

Consequently, on April 30, 1999, 17 (later amended to 25) Members of Congress filed a lawsuit to compel the President to follow the Constitution and
halt U.S. armed forces from engaging in military action in Yugoslavia unless we declare war, or grant him specific statutory authority. In addition, on May
25, the sixty day-period accorded the President to engage U.S. troops in hostilities without Congressional approval expires. As the President has
indicated no intention of securing such approval, twenty-five Members of Congress filed a Motion for Summary Judgement and for Expedited Review of
our challenge to the President's action.

Additional information, including a copy of the complaint filed in this case, may be found at

Plaintiffs: Campbell, Kucinich, Bartlett, Barr, Burton, Cooksey, Crane, Walter Jones, Kaptur, Manzullo, Norwood, Paul, Petri, Sanford, Scarborough, Schaffer, Tancredo,
Doolittle, Rick Hill, Ganske, Rohrabacher, Duncan, Danner, Stark, Sensenbrenner.

To see the full text of the press release, check out:

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To Basil

Is all you can come up with an article on the tenth of May? Surely you can do better than that! Especially when claiming to be Guido's master.


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To Daniela.

Oh, dear, I am so sorry you were unable to understand the jurist articles. If you could have, you would have seen that whatever political view these authors might have, is irrelevant. What they show is simply the laws existing in YUGOSLAVIA, and Serbia in particular, today.

Maybe you can ask Maja about it, as she claims to be studying for lawyer.


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To Zoja

Hon, the article I posted has NOTHING to do with the current events, that's why the matter of date is of little importance here. It happens to concern the ESSENCE of a phenomenon of a larger scale - American AGGRESSION and you've failed to deny its core points focusing on a minor detail instead - the date. I'm not very surprised at that, though, for I have always expected little contribution from you.

Claiming to be Guido's master doesn't rank a person high (it was just a kick in his ass), for I can't help being amazed by his self-confident stupidity.

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Yeah Zpka, I know that giant post from Basil REALLY HURTS. Truth always does. Shame you just caught a date, let me refresh your memory with it again:

Chicago Tribune, May 10, 1999

U.S. Aggression

WASHINGTON-As the bombs, smart and dumb, fall ceaselessly on
Serbia,Montenegrins and sometimes Albanians, on bridges,
waterworks,electric generation plants and factories, and on
trains, trucks and homes, the remorseless crusade for
"humanitariansm" presses forward to the applause of journalistic
and academic shills. To paraphrase the Roman historian Tacitus,
we are busy creating a desert, which we can then call peace.

For the United States, alias "NATO," the planning and
launching of this war by the president heightens the abuse
and undermining of warmaking authority under the Constitution.
(It seems to be accepted that the president can order his personal
army to attack any country he pleases). The bombing war also
violates and shreds the basic provisions of the United Nations
Charter and other conventions and treaties; the attack on Yugoslavia
constitutes the most brazen international aggression since the
Nazis attacked Poland to prevent "Polish atrocities" against Germans.
The United States has discarded pretensions to international leglity
and decency, and embarked on a course of raw imperlalism run amok.

Our alleged concern with human rights borders on the
ludicrous. We dropped twice as many bombs on Vietnam as all the
countries involved in World War II dropped on each other.
We killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in the course of
that war. Very recently, in Central America, we sponsored,
trained and endorsed the local armies - Guatemalan, Salvadoran,
and Nicaraguan Contras - in the killing of at least 200,000 people.

We encouraged the Pinochet coup in Chile with the resulting
killing of another few thousand or so people, including the
democratically elected president. We saw nothing wrong with the
Croat slaughter and expulsion of 200,000 Serbs from the Krajina
area. We have taken very little stand on the monumental slaughters
of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people in Africa.
We have restrained the Iraqis from attacking Kurds but see nothing
amiss in Turks attacking Kurds. We cannot even agree to abondon
the use of land mines.

In reality when we, the self-anointed rulers of the planet,
issue an ultimatum to another country, it is "surrender or die."
To maintain our "credibillty," we must crush any semblance of
resistance to our dictates to that country.
Walter J. Rockler
Former prosecutor
Nuremberg war crimes trials


Perhaps now the above will come to you.

Of course I can tell it is impossible to argue with these events, as unlike the alleged ethnic cleansing by Serbs, said events did take place.

Which is why you did not find anything better than moan about the date.


Unlike you, when I don't have anything to say, I just shut up.

You should do the same, it looks much better on the board. Actually I think the best you have come up with so far is silence. I just love you non-posts, they are so...quiet. I can taste the quality of their void.

Why did you stop posting under Zpka ? Because in Arabic language, "zeb" or "zebe" means "penis" ? It is true your name would be like "penis-ka", which has a certain ring to it. Fits the description better.

Bon j'arrête de déconner. Au revoir tout le monde.

Allez, salut maintenant !


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No fair !

My machine at work is so slow, had I been at home you wouldn't have beaten me by 3 minutes.

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Come on, Nicolas!

The grey litter between her ears had been fueled with stinking sh#t long before she joined the discussion on the board. Some people here are absolutely unable to react properly and one should treat them as such.

To tell the truth I wasn't at home either. I was only riding there on a bus with that rubbish notebook PC and a satellite antenna of mine in the lap :-).

Score for you at any rate.

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By Daniela see above

ps. ask Bob Geldof for the references

What is it girl.....jealous?
Wait till you need good people to save your butt.
BTW the money they collected with Live Aid for ethiopia was used till the last cent.But then again you can't know that as you were still playing in the schoolyard, not aware of the big bad world.


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Ahahahaha! If you weren't such a fascist, I would pee in my pants with laughter now. Such a pitiful attempt in trying to be funny. And how intellectual it all seems.... Postings of the tenth of May don't really interest me much anymore because there is so much going on in the present that's worth mentioning. Evidence of genocide committed by Serb forces, for instance. But, as cynical as you are, ofcourse you don't care. All you care about is your all time BUDDY Slob Milo. Oh, he is such a good man, he couldn't hurt a fly, right?

Let me tell you something, cleverdick, your Serbian stinks, your Spanish is even worse, and your Arabic is beyond mentioning. Besides, you can try to wriggle and hide behind intellectual and sour words, but one quote of yours will now and forever brand you for what you are A NAZI.

Wanna see the quote again? Here it is, by you and your giant EGO, written on Sunday, May 23rd: "There is no genocide committed by Serb forces."


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Any real help came out of that event ?
Just a bit of mercy for the poor and further ignorance once the lights of the stage and a lot of self - idolising was over.
Bob was, before The Live Aid, on the verge of
bankruptcy to become a 'lord' after delivering
a few sacks of wheat to the helpless.

Still desperate to pick up a fight, aren't you...

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Emina - Kolina - Zpka - Zoja - Rosie
you can not write even your name corectly
let alone elaborate on anything further than trying to pick up a fight and to insult.
Sorry, I forgot to mention all the threats you directed at me...

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You've failed the test. I'm sorry...

Beat the arguments from that article!

P.S. Nick, good job!

Reputable Member
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 333

Emina - Kolina - Zpka - Zoja - Rosie
you can not write even your name corectly
let alone elaborate on anything further than trying to pick up a fight and to insult.
Sorry, I forgot to mention all the threats you directed at me...

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