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Archive through May 27, 1999

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As of today, Slobodan (I don't deserve that name) Milosevic is offically endited by the International War Crimes Tribunal as a War Criminal. So, at least on the Kosovo part the evidence is collected. And of course more is to come.

That is your beloved leader, Daniela. And if your really want to know what your age has to do with it??? Well, the same as what a one time typing mistake has to do with it, or Emina and I being one (or not)have to do with it.

Child, go to bed, it is past your bedtime. Sesame Street is long over.


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International Committee of the Red Cross said in Geneva
on 26 May that five Red Cross relief trucks reached
Prishtina the previous night. The arrival there of eight
ICRC staff on 24 May marked the return of that
organization to the province. The relief organization
withdrew its 19 staff members from Kosova on 29 March.
The Serbian authorities recently gave the ICRC
permission to return. PM

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Yugoslav army removed 50 males from a group of about 500
ethnic Albanian refugees as they were attempting to
cross into Montenegro on 25 May, RFE/RL's South Slavic
Service reported. The soldiers took the Kosovars to an
unknown destination.

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This is your leader.

Serbian police barred roads leading into and out of
Krusevac on 25 May. The police prevented busses and
river ferries from running and restricted the movement
of vehicles within the town, RFE/RL's South Slavic
Service reported. A mother of a soldier serving in
Kosova told RFE/RL from Krusevac by telephone that
coffins containing dead Serbian soldiers arrive in the
town "constantly." She added: "The mothers are not
afraid of either the politicians or the police. The
mothers will go [to Kosova], and find their children."
And in Cacak, which was also the scene of recent anti-
war protests, one of the recently arrested protesters
said that her arrest is an attempt by the Serbian
authorities to intimidate those who oppose the war (see
"RFE/RL Newsline," 25 May 1999).

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Joschka Fischer said in Washington on 25 May that if
NATO fails to secure the safe return of refugees to
Kosova, the conflict could spread and the Balkans remain
unstable for many years, Reuters reported. He argued
that "if [Yugoslav President Slobodan] Milosevic can
continue [with his program of ethnic cleansing], we can
see next what will happen in the Sandzak..., you will
see an overthrow of [the democratic government in]
Montenegro. You will see that Albanian nationalism will
explode. And this will have severe consequences for
stability in the whole region, especially in Macedonia."

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Former Romanian President Ion Iliescu called on the U.S.
not to give Russia a chance to re-establish its
domination in the Balkans by participating in a
peacekeeping mission after the conflict in Kosova,
Mediafax reported on 25 May. In an article entitled
"Moscow on the Danube: Bad News After Kosovo," which was
published in "The Washington Post" on 23 May, Iliescu
said Russian military involvement in the Balkan peace
process could destabilize the region.

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Clearing civilians out of villages which are KLA strongholds is exactly what America did in Vietnam: Clear villages of civilians which were
Vietcong strongholds! Not to mention bombed the country into oblivion killing millions. And how many American generals, soldiers or politicians were indicted as war criminals? Give me a break!

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In double standards which are typical of the world's leading proponent
of a new era in imperialism, the US asked the rest of the world to
recognize the Hague Tribuanal (correct spelling) while refusing to
recognize the International Court of Justice, the supreme court of the
UN. The ICJ found against the US for mining Nicaraguan harbours in the
early 1980s. The US refuses to recognize the judgement.

Yugoslavia does not recognize the Hague Kangaroo Court, and never will.

But do US courts recognize the American imperial court, presided over by
Quebec separatist Louise Arbour and divorced Roman Catholic Gabrielle
Kirk Macdonald? Obviously not. A Texas court refused to recognize an
indictment for a Rwandan who had settled in the United States.

The US Administration and the Pentagon have similarly vowed to reject
any deportation of their military personnel for war crimes charges.

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Dear Daniela,

You STOKA, KRAVA, BUDALA!!! You definitely need to get laid....... Look at the previous emails and you will see that I am totally SOLO. If you must know I live in Australia. Emina is on the other side of the world. Compare our emails you f-u-c-k-i-n-g bitch!! KRAVA JEDNA.

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Every Major Religion started with Cannabis. Why remove the post. If its true, then we can live with it. Your censoring this info only creats suspicion. Jesus was a stoner. And he is still the most rightous of men. Too bad the Christians don't folow him, instead of NATZO men.
Peace not WoD

Cannabis and the Christ: Jesus used Marijuana

Part 4 of "When Smoke Gets in my I" a series on the history of cannabis and human

"If you know the truth, the truth will make
you free." (John 8:32)

Jesus used Marijuana

As doubtful as the following hypothesis might
first seem to the reader, I might as well boldly
state my case right from the start: either Jesus
used marijuana or he was not the Christ. The
very word "Christ", by the implication of its
linguistic origins and true meaning, gives us
the most profound evidence that Jesus did in
fact use the same herb as his ancient semitic
ancestors, and which is still used by people
around the world for its enlightening and
healing properties.

The Greek title "Christ" is the translation of
the Hebrew word Messiah, which in English
becomes "The Anointed" D. The Messiah was
recognized as such by his being anointed with
the holy anointing oil, the use of which was
restricted to the instillation of Hebrew priests
and kings (See CC#5). If Jesus was not
initiated in this fashion then he was not the
Christ, and had no official claim to the title.

for this
in the Old Testament book of Exodus (30:
22-23) included over nine pounds of flowering
cannabis tops, Hebrew "kaneh-bosm" B,
extracted into a hind (about 6.5 litres) of olive oil, along with a variety of other herbs and spices. The ancient chosen
ones were literally drenched in this potent cannabis holy oil.

From the time of Moses until that of the later prophet Samuel, the holy anointing
oil was used by the shamanic Levite priesthood to receive the "revelations of the
Lord". At the dawn of the age of Kings, Samuel extended the use of the anointing
oil to the Hebraic monarchs by anointing Saul (and later David) as
"Messiah-king". These kings lead their people with the benefit of insights
achieved through using the holy anointing oil to become "possessed with the
spirit of the Lord."

"Anointing was common among kings of Israel. It was the sign and symbol of
royalty. The word 'Messiah' signifies the 'Anointed One', and none of the kings
of Israel were styled the Messiah unless anointed."1 The title was clearly only given to those "having the crown of
God's unction upon them" (Leviticus 21:12).

After the fall of the Jewish kingdoms, and the bloody purges following the forged discovery of the Book of theLaw (1
Kings 23), the cannabis holy oil was prohibited as associated with pagan worship. Yet it seems that certain sects
retained the topical entheogen, and continued to practice the older religion, silently awaiting the return of a Messiah-king
in the line of David.

The ministry of Jesus marked the return of the Jewish Messiah-kings, and thus the re-emergence of the holy oil. Jesus
was called the Christ because he violated the Old Testament taboo on the cannabis oil and distributed it freely for
initiation rites and to heal the sick and wounded.

Although there is some evidence of Jesus' use of this Judaic cannabis oil in the traditional New Testament, we get a
clearer picture of its importance when we also look at surviving Gnostic documents. The term Gnostic, meaning
"knowledge", refers to a variety of early Christian sects which had extremely different beliefs about both Jesus and his
teachings than those which have come down to us through modern Christianity.

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Thanks for the tip DMS.

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Civilians rounded up and murdered by Serbian forces

“The women were ordered to depart with the elderly and children... the men were lined up in two rows, and told to turn their backs. The soldiers then opened fire on the group with automatic weapons. Bodies fell on top of me and I was able to feign death until the soldiers left.”

This is the testimony of a man describing how he survived the execution of a large group of men at Izbica in the Drenica region of Kosovo province. Amnesty International delegates, in cooperation with members of the Albanian Human Rights Group, have gathered dozens of testimonies from refugees from that area.

What is clear from these testimonies is that Amnesty International's fears that civilians of the Drenica region were murdered by Serbian security forces between 25 and 28 March, are not unfounded.


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WoD and Fascists

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PROVE to us that everything that you post is true, YOU CAN'T, you just copy other people's writing too, but you say everthing that other's post is a lie, such a one way brainwashed mind. Maybe one day you will learn to think for yourself and you are going to be in for a big surprise when you wake up.

Also, if I want to use a dot (.) for a name I have every right, that's really none of your business.

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The following came from ,
That's a pro Serb site in case you are not smart enough to figure it out.

18:35 Long convoys of NATO forces are going from Italy, via Slovenia, toward Hungary, the whole day today. Slovenian media say the transport via railways and roads will last about 3 days.
This looks like a preparation for the invasion from Hungary.

19:37 Greek news: The Greek report 48,000 ground troops will be invading!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the next couple of days!!!

22:08 The first convoy of 30 vehciles drove through Slovenia today (Italian army). They are heading toward Hungary. Is NATO preparing for the attack from Hungary too?


I know what's going to happen but I can't tell, you'll just have to wait and see.

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Whats WoD?
Whats good for the goose is good for the NATZO boot licking gander.

Hey my hometown adopted a resolution to protest the bombings in Kosovo! America is awakening and will take back our Constitution from the NATZO New World Order GOPer Klintoon Corporate Tyrannists.
Get Out of Kosovo!
Peace not WoD

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