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Archive through May 28, 1999

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May 27, 1999

Command Responsibility in International Law


(New York, May 26,1999)—Human Rights Watch today applauded the reported indictment of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic by the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

"It's about time Milosevic was indicted," said Holly Cartner, Executive Director of the Europe and Central Asia division of Human Rights Watch. "His troops are committing crimes against humanity in Kosovo as we speak. But he must also be held accountable for other terrible deeds: Vukovar, Sarajevo, Srebrenica—the list goes on and on. This indictment is particularly important because it shows that no political leader—even if still in office—is immune from prosecution for atrocities," added Cartner.

Throughout the wars in the former Yugoslavia—from Slovenia and Croatia in the summer of 1991 to the end of the war in Bosnia-Hercegovina in 1995—Human Rights Watch documented the systematic slaughter, mutilation, rape and forced displacement of the civilian population by Milosevic's troops. In the worst single atrocity during the war in Bosnia-Hercegovina, as many as 7,000 Bosniak inhabitants were slaughtered by Bosnian Serb forces following the fall of Srebrenica on July 11, 1995. Again in Kosovo, beginning in 1998 and continuing to the present, there is abundant evidence that Yugoslav Army and Serb special police units under Milosevic's political leadership have been responsible for widespread atrocities, including the summary execution of civilians, massacres, rape, destruction of civilian property, and systematic "ethnic cleansing" of the region.

Cartner noted that even if Milosevic himself did not pull any triggers, he could still be held criminally responsible for crimes committed by people under his command. The Tribunal would have to show that he gave the orders to commit the crimes, or that he failed to take necessary and reasonable measures to prevent such acts or to punish the perpetrators.

Cartner rejected speculation that the reported indictment would make the search for peace more difficult. She pointed out that the Dayton Peace accords were signed in 1995, effectively ending the war in Bosnia, even though the Tribunal had already indicted Bosnian Serb leaders Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic as war criminals.


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(New York, May 26, 1999) -- Ethnic Albanian men held for several weeks in the prison of Smrekonica (about five kilometers south of Kosovska Mitrovica) described to Human Rights Watch their abusive treatment at the hands of the Serbian authorities. The former detainees, who were released last Saturday, reported that prison cells were grossly overcrowded, that prisoners were given insufficient food, and that the men, who were suspected of being members or supporters of the Kosovo Liberation Army, were almost without exception severely beaten during interrogation.

Human Rights Watch representatives in Kukes, northern Albania, interviewed six men late in the evening of Saturday, May 2, who had been released that day from the prison in Smrekonica. The men, all interviewed separately, were among some 500 detainees who, according to the UNHCR, had been released from prison on Saturday and taken to the Albanian border in seven batches. On Sunday, May 3, another group of over 400 detainees were reportedly released from the Smrekonica prison to cross the border into Albania. The accounts of those interviewed by Human Rights Watch, who ranged in age from twenty-seven to fifty-six, reveal a clear pattern of mistreatment by the prison authorities.

The men described how they had been held in the prison in Smrekonica for periods of two to three weeks. Some of the men had already been held for two weeks in a school in Srbica (Skenderaj in Albanian) before being transferred to the Smrekonica facility, while others were arrested in the Vucitrn (Vushtri in Albanian) region on May 2 or 3. Among those released were many of the men who had been separated from a refugee convoy in Vucitrn, an incident that Human Rights Watch described on May 20 (see Kosovo Flash #40) . In all, an estimated 3,000 men were reportedly being held in the prison as of May 22, when the first large group of detainees was released.

The prisoners were held in conditions that fell far short of minimal acceptable standards. All of the former detainees reported that the prison cells were so overcrowded that it was almost impossible for prisoners to sit down. A fifty-two-year-old man from Reznik said that seventy-six persons were crowded into his cell, which measured four by eight meters, while a forty-three-year-old man from the Podujevo area reported that his four-by-five-meter room held thirty-six men. The detainees were not provided with mattresses or blankets, but were instead forced to sleep on the concrete floor.

Without exception, the ethnic Albanian detainees were interrogated, some as many as five times, about their possible connections to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA, UÇK in Albanian). During these interrogations, the men reported being beaten, some severely. A.K., age twenty-seven, was first held for two weeks in the school in Srbica and then transferred to the Smrekonica prison, where he was held for another two weeks. A.K. told Human Rights Watch: "I was interrogated five times: two times in the school in Skenderaj, and three times in the prison [in Smrekonica]. They asked me if I was a member of the UÇK, who I knew in the UÇK, whether I had given money to the UÇK, if I had connections in the UÇK, etc. Whenever I said I didn't know any UÇK, they'd beat me up with [wooden] sticks, rubber police batons or the butt of a gun. They'd hit me in my back and on my hands."

Other interviewees also stated that they were severely beaten on their backs, heads, hands and knees during interrogations, some of which took place in technical and medical schools in Kosovska Mitrovica, which allegedly serve as the headquarters of the police after NATO bombed the police station in Mitrovica. The BBC has aired footage of numerous released detainees showing severe bruises on their backs and arms.

Two of the interviewees reported that the officers conducting the interrogations, none of whom they recognized, played loud Serbian folk music while they questioned and beat the ethnic Albanians. Moreover, one witness reported that men were forced to shout slogans such as "Long live Serbia." Two witnesses reported that the Serb forces had on occasion forced two ethnic Albanians to fight with each other. If the Albanians would not fight each other aggressively enough, they would be beaten by the Serb guards.

The detainees were forced to sign a document stating that they were notified that they were being held under suspicion of being a member of, or a supporter of, the KLA. Human Rights Watch is concerned that the arrest and detention of many of these men, particularly those picked up in Vucitrn and Srbica, was arbitrary and unjustifiable. Serb forces operating in these areas separated large numbers of able-bodied men, roughly those from ages sixteen to sixty, from civilian convoys, reportedly requiring no evidence of KLA membership apart from age and ethnicity. No detainees were brought before a judge or given the opportunity to challenge the legal basis of their detention.

Besides physical mistreatment, the men reported that prisoners were provided insufficient food, about 200 grams of bread per person per day. The men from the Vucitrn region all reported that they had not received any food at all for forty-eight hours, from the moment they were detained in Vucitrn on the evening of Sunday, May 2, until about 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 4. Some former detainees reported that the food improved about ten days into their detention, when the authorities began to serve warm meals.

On Saturday morning, May 22, the men were called up one by one and told to board buses waiting for them in the prison compound, without being informed where the buses were taking them. The buses then transported them to Zhur, a village some four kilometers away from the Kosovo-Albanian border crossing, near the Albanian town of Kukes, where the men were told to get off the buses. They were then told to walk the last kilometers to Albania, and not to stray from the main road, since the sides of the road were mined. Somewhere between Zhur and the border crossing at Morine, the men reported being robbed of all their valuables by members of the Yugoslav Army.

While the majority of the detainees were released, the witnesses claim that a number of men from the Kosovska Mitrovica area - men who were arrested in the days immediately prior to the witnesses' release - are still being held at the Smrekonica prison. Human Rights Watch is extremely concerned about the safety and well-being of those held in Smrekonica and other prisons, and calls upon the Serbian authorities to release as soon as possible those men against whom there is no evidence of KLA membership. Moreover, the Serbian authorities should guarantee the physical integrity of the detainees and provide them with basic items such as food, water, mattresses, and blankets.

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I agree with you about the elections, but the rest of it is just bullsh*t.

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FRrom a physicians viewpoint:

Statement on Genocide in Kosovo
National Public Radio Editorial

by Holly Burkhalter, Advocacy Director,
Physicians for Human Rights
The massive butchery of 800,000 unarmed Rwandan men, women, and children began five years ago this week. It was the clearest case of genocide since the Holocaust, but the United States and the rest of the world stood by without lifting a finger to stop it. Our government doesn't appear to have learned much since then. Today, there are clear signs that another genocide is unfolding, this time in Kosovo, but President Clinton, whose bombing campaign has done nothing to protect civilians on the ground, has made it absolutely clear that no American soldiers will be deployed to stop the killing and mass expulsion of Kosovar Albanians.

Horrible abuses of all types occur all over the world, but the crime of genocide is in a class by itself. The Genocide Convention, which the United States has signed and ratified, defines the crime as: "...acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group... by killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its destruction, in whole or in part."

We at Physicians for Human Rights believe that what is occurring in Kosovo meets that test. Milosevic and his forces are clearly destroying at least a part of this ethnic group by forcibly driving almost half of its population out of Kosovo, by targeted killings of community leaders, by the execution of Kosovar men, and boys, and the whole-scale demolition of homes, villages, and cultural and religious sites.

Our government is legally required by the Genocide Convention to prevent, suppress, and punish the crime of genocide. But bombs alone will not do the job. The killings, expulsions, and destruction have accelerated wildly during the past three weeks, and there is no end in sight. The magnitude of the crime unfolding in Kosovo requires President Clinton to do what he has ruled out: immediately deploy ground forces to expel all Serb soldiers and police from Kosovo, and create a safe environment for the refugees and displaced people to return to Kosovo in safety.

President Clinton bears a heavy burden for failing to respond to the Rwanda genocide and for responding so belatedly in Bosnia. He has had ample warning of the genocide to come in Kosovo: for the past year, Milosevic has conducted a systematic campaign of murder, burnings, shelling, arrest, torture, and targeted execution of the Albanian community's doctors, political leaders, journalists, and intellectuals. If President Clinton avoids taking the painful action necessary to expel Serb forces from Kosovo, he will be remembered as the President on whose watch three genocides unfolded. There is still time for him to claim a different legacy: that of a leader who has learned from the past, and vowed, this time, to stop the crime of genocide and punish its perpetrators.


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Eighteen leading ethnic Albanian physicians from Kosovo who have fled to Macedonia have called upon NATO to employ at once all possible measures to bring food and medical supplies to the population left in Kosovo. They urge NATO to arrange for the immediate air drop of food and medicine to the populations trapped in the countryside within the next two weeks or else it may be"too late". "Mass death may be imminent" unless help reaches them in that period, they say.

"Only these two measures, in the view of these respected, senior Pristina physicians, will offer any reasonable possibility of saving the remnant populations of Kosovo and effect the return of those who have been forced to flee," said Jennifer Leaning, MD, a member of the board of Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) who just interviewed the physicians, now living in Skopje and Tetova, Macedonia, arriving since March 24.

"These physicians experienced terrifying threats to themselves and their families as they fled or were forcibly expelled from Kosovo. Their main concern, however, is how to avert mass death among the hundreds of thousands who are still left in Kosovo," said Leaning.

The Kosovar Albanian physicians from the Pristina area report that in the city of Pristina there is very little food left in the homes and neighborhoods where people are trapped. People are unable to leave their apartments because of armed forces patrolling the streets, snipers, and marauding gangs of armed Serbian civilians.

A physician who left Pristina on April 15 said that his friends had reported having reserves of food for their families of only two days to one week. All the Albanian stores in Pristina have been looted or burned. Ethnic Albanians who dare to go out for milk or bread are turned away by the Serbian police and are told that only Serbs can wait in line for food.

The Pristina physicians, many of who traveled regularly throughout the countryside before they were expelled, say the situation now is even more desperate. One physician made contact two days ago by cell phone with a friend in Peja (Pec) who said that 15,000 internally displaced people had just come to three small villages outside Peja, and there was absolutely no food or medicine to support them.

Several physicians reported that there are now no medical supplies, surgical supplies, or medicines of any kind left in the countryside. People in the cities cannot seek care at the hospitals because it is too dangerous to go out in the streets and because the hospitals are effectively closed to Albanians since the Serb authorities dismissed all Albanian staff and expelled all Albanian patients in late March.

The eighteen physicians interviewed by PHR call upon NATO to employ at once all possible measures to bring food and medical supplies to the population left in Kosovo. They urge NATO to arrange for the immediate air drop of food and medicine to the populations trapped in the countryside.

They also request that NATO act with the greatest urgency to bring ground forces into Kosovo in order to rescue those now living in hiding and under siege, and to locate and liberate the large numbers of men and boys who were separated from their families by Serb forces and taken to unknown locations.

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) has a nine member delegation in Macedonia and Albania conducting a comprehensive survey of some 1,000 Kosovar refugees about human rights abuses suffered over the past few weeks. Three members of the team, led by Dr. Jennifer Leaning, are interviewing physicians about conditions leading to their flight out of Kosovo. For the past six months, PHR has reported on the systematic pattern of abuses against ethnic Albanian physicians and their patients by Serb authorities in Kosovo. PHR has documented murder of at least three physicians, and harassment, detention, and torture of physicians-with abuses occurring as far back as the fall of 1998. Dr. Leaning conducted a training for ethnic Albanian and Serbian physicians in mid-March on human rights and humanitarian law.

From: Physicians for Human Rights


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May 21, 1999
Hon. William J. Clinton
President of the United States
White House
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Clinton:

I write on behalf of Physicians for Human Rights to express my grave concern over impact on civilians of the NATO bombing campaign in Yugoslavia.

Physicians for Human Rights has conducted continuous research on President Milosevic's crimes in Kosovo for the past year and has recently completed 1,100 interviews with refugees in an effort to obtain a comprehensive picture of killings, disappearances, and other crimes against the Kosovar Albanian community. Our data clearly indicates that almost all families who fled experienced gross abuses of human rights.

Our organization was sufficiently alarmed at the killings and expulsions of civilians that we publicly called nearly a year ago for the introduction of an international peace-making force into Kosovo for the exclusive purpose of protecting Kosovar civilians from attacks by Serb police, military, and paramilitary forces. We reiterated that appeal in a letter to you in January, 1999.

The air campaign that NATO commenced in March as a response to Serb abuses in Kosovo has not been an appropriate substitute for such a ground force. As near as we can determine, the bombing has not protected Kosovar civilians from expulsion, death, rape, and torture; has not prevented Serb forces from destroying hundreds of villages, mosques, medical clinics, and other Albanian facilities; has not prevented Serb forces from laying antipersonnel landmines; and has not contributed to the return to Kosovo of its displaced population.

Physicians for Human Rights is particularly troubled by the fact that in addition to failing to deter Serb abuses or protect Milosevic's victims, NATO's aerial bombardment has itself caused the destruction of civilian facilities, including hospitals, and the death of both Serbian and Kosovar civilians. The rules of engagement which require NATO aircraft to fly above 15,000 feet have enhanced the possibility of collateral damage and deaths of civilians, because such heights make it more difficult for pilots to distinguish civilian from military targets.

You publicly acknowledged this fact in your recent statement following the inadvertent bombing of a column of displaced Kosovar Albanians, when you stated that such deaths were inevitable given the speed and altitude at which NATO pilots were flying when conducting bombing sorties.

Physicians for Human Rights is well aware that NATO is not deliberately targeting concentrations of civilians. That fact, however, does not justify military operations that are implicitly designed to minimize harm to NATO soldiers at the expense of civilians. Indeed, such rules of engagement, under which NATO appears to be operating, are clearly prohibited under international humanitarian law. If NATO pilots operating under such rules proceed to bomb without being able to distinguish civilians from soldiers, they are violating international law. Under circumstances where soldiers cannot ascertain whether their target is military or civilian, there exists an affirmative obligation to avoid such a target. Finally, the Serb military's placing of civilians near military targets to serve as "human shields" does not permit NATO bombers to attack those targets without reserve. The Geneva Conventions prohibit attacks on such targets if civilian losses are disproportionate to the military objective secured.

In closing, Physicians for Human Rights also wishes to express concern about the costs to civilians of bombing of facilities that are essential to the maintenance of civilian life and health, such as the electrical system. We are aware that some of these targets have a dual military-civilian use. Nonetheless, we respectfully urge that the Alliance end its attacks upon targets whose destruction causes suffering and hardship among the civilian population.

Physicians for Human Rights continues to insist that the international community intervene in an effective manner to stop Milosevic's depredations against the civilian population remaining in Kosovo and to permit the safe return of refugees, and to do so in ways that are consistent with international humanitarian law.


Leonard S. Rubenstein
Executive Director

With regards to my colleagues, I totally agree with this statement.


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Emergency Mobilization to Stop the War

Sign up Online to Volunteer for or Endorse the June 5
March on the Pentagon!


Flyer for June 5

Wash DC,Saturday, June 5th,
National March on the Pentagon to stop bombing Yugoslavia,
starts at 12 noon at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and marches to the Pentagon.

May 1, 1999

It is time to act! As the U.S./NATO bombs are raining down on Belgrade, Pristina, Aleksinac, and other cities in Yugoslavia, as
hundreds of thousands of people have been made into refugees since the beginning of this bombing, we are urging you to join us in
the newly-formed Emergency Mobilization to Stop the War.

On June 5, there will be a national mass march from the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial to the steps of the Pentagon. Unless we
stop this madness, we will be witness to the Pentagon unveiling a Yugoslav Veterans" Memorial. On June 5, our demand will be
"money for jobs and education, not for war in Yugoslavia."

Buses and car caravans will be coming to Washington D.C. for the June 5 demonstration from hundreds of cities and towns
throughout the United States.

This is the most important anti-war demonstration since the Vietnam war. We hope you will do everything in your power to
participate in this effort. We need to organize buses, print and circulate posters and leaflets, send out email notices and press
releases, organize fundraising events, send mass mailings and information packets, hold house meetings, send our spokespersons
on speaking tours and recruit thousands of volunteers.

We are counting on you to help us in this massive grassroots campaign to build a new anti-war movement. The timing of the June
5 National Mass March could not be more urgent. Why? Because we are on the brink of the abyss. Hundreds of thousands of
troops may be dispatched in a bloody rerun of Vietnam. Ten years after the end of the Cold War, the Pentagon is embarked again
on another destructive adventure. Instead of a so-called peace dividend, we are being treated to the anti-people ramifications of
the New World Order.

We urgently need to collect the funds necessary for a huge demonstration. It is through the self-sacrifice and cooperation of
thousands of people of conscience that we will succeed in building this new movement. Donations to the "People’s Rights
Fund/To Stop the War" are tax deductible.

Please see our web site for an endorsement/volunteer form, fact sheets, flyers, and more. Feel free to call our office or come by to
volunteer your efforts.

End the war now before its too late!

Ramsey Clark, Former U.S. Attorney General
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton
Rev. Lucius Walker, Jr., Exe. Dir., IFCO/Pastors for Peace
Howard Zinn, Historian
Edith Villastrigo, Leg. Dir., Women Strike for Peace
Nick Pavlica, Publisher, Marketing Consultant, Peace Activist
Rev. Djokan Majstorovic, Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sava, NYC
Rev. John Dear, J.S., Executive Director, Fellowship of Reconciliation
Leslie Feinberg, Author
Michael Parenti, Author
United Serbs of America
Frank Velgara, Working Group on Puerto Rico/FS
Brian Becker & Sara Flounders, International Action Center
Cathleen Todd, Co-Chair, Global Peace & Disarmament Ministry, Riverside Church
Leonore Foerstel, Women for Mutual Security
Johann Christoph Arnold, Bruderhof Community
Greek Americans for Action

Emergency Mobilization to Stop the War
39 West 14th St., #206 New York, NY 10011
(212) 633-6646 fax: (212) 633-2889

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Posts: 333


RE: William J. Clinton, Madeleine Albright, William S. Cohen, Tony Blair, Robin Cook, George Robertson, Javier Solana, Jamie
Shea, Wesley K. Clark, Harold W. German, Konrad Freytag. D.J.G. Wilby, Fabrizio Maltinti, Giuseppe Marani, Daniel P. Leaf,
Jean Chrétien, Lloyd Axworthy, Arthur Eggleton, Jean-Luc Dehaene, E. Derycke, J.-P. Poncelet, Vaclav Havel, J. Kavan, V.
Vetchy, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, N.H. Petersen, H. Haekkerup, Jacques Chirac, Lionel Jospin, H. Védrine, Alain Richard,
Gerhard Schröder, J. Fischer, R. Scharping, Kostas Simitis, G. Papandreou, A. Tsohatzopoulos, Viktor Orban, J. Martonyi, J.
Szabo, David Oddsson, H. Asgrimsson, G. Palsson, Massimo D’Alema, L. Dini, C. Scognamiglio, Jean-Claude Juncker, J.
Poos, Alex Bodry, Willem Kok, J. van Aartsen, F.H.G. de Grave, Kjell Magne Bondevik, K. Vollebæk, D.J. Fjærvoll, Jerzy
Buzek, B. Geremek, J. Onyszkiewicz, Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres, J.J. Matos da Gama, V. Simão, Jose Maria Aznar,
A. Matutes, E. Serra Rexach, Bulent Ecevit, I. Cem and H. S. Turk.




Madam Justice Louise Arbour,
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia,
Churchillplein 1, 2501 EW,
The Hague,

William J. Clinton, Madeleine Albright and William S. Cohen,
C/o William J. Clinton
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20500
United States of America

Tony Blair, Robin Cook and George Robertson,
C/o Rt. Hon. Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 Downing St.
SW1A 2AA London
United Kingdom

Javier Solana, Jamie Shea, Wesley K. Clark, Harold W. German, Konrad Freytag. D.J.G. Wilby, Fabrizio Maltinti, Giuseppe
Marani and Daniel P. Leaf,
C/o Javier Solana, Secretary General
NATO Headquarters,
1110 Brussels,

Jean Chrétien, Lloyd Axworthy and Arthur Eggleton,
C/o Jean Chretien, M.P.
Prime Minister
House of Commons, PO Box 1103
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Jean-Luc Dehaene, E. Derycke and J.-P. Poncelet,
C/o M. Jean-Luc Dehaene
Premier Ministre
rue de la Loi 16
B-1000 Brussels

Vaclav Havel, J. Kavan and V. Vetchy,
C/o Vaclav Havel President
Office of the President of the C.R. Hrad (Castle)
119 08 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, N.H. Petersen and H. Haekkerup,
C/o Poul Nyrup Rasmussen
Prime Minister
Prime Minister‘s Office
Christiansborg, Prins Jorgens Gaard 11
DK-1218 Copenhagen

Jacques Chirac, Lionel Jospin, H. Védrine and Alain Richard,
C/o M. Jacques Chirac
President de la Republique
Palais de l‘Elysee
55 et 57, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore
75008 Paris

Gerhard Schröder, J. Fischer and R. Scharping,
C/o Gerhard Schoeder
Adenauerallee 141
PA: Briefpost, PLZ 53106
53113 Bonn

Kostas Simitis, G. Papandreou and A. Tsohatzopoulos,
C/o Kostas Simitis
Prime Minister
Office of the Prime Minister
Greek Parliament Bldg., Constitution Square

Viktor Orban, J. Martonyi and J. Szabo,
C/oViktor Orban
Prime Minister
Kossuth Lajos ter 1-3
1055 Budapest, Budapest fovaros

David Oddsson, H. Asgrimsson and G. Palsson,
C/o David Oddsson
Prime Minister
Office of the Prime Minister
150 Reykjavik

Massimo D’Alema, L. Dini and C. Scognamiglio,
C/o Massimo D’Alema
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri (Prime Minister)
Piazza Colonna, 370
00187 Rome

Jean-Claude Juncker, J. Poos and Alex Bodry,
C/o Jean-Claude Juncker
Prime Minister
Ministere d‘Etat
4, rue de la Congregation
L-2910 Luxembourg

Willem Kok, J. van Aartsen and F.H.G. de Grave,
C/o Willem Kok
Prime Minister
Binnenhof 20, 2513 AA
Postbus 20001, 2500 EA
The Hague

Kjell Magne Bondevik, K. Vollebæk and D.J. Fjærvoll,
C/o Kjell Magne Bondevik
Prime Minister
Akersgt. 42, blokk H
P.O. Box 8001 Dep
N-0030 Oslo

Jerzy Buzek, B. Geremek and J. Onyszkiewicz,
C/o Jerzy Buzek
Prime Minister
Prime Minister’s Office
al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warsaw

Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres, J.J. Matos da Gama and V. Simão,
C/o Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres
Prime Minister
Gabinete do Primeiro-Ministro

Jose Maria Aznar, A. Matutes and E. Serra Rexach,
C/o Excmo. Sr. Jose Maria Aznar
Presidente del Gobierno
Complejo de la Edf. Semillas

Bulent Ecevit, I. Cem and H. S. Turk,
C/o Bulent Ecevit
Prime Minister
Office of the Prime Minister
06573 Ankara

Professor Michael Mandel, Professor W. Neil Brooks, Professor Judith A. Fudge, Professor H. J. Glasbeek, Professor Reuben
A. Hasson and Sil Salvaterra, Barrister and Solicitor, Community Legal Aid Services Programme,
Osgoode Hall Law School, York University,
Toronto, Ontario,
Canada M3J 1P3

David Jacobs and Brian Shell, Barristers and Solicitors,
Shell, Jacobs Lawyers
672 Dupont Street,
Suite 401
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M6G 1Z6

Christopher Black, Barrister and Solicitor,
121 Nymark Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M2J 2H3

John Philpot, Barrister and Solicitor,
Alariel Legault Beachemin Paquin Jobin Brisson & Philpot
1259 rue Berri suite 1000
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2L 4C7

Fred Stasiuk, Barrister and Solicitor,
296 Mill Road,
Unit B6
Etobicoke, Ontario,
Canada M9G 4X8

Professor Peter Rosenthal, Barrister and Solicitor,
Mathematics Department,
The University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario

Professor Roberto Bergalli,
Departament de Dret Penal i Ciences Penals
Universitat de Barcelona,
Av. Diagonal 684 E-08034
Barcelona, Spain

The American Association of Jurists:
Alejandro Teitelbaum,
Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva.
80 Quai Gillet
69004 Lyon, France

Alvaro Ramirez Gonzalez, President,
Del Porton Oriental de la UCA 1 y media cuadra arriba
Apdo Postal 3348
Managua, Nicaragua

Vanessa Ramos,
Secretary General
200 Mercer Street 4E
New York, NY 10012

Beinusz Szmukler,
President, Consultative Council,
Peru 971 8 piso, B
1068 Buenos Aires, Argentina


RE: William J. Clinton, Madeleine Albright, William S. Cohen, Tony Blair, Robin Cook, George Robertson, Javier Solana, Jamie
Shea, Wesley K. Clark, Harold W. German, Konrad Freytag. D.J.G. Wilby, Fabrizio Maltinti, Giuseppe Marani, Daniel P. Leaf,
Jean Chrétien, Lloyd Axworthy, Arthur Eggleton, Jean-Luc Dehaene, E. Derycke, J.-P. Poncelet, Vaclav Havel, J. Kavan, V.
Vetchy, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, N.H. Petersen, H. Haekkerup, Jacques Chirac, Lionel Jospin, H. Védrine, Alain Richard,
Gerhard Schröder, J. Fischer, R. Scharping, Kostas Simitis, G. Papandreou, A. Tsohatzopoulos, Viktor Orban, J. Martonyi, J.
Szabo, David Oddsson, H. Asgrimsson, G. Palsson, Massimo D’Alema, L. Dini, C. Scognamiglio, Jean-Claude Juncker, J.
Poos, Alex Bodry, Willem Kok, J. van Aartsen, F.H.G. de Grave, Kjell Magne Bondevik, K. Vollebæk, D.J. Fjærvoll, Jerzy
Buzek, B. Geremek, J. Onyszkiewicz, Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres, J.J. Matos da Gama, V. Simão, Jose Maria Aznar,
A. Matutes, E. Serra Rexach, Bulent Ecevit, I. Cem and H. S. Turk.



WHEREAS the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International
Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 was established by the UN Security Council
with "the power to prosecute persons responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory
of the former Yugoslavia since 1991 in accordance with the provisions of" its Statute (Article 1);

AND WHEREAS by Article 2 of the said Statute, the Tribunal has the power "to prosecute persons committing or ordering to
be committed grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, namely the following acts against persons or
property protected under the provisions of the relevant Geneva Convention" including the following:

(a) wilful killing;

© wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health;

(d) extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly.

AND WHEREAS by Article 3 of the said Statute, "the International Tribunal shall have the power to prosecute persons violating
the laws or customs of war. Such violations shall include,

but not be limited to:

(a) employment of poisonous weapons or other weapons to cause unnecessary suffering;

(b) wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity;

© attack, or bombardment, by whatever means, of undefended towns, villages, dwellings, or buildings;

(d) seizure of, destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion, charity and education, the arts and sciences,
historic monuments and works of art and science.

AND WHEREAS by Article 6 of the said Statute "the International Tribunal shall have jurisdiction over natural persons pursuant
to the provisions of the present Statute;"

AND WHEREAS Article 7 of the said Statute provides for individual criminal responsibility thus:

1. A person who planned, instigated, ordered, committed or otherwise aided and abetted in the planning, preparation or execution
of a crime referred to in articles 2 to 5 of the present Statute, shall be individually responsible for the crime.2. The official position
of any accused person, whether as Head of State or Government or as a responsible Government official, shall not relieve such
person of criminal responsibility or mitigate punishment.

3. The fact that any of the acts referred to in articles 2 to 5 of the present Statute was committed by a subordinate does not relieve
his superior of criminal responsibility if he knew or had reason to know that the subordinate was about to commit such acts or had
done so and the superior failed to take the necessary and reasonable measures to prevent such acts or to punish the perpetrators

4. The fact that an accused person acted pursuant to an order of a Government or of a superior shall not relieve him of criminal
responsibility, but may be considered in mitigation of punishment if the International Tribunal determines that justice so requires.

AND WHEREAS Article 8 of the said Statute provides that the territorial and temporal jurisdiction of the Tribunal "shall extend
to the territory of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, including its land surface, airspace and territorial waters.
The temporal jurisdiction of the International Tribunal shall extend to a period beginning on 1 January 1991;"

AND WHEREAS by Article 9 of the said Statute "the International Tribunal and national courts shall have concurrent jurisdiction
to prosecute persons for serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia
since 1 January 1991" but the International Tribunal "shall have primacy over national courts;"

AND WHEREAS Article 18 of the said Statute provides inter alia that:

1. The Prosecutor shall initiate investigations ex-officio or on the basis of information obtained from any source, particularly from
Governments, United Nations organs, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. The Prosecutor shall assess the
information received or obtained and decide whether there is sufficient basis to proceed.

2. The Prosecutor shall have the power to question suspects, victims and witnesses, to collect evidence and to conduct on-site
investigations. In carrying out these tasks, the Prosecutor may, as appropriate, seek the assistance of the State authorities

4. Upon a determination that a prima facie case exists, the Prosecutor shall prepare an indictment containing a concise statement
of the facts and the crime or crimes with which the accused is charged under the Statute. The indictment shall be transmitted to a
judge of the Trial Chamber.

AND WHEREAS the President of the Tribunal, Judge Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, in a press release of April 8, 1999, urged that:

All States and organisations in possession of information pertaining to the alleged commission of crimes within the jurisdiction of
the Tribunal should make such information available without delay to the Prosecutor.

AND WHEREAS on April 30 in Geneva the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson in a speech
to the Commission cited a letter from the Prosecutor in which the Prosecutor stated:

The actions of individuals belonging to Serb forces, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), or NATO may ¼ come under scrutiny,
if it appears that serious violations of international humanitarian law have occurred.

AND WHEREAS High Commissioner Robinson also stated in her speech:

In the NATO bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, large numbers of civilians have incontestably been killed, civilian
installations targeted on the grounds that they are or could be of military application and NATO remains sole judge of what is or is
not acceptable to bomb¼In this situation, the principle of proportionality must be adhered to by those carrying out the bombing
campaign. It surely must be right to ask those carrying out the bombing campaign to weigh the consequences of their campaign for
civilians in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

AND WHEREAS NATO has carried out between 5,000 and 10,000 bombing missions over the territories of the former
Yugoslavia since March 24, 1999;

AND WHEREAS NATO leaders have openly admitted targeting civilian infrastructure as well as military targets;

AND WHEREAS the list of targets has included fuel depots, oil refineries, government offices, power stations and
communications links, such as roads, tunnels, bridges and railway links, including those not inside the region of, or in the vicinity of,

AND WHEREAS in addition to these deliberate attacks on civilian infrastructure and objects, there have been a great number of
attacks which have caused direct physical harm and death to civilians;

AND WHEREAS it appears that these bombing missions have directly caused the death of approximately 1,000 civilian men,
women and children and serious injury to 4,500 more;

AND WHEREAS instances of this nature include the 12 April bombing of a train travelling from Belgrade to Ristovac as it
crossed the bridge spanning the Yuzhna Morava river at the Grdelica gorge, killing at least 10 passengers and wounding 16; the
15 April bombing of a refugee convoy in four separate locations along a 12 mile stretch of the road that runs from Prizren to
Djakovica, killing approximately 74 people; the 23 April bombing of Serbian Television editorial offices, killing approximately 15
people; the 27 April bombing of a residential district in Surdulica, killing 16 people including 12 children; and the May 1 bombing
of a bus on the Luzan bridge in Kosovo killing at least 34 people including 15 children;

AND WHEREAS, though the above-named NATO leaders have claimed that these incidents were accidents, they have also
admitted that they were an inevitable result of their bombing strategy, a strategy which they appear to have continued unmodified
and even to have intensified throughout these incidents;

AND WHEREAS there is ample evidence in the public statements of NATO leaders that these attacks on civilian targets are
part of a deliberate attempt to terrorize the population to turn it against its leadership;

AND WHEREAS the NATO bombing has done an estimated $100 billion dollars in property damage and completely destroyed
or seriously damaged dozens of bridges, railways and railway stations, major roads, airports, including civilian airports, hospitals
and health care centres, television transmitters, medieval monasteries and religious shrines, cultural-historical monuments and
museums, hundreds of schools, faculties and facilities for students and children, thousands of dwellings and civilian industrial and
agricultural facilities;

AND WHEREAS, refineries and warehouses storing liquid raw materials and chemicals have been hit causing environmental
contamination and exposing the civilian population to the emission of poisonous gases;

AND WHEREAS the NATO bombings have also made use of weapons banned by international convention, including cruise
missiles utilizing depleted uranium highly toxic to human beings;

AND WHEREAS credible detailed reports of the civilian death and destruction inflicted by the NATO bombing are attached as
an Annex to this Notice;

AND WHEREAS THEREFORE there is abundant evidence that many instances of serious violations of international
humanitarian law within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal have been committed by NATO forces in the attack on Yugoslavia
commencing March 24 and continuing to this day;

AND WHEREAS this evidence is readily available to the Prosecutor in eyewitness, videotaped, televised and publicly broadcast
reports, in press reports and on the Internet, and in the evidence presented by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in its current
complaint against the NATO countries before the International Court of Justice;

AND WHEREAS all of the above-named persons, Heads of State and Government of the 19 NATO countries, their Foreign
Ministers and Ministers of Defence, and officials and military leaders of NATO, have admitted publicly to having agreed upon and
ordered these actions, being fully aware of their nature and effects;

AND WHEREAS the above-named persons have acted in open violation of the United Nations Charter, which provides in so
far as is relevant:

Article 2

3. All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security,
and justice, are not endangered.

4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political
independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

Article 33

1. The parties to any dispute, the continuance of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security,
shall, first of all, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional
agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice.

Article 37

1. Should the parties to a dispute of the nature referred to in Article 33 fail to settle it by the means indicated in that Article, they
shall refer it to the Security Council.

2. If the Security Council deems that the continuance of the dispute is in fact likely to endanger the maintenance of international
peace and security, it shall decide whether to take action under Article 36 or to recommend such terms of settlement as it may
consider appropriate.

Article 39

The Security Council shall determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression and shall
make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore
international peace and security.

Article 41

The Security Council may decide what measures not involving the use of armed force are to be employed to give effect to its
decisions, and it may call upon the Members of the United Nations to apply such measures. These may include complete or partial
interruption of economic relations and of rail, sea, air, postal, telegraphic, radio, and other means of communication, and the
severance of diplomatic relations.

Article 42

Should the Security Council consider that measures provided for in Article 41 would be inadequate or have proved to be
inadequate, it may take such action by air, sea, or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and
security. Such action may include demonstrations, blockade, and other operations by air, sea, or land forces of Members of the
United Nations.

Article 51

Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs
against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace
and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security
Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at
any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security;

AND WHEREASthe International Court of Justice has stated in ruling against United States intervention in Nicaragua:

In any event, while the United States might form its own appraisal of the situation as to respect for human rights in Nicaragua, the
use of force could not be the appropriate method to monitor or ensure such respect. With regard to the steps actually taken, the
protection of human rights, a strictly humanitarian objective, cannot be compatible with de mining of ports, the destruction of oil
installations, or again with de training, arming and equipping of the contras.

(NICARAGUA v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) (MERITS) Judgment of 27 June 1986, I.C.J. Reports, 1986,
p.134-135, paragraphs 267 and 268)

AND WHEREAS the above-named persons, Heads of State and Government of the 19 NATO countries, their Foreign
Ministers and Ministers of Defence, and officials and military leaders of NATO have acted in open violation of the NATO Treaty
which provides in so far as is relevant:

Article 1

The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international dispute in which they may be
involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in
their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.

Article 7

This Treaty does not affect, and shall not be interpreted as affecting in any way the rights and obligations under the Charter of the
Parties which are members of the United Nations, or the primary responsibility of the Security Council for the maintenance of
international peace and security;

AND WHEREAS the above-named persons have acted in open violation of the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions
of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), 8 June 1977, which
provides as follows:

Art 51. - Protection of the civilian population

1. The civilian population and individual civilians shall enjoy general protection against dangers arising from military operations. To
give effect to this protection, the following rules, which are additional to other applicable rules of international law, shall be
observed in all circumstances.

2. The civilian population as such, as well as individual civilians, shall not be the object of attack. Acts or threats of violence the
primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited.

3. Civilians shall enjoy the protection afforded by this section, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities.

4. Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited. Indiscriminate attacks are:

(a) those which are not directed at a specific military objective;

(b) those which employ a method or means of combat which cannot be directed at a specific military objective; or

© those which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which cannot be limited as required by this Protocol;

and consequently, in each such case, are of a nature to strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without distinction.

5. Among others, the following types of attacks are to be considered as indiscriminate:

(a) an attack by bombardment by any methods or means which treats as a single military objective a number of clearly separated
and distinct military objectives located in a city, town, village or other area containing a similar concentration of civilians or civilian


(b) an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a
combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.

Art 79. Measures or protection for journalists

1. Journalists engaged in dangerous professional missions in areas of armed conflict shall be considered as civilians within the
meaning of Article 50, paragraph 1.

Article 85 - Repression of breaches of this Protocol

3. In addition to the grave breaches defined in Article 11, the following acts shall be regarded as grave breaches of this Protocol,
when committed wilfully, in violation of the relevant provisions of this Protocol, and causing death or serious injury to body or

(a) making the civilian population or individual civilians the object of attack;

(b) launching an indiscriminate attack affecting the civilian population or civilian objects in the knowledge that such attack will
cause excessive loss of life, injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects, as defined in Article 57, paragraph 2 (a)(iii);

5. Without prejudice to the application of the Conventions and of this Protocol, grave breaches of these instruments shall be
regarded as war crimes.

AND WHEREAS the above-named persons have acted in open violation of the Principles of International Law Recognized in
the Charter of the Nüremberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal, as adopted by the General Assembly of the united
Nations (1950), which provide in so far as is relevant:

Principle III

The fact that a person who committed an act which constitutes a crime under international law acted as Head of State or
responsible Government official does not relieve him from responsibility under international law.

Principle IV

The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under
international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him.

Principle VI

The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:

(a) Crimes against peace:

(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or

(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).

(b) War crimes:

Violations of the laws or customs of war include, but are not limited to, murder wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or
devastation not justified by military necessity.

Principle VII

Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity as set forth in Principle VI is a
crime under international law;

THEREFORE we respectfully request that the Prosecutor immediately investigate and indict for serious crimes against
international humanitarian law:


William J. Clinton, Madeleine Albright, William S. Cohen (United States of America), Tony Blair, Robin Cook, George
Robertson (United Kingdom), Jean Chrétien, Lloyd Axworthy, Arthur Eggleton (Canada), Jean-Luc Dehaene, E. Derycke, J.-P.
Poncelet (Belgium), Vaclav Havel, J. Kavan, V. Vetchy (Czech Republic), Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, N.H. Petersen, H.
Haekkerup (Denmark), Jacques Chirac, Lionel Jospin, H. Védrine, Alain Richard (France), Gerhard Schröder, J. Fischer, R.
Scharping (Germany), Kostas Simitis, G. Papandreou, A. Tsohatzopoulos (Greece), Viktor Orban, J. Martonyi, J. Szabo
(Hungary), David Oddsson, H. Asgrimsson, G. Palsson (Iceland), Massimo D’Alema, L. Dini, C. Scognamiglio (Italy),
Jean-Claude Juncker, J. Poos, Alex Bodry (Luxembourg), Willem Kok, J. van Aartsen, F.H.G. de Grave (Netherlands), Kjell
Magne Bondevik, K. Vollebæk, D.J. Fjærvoll (Norway), Jerzy Buzek, B. Geremek, J. Onyszkiewicz (Poland), Antonio Manuel
de Oliveira Guterres, J.J. Matos da Gama, V. Simão (Portugal), Jose Maria Aznar, A. Matutes, E. Serra Rexach (Spain), Bulent
Ecevit, I. Cem and H. S. Turk (Turkey);


end of part I

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Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 333

part II


Javier Solana, Jamie Shea, Wesley K. Clark, Harold W. German, Konrad Freytag, D.J.G. Wilby, Fabrizio Maltinti, Giuseppe
Marani and Daniel P. Leaf;

AND WHOEVER ELSE shall be determined by the Prosecutor’s investigations to have committed crimes in the NATO attack
on Yugoslavia commencing March 24, 1999.

Respectfully submitted, this 6th day of May, 1999 "Michael Mandel"

Michael Mandel (Professor) for
W. Neil Brooks (Barristers and Solicitors)
Peter Rosenthal
(Professor, Barrister and Solicitor)
Roberto Bergalli (Professor)
Alejandro Teitelbaum
Alvaro Ramirez Gonzalez
Vanessa Ramos
Beinusz Szmukler
(American Association of Jurists)


The following are two reports from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (a designated source of
information under Article 18.1 of the Stature of the Tribunal): 1) NATO Crimes Against Civilians and Civilian Infrastructure in the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS YUGOSLAV DAILY SURVEY -; and 2) Civilian Victims and Devastation in NATO Aggression on
Yugoslavia (SERBIAINFO -

OF YUGOSLAVIA (April 29, 1999)

The NATO criminal aggression represents the most flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations since the inception of
the world Organization, a violation of the Helsinki Final Act and the undermining of the very foundations of the international legal
order. At the same time, this aggression is a crime against peace, stability and humanity.

The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has warned on time the United Nations Security Council of a possible aggression, and during
the aggression itself it requested that it be immediately halted and most strongly condemned. Had this legitimate request of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia been met, enormous human sufferings and destruction would have been avoided. The most
illustrative examples are given below.

KILLING AND PLIGHT OF THE CIVILIANS During the last thirty-six days of NATO aggression, the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia has been exposed to extensive civilian destruction, unprecedented in modern history of the world. NATO aggressors
have focused their attacks primarily on civilian targets, directly threatening the lives and fundamental human rights of the entire
population of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. By bombing relentlessly the cities, towns and villages throughout Yugoslavia,
the NATO aggressor has killed so far, in nine hundred attacks, more than a thousand civilians, including a great number of
Over five thousand people sustained injuries, many of whom will remain crippled for life. At the same time, several thousand
private homes and flats have been ruined, mostly in Belgrade, Nis, Cuprija, Aleksinac, Pristina, etc. We shall present the most
tragic instances of the killings and plight of the innocent civilian population. Fifty-five passengers were killed and twenty-six injured
in an international passenger train on the Belgrade-Thessaloniki line. More than four hundred civilians were killed by NATO
bombs in Kosmet: in the centre of Pristina, in Djakovica, Prizren, Kosovo Polje, Urosevac, Kosovska Mitrovica, in refugee
camps in Orahovac and Srbica, Vitina, etc. Thirteen civilians were killed and twenty-five wounded in an attack on Kursumlija.

Twelve civilians were killed and forty wounded in the bombing of Aleksinac. Sixteen RTS workers were killed and seventeen
wounded in the bombing of the headquarters of this biggest Radio and Television outlets in the FRY. Unfortunately, the final
number of victims has not been established yet since more victims have remained buried in the rubble.

In Pancevo, Cacak, Vranje and Nis the number of casualties has been increasing each day.


Children are the most vulnerable category of the population, innocent and defenceless which suffer in particular due to the
barbaric bombing of NATO aircraft, which is illustrated by the following examples:
The killing of seven children in Srbica from cluster bombs;
The killing of five children from the Kodza family in the village of Doganovici near Urosevac on 24 April 1999 as a result of the
delayed effect of bombs (Edon, aged 3, Fisnik, aged 9, Osman, aged 13, Burim, aged 14 and Vajdet, aged 15. Six other children
were also injured in the same incident, two of them were seriously wounded. The killing of a three-year old Milica Rakic in the
Belgrade suburb of Batajnica;
The killing of six children in the refugee centre in Djakovica and 19 children in the refugee column on the Prizren-Djakovica road;
The death of a child in Kosovo Polje; The killing of five years old girl Arta Lugic while her brothers Neron and Egzon and her
sister Arijeta were seriously wounded in Lipljane;
The killing of nine children in Kursumlija; The killing of two children in Aleksinac, as well as other numerous examples.
Children are most often victims of the sprinkle cluster bombs with delayed effect. The death toll on children would have been even
more tragic, had the missile struck the biggest Maternity Hospital in Belgrade (It exploded some thirty metres away from the

Particularly tragic is the fate of refugees, who convinced that they should not believe the propaganda ploys on the alleged "ethnic
cleansing" decided to return to their homes. Legitimate authorities of the FRY encourage them every day to do so and guarantee
their safety. On the occasion of a return of a large group of refugees, on 14 April, on the Djakovica-Prizren road, NATO aircraft
killed 75 citizens of the FRY and wounded 111. The attack of NATO aircraft was systematically prepared and lasted for three
hours. In this way, NATO has in the most brutal way "demonstrated" that the story of "humanitarian catastrophe" suits it only if it
fits in the legitimate aggression on the FRY, as well as that innocent civilians are constantly taken advantage of for NATO interests
in the Balkans.
In addition, NATO bombed several refugee camps in which Serbs expelled from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were
accommodated (Djakovica, Pristina, Kursumlija, etc). Several dozens of refugees were killed, mostly children and the frail,
ruthlessly ending their tragedy which came about in the wake of the break-up of Yugoslavia.

The aggressors war planes bombed at noon, on 27 April 1999, the residential area of the town of Surdulica. On that occasion 16
citizens were killed (including 12 children), while several dozen were wounded out of which twenty persons remained in hospital
for further medical treatment. Hundreds of houses were raised to the ground or damaged. Special teams are still clearing up the
debris so that it is not possible at the moment to estimate the real proportions of this notorious crime.

An assassination attempt on the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on 22 April 1999 represents an organised
terrorist act without precedent in the history of modern Europe. This is not only a crime against a Head of a sovereign State, but
primarily an attack on the democratically expressed will of a people and thus against the foundations of the democratic values of
the civilisation. Although the residence of the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was targeted, this attack has also a
symbolic meaning as if the targets had been the homes of all Yugoslav citizens. This crime has caused abhorrence and
condemnation by international public. However, it is incomprehensible that the United Nations Security Council has remained
silent and failed to condemn this terrorist act or the killings of civilians and children.

The destruction of more than ten private radio and television stations, two dozen TV transmitters, as well as the bombing of the
Radio and Television of Serbia building on 23 April 1999 represents the biggest aggression against freedom of thought and a
disgrace to the civilization at the threshold of a third millennium.
Transmitters at Iriski venac, Krnjaca, Mt Cer, Bukulja, Tornik, Crni vrh, Jasetrebac, Ovcar, Grmija and others were destroyed,
so that the transmitter infrastructure at the entire territory of Serbia was severely damaged. Two times in six days the studios and
transmitter located at the business centre "Usce" which housed TV stations: BK TV, Pink, Kosava and SOS Channel, as well as
several other radio stations were bombed. Transmitter of the TV station Palma was bombed and destroyed on 28 April 1999.
The satellite station "Yugoslavia" in the village of Prilike near Ivanjica was severely damaged.

The building was demolished taking a heavy toll during the bombing of the largest Radio and TV company in the Balkans with
7000 employees and the state-of-the-art infrastructure which was made available to hundreds of foreign correspondence. The aim
of this crime, in which 16 RTS workers were killed and 19 wounded, was more than obvious: to suppress the right to a different
opinion and its being publicly expressed with a view to pursuing further war-mongering manipulation with the world public.
Clearly, the intention of NATO aggressors is to prevent the world public from learning the extensive scope of their crimes and to
impose on the world their totalitarian and single-minded perception. Many newspapers in the world and renowned journalists have
already raised their voice against the propaganda fabrications of the NATO aggressors.
For all champions of the freedom of speech and for all people committed to the right to freedom of expression, this destructive act
represents the last warning alarm before NATO generals take control over the aggressors’ media.

According to the assessment of experts from Western countries, the damage done to date by NATO air strikes is well in excess
of one hundred billion US dollars. By the destruction of factories, business capacities and production facilities, more than half a
million people have lost their jobs and over two million of them remained without any kind of income. Destroyed are the industrial
complexes in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Nis, Pancevo, Cacak, Kraljevo, Valjevo, Pristina, Vranje, Kursumlija, Krusevac,
Kula, Gnjilane, Sremska Mitrovica and in other towns and cities. The petrochemical industry of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia has been totally destroyed, as well as the largest Yugoslav factory of artificial fertilisers.

Private entrepreneurs are a particular target of NATO aggression and the most glaring example of it is the destruction of the
"Usce" business centre in Novi Beograd which was hit on 21 and 27 April 1999. That was one of the biggest business centres in
the Balkans, which housed more than a hundred newly established private firms in full business expansion, foreign representative
offices, seven private Radio and TV stations and one of the most modern poli-clinics in the FRY. The building of this business
centre is also one of the landmarks of modern Belgrade.

On the false pretext of "neutralizing the military power of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia", the NATO aggressor started
systematic destruction of the major Yugoslav road and rail traffic routes. About 20 bridges have been totally demolished so far
and a few dozen of them have been damaged. Also, several dozen major and local roads, airports, railway tracks, railway
stations, etc. have been destroyed. All ruined facilities were part of costly capital investments, into which the resources and the
efforts of several generations of Yugoslav citizens were pooled. All the facilities are strategic part of the European traffic
infrastructure, and some of them are of historical and cultural importance ("The Wailing Bridge " in Novi Sad, on which the
Fascists killed several thousand Jews in the Second World War). About 30 bridges have been destroyed including those at the
strategic European E-75 corridor. By the destruction of the bridges on the Danube river the aggressors have blocked the entire
river navigation at this traffic artery of the greatest importance for European economy and the shortest link between the Northern
and Mediterranean sea (The Rhein-Mein-Danube route). Thus, the European shipping companies suffer each day the damage of
over 20 million DM.
Examples: Sloboda Bridge, Wailing Bridge, Zezelj Bridge and the bridge in Beska (all in the city of Novi Sad), several bridges on
the Ibar primary road and on the major railway lines.

Concurrently with the humanitarian, NATO strikes have caused an environmental catastrophe which is endangering not only the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, but also the neighbouring countries and the entire European continent. Ecology does not
recognize boundaries. The NATO aggressor is thus teetering on the brink of another Chernobyl in the heart of Europe. The
destruction of petrochemical installations, the warehouses storing semi-processed and finished products of the chemical industry
have already caused significant adverse effects on the health of the population of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the
neighbouring countries. During some of the air strikes it was pure luck that an environmental catastrophe was not provoked
spreading all over Europe. The aggressor’s attacks did not spare even huge forests, tourist centres and the national parks on the
mountains of Serbia (Kopaonik, Zlatibor, Divcibare, Tara, Prokletije, Sara, Fruska Gora). The ozone layer was depleted by the
exhaust gases. The Black Sea, Aegean and the Adriatic basins, practically the entire Mediterranean, are threatened by
environmental pollution. Examples: Nitrogen factory in Pancevo, the oil refineries in Pancevo and Novi Sad, the chemical
company "Prva iskra" in Baric and others.

The aggressors’ bombings, calculated to provoke the greatest possible confusion and panic among innocent people, have
damaged many clinical and hospital centres, inflicting not only great material damage to property (destruction of buildings and
expensive medical equipment), but also causing new health problems and intensifying psychological traumas among the sick
people. The destruction of all the three bridges in Novi Sad totally cut off and left, without the supply of water, the largest
Yugoslav centre for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, to which several million people gravitate. The Maternity Hospital in
Belgrade, and the biggest hospital in the Balkans (Military Medical Academy Hospital - VMA), and the Orthopaedic hospital of
Banjica, the hospitals in Cuprija and Aleksinac, as well as the medical centres in Pristina and in many other towns were damaged.

Since the outset of the aggression, NATO has put a stop to the education of close to one million pupils and students in
Yugoslavia. Over three hundred facilities built for the education and upbringing of children and young people of all ages were
destroyed. This will inevitably be reflected on the development and social integration of young people. Hard hit are university
centre in Nis (Machine Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronical, Technical, Law and Economics faculties), in Pristina
(Agricultural and Machine Engineering faculty) and Novi Sad (Faculty of Philosophy).

Kosovo and Metohija in particular, but also the entire territory of the FR of Yugoslavia, is a treasury of European culture and
civilization since ancient times. By violating all international conventions on the protection of civilization and its heritage, and in the
pursuit of the spirit of aggressive nihilism and new barbarity, more than 50 monasteries and churches have been severelydamaged
thus far, as well as a couple of dozen of other cultural and historic monuments, some under UNESCO protection. Severe damage
was caused to the monastery of the Patriarchate of Pec (12th century), Zica (13th century), Decani and Gracanica (14th century,
under UNSECO protection), medieval towns of Zvecan (13th century) and Smederevo (15th century), Petrovaradin fortress
(18th century), seventeen monasteries on Fruska Gora (15-18th century) and many other priceless historical monuments. The
bombs have even destroyed many cemeteries all across Yugoslavia.

end of part II

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part III

In NATO attacks, the state-of-the-art weapons have been used, but also those prohibited under international conventions, such
as cluster bombs and slow activating bombs. In a month-long attacks on civilian and other facilities in Serbia, NATO aircraft fired
more than 3,500 missiles, including 60 containers with 14,400 cluster bombs. As many as 3,600 cluster bombs were used in the
attacks against towns in Kosmet - Pristina, Urosevac, Djakovica, Prizren etc, and many other places and facilities in Serbia.
Before the attacks, radio locators were dropped from the aircraft, found in the vicinity of many civilian and business facilities in

While before the onset of the aggression Albanian terrorists counted on NATO aircraft as air support to their armed groups, now
arming, equipping and transport of Albanians living in the USA and other western countries is under way, for actions in the FRY,
with a view to making armed formations from them to serve as ground troops of the "Alliance". Albanian terrorists are being
trained and armed in the camps in northern Albania - in Tropoje, Kukes and Bajram Curri (they are trained by British, US and
Turkish commandos), and then illegally infiltrated into Kosovo and Metohija. Such activity, in direct violation of the resolutions of
Security Council, has been particularly stepped up in April when concrete plans for ground invasion against the FRY started to be
hatched. So far, several hundred terrorists have been transported from the USA to Albania. Plans are made to equip, arm and
train for coordinated actions with NATO, around 6,000 Albanians. According to western sources, Albanian
terrorists represent the main source of intelligence for NATO, of military character or those aimed at spreading propaganda
against our country.
At the moment it is difficult to perceive and evaluate all the humanitarian, economic, environmental, health and other consequences
of the NATO criminal aggression against the FR of Yugoslavia. The greatest victim of the aggression is the entire Yugoslav people
and its material and cultural resources. At the same time, the violation of the Charter of the United Nations, the NATO has
created a precedent which may a cast a shadow over the future of all peoples and sovereign States. The cause for concern is all
the grater because, by combining pressure and promises, NATO is drawing an increasing number of countries into its aggression
against the FR of Yugoslavia, which will have long-term negative consequences on the future relations and co-operation between
all Southeast European countries. Attempts by NATO to justify its brutal aggression by an alleged care for the refugees may bring
about an irreversible degradation of the United Nations and involve this highest international forum in the crime against a country
which is one of its founding members.

From the onset of NATO aggression against our country up to 19 April 1999, the North Atlantic Alliance made over 7,000
criminal attacks against the territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 700 warplanes, of which 530 combat planes, were
used; more than 2000 cruise missiles were launched and over 6,000 tons of explosives were dropped.
About 500 civilians were killed and more than 4,000 sustained serious injuries e.g.: in Kursumlija: 13 dead and 25 wounded;
in Pancevo: 2 dead and 4 wounded;
in Cacak: one dead and 7 wounded;
in Kragujevac: over 120 workers were wounded during an attack on the car factory "Zastava";
in Vranje: two dead and 23 wounded;
in Aleksinac: 12 dead and more than 40 wounded;
in Nagavac village, Orahovac municipality: 11 dead and 5 wounded;
in Pristina: 10 dead and 8 wounded;
Grdelicka gorge: 55 killed and 16 wounded;
attack on two refugee columns, with four cruise missiles, on the
Djakovica-Prizren road: 75 killed and 100 wounded, of whom 26 critically;
in the village of Srbica: 10 killed, among whom 7 children;
Belgrade suburb of Batajnica: a three year old girl was killed,and
five civilians wounded.

Three million children are endangered in our country as a result of war and bombardment by NATO criminals.
After these barbarian attacks hundreds of thousands citizens have been exposed to poisonous gasses which can have a lasting
consequences on the health of the entire population and the environment.
After the demolition of the Petrovaradin bridge, Novi Sad and Petrovaradin were cut of water supply (600 000 citizens) since the
main and city pipeline was constructed into the bridge. About one million citizens in our country are short of water supply due to
the bombardment of NATO aggressors.

About 500 000 workers became jobless due to the total destruction of industrial facilities all around the country. Two million
citizens have no means for living and cannot ensure the minimum for existence.
Overall material damage is enormous. Preliminary estimates indicate that barbaric air strikes of the neo-fascist NATO alliance,
since the beginning of the unprovoked aggression on the SR of Yugoslavia,on industrial, commercial and civil facilities and
structures throughout our peace-loving country, have incurred damages in excess of 10 billion dollars. In the territory of the
northern province of Vojvodine alone, damages have been estimated in excess of 3,5 billion dollars.

The road and railway networks, especially road and rail bridges, most of which were destroyed or damaged beyond repair,
suffered extensive destruction. The targets of attacks were such communications as:
1.The Varadin Bridge over the Danube was destroyed (on 1 April 1999);
2.The "Sloboda" (Freedom) Bridge over the Danube was destroyed (on 4 April 1999);
3.The "Mladosti" (Youth) Bridge over the Danube, connecting Backa Palanka with Ilok, was damaged (on 4 April 1999);
4.The new railway bridge over the Danube connecting Bogojevo and Erdut was damaged (on 5 April 1999);
5.The road bridge over the Danube, connecting Bogojevo with Erdut was damaged (on 5 April 1999);
6.The bridge over the Danube along the Beograd-Novi Sad road, near Beska, Indjija municipality, was damaged (on 1 April
7.The road bridge along the Magura Belacevac road, 15 kilometres from Pristina, suffered extensive damage;
8.The "Zezeljov" Bridge in Novi Sad was damaged (on 5 April 1999);
9.The bridge over the Ibar river, Biljanovac municipality, was damaged (on 5 - 13 April 1999);
10.The bridge over the Vrbacka river near Jezgrovic was destroyed (on 5 April 1999);
11.The "Lozno" railway bridge near Usce was destroyed (on 5 April 1999);
12.The road bridge on the road leading to Brvenik, near Usce, was destroyed (on 5 April 1999);
13.The bridge along the Nis-Pristina primary road, near Kursumlija,suffered extensive damage (on 5 April 1999);
14.The bridge near Zubin Potok was destroyed (on 5 April 1999);
15.The Grdelica gorge railway bridge was damaged (on 12 April 1999);
16.The road bridge over the Kosanica river near Kursumlija was damaged (on 13 April 1999);
17.The old bridge on the river Rasina in the town of Krusevac (12-13 April 1999);
18.The Krusevac-Pojate bridge on the river Zapadna Morava, at the village of Jasika, was destroyed (on 13 April 1999);
19.The railway bridge on the river Lim, between Priboj and Prijepolje, near hydroelectric power station Bistrica was
destroyed(on 15 April 1999);
20.The road bridge on the river Toplica, on the Nis-Pristina road near the town of Kursumlija, was heavily damaged (14 and 19
April 1999);
21.The bridge on the river Ibar, at the village of Biljanovac near Raska, sustained heavy damages (15.04.1999.);
22.The bridge between Smederevo and Kovin has been destroyed (16 April 1999);
23.The railway bridge on the river Kostajnica, near Kursumlija, has sustained heavy damages and is out of service (18.04.1999.);

24.The bridge on the river Kosanica, at the village of Selo Visoko,has sustained heavy damages and is out of service

1.The Kraljevo - Kosovo Polje rail, near Ibarska Slatina;
2.The Belgrade - Bar rail, due to the destruction of the railway track near the village of Strbce and destruction of the bridge on
the river Lim, between Priboj and Prijepolje;
3.The Kursumlija - Prokuplje rail, near Pepeljevac village;
4.The Kraljevo - Kosovo Polje rail, near Ibarska Slatina;
5.The Nis - Pristina rail, near Kursumlija;
6."Sarpelj" tunnel, near Jerinje village, 15 km north of Leposavic towards Raska, was destroyed;
7.Railway station in Kraljevo (Bogutovac);
8.Railway station in Kosovo Polje;
9.The Belgrade - Thessaloniki rail, due to the destruction of the bridge in the Grdelica gorge;
10.Railway station in the town of Biljanovac;
11.Railway track and overpass (Josinacka Banja) near the town of Biljanovac;
12.Railway track Kursumlija - Podujevo, due to damages on the railway bridge at Kursumlija;

1.Ibarska primary road, due to damages to the bridge on the Ibar river, Biljanovac municipality, and destruction of the road
between Pozega and Cacak;
2.Belgrade-Zagreb highway, near Stari Banovci;
3.Traffic suspended on the Kosovska Mitrovica-Ribarici section of the Adriatic highway due to the destruction of the bridge over
the Vrbacka river;
4."Jedinstvo" bus station in Vranje sustained extensive damage;
5."Kosmet Prevoz" transporter in Gnjilane (a hangar full of new buses);
6.Kraljevo-Raska primary road;
7.Bus station in Pristina;
8.Traffic has been suspended on the Krusevac-Pojate road due to the destruction of the bridge on the Zapadna Morava, in the
village of Jasika;
9.Traffic has been suspended on the Nis-Pristina road, due to the
fact that the bridge on the river Toplica, near the town of
Kursumlija, has sustained heavy damage;

4. AIRPORTS (7):
"Slatina" in Pristina; "Batajnica" and "Surcin" in Belgrade; Nis
airport; "Ponikve" in Uzice; "Golubovac" in Podgorica, "Ladjevci"
airport near Kraljevo; agricultural and sports airfield in Sombor.

The air strikes have so far destroyed or damaged all over the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia several thousand economic facilities
and dwellings. In the Leskovac region alone, over 3,500 industrial facilities and dwellings were either destroyed or damaged.
The devastation of NATO forces was particularly manifest in Pristina, Novi Sad, Aleksinac, Djakovica, Prokuplje, Gracanica,
Cuprija, etc. Housing blocks on the outskirts of Belgrade - Kijevo Knecevac, Batajnica, Jakovo, Borca, as well as the area
around Pancevo, were under attack.

The NATO aggressor’s attacks targeted the factories and industrial facilities which directly cater for the needs of the population,
among which are:
1."Lola Utva" agricultural aircraft factory in Pancevo;
2."Galenika" drug factory in Belgrade;
3."Zdravlje" pharmaceutical plant in Leskovac;
4."Sloboda" white goods factory in Cacak;
5."Din" tobacco industry in Nis;
6."Elektronska industrija" factory in Nis;
7."Div" cigarette factory in Vranje;
8.Tubes factory in Urosevac;
9."Jastrebac" machine industry in Nis;
10."Milan Blagojevic" chemical plant in Lucani;
11.Plastics factory in Pristina;
12."Binacka Morava" hydro construction company in Gnjilane;
13."Nova Jugoslavija" printers in Vranje;
14.Facilities of the "Beograd" rail company in Nis;
15.Over 250 commercial and crafts shops in Djakovica were destroyed;
16."Dijana" shoe factory in Sremska Mitrovica;
17."Zastava" car factory in Kragujevac;
18."14 Oktobar" machine factory in Krusevac;
19.Cotton yarn factory in PriStina;
20."Krusik" holding corporation in Valjevo;
21."Ciklonizacija" in Novi Sad;
22."Tehnogas" in Novi Sad;
23."Novograp" in Novi Sad;
24."Gumins" in Novi Sad;
25."Albus" in Novi Sad;
26."Petar Drapsin" in Novi Sad;
27."Motins" in Novi Sad;
28."Izolacija" in Novi Sad;
29."Novokabel" in Novi Sad;
30."Istra" fittings factory in Kula;
31.The port of Bogojevo;
32.Industrial complex "Dvadeset Prvi Maj" in Rakovica;
33.Machine building plant "Industrija Motora Rakovica" in Rakovica;
34.Factory "Jugostroj" in Pancevo;
35.Factory "Frigostroj" in Pancevo;
36.Surface coal mine "Belacevac";

Refineries and warehouses storing liquid raw materials and chemicals intended for the oil and chemical industry, were hit in
Pancevo, Novi Sad, Sombor and elsewhere, causing large contamination of soil and the air:
1.Fuel storage in Lipovica, which caused a great fire in the
Lipovica forest (on 26 March 1999);
2.Oil Refinery in Pancevo - totally demolished (4-16 April 1999);
3."Jugopetrol" installations in Smederevo (on 4-13 April 1999);
4."Jugopetrol" storage in Sombor (on 7 April 1999);
5."Beopetrol" storages in Belgrade and Bogutovac (on 4 April 1999);
6."Beopetrol" fuel storage in Pristina (on 7 April 1999);
7.Fuel storage of the boiler plant in Novi Beograd (on 4 April 1999);
8.Thermo electric power station/boiler plant in Novi Sad (on 5 April1999);
9.Oil Refinery in Novi Sad, storage of bitumen (5 and 6 April 1999);
10.Fuel storage "Naftagas promet" which is located 10 km from Sombor(5 April 1999);
11.Naftagas warehouse between Conoplje and Kljaicevo (Sombor);
12.Jugopetrol warehouse in Pristina (on 12 April 1999);
13.Jugopetrol petrol station in Pristina ( on 13 April 1999);
14.Petrochemical industry "DP HIP PETROHEMIJA" in Pancevo – totally demolished (14-15 April 1999);
15.Fertilizer plant "DP HIP AZOTARA" in Pancevo - totally destroyed (14-15 April 1999);
16.Chemical plant "Prva Iskra" in Baric - destruction of the production line (19 April 1999);

1.PIK "Kopaonik" in Kursumlija;
2.PIK "Mladost" in Gnjilane;
3.Agricultural Complex "Malizgan" in Dolac;
4.Agricultural Complex "Djuro Strugar" in Kula;
5.In forest fires caused by NATO cruise missiles and bombs over 250 hectares of forests have been burned down;
6.Several thousand hectares of fertile land, many rivers, lakes and underground waters have been polluted due to the spillage of
petrochemical substances, oil spills and slicks;

NATO aviation also targeted many hospitals and health-care institutions, which have been partially damaged or totally
destroyed, including:
Hospital and Medical Centre in the territory in Leskovac;
Hospital and Poly-clinic in Nis;
Gerontological Centre in Leskovac;
General Hospital in Djakovica;
City Hospital in Novi Sad;
Gynaecological Hospital and Maternity Ward of the Clinical Centre in Belgrade;
Neuropsychiatric Ward "Dr. Laza Lazarevic" and Central Pharmacy of the Emergency Centre in Belgrade;
Army Medical Academy in Belgrade;
Medical Centre and Ambulance Centre in Aleksinac;
"Sveti Sava" hospital in Belgrade;
Medical Centre in Kraljevo;
Dispensary on Mount Zlatibor;
Health Care Centre in Rakovica;

Over 190 schools, faculties and facilities for students and children were damaged or destroyed (over 20 faculties, 6 collages, 40
secondary and 80 elementary schools, 6 student dormitories), including:
Elementary schools "16. oktobar" and "Vladimir Rolovic" in Belgrade;
Day-care centre in settlement Petlovo Brdo in Belgrade;
Two secondary schools in the territory of Nis;
Elementary schools "Toza Markovic", "Djordje Natosevic", "Veljko
Vlahovic", "Sangaj" and "Djuro Danicic" and a day-care centre "Duga" in Novi Sad and creches in Visarionova Street and in the
neighbourhood of Sangaj; Traffic School Centre, Faculty of Philosophy;
Four elementary schools and a Medical high school in the territory of Leskovac;
Elementary school in Lucane, as well as a larger number of educationfacilities in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija;
Faculties of Law and Economics and elementary school "Radoje Domanovic" in Nis;
Elementary schools in Kraljevo and the villages of Cvetka, Aketa and Ladjevci;
In Sombor: elementary schools "Ivo Lola Ribar", "A. Mrazovic", "N. Vukicevic" and "Nikola Tesla" in Kljajicevo;
School centre in Kula;
Elementary school and Engineering secondary school centre in Rakovica;

Severe damage to the facilities of the Republican and Federal
Ministry of the Interior in Belgrade (3 April 1999),
Damage to the building of the Institute for Security of the Ministry of the Interior in Banjica (3 April 1999);
Severe damage to the TV RTS studio in Pristina;
Heavy damage to Hydro-Meteorological Station (Bukulja, near Arandjelovac);
Post Office in Pristina destroyed (7 April 1999);
Refugee centre in Pristina destroyed (7 April 1999);
"Tornik" ski resort on Mount Zlatibor (on 8 April 1999);
"Divcibare" mountain resort (on 11 April 1999);
"Baciste" Hotel on Mount Kopaonik (on 12 April 1999);
City power plant in the town of Krusevac (12-13 April 1999);
Meteorological Station on Mount Kopaonik damaged (on 13 April 1999);
Four libraries in Rakovica sustained heavy damage: "Radoje Dakic",
"Isidora Sekulic", "Milos Crnjanski" and "Dusan Matic";
Refugee camp "7 juli" in Paracin has sustained heavy damage;
Office building of the Provincial Executive Council of Vojvodina, Novi Sad;
Several thousand housing facilities damaged or destroyed, privatelyor State owned, across Yugoslavia - most striking examples
being housing blocks in downtown Aleksinac and those near Post Office in Pristina.

Electrical Power Supply in Batajnica (26 March 1999);
Damage to water supply system in Zemun (5 April 1999);
Damage to a power station in Bogutovac (10 April 1999);
Telephone lines cut off in Bogutovac (10 April 1999);
Damage to a power station in Pristina (12 April 1999);
Damage to Bistrica hydroelectric power station in Polinje (13 April 1999);

1.Jastrebac (Prokuplje)
2.Gucevo (Loznica)
3.Cot (Fruska Gora)
4.Grmija (Pristina)
5.Bogutovac (Pristina)
6.TV transmitter on Mt Goles (Pristina)
7.Mokra Gora (Pristina)
8.Kutlovac (Stari Trg)
9."Cigota" (Uzice)
10."Tornik" (Uzice)
11.Transmitter on Crni Vrh (Jagodina)
12.Satellite station (in Prilike near Ivanjica)
13.TV masts and transmitters (Novi Sad)
14.TV transmitter on Mt Ovcara (Cacak)
15.TV transmitter in Kijevo (Belgrade)
16.TV transmitter on Mt Cer
17.Communications relay on Mt Jagodnji (Krupanj)

1.Monastery Gracanica from 14th century (24 March - 6 April 1999);
2.Monastery Rakovica from 17th century (29 March 1999);
3.Patriarchate of Pec (1 April 1999);
4.Church in Jelasnica near Surdulica (4 April 1999);
5.Monastery of the Church of St. Juraj (built in 1714) in Petrovaradin (1 April 1999);
6.Monastery of Holy Mother (12th century) at the estuary of the Kosanica in the Toplica - territory of municipality of Kursumlija
(4 April 1999);
7.Monastery of St. Nicholas (12th century) in the territory of the municipality of Kursumlija (4 April 1999);
8.Monastery of St. Archangel Gabriel in Zemun (5 April 1999);
9.Roman Catholic Church St. Antonio in Djakovica (29 March 1999);
10.Orthodox cemetery in Gnjilane (30 March 1999);
11.Monuments destroyed in Bogutovac (8 April 1999);
12."Kadinjaca" memorial complex (8 April 1999);
13.Vojlovica monastery near Pancevo (12 April 1999);
14.Hopovo monastery, iconostasis damaged (12 April 1999);
15.Orthodox Christian cemetery in Pristina (12 April 1999);
16.Monastery church St, Archangel Michael in Rakovica (16 April

1.Severe damage to the roof structure of the Fortress of Petrovaradin (1 April 1999);
2.Heavy damage to "Tabacki bridge", four centuries old, in Djakovica(5 April 1999);
3.Substantial damage to the building in Stara Carsija (Old street) in Djakovica (5 April 1999);
4.Destroyed archives housed in one of the Government buildings in Belgrade (3 April 1999);
5.Memorial complex in Gucevo (Loznica);
6.Memorial complex "Sumarice" in Kragujevac;
7.Vojvodina Museum in Novi Sad;
8.Old Military Barracks in Kragujevac - under the protection of the state (16 April 1999).

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"Guardian": Even Albanians do not
believe in NATO propaganda
May 22, 1999

London, 21st May, 1999

propaganda that follows the aggression on
Yugoslavia is not believed in even by
Albanians, writes "Guardian" of London today.

A part of NATO propaganda leaflets fell also
to northern Albania wherefrom the reporter of
"Guardian" quote a statement of a local
Albanian officer who says that all this is
"NATO propaganda. We do not believe in it
at all".

In leaflets intended for Kosovo and Metohija which fell in Albania,
NATO propaganda fabricates weaknesses in the Yugoslav Army and
attempts to convince that "there are many desertions. The Albanian officer
repeated to the "Guardian" reporter that nobody believes in this
propaganda any more.

Albanians, thus, do not believe in that propaganda, but it seems that
NATO believes in the Albanian propaganda. Majority of "information"
given in NATO statements, which in a very short period proves to be
false, comes from the so-called KLA and ethnic Albanians who fled from
Kosmet. However, the same propaganda is increasingly applied by the
top NATO leaders. In fact, the Western leaders started believing in their
own propaganda and so the British media developed the entire theory
about alleged weaknesses of the Yugoslav Army.

Director of the Study of the Royal Institute Jonathan Eyeal suggests that it
only proves a despair and confusion in NATO. According to so far
reliable data, writes Eyeal, the Yugoslav Army is not weakened and its
defense ability and moral are not questioned. Relying on false data and
creating of media euphoria based on them first of all indicates the real
situation within the powerful NATO.

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To Daniela.

Interesting postings! Can you provide Emina and myself with a URL? Just yesterday and today we were helping some friends inside Serbia with just this suject. Maybe they can check it out and add their names.

Thanks in advance!

Zoja and Emina

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To Afroditis.

You provided me with the one and only reason why I am always on about outdated postings on this board. The reason is that all the facts in it are outdated, and proven otherwise.

I alone posted an x-number of articles with clear proof of ethnic cleansing. By now, there is even proof that ethnic cleansing took place before the date of your posting.

I hope now you understand my point.


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Mister Milosevic,

You and your 4 friends are welcome in our beautiful free country.
We do have a large room for you in The Hague. In the big prison of Scheveningen. You only have to call the international criminal tribunal.
You don't have to pay for the room. Its all free.

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