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Archive through May 3, 1999

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while we`er on the subject of censorship, why did S.M. evict the foriegn press and shut down all the papers, except those of his daughter.

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Billy Bud, why do responsible dadies, even from countries like America and such, join KLA and leave orphans behind. Men killed are mostly KLA members. All the children that I have heard lost their dads said they were KLA members. Do you see Serbs crying their soldiers are being killed? No you don't.

Cruel, but oh so true. Serbs are turning people who want to cross the border saying: You wanted NATO now go and let NATO bombs kill you. They indeed wanted bombs, so why do they now complain. If they love bombs so much let them enjoy them. Why leave all the pleasure to Serbs? Of course the NATO world is appaled. If they are being kicked out, that is not okay. If they are being told to stay back, that is not okay aswell. What do they want?

HUMANITY AT IT'S HIGHEST. If any stupid person believed this is not war against Serbian people, now everybody knows. Putting the whole Serbia out of electricity, 10 million people!!! Only someone desperate as hell ( not to mention barbaric ) would do that. Shea can say they are winning, but their actions show how very desperate they are.

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Nick, Serbs would rather eat grass than beg America for money. But I am sure they will get what is legally theirs. And they are hard working people and will rebuild Serbia. It will not be rich but it will be theirs and will not become and America's slave camp. Now they got rid of lazy Albanians who's only work was reporoduction and never paid taxes, maybe Kosovo will finally look like something. Under the Albanians it looked like s.h.i.t ( or like Albania, same thing ).

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Billy Bud, there are journalists in Yugoslavia. I know you all miss Amanpour and her pathetic journalism and her shows worthy of Oscar. She is lucky they kicked her out, people would kill her in a day or two. Poor James Rubin would be a widower and State Department would lose their most prominent propaganda person. But of course Serbs do not let journalist walk around the country freely. First of all, some might be instructed to spy. And second, one might be killed by a bomb or such and then, of course, Serbs would be to blame.

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Clinton's administration is so desperate to hide
the truth that they managed to criticise even
Rev. Jassie Jackson.
One of the released soldiers said, at the German
air base today, that he is going to miss the people of Belgrade with whom he spent the past month under the NATO bombardment.
I wonder, what are the Americans going to say on this one, when one considers that these released soldiers ate going to be treated as heroes in the
next few weeks.

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Billy looks like someone who never heard of a word "Rambouillet",
let alone knowing a little bit of informations on the pretext of this bombing exept
what his governmants PR factories were feeding him.

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Congress Votes NO on Kosovo War

The House voted no on a bill to authorize Clinton's air strikes against Yugoslavia. Representatives also
passed a resolution blocking funding for deployment of ground troops without the approval of
Congress. The votes are a wake up call demonstrating deep opposition of the American People to
Clinton's unconstitutional war. These actions by the House of Representatives represent a serious blow
to President Clinton. The White House nevertheless, in a shamful act of arrogant imperialism, brushed
off the House of Representative's vote to block funding for deployment of U.S. ground troops in
Kosovo unless President Clinton first gains the approval of Congress citing mixed messages.

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Clinton / NATO are Outlaws!

Our President and his administration, including the General Officers of our military forces are committing TREASON.

President William Clinton is in violation of the Supreme Law of the Land. Only Congress can declare war according to the Constitution
for the United States of America. The NATO action is an Act of War. NATO is in violation of the United Nations Charter and the North
Atlantic Treaty (NATO). NATO was formed under the auspices of, and in accordance with the United Nations Charter. The NATO
Treaty applies only to the mutual defense of signatory nations if one, several, or all are attacked. The NATO Treaty forbids aggression
by any signatory nation toward any other nation and specifically states that any dispute must be settled in accordance with the United
Nations Charter. The United Nations Charter forbids unprovoked attack upon any nation. The United Nations Charter requires that all
disputes be settled in accordance with the procedures outlined in the United Nations Charter. Article 51 of the United Nations Charter
stipulates that Yugoslavia/Serbia has the right to defend itself against the unprovoked attack by NATO and United States forces. Don't
believe it? Click on the links ... (...)<<<<<<<<<<

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BBC - 3.mayIn other developments, Nato has admitted losing two warplanes and accidentally(!!!) attacking a bus carrying civilian passengers, with heavy loss of life.

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Supreme Court Rules Americans Unfit for Self Government

To promote mediocrity all you have to do is nothing!

WASHINGTON, DC--In a historic decision with major implications for the
future of U.S. participatory democracy, the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 Monday
that the American people are unfit to govern.

The controversial decision, the first of its kind in the 210-year
history of U.S. representative government, was, according to Justice David
Souter, "a response to the clear, demonstrable incompetence and indifference
of the current U.S. citizenry in matters concerning the operation of this
nation's government."

As a result of the ruling, the American people will no longer retain
the power to choose their own federal, state and local officials or vote on
matters of concern to the public.

"This decision was by no means easy, but it unfortunately had to be
done," said Justice Antonin Scalia, who penned the majority decision in the
case. "The U.S. Constitution is very clear: In the event that the voting
public becomes incapacitated or otherwise unfit to carry out its duties of
self-governance, there is a danger posed to the republic, and the judicial
branch is empowered to remove said public and replace it with a populace
more qualified to lead."

"In light of their unmitigated apathy toward issues of import to the
nation's welfare and their inability to grasp even the most basic principles
upon which participatory democracy is built, we found no choice but to rule
the American people unfit to govern at this time," Scalia concluded.

The controversial ruling, court members stressed, is not intended as a
slight against the character of the American people, but merely a necessary
measure for the public good.

"The public's right to the best possible representation is a founding
principle of our nation," Justice Sandra Day O'Connor told reporters. "If
you were on a jet airliner, you wouldn't want an untrained, incompetent
pilot at the controls, and this is the same thing. As federal justices, we
have taken a solemn oath to uphold every citizen's constitutional rights,
and if we were to permit an irresponsible, disinterested public to continue
to helm the ship of state, we would be remiss in our duties and putting the
entire nation at risk."

The ruling brings to an end a grueling 10-month process, during which
more than 100 Supreme Court hearings were held to determine the public's
capacity for self-governance. Despite the fact that these hearings were
aired on C-SPAN, a majority of U.S. citizens were unaware of them because
coverage was largely eclipsed by the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, the
retirement of NBA legend Michael Jordan, and the release of Titanic on home

The Supreme Court found that, though 78 percent of U.S. citizens have
seen the much-anticipated Star Wars prequel trailer, only one in 200,000
were aware that the multibillion-dollar "Star Wars" missile-defense system
had been approved by Congress. Additionally, while 62 percent of citizens
correctly identified the cast of Suddenly Susan, only .01 percent were able
to identify Attorney General Janet Reno beyond "some woman Jay Leno always
says looks like a man." Further, only .0003 percent could correctly identify
the ancient Greek city-state of Athens as the birthplace of the concept of
an educated citizenry participating in democratic self-rule.

[Above: Just some of the millions of empty voting booths that can be seen
across America each November.]

But the final straw, Supreme Court justices said, came last week when
none of the 500,000 random citizens polled were aware that Russian President
Boris Yeltsin had threatened global thermonuclear war in response to NATO
air attacks in Yugoslavia.

"I mean, come on," Justice William Rehnquist said. "Global
thermonuclear war? It's just ridiculous. There was just no way we could
trust such a populace to keep running things after that."

Populations currently being considered to fill the leadership void
until the American people can be rehabilitated and returned to
self-governance include those of Switzerland, Sweden and Canada.
"I'm willing to do what I can to help out in this time of crisis and
make sure that my vote counts," said Stockholm resident Per Johanssen.
"I've been reading up on America a bit, just to get a general idea of
what needs to be done, and from what I can tell, they really need some
sort of broad-based health-care reform over there right away."

In a provisional test of the new system, the Canadian province of
Saskatchewan will hold primaries next Tuesday to re-evaluate last fall's
gubernatorial election in Minnesota.

The lone dissenting vote came from Justice Anthony Kennedy, who, in
his minority opinion wrote, "Although the American people are clearly unable
to make responsible decisions at this time, it is not their fault that they
are so uninformed. Rather, the blame lies with the media interests and
corporate powers that intentionally keep them in the dark on crucial issues."

Kennedy concluded his opinion by tendering his immediate resignation
and announcing his intent "to move to a small island somewhere."

Thus far, reaction to the ruling has been largely indifferent.

"The people ruled unfit to govern? Yeah, I I think I might've heard
something about that," said Covington, KY, sales representative Neil
Chester. "I think I saw it on the news or something, when I was flipping
past trying to find that show about the lady sheriff."

"If you ask me, voting was a big pain anyway," agreed mother of four
Sally Heim of Augusta, ME. "At least now I'm free to do my soap-opera-trivia
crossword puzzles in peace, without all that distraction about who's running
for Second District Alderperson and what-not."

Despite the enormous impact the ruling would seem to have, many
political experts are downplaying its significance.

"It doesn't really change anything, to be honest," said Duke
University political-science professor Benjamin St. James. "The public
hasn't made any real contributions to the governance of the country in
decades, so I don't see how this ruling affects all that much."
"I wouldn't worry about it," St. James added. "It's not that important."

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A report from the French news agency Agence France Presse provides
further evidence refuting the US-NATO claim that the war against
Yugoslavia has been launched out of humanitarian concern for the plight
of Kosovar Albanians. NATO officials have admitted that their
warplanes are dropping cluster bombs over Kosovo.

AFP reported that hundreds of people have been wounded in Kosovo
and an unknown number killed by these weapons. Five children, all
cousins in an ethnic Albanian family from the village of Doganovic, 30
miles south of Pristina, were killed by a cluster bomb which they thought
was a toy when they found it in a pasture. Two other children, Besnik
Hoxha, 14, and Ardijen Hoxha, 2, suffered shrapnel injuries in the same

A reporter for the French news agency interviewed Rade Grbic, director
of the main hospital in Pristina, the Kosovo capital, who said that his staff
has treated "between 300 and 400" people wounded by cluster bombs
since the NATO attacks began. "I have worked in this crisis region for
15 years and treated many injuries," Grbic said, "but I have never seen
such horrific wounds as those caused by cluster bombs. These wounds
lead most often to disability, people lose their limbs."

The CBU-87 cluster bomb consists of 200 bomblets loaded in a
dispenser which is dropped from an aircraft. At a certain height the
dispenser releases the bomblets, which float down in individual
parachutes, scattering widely as the wind blows them. Each bomblet is
powerful enough to penetrate seven inches of armor plating, and has
incendiary capability as well. The casing of the device breaks up in the
explosion, producing fragments which can easily shred flesh and bone.

Dozens of unexploded cluster bombs have been seen in the southern,
southeastern and northern regions of Kosovo. Many villages in the
province have been rendered inaccessible because of the unexploded
bombs. The effects will be long-lasting--hundreds of children are killed
and wounded every year in Vietnam because of similar explosives left
over from the US bombing campaign, which ended more than a quarter
century ago.

From the

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Maja, Daniela, Nick:

Don't believe everything you hear. Your government is feeding you a lot of cock and bull propaganda with just enough truth mixed in to make it look good. NATO is usually pretty quick to acknowledge its losses, and to admit if it hit unintended civilian targets. As for having problems finding planes allegedly shot down in the mountains (excuse for lack of evidence to support government claims) they didn't seem to have any problem finding the remains of that F16 that crashed there yesterday.

Also, how are you guys still on line with most of Serbia blacked out? You have emergency power?

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You say cannabis prevents brain damage. Of course it does. By the time you've smoked enough of it you don't have any brain left to damage! HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Go peddle your pot somewhere else.

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The s.h.i.t. is running out of your mouth again. But you are so full of it I guess it has to come out somewhere.

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Yugoslavian government officials don't quite grasp the concept of newspeak. Go to their website every day. They can't keep their lies straight. It is really funny, they are so inept. They should hire Maja! She has perfected the concept. The site is Keep an eye on Press Centar. What a bunch of morons. Is that better DDC? While you are there E-MAIL Slob Milo with your comments on what a wonderful job he is doing of advancing his nation into the 15TH century.

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